Number of People

Chapter 1212: Geng Scroll Swirl

  Chapter 1212 Geng scroll vortex

Suppressing the pain from coughing, Emperor Yonglong took a deep breath, leaned on the pillow on the throne with one hand, took the warm soup served on the side with the other hand, and took a sip , Let the liquid slowly slide down the throat, moistening the throat, it seems to be more comfortable.

  However, Emperor Yonglong knew very well that his cough would hardly be relieved from this winter to next spring, and he had to wait until summer and autumn to see if it would improve.

  The imperial doctor no longer advises him to worry about state affairs too much, let alone stay up late and work hard, but in this situation, can he let it go?

The people in the cabinet can still trust Emperor Yonglong in terms of their abilities. The problem is that the hearts of these cabinet ministers can never be completely with themselves. Their identities determine that they must first firmly grasp the power that belongs to them before they can be called other.

Emperor Yonglong regretted not being able to push Zhang Jingqiu into the cabinet, which made him not have a cabinet minister who could be with him in the cabinet. Knowing that the two cabinet ministers are his father's confidantes, Emperor Yonglong has been trying to imitate the soldiers to achieve this, but he failed in the last adjustment, but he also knows that this is not the fault of the war, but Zhang Jingqiu's fault. The identity and qualifications are too embarrassing.

  Although Zhang Jingqiu did a good job in the position of Minister of the Ministry of War, his qualifications in Nanjing before entering Beijing were too shallow.

He was directly promoted from Youqian Capital Censor of Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate to Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War. , Such a thin qualification is really hard to convince the public. If he hadn't done a good job in the position of the left servant of the Ministry of War, and he was also very smooth in dealing with people, plus his own trust, it would be difficult for him to sit in the position of Minister of the Ministry of War.

But it is so simple to enter the cabinet. Without sufficient qualifications and achievements, it is difficult to convince the scholars inside and outside the government and the field. In addition, Zhang Jingqiu is from Nanzhi, but he is not trusted by Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe. , even inferior to Li Sancai who is from the north.

Fortunately, although Li Sancai is from the north, he has been recognized by Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, and he is very smooth. Emperor Yonglong has already felt that this person may also have his long-term thinking. Although he is now Among the bachelors in the cabinet, they are ranked last, but they have already begun to show some other performances, such as cooperation in some matters they have recognized.

  Of course this kind of person can be used, but as long as the attitude is not clear for a day, it is impossible for Emperor Yonglong to truly trust each other. He and Zhang Jingqiu do not belong to the same group, but are more like "smart people" who adapt to the wind.

  Lu Song sat on the sidelines silently. The emperor summoned him and asked him a lot about the situation, but he never showed any attitude, which made him a little uneasy.

Long Jinwei played little role in the battle of the Mongol invasion to the south. Although this kind of information should be mainly collected by the towns at night and the staff of the Ministry of War, but Long Jinwei has such great power that he has even reported to the The emperor boasted that Long Jinwei's forces inside and outside the side walls had already infiltrated, but this time the Mongols suddenly went south, and on such a large scale far exceeded the information that Long Jinwei had previously grasped, which also made Lu Song very embarrassed.

   "So, the boss is very active these days." It took a long time for Emperor Yonglong to put away his wandering thoughts and return to the business in front of him, "Where is Niu Jizong now?"

   "Lord Niu's whereabouts are uncertain. Half a month ago, he seemed to be going to Shanxi Town for inspection, but he only stayed in Ningwu Pass for half a day before disappearing. Ten days ago, he appeared in Laoyingbao. Five days ago, he was in Yanmen Pass and Zhenwuwei..."

Lieutenant Long Jin is responsible for monitoring all generals in the army, but unless there is an order from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of War, and the emperor, such as senior generals above the deputy chief soldier, even Long Jinwei cannot be directly dismissed, but the deputy chief soldier and below Generals such as participating generals and guerrillas, Long Jinwei has the right to specialize in emergencies.

Especially generals such as the chief soldier and the governor who are on their own side, even Long Jinwei holds the decree and the documents of the Ministry of War. Generally speaking, the censor needs to go out in person, otherwise it is very easy to encounter resistance from the generals in the army .

  Veteran generals like Niu Jizong, who sit in charge of one side, have hundreds of thousands of soldiers at every turn. If some Long Banwei are not sure, if they want to move such generals, it is basically the same as sending them to death.

  Of course, Long Jinwei also has his own manpower in the army. Except for Lu Song, no one knows the true identity of these people.

   "Prince Teng is still hesitating, what's the reason?" Emperor Yonglong said without any emotion, "How about the food supply in Huguang?"

Lu Song hesitated for a moment, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid we don't know as much about the situation in Huguang as the Ministry of War. As for Mr. Wang himself, he led the army to quell the chaos in Pingcha Dongsi a month ago and has arrived in Sinan Mansion. There was insufficient follow-up supplies, so there was no further westward march.”

  Emperor Yonglong couldn't help but snorted twice in the letter.

   This prince Teng really grasped the court's mind very well, or he was sure that the current court's weakness was in a dilemma, and he tossed around at the junction of Huguang and Sichuan more freely.

  With the impact of the Bozhou rebellion, some chieftains in the surrounding area also became concerned. Wang Ziteng took advantage of the situation to kill and suppress those chieftains who were about to move.

  Although a series of victories have been achieved, it has aroused the resistance of the surrounding chieftains. Even some chieftains who did not have much rebellious intentions have now joined in, making the scale of the entire Banzhou rebellion intensify.

  However, Yang Yinglong still behaved very sophisticatedly, and never sent troops to reinforce the surrounding chieftains, apparently a little worried that he had fallen into a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Now the chaos in the Southwest seems to be going well with the rebellion by the government and the army, but it feels to Emperor Yonglong that they are lighting fires everywhere. Yang He's Jingxiang Army has not yet been formed, and everything is lacking, and the Guyuan Army has entered Chongqing. However, Sun Chengzong fought a few beautiful battles after gathering the guards of the Syrian cavalry to prepare for the road, but to be honest, the scale is not large, and he has not yet been able to Really get a decent win.

"Huguang has already sent food and grass supplies to Baojing Prefecture, but he was late, and he was attacked by the local chieftain rebels and burned many of them..." Emperor Yonglong raised his eyes, "This is from the Huguang newspaper, but the Ministry of War But they have doubts. They think that it is impossible for 80,000 shi of grain and fodder to be delivered to Baojing Prefecture so quickly. Yongdingwei on the edge of the Lishui River reported that there was not so much grain transported through Yongdingwei, but Huguang Chief Envoy It is said that there is only more and no less, they have calculated and calculated the cost of the journey,..."

  Emperor Yonglong's gaze was already a bit cold, "Who should I trust? Or is there something here that I don't know? Do you, Captain Long, know nothing about the situation in Huguang?"

"Your Majesty, the Metropolitan Procuratorate has already sent a censor to investigate this matter, and Long Jinwei is also cooperating. If there is no emperor's order for such a matter, we intervene without authorization. side…"

Lu Song also has difficulties. The Metropolitan Procuratorate is very hostile to Long Jinwei, and according to the law, Long Jinwei is only responsible for supervising the private behavior of officials and generals. The investigation by the court, unless the Metropolitan Procuratorate needs to issue an invitation, Captain Long generally does not intervene.

For example, the attack on the supply warehouse in Baojingzhou has been proved to be an attack by the chieftain, and then Wang Ziteng also sent a quick counterattack to wipe out this rebellious army, but how much food and grass was burned? The reason is not easy to investigate, but the Metropolitan Procuratorate can directly intervene in the investigation as long as there is suspicion or a report is received.

  Emperor Yonglong did not believe that the cabinet and the Ministry of War could not detect some of these doubts, but he never received a letter from the cabinet on this aspect, so this made him very angry.

  Maybe he was suspicious, but Emperor Yonglong would rather believe in something than nothing.

"Lu Song, I have given you a secret decree. You immediately send capable people from Beizhen Fusi to Huguang to check the situation of the Huguang Chief Secretary's supply of food and grass to the Jingxiang Army and Denglai Army. I have a feeling. I’m afraid there are some…”

  Emperor Yonglong waved his hands wearily, but did not continue, "Go."

  Lu Song didn't dare to ask more questions. He knew that the emperor had been in a bad mood and in poor health for a while.

  Of course, there may be some thoughts and intentions of the emperor, and the cabinet does not agree with them. There is also a game of wrestling between the cabinet and the emperor.

  Looking at Lu Song's disappearing figure, Emperor Yonglong lowered his eyes and shook his head.

  Lu Song's loyalty is beyond doubt, but his performance somewhat disappointed Emperor Yonglong.

Too cautious and conservative, too much fear of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, this may be related to some of my previous attitudes, but now I have hinted so clearly that this guy is still following the rules and refuses to go beyond the slightest, doing extraordinary things in extraordinary times, but Lu Song didn't do it.

If it was an ordinary season, it would be fine for a loyal courtier like Lu Song to follow the rules step by step, but now he can't meet his needs, but changing people at this time is another big trouble, Long If the force of the Forbidden Captain were to change the commander of the capital, it would definitely bring about turmoil, and the impact would also be huge.

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yonglong's mouth became more and more bitter, he sighed for a long time before raising his head and asking: "I summoned Zhang Jingqiu, is he here?"

   The matter has basically been dealt with, and it is estimated that the normal update will resume tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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