Number of People

Chapter 1219: Geng character scroll Long En mighty

  Chapter 1219 Geng Scroll Long En Mighty

Faced with Lian's furious state affairs, Yang Sichang calmed down a lot at this time, "Brother Junyu, these chieftains in the southwest are obedient to the imperial court's orders, and pretend to be perfunctory for various reasons. The imperial court's decrees are useless in these places. These chieftains ignored the imperial court because of selfish interests. Yang Yinglong was the leader of these chieftains. It can be said that behind his rebellion was the secret support and instruction of these chieftains. Before the trip, I mentioned that once the rebellion is suppressed, we will vigorously promote the land reform in the southwest,..."

Lian Guoshi shook his head, "Wen Ruo, it is indeed imperative to reform the soil and return it to the local people, but it is necessary to grasp the rhythm and timing. Now is definitely not a good time. If you blindly emphasize the need to reform the land and return it to the local people, it will only arouse more chieftains' anger." Hostility, forcing them to join Yang Yinglong's side, is not conducive to our rapid suppression of Yang Yinglong's rebellion."

"Wen Ruo, I think Brother Jun Yu's words are reasonable. Although the imperial court gathered the Denglai Army, Guyuan Army, and Master Sun to train the guards on the side of the Syrian Horse Army, and if your father's Jingxiang Army is trained Cheng, it is not a problem to pacify Bozhou and even Yongning, but if the chieftains in Guizhou and Xiangxi are all agitated because of the sudden push to reform the soil, I am afraid that it will be much more difficult to quell the rebellion. The price we have to pay will be much higher. If there is a slight difference, it may even affect the Yuezhou, Changde, and Baoqing prefectures. These prefectures are all in the hinterland of the Huguang granary. If it is going to skyrocket and the hearts of the people are in turmoil, this kind of timing is indeed inappropriate,..."

  Hou Xun's tone was serious, obviously he had thought deeply about the situation.

   "Ruogu, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to change the imperial order." Yang Sichang also hesitated.

"Actually, it may not be a change from the court to the court. The court can issue an order saying that only the chief villain will be punished, and only Yang Yinglong in Bozhou will be punished. Even the other children of the Yang family can be dealt with lightly. If they can repent and surrender to the court, not only will they not be held accountable. You can also give rewards,…”

  Hou Ke also joined in.

"If Pu's strategy is not right, wouldn't he really become a golden belt for murder and arson? Rebellion will not be punished, but recruiting security can lead to promotion and fortune. Wouldn't this bring a demonstration effect to other chieftains, and not just any chieftain can emulate in the future After a while, seeing that the situation was not right, he took the initiative to surrender and beg for peace, and then he was able to get promoted and make a fortune, so wouldn't the court never have peace?"

Lian Guoshi and Yang Sichang shook their heads at the same time. Hou Xun's idea was too naive. He only wanted immediate benefits, but he didn't see the possible evil consequences in the future. We can't easily let him be recruited, we must kill them all, so as to prevent future troubles, and to imitate others, but if they are bystanders, as long as they don't participate, they can be treated differently."

   "But isn't the prince's methods similar to what you said Wen Ruo?" Hou Ke retorted dissatisfied.

   "That's different." Yang Sichang shook his head, "Wang Ziteng is obviously eager to make contributions. Like the chieftains of Shizhouwei, there is no reason to attack his logistics supplies. It is clearly an excuse, even..."

Yang Sichang did not continue to say the following words. It is not a new thing in the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty to kill good people, and it is even new not to do so. It seems a bit too low-key and demeaning.

Lian Guo did not pay too much attention to this point, he thought about it further, "What Ruogu said really needs to be considered, Wen Ruo, if the war is allowed to prolong, or even spread, and spread to Huguang, this may be an unbearable burden for the court. I am afraid that I should also advise Master Zhang and Master Chai to clarify the rumors immediately. The imperial court has no intention of reforming the southwestern chieftain. At the same time, draw a clear line and show your attitude. Support, you can also encourage the surrounding chieftains who have a close relationship with the imperial court to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the rebels, and donate rewards,..."

  The suggestion of practicing state affairs made Yang Sichang and the Hou brothers nod repeatedly. This ex-convict number one scholar has been polished for a period of time in the Ministry of Officials and has begun to shine. This insight is impressive.

"Brother Junyu, I am a light-hearted person in the Ministry of War. I am afraid that such suggestions may not be recognized by many people. Moreover, many people in the court are too optimistic. The army of the imperial court, this is not counting the guards and civilians organized by Mr. Sun in the Syrian horse army and the Chongqing government. They can completely sweep away with a destructive force. The current unfavorable situation is temporary, as long as the Guyuan army recovers in spring , the Jingxiang army can change its face and complete it, the three armies are advancing together, and there are Syrian horse soldiers preparing for the road and the Chongqing government's Minzhuang to check and fill in the gaps. It should not be a problem to completely solve the battle in the first half of next year. The problem of land reform in the area, but I am worried that this is just a paper plan. If there is any accident in the middle, it may not be as smooth as we imagined. If the war is delayed, I am afraid..."

  Yang Sichang actually felt that as long as the imperial court made up their minds, it shouldn’t be a problem to solve the Bozhou rebellion in one fell swoop.

This is not a trivial matter. Once the court cannot bear the risk that it may affect Huguang and cause a rise in food prices throughout the Great Zhou, it may seek a compromise. The result will give these rebellious chieftains a chance to breathe. Losing prestige is the worst possible outcome, and Yang Sichang thinks that there is a high possibility that the current cabinet members will be pissed.

   Lian Guoshi also nodded with his forehead.

Yang Sichang took a deeper look at the problem, and he had already considered that if something goes wrong, the attitude of the court officials will definitely change. The war in the southwest is not like Liaodong, it is too far away from the capital, and the rebel chieftain may not have much ability to get out of their own territory. The disadvantage is nothing more than damaging the face of the court, and the court can accept it if it is temporarily delayed, so if the real situation slips beyond expectations, the court princes may really seek a temporary compromise, and they only need to temporarily suppress these rebels. In the mountains.

But the harm brought by this temporary compromise is long-term, and it is bound to fuel the ambition and courage of the entire southwestern chieftain. If you can compromise once, it means that you may compromise the second or third time. None of them were punished. In the future, more people’s risk-taking ideas will grow, and their risks will increase exponentially.

  Facing the conversation between Lian Guoshi and Yang Sichang, the Hou brothers could only stand aside and listen, interjecting occasionally, and the protagonists were still the two of them.

Even Hou Xun felt that after this year, both Lian Guoshi and Yang Sichang had greatly improved their knowledge, and he felt pressure in his heart. The former classmates and friends grew up too fast. If they don't catch up, they will become more and more Being outdated, and being together again in the future, even the topic of discussion is a bit out of touch.

"Ziying has always had unique insights in this regard. Why don't we discuss it with Ziying when Ziying is free." Lian Guoshi also felt that this was a difficult problem. There were disadvantages in choosing one, and there were huge variables in it. A wrong choice may cause irreversible consequences.

  When Feng Ziying was mentioned, it seemed that Yang Sichang and the Hou brothers felt relieved, as if they could find a satisfactory answer from Feng Ziying.

On the contrary, Yang Sichang was a little bit unconvinced in retrospect, why Feng Ziying seemed to be a big mountain in front of everyone, and the answers to these important topics had to be asked from him, even the Hou brothers who were not close to Feng Ziying before. With such a view, Yang Sichang was also a little vigilant.

  Yang Sichang has always had different requirements for himself. Looking at Feng Ziying's performance in the early stage, he never thought that Feng Ziying was better than himself.

The strategy of opening the sea has been proposed countless times, but Feng Ziying proposed it when the rebellious court in Ningxia was struggling financially. It caught up with a good time, and Qi Yongtai, Guan Yingzhen, Zheng Jizhi, Chai Ke and others In a sense, Yang Sichang was a little jealous. You must know that Guan Yingzhen, Zheng Jizhi, and Chai Ke are all real Huguang scholars, and he is the township party, but It made Feng Ziying, a northerner, even if he is an ally, but he is an outsider after all.

  Furthermore, Feng Ziying is now taking the initiative to choose Yongping Mansion, far away from the center of the imperial court, which is really incomprehensible.

  The person who greeted the relatives finally came back. It took three or four hours to go back and forth. Although he was in a good mood, it was still a bit exhausting.

   While everyone was waiting for the wedding to be completed, the servants from the palace arrived as scheduled.

  Emperor Yonglong also specially gave gifts to Shen Yixiu, and now Feng Ziying has made great contributions, especially successfully resolving the problem and disaster of the Beijing camp for Emperor Yonglong.

The Xue family didn't expect it at first, after all, it was Feng's family who married his wife last year, and Shen Yixiu's father, Shen Xing, was also an official of the fourth rank, and represented the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, and the eldest son inherited Feng Ziying's uncle, Hulunhou. This room is naturally unusual, so although the gift from the emperor is considered a pleasant surprise, it is still acceptable.

This time this year, the status of the Xue family is far inferior to that of the Shen family, and Feng Ziying worked so hard to win over Uncle Yunchuan on the Erfang side. Not only is his level slightly lower than that of Hulunhou, but he was also not recognized by Emperor Yonglong at the time. It's purely a pinch of the nose.

So no one would have thought that Emperor Yonglong would give a gift again, and it was double. Of course, the gift was slightly different, obviously considering that Feng Ziying married a wife and brought a concubine once. Those who were mentally prepared couldn't help being moved, even if they were buying people's hearts, they were meticulous and thoughtful enough.

  (end of this chapter)

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