Number of People

Chapter 1222: gengzi scroll hustle and bustle

  Chapter 1222 Geng Scroll Noisy

  The sky has already darkened.

   Xue Pan and Xue Biao had already left the yard excitedly.

   Baochai and Baoqin are sitting in the room, Feng Ziying is still outside socializing, and Yinger and Lingguan are also waiting on the side.

  After Baoqin came to the capital city, she hadn't arranged a personal servant girl before. Originally, Jia's mansion also planned to choose one for her, but Baoqin politely refused.

It just so happened that the theater troupe was disbanded after being bought from Suzhou, Yangzhou, and the mansion simply distributed these little girls who had nowhere to go to the girls of various families. At that time, Baoqin had already decided to marry Baochai into Feng's mansion, so The two maids Lingguan and Douguan were assigned to Baoqin, and Ruiguan to Baochai.

This age official was born with eyebrows frowning at Chunshan, eyes frowning at Qiushui, thin face and slender waist. Baoqin is a girl.

Baochai didn't know whether Baoqin chose this young official as the girl next to her on purpose or not, or if she was pointed out to her when the mansion assigned her, but she knew that Lingguan was not a good-natured girl. She was also a little arrogant. Originally, she and Baoqin said that it would be better to exchange the Ruiguan and Baoqin assigned by her for this senior official, but Baoqin refused, saying that she liked this kind of arrogant temperament.

  Originally, there was another Douguan, who had a better temper than this Lingguan, but Baoqin still kept Lingguan by his side for personal use, and Baochai couldn't say anything about it.

But there is no doubt that Xiaoxiang Pavilion's dissatisfaction with Baoqin has deepened. Originally, there were some vague suspicions between Hongxiangpu and Xiaoxiang Pavilion, but now Baoqin takes the age official who looks like Daiyu Coming to be a close girl, it's hard not to let people think about it, but Baochai can't interfere too much with her own cousin who has a lot of ideas, and some words can only be swallowed back.

Baochai also knew that this cousin of hers was somewhat arrogant, but she never thought that the most important marriage event for a woman would be hit by the Mei family’s resignation. The momentum is stronger, but Baochai knows that the other party is holding back his anger all the time, and if anything touches her self-esteem, she will fight back without hesitation.

   Even Baochai has to think carefully when speaking, so as not to touch the sensitive part of the other party.

What is the reason for Miss Lin and Baoqin being incompatible with Baoqin? Baochai roughly knows that it is nothing more than the fact that her ancestors are particularly fond of her talent and temperament. It is inevitable to use Daiyu as a comparison, so naturally let Gufang admire herself Daiyu was a little displeased, sometimes she would inevitably be compared with each other by her servants, and this would spread to the ears of each family, and this created a suspicion.

This age official was brought by Baoqin's side, and people in Jia's mansion would compare it with Lin Yatou intentionally or unintentionally. If this spread to Linmaidou's ears, I'm afraid she would be even more unhappy, and might even think that it was Baoqin. She did it on purpose, but Baochai was not sure if Baoqin did it on purpose, and sometimes she couldn't help herself when she became stubborn.

When the footsteps of Xue Pan and Xue Biao disappeared outside the house, Bao Qin stood up, ran to the window to take a look, and came back to sit down, "Sister, brother said earlier that the emperor gave you two gifts. Do you know if there are rules here?"

Hearing Baoqin's movement, Baochai hesitated for a moment, then took off her hijab, saw Baoqin had run in from the window, couldn't help but blame: "Baoqin, they are all married soon, you Be more prudent and polite, this place is no better than our home, don't make people laugh."

"Sister is too cautious, besides Ying'er is Lingguan, who else can chew their tongues?" Baoqin pinched the hijab in her hand, looked around, "Yinger, you and Lingguan They’ve all come here before, and Xiangling, it’s the first time my sister and I have come here, have you looked carefully?”

"Miss Qin, don't worry, Ling Guan and I have both read it in our self-study. Xiangling told the servant girl before that although the yard here is far less spacious than the garden, but if you want to talk about the houses, there are many more rooms than there. The girl's Hengwu Garden is good, and Miss Qin's Hongxiang Garden is also good, but there are only a dozen or so rooms, but this courtyard has three courtyards, and there are all kinds of servants who have counted them. I am afraid that there are no fewer than forty rooms, and these two There are several side yards next to the entrance courtyard and the third entrance courtyard. Considering that there are not many girls who marry, they are all empty, and even the furniture and furnishings are not filled. It means that if it is needed, grandma, um, that is, the girls can buy it according to their preferences,..."

Ying'er was very proud, "Xiangling also talked to the servant girl, saying that the wife usually doesn't take care of things, and the concubine is in charge of all affairs, even though the grandma of Shen's family is married, the concubine wants to take care of the family affairs. I handed it over to Grandma Shen, but I didn't expect that Grandma Shen would be pregnant soon, so this matter was put on hold. The two aunts of the You family over there heard that they didn't care much, so the long room On the contrary, Qingwen's little hoof is quite effective in speaking, while Jin Chuan'er's little hoof is in charge of Yongping Mansion..."

Ying'er obviously spent a lot of effort on this matter. Apart from Xiangling's "internal response", she also found some other people to understand, such as Ruixiang and Baoxiang who were beside Feng Ziying, and asked someone to ask about Feng's family. For example, Feng Shou and others, these things do not involve the secrets of the Feng family, and the sisters of the Xue family will know sooner or later when they marry, so no one deliberately hides anything.

Baoqin has also heard about the special situation of the Feng family. In such a big Feng family, the wife in charge is careless and careless, while her cousin is in charge. unanimous.

Of course, the Feng family is now divided into three houses, but the management of each of the three houses is different. As far as Baoqin knows, whether it is the original inherent assets or the newly added ones such as Grand View Garden and Haitong Yinzhuang, It is estimated that these assets are divided into three shares, which is a terrifying amount, but how to manage it, Mrs. Feng's family and the concubine have no idea.

And the grandma of the Shen family doesn't seem to be that concerned about this matter. Of course, it may have a lot to do with the fact that the Youshi Shuangshu are not good at this aspect. How to do it will be carefully considered.

Baochai heard the presumptuousness in Yinger's words, and frowned: "Yinger, be careful what you say. Qingwen is now the personal maid of sister Shen's family, and Jin Chuaner has won the trust of Brother Feng and his wife. If this Spread the word like that, and I will definitely not forgive you!"

   Ying'er stuck out her tongue, and she was indeed a little over-excited before, so she couldn't stop her words.

   "Sister, you haven't answered the question I asked." Baoqin changed the topic to smooth things over for Yinger.

Baochai didn't understand, so she gave Yinger a look and said: "There are no special regulations here. The emperor's gifts are not custom-made. It all depends on what is the matter and the emperor's mood. When the sister of the Shen family married in, the emperor also Those who have been given things by the emperor are just such wedding gifts. There are not many holy people today, but in the era of the Supreme Emperor, if the warriors made great achievements, their sons would have a chance. It's unexpected, and it shows how much the emperor attaches great importance to Brother Feng."

   "I'm afraid it's not that simple?" Bao Qin smiled slyly, "I heard that the current emperor has never given a gift for anyone's marriage, and Brother Feng is the first one."

   Baochai took a look at Baoqin, "You can find out clearly, why are you still asking me?"

  While the two were talking, they heard the voices of Xiangling, Ruiguan and Douguan from outside the door.


   "What's the matter, so noisy?" Baoqin couldn't help asking when she saw that the three girls were all happy.

"There are too many guests here, and I am a bit overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are so many guests. I met Bao Erye earlier, and Bao Erye was too tired to sit on the sidelines." Xiang Ling He smiled and said: "My lord is also exhausted, some guests have to be received by him personally, and he can't leave them for a while, he has to accompany the guests to leave."

"But Brother Feng's teachers and relatives?" Baoqin asked with interest. She also heard that there are a lot of friends around Brother Feng, including some of Brother Feng's classmates. It seems that except for Brother Feng's teachers, no one seems to make Brother Feng Be with you all the time?

   "No, it's King Zhongshun, King Lu, and King Gong. The slaves see that the two young princes are very respectful to you..." Xiangling couldn't help but praise.

   "Oh? The three princes?" Baochai and Baoqin couldn't help but exchanged glances. King Zhongshun and the others knew about it, but why did King Lu and King Gong also come? I haven't heard of any friendship between Brother Feng and these two Highnesses, and it may not be a good thing for them to come, because King Shou, King Fu, and King Li didn't come in person, and this difference often means something.

"Yeah, I think I talked with them for a long time before sending them to the door." Xiangling observed very clearly, "There are still many people who want to curry favor with those princes, but I don't know what to do." It's that neither humble nor overbearing, it seems that the two princes are trying to curry favor with you."

When Feng Ziying sent off King Zhongshun, King Lu, and King Gong, the arrival of the guests reached its peak, but with the help of a few well-known guests, Feng Ziying would go out to greet and say a few words, and then turned to the guests. There are too many, and it can only be handled in this way.

  Seeing that everything was properly arranged, Feng Ziying could finally breathe a sigh of relief and was ready to enter the bridal chamber.

  Although it is the second wedding and great joy, he still gets a little excited every time this kind of thing happens. After all, this is a character in "A Dream of Red Mansions", Baochai and Baoqin. Who can take this situation calmly?

  (end of this chapter)

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