Number of People

Chapter 1238: Geng Zijuan balance between public and private

  Chapter 1238 The Geng Scroll takes care of both public and private interests

Seeing that her elder brother was speechless for a while, Baoqin who was sitting on the side quickly eased her cheeks for her elder brother: "My lord, it took a long time to find the route. My elder brother just went to Denglai not long ago, and he is not familiar with the situation. My younger sister thinks that my elder brother is like this." Caution is the right thing to do, get started first, and then wait until the business grows bigger in the future, and then consider these exploration routes to expand the territory, but it’s not too late.”

Hearing that Feng Ziying was going to talk to her elder brother, Baoqin wanted to participate without hesitation. Feng Ziying thought that this girl was still in the bed in the morning, soft and charming, and she became awe-inspiring and cold after she got up Fortunately, things like this can't be kept secret, and sooner or later they will be known, so Feng Ziying agreed to Baoqin's listening.

"I didn't say that Brother Tadid is wrong. It should be said that this is a smart approach. It would be foolish to rush to find a new sea route and open up a new trade channel." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Brother Tad, It's a good fit, but I think the pace is a bit too slow,…"

   "Too slow? Brother Feng (Xianggong) you said too slow?" Xue Biao and Bao Qin were a little surprised, did you hear me right?

There have been four ships in more than a year, plus the three ships ordered. If Denglai Shipyard starts construction in the first year, all materials such as wood, paint, and canvas have been prepared in the early stage. If construction starts at the same time, within ten months It can be built and launched, is this too slow?

The Xue family also had a fleet in water transportation at the earliest, but they mainly ran Hangzhou, Jinling and Yangzhou with Suzhou as the center, because there were too many inland river fleets in this area, and the competition was too fierce to make money. Later, the Xue family withdrew from the industry.

Even when the Xue family fleet was the largest, there were no more than eleven or twelve ships, which were slowly operated by the Xue family for more than ten years. This Xue scorpion can operate seven ships in only two or three years, which can already be called Is it fast, or slow?

Feng Ziying nodded, "It's too slow, brother scorpion, I also agree with you to make the transportation business bigger and more familiar first, and then consider other things, but if you want to be bigger and more familiar, Denglai's business alone is not enough. Denglai Shipyard is not suitable to build ships for you. My opinion is that you can go to Ningbo, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou or even Guangzhou to order ships. It is not necessary to wait for Denglai. It is best to expand the fleet to 20 ships this year. There may be more than 30 ships, I even suggest that you can continue the old method and buy a few old ships first, the specifications can be larger,..."

   Xue Biao still trusts Feng Ziying very much, but Feng Ziying's suggestion still makes him a little hard to accept.

Now it is not as cheap as it was in the early years of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The price of a large ship with a thousand materials is not cheap. If a new ship is built, the materials are divided into new and old materials, that is, 70% comes from new materials, and 30% comes from old materials dismantled from old ships. The material for the bottom boat alone requires more than 800 taels, and now the prices are so high, paint, sails, cables, iron, plus labor, a large ship with thousands of materials can't be taken down without more than 1,500 taels.

   Even if you buy an old ship, like a thousand material ship that can be used for more than five years, you need about 800 taels.

  If it is a large ship with more than 2,000 materials, the price will triple.

For example, the old boat bought by Xue Biao was originally a medium-sized ship with 400 materials, which was relatively cheap. To build a fleet of more than ten ships, half new and half old, at least 15,000 taels of silver must be invested. In addition, the risks at sea are not small. Miaomiao may lose money or even go bankrupt.

So even for the big ship merchants in Fujian, Guangdong and Zhejiang, generally a dozen or so ships are not bad, there are not many big ship dealers with more than 20 ships, and there are only a handful of wealthy sea merchants with more than 50 ships. It can be counted, the vast majority are still ship owners and ship merchants with a few ships.

   A company like Xue Biao can have seven ships in one or two years, which is considered to be developing very fast. If we want to speed up, even if the funds are sufficient, there will be problems in manpower and management.

"Brother Feng, is twenty or even thirty ships too radical? Firstly, our capital is not so strong, and secondly, it is quite difficult to recruit qualified personnel. Now that the sea ban has been lifted, all places are vigorously building ships and developing sea trade. It’s not easy to recruit the right people,…”

   Xue Biao felt that Feng Ziying was a little eager for success, and the key was what was the purpose of such risk-free expansion? Isn't it good to expand steadily like this? Xue Biao feels that as long as he has sufficient financial support, he can expand his fleet to 30 to 50 ships within five years, but he can't do it if he needs to reach 30 ships within a year. .

  Feng Ziying is not good at explaining her judgment on the future. After all, the clues have not yet emerged, and it would be confusing to say it. After thinking about it, she gave her reasons.

"Brother Xie, the construction of Jinzhou and Niuzhuang in Liaodong will be further accelerated. In the future, the logistics supply of the entire Liaodong Town will almost be realized by sea. That is to say, Yuguan supports the entire Liaoxi Corridor and Eastern Mongolia, and Jinzhou will radiate. In southern Liaoning, Niuzhuang will cover the entire Liaodong Town in the south and east of Liaohetao. I will coordinate with my father and the Ministry of War. All these transportation operations will be undertaken by your fleet, which means that in the future Carrying rice, wheat, weapons, cloth, and tea from Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangnan and even Denglai can directly arrive in Liaodong. In addition, my father is also planning to contact North Korea, hoping to further strengthen the commercial exchanges between North Korea and Liaodong. This piece can also be provided by your fleet. To open up,..."

   These words are half true and half false.

   It is an inevitable trend that Liaodong supplies should be mainly replaced by sea transportation. Land transportation is too expensive, and Feng Ziying also intends to promote cement to the Liaoxi Corridor and the line from Liaonan to Liaodong.

If the concrete road surface of this line can be solved, then it can be said that the logistics support of Liaodong can be transported to Yuguan, Niuzhuang and Jinzhouwei by sea, and then transported to various places by land. This will not only greatly reduce the logistics supply pressure, Moreover, the transportation cost can be reduced by more than 70%, and the transportation time can be saved by two-thirds. It can even radiate to Dingliao Youwei and the North Korean area east of Jiulian City, which has a great influence on strengthening Liaodong's influence on North Korea. beneficial.

"If you can't quickly expand the size of your fleet, then many of my father's tasks in Liaodong can only be handed over to others. These people are also well-connected. Once they fall into their hands, they want to get them back. It will be very difficult, so I think we can bear a certain degree of loss now, as long as we take down these businesses first and ensure that they are not taken away by others, so that it is not easy for others to intervene if they want to covet these businesses.”

   This reason makes sense. Although Xue Biao was a little puzzled, he could barely accept it. Bao Qin felt that there were still some doubts here, but seeing that her husband was very firm, she didn't say anything more, and only asked later.

"As for how to expand, I think Brother Biao might as well directly acquire the fleet of some shippers. Although shipping is booming after the ban is lifted, there are still great risks at sea, and there are still some shipowners who are not doing well or who are afraid of risks. If you are willing to transfer, Brother Tiao might as well entrust some dental workers to help you find out and search, and don’t care too much about the benefits,... As for the lack of funds, Baoqin’s second room can solve one or two, or you can come through Haitong Yinzhuang. Borrowing,..."

   Seeing that Feng Ziying talked about this, Xue Biao had no choice but to accept it. He also believed that Feng Ziying would not come to harm him. With Baochai and Baoqin in Feng's house, his interests were naturally guaranteed.

  When Baoqin sent her brother out, Xue Biao still couldn't help telling Baoqin: "If my sister can give birth to an heir for the Feng family as soon as possible, then my heart will be more at ease."

Bao Qin blushed, and glared at her elder brother reproachfully: "Why is elder brother talking nonsense like elder brother? My sister is still in front, besides, such things are not something you just want,... "

After hesitating for a while, Xue Biao said: "Mother also told me that it doesn't matter whoever has an heir first, you and eldest sister, it's just a matter of fate, there is no need to deliberately wait for someone, I shouldn't say such things, but..., Hey, my sister is also a sensible person, as long as you know it in your heart."

  Bao Qin naturally knows her mother's thoughts, but it is a delicate matter of who is the husband and who is the offspring. She has been thinking about this issue for a long time.

  The special relationship between myself and my cousin is not like the general relationship between wives and concubines.

  Wife and concubine and wife and concubine are still somewhat different in the laws and regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is not that the concubine has no right to speak when facing the wife.

If my husband gave birth to a son, but my cousin has never given birth to a son, the relationship between the two will be even more awkward, and the relationship between the two will continue to be awkward until either the cousin gives birth to a son, or the cousin becomes too old and loses her fertility. Only by giving birth to a son and putting all her thoughts on her remaining son can she return to normal. So from the bottom of her heart, Baoqin thinks that her cousin's mentality is very important.

  As my mother said, this kind of thing itself is very fateful. Of course, this also has a lot to do with the degree of intimacy with the husband. The more rest time in the room, the higher the chance of pregnancy.

"Brother, you can rest assured to do what you want to do. My husband will definitely not harm my brother. If there is anything, my husband will definitely make it clear to my brother." Baoqin comforted her brother, and she pondered for a while before saying her own words. My opinion: "From my younger sister's point of view, Xianggong must have some special intentions for such an arrangement. Even if there is no explanation, there must be some special reasons. Brother, don't worry too much."

  (end of this chapter)

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