Number of People

Chapter 1253: Gengzi Scroll Grandma Liu Enters the Grand View Garden for the First Time

  Chapter 1253 Geng Scroll Grandma Liu Enters the Grand View Garden for the First Time

  Lunch was first said to be arranged by Jia's mother in the courtyard, but there were too many people, and then it was changed to the Taiguan Building in the Grand View Garden.

  In addition to a large group of Yingyingyanyans, Feng Ziying found that she had actually met a strange person in "A Dream of Red Mansions"—Grandma Liu.

This kind of feeling made Feng Ziying feel more and more that the world she lives in may be a fork in an inadvertent historical bifurcation, which is inextricably linked with the original historical track, but the historical trend is completely different. up.

   What will happen to the Great Zhou against the Jianzhou Jurchen, the Xiyi swarming from Nanyang, and even the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan?

At this time, Tsarist Russia has also conquered the Siberian Khanate. Although Yermak is dead, the Stroganov family is still unremittingly advancing to the east. Fortunately, Godunov's becoming the Tsar should have plunged Tsarist Russia into chaos. stage, should have delayed the speed of Tsarist Russia's attack on the East. Where will Central Asia and the whole of Siberia go in the future?

   Seeing Grandma Liu, Feng Ziying realized that she could think of so many things, and Feng Ziying felt incredible when she came back to her senses.

Looking at the shrewd old woman with a dark face but a pair of eyes that turned around, Feng Ziying can roughly understand that this kind of shrewdness of the old woman in the suburbs of Beijing can make the family do well. This is also the survival of the little people. The way, there is nothing wrong with it.

  While Feng Ziying was full of emotions, the so-called strange man was also very pleasantly surprised to meet Feng Ziying, a famous official in the capital.

Although she is an old woman in the country, Wanping County is also on the root of the imperial city at the foot of the emperor. His son-in-law Wang Gou'er is also a person who often goes to the city to see the world, but his fate is not good. Developed, want to make a small living but have no capital, so it is inevitable to often sigh and talk about ideas with my old mother-in-law.

This time Grandma Liu came to Rongguo Mansion in Beijing, naturally she had some plans, and the son-in-law often mentioned this news story in the capital to Grandma Liu, and also mentioned that there was a shady figure among the Jia family's in-laws, who also It was Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan who was handsome, handsome and suave in front of him.

"Old lady, we are lucky to have no military disaster in our village today, and the outside is also in turmoil. There are also some local products in the village. The aunts and girls in the mansion are inevitably tired of eating delicacies from mountains and seas. The old lady thought about sending some wild vegetables, as well. Auntie and the girls try something new,..."

   Although the words are rustic, they also reveal a bit of simplicity and honesty, and of course they also hide a little shrewdness.

  Feng Ziying still has a good impression of Grandma Liu. Anyway, in the book, she will help the Jia family a lot in the future. If you can have a grateful heart, what else can you expect in this world?

"Old relative, how old are you this year?" Mother Jia felt kind when she looked at Grandma Liu. In addition, Feng Ziying and Jia Baoyu's grandchildren were all there today. Interest also increased.

"The old lady is seventy-five years old this year, and she is not as lucky as the old lady..." Grandma Liu still had quail meat stuffed in her mouth, muttering, "This little chicken is too small, I'm afraid the farmer's family will have to raise such a little chicken." After a while, the taste is different, let the old woman have another taste..."

   One sentence made everyone laugh, and Yuanyang couldn't help laughing: "Grandma, these are quails, specially made badly. One can only hold five or six big chickens, not small chickens."

"Ah?" Grandma Liu blinked and blinked, but her eyes were on the weird-looking frankincense pig on the table, "Then is this a pig? My old eyes are dazed, and I think this pig has become so small, maybe it's also... "

Grandma Liu's dazed look made everyone on the table lean forward and back, Yuanyang couldn't help but clutched her swollen chest and said, "Grandma, this is really a pig, but it's just frankincense incense. The Siamese pigs roasted in wax are unusual, one pig may be able to support the two or three big pigs raised by ordinary farmers."

Grandma Liu smiled brightly, "I said why the taste is different. Looking at the small and handsome pig's head, I couldn't bear to say it. If I spend so much money, then my old Liu will not see it after a few mouthfuls." Is it as good as a big pig?"

   Hearing that Grandma Liu was making fun of her, Feng Ziying's strange feeling became more and more intense. Do I really want to witness the birth of that statement?

   Before he could figure it out, Grandma Liu had already put down her chopsticks and said with a grin: "Old Liu, Lao Liu, eats as much as a cow, eats an old sow, and doesn't look up!"

  These words were pronounced in the crisp accent that is unique to the suburbs of Beijing, with ups and downs, and he puffed up his cheeks and did not speak, which immediately made the whole scene laugh.

The Baochai and Baoqin sisters hugged each other with smiles, Xiangyun threw herself on the table and yelled Ouch, and she lost her breath from laughing; Daiyu laughed so hard that she fell down and then coughed, and Zijuan hurriedly beat her back while laughing. Aunt Xue couldn't hold back anymore, she sprayed tea on Tanchun's skirt, and Tanchun's rice bowl fell on Yingchun, Xichun was holding her stomach and laughing so hard, she just asked Ruhua to rub her stomach for her.

Xiuyan and Miaoyu also hugged each other, shrugging their fragrant shoulders, Miaoyu simply fell into Xiuyan's arms, sisters Li Wei and Li Qi were also connected with each other, and sprayed food all over the ground, and Wang Xifeng even leaned forward with a smile , the bulging **** are rippling, confusing people's eyes.

Rao was prepared, Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, this is a big Chinese New Year, there is such a thing to make everyone happy, looking at the smiling faces of the girls here, Feng Ziying is also very happy Shu Tan, I don't know if I can see such a magnificent scene in the future, just for this scene, Feng Ziying feels that she should reward Grandma Liu.

Jia Baoyu also stomped his feet laughing, seeing Feng Ziying just smiling but not expressing much, he asked, "Brother Feng, this grandma is really interesting, she can talk like this, I'm afraid my ancestors would be reluctant to let her go. "

   "Well, I do have some literary talents, I'm afraid I can catch up with me." Feng Ziying also echoed with a smile.

   One sentence made Baoyu laugh again, "Brother Feng, according to what you say, this Grandma Liu can go to the Imperial Academy..."

"Such people who are well versed in the real situation in the countryside, if you really want them to be officials, they may not be inferior to those scholars who can only read dead books." Feng Ziying casually said with emotion, which made Jia Baoyu feel that this brother Feng Now the words are so unpredictable that people can't understand them. How can an old woman in the country be better than a scholar who is an official? Isn't this a joke?

It was lively for a while, and after lunch, Jia Mu was a little tired. She wanted to rest and sleep, so she asked the driving mother to support the two boats outside the archway downstairs of the Daguan Building, so that Jia Mu could take a rest. Resting on the boat, the sun is just right at noon, and there is no wind by the stream, coming in through the window of the boat is just right for a few elders to rest.

   A group of other people made an appointment to go to the Grand View Garden, and Grandma Liu also wanted to join in the fun, and everyone thought she could join in the fun. This festival was a little more festive, so they all yelled an invitation and went together.

  Feng Ziying, Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Lan, Jia Cong and others did not go with a group of girls, but went for a walk by themselves.

   "Uncle Shi is leaving at the beginning of the new year, Baoyu, is your marriage settled?" Feng Ziying walked slowly with her hands behind her back, and chose the corridor going east from Qinfang Pavilion.

This road is much quieter than the row upon row of pavilions and courtyards in the west. The bamboo fences on both sides are intertwined and the willow branches are whirling. It’s just that it’s too early to see the tender buds. The Changcui Temple and Damo Temple are faintly visible, and the Jade Emperor Temple stands at one end. .

Baoyu scratched his head, and shook his head dejectedly: "I never thought about it, the master and wife have their own arrangements, the capital city has not been quiet in the past two years, people come in and out, I guess the master and wife still want to wait." .”

"Wait, what are you waiting for?" Jia Zheng also mentioned it to Feng Ziying, but Feng Ziying also found it difficult. Baoyu's marriage is not easy to find a good match. The Jia family may not be willing to go to Baoyu, and the current situation is somewhat turbulent. Although Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng are still a little ignorant and can't see the general trend, Yuan Chun and Wang Ziteng understand it, so they dare not take it lightly. Bind the son-in-law of the Jia family with any family at will.

   Baoyu was speechless, and Feng Ziying also felt that her question was a bit poor, and she had no good suggestions. How could the Jia family make choices and trade-offs?

   "Baoyu's marriage really needs to be thoughtful, but Brother Huan should be more or less the same?" Feng Ziying turned the topic to Jia Huan.

"Brother Feng, before I finish my studies, my younger brother doesn't think about personal matters. I have reported this to the master and wife, and the master and wife have also agreed. Even if the master Jiangxi has only been back for three years, it will be no reason to talk about it at that time. It’s too late.” Jia Huan’s attitude on this issue is very firm, he doesn’t want to be tied to the Jia family’s marriage casually, he still has a clear understanding of this point, his own marriage does not need Baoyu, most of them may be exchanged, so He was even more unwilling to agree at will.

Feng Ziying nodded, and they walked all the way to the Qinfang Gate Bridge, where they reached the Qingtang Cottage and Dongjiao Gate, turned left and crossed the Qinfang Gate Bridge to the back of the Jin Pavilion, along the open field outside As soon as you walk, you will be able to turn into an elegant place, which is the Aojingxi Pavilion.

  Feng Ziying fell in love with this place when she saw it. The two mansions facing each other formed a "concave" shape, and the recesses and surroundings were full of water waves. Although it is still cold now, it would be more quiet and pleasant in summer.

Seeing that Feng Ziying liked this place quite a lot, Baoyu laughed and said, "Brother Feng, if you are tired in our house, you can take a rest here."

The west half of the Aujingxi Pavilion is a large flower hall, which can be used for banquets and entertaining guests, or for small gatherings to drink tea. The right side is slightly smaller, but there are several rooms of different sizes. As a guest room, there is also a place to rest, but there have been no other visitors for more than a year, just like Li Wei and Li Qi, and because they are considering staying for a long time, they have arranged to go to the Rose Garden in the west.

  (end of this chapter)

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