Number of People

Chapter 1256: Geng scroll crit

  Chapter 1256 Geng Scroll Critical Strike

The mandarin duck's eyes fluttered, the pretty eyes looked around, and smiled: "Uncle Feng is also a little tired. I'm afraid you haven't been to Changcui Temple yet? Why don't you go to Changcui Temple together for a cup of tea? The tea in Changcui Temple is not ordinary. capable."

  When Yuanyang's words came out, Xiuyan was also surprised.

   It might be a little abrupt for Yuanyang to invite Miaoyu on behalf of Miaoyu. Doesn't she know Miaoyu's temperament?

If Miaoyu refuses, it will be a little embarrassing. Xiuyan knows her best friend's temperament, if she really doesn't want to, she must say it, and she doesn't care whether you, Uncle Feng, have face or not. Her eyes fell on Miaoyu's face, just He wanted to wait for Miaoyu to interject when he opened his mouth, but saw that Miaoyu just hesitated for a while, her cherry lips moved slightly, but she didn't say anything, it turned out to be yes.

Feng Ziying was also a little surprised, the mandarin duck invitation was fine, he also knew Miaoyu's temperament, and he was probably unwilling, but seeing that Miaoyu just hesitated for a while and didn't make a statement, it was clearly acquiescing, which was a bit different from her usual temperament Not the same.

Glancing at Xiuyan, the girl was also a little surprised, Feng Ziying pondered for a while and said, "Forget it, I've been to the garden a few times, where are my sisters in Hengwuyuan, Xiaoxiangguan, Zhuijinlou and Qiushuangzhai?" I've been to see them all, but I haven't been to Miaoyu's Cuicui Nunnery, so I don't know if it's because of the intention of the immortal family, don't let me wait for vulgar things to ruin it, it's not good."

  Miaoyu took a look at Feng Ziying, her face was indifferent: "What is the meaning of being born in the fairy family? It's just a place to hide from the world and talk about it as a place of peace of mind. If you don't want to go, then you don't have to force it."

Although these words showed some dissatisfaction and even serious rejection on the surface, even Jia Baoyu could tell that it was not a simple rejection, but a little displeased with Feng Ziying's words. Well, Yuanyang and Xiuyan even listened to Feng Ziying's words. There seemed to be some other meanings vaguely revealed when they got out of it, which made the two of them even more surprised for a while.

Feng Ziying has long been accustomed to Miaoyu's temper, and the attitude she encountered in the conversation with Miaoyu in the past two years was much worse. Today, Miaoyu's performance is quite polite, so she doesn't think it is disobedient: "Haha, then But I’m going to bother you more. I heard that Liu’an melon slices from Changcui’an and Laojun Meijing Miaoyu are brewed by your hands. I can’t stop talking, today is an opportunity to taste it.”

Seeing that Feng Ziying was not angry, and even very relaxed, both Xiuyan and Yuanyang breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiuyan even showed joy on her face: "It's a good relationship, then I will go there first with Sister Miaoyu and Yuanyang, quietly. Waiting for Uncle Feng, Second Master Bao, Third Master Huan, Brother Lan and Brother Cong to go together,..."

  Feng Ziying shook her head: "Brother Lan and Brother Cong are still young, so they don't have to. Just me, Baoyu and Brother Huan come over."

   Jia Huan interjected and shook his head: "Brother Feng, Second Brother Bao, and the three sisters, I won't go either, Auntie is still waiting for me to go there..."

  Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction: "Then you go, your aunt is afraid that she will go south with Uncle Zheng Shi after the new year, so you should accompany her more,..."

   After Jia Huan and Jia Lan and Jia Cong saluted, they took their leave and left. The three women also went ahead, leaving Feng Ziying and Baoyu alone.

   "Huan Lao San has grown up and is sensible now." Feng Ziying sighed, "Baoyu, you should also consider your marriage. I don't know what Uncle Zheng Shi and Aunt are thinking about, what do you think?"

   Baoyu shook his head in a daze: "I haven't thought about it yet, but the master mentioned Shui Wang's younger sister, but he didn't mention it again after that."

  Water-soluble sister? Begonia in water? Feng Ziying had some vague impressions. When she proposed to marry Baochai like her mother, her mother refused to agree, and proposed to marry Shuitang, the younger sister of King Shuirong of Beijing Jing, but of course Feng Ziying would not agree. Prince Zhong is almost wearing a pair of trousers. Once the story of seizing the heirloom really happens, there is almost no room for maneuver.

   I don't know if Jia Zheng felt that something was wrong, or if the news from Yuanchun from the palace dispelled the Jia family's idea, or it was just temporarily shelved?

  Jia Baoyu's marriage involves the direction of the entire Jia family. When Jia Lian's marriage obviously no longer has political significance, Jia Baoyu's marriage is very directional.

  Feng Ziying didn't dare to make a suggestion. After all, the battle between Prince Yizhong and Emperor Yonglong is still difficult to determine. No matter which side you choose, the risk is extremely high. Maybe it is wisest to put it aside and wait and see?

The two talked like this and walked back along the way they came, crossed the Qinfang Gate Bridge, turned eastward to the Shiziyong Road in front of the Yuhuang Temple, and walked through the long corridor and winding hole until they reached the bamboo fence and flower barrier. Only then did the Moon Cave Gate go around to the mountain gate, and there was a large red plum grove against the wall to the west after entering. Feng Ziying and Jia Baoyu couldn't help but stop and watch.

Hearing the sound of the two entering the door, Miaoyu, Xiuyan and the mandarin ducks all came out to welcome them, but seeing the two of them looking at the red plums by the wall, Miaoyu's eyes moved, and she took the initiative to say, "Uncle Feng and Second Master Bao are rare Come to my Changcui nunnery, it happens that the wintersweet is in full bloom today, I wonder if you two can get anything?"

After Feng Ziying was taken aback, she quickly declined and said, "Hehe, if Miaoyu asks me, then I can only retreat, everyone knows that I am half a bottle of vinegar, but I think if Baoyu has something to gain, why not ask Baoyu to brew it? "

Seeing the eyes of the three women looking over, Baoyu was a little touched, and Feng Ziying was aroused by this, and his heart became hot. He nodded, put his hands on his back, walked back and forth, and said: "The wine is not opened yet, and the sentence is not ready." Tailoring, looking for spring and asking wax to Penglai. Don't ask for the dew in the vase of the great master, but for the plums outside the sill. Entering the world coldly picks the red snow to go, and leaves the dust to cut the purple clouds. Who cares about poetry? Shoulder thin, clothes on It's still stained with moss from a Buddhist temple."

"Okay!" Although Feng Ziying can't remember this poem, she has read "A Dream of Red Mansions" and vaguely remembers that it should be a poem written by Baoyu when she met Miaoyu. Tea, actually triggered the situational event again, and let Baoyu compose this poem again?

As soon as Baoyu wrote this poem, the expressions of Miaoyu and Xiuyan changed a little. Although they looked down on Baoyu for messing around at home, the two girls still admire Baoyu's poetic talent today, especially Miaoyu, Baoyu's poem quite suits her mind, and she also thinks it alludes to her state of mind, which is quite moving.

"I'm showing my ugliness." Baoyu arched his hands, his face couldn't help being a little proud, he was also quite satisfied with this poem, especially because it just happened to catch up with this artistic conception, which fits the atmosphere of being born from the dust in this Cuicui Nunnery However, I didn't see that the two daughters Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu were both moved by it.

"Good is good. Although brother Yu is not good at this, I also know that your poem is very suitable for the artistic conception of Quacui Temple and Miaoyu's mood. It can be said to complement each other." Feng Ziying smiled and turned to Miaoyu: "Miaoyu Yu, am I right?"

Without waiting for Miaoyu to answer, Xing Xiuyan frowned and said first: "Little sister heard that Brother Feng is not good at composing poems. Could it be that the sun is shining after the snow and the red plums are in full bloom? Brother Feng doesn't feel at all about this situation. ?”

Feng Ziying didn't understand why Xiuyan suddenly became excited, and only frowned and said, "Sister Xiuyan should know that my accomplishments in this area are really not worth mentioning. Although it can't be said that I don't know anything about it, but I have to talk about my knowledge. Compared with the same year, there is a huge difference, even if there is, it is nothing more than searching for some broken chapters and missing sentences."

Xiuyan smiled slightly, "Brother Feng should also respond to the occasion and not spoil everyone's interest. This poem by Master Bao is worthy of Sister Miaoyu's gift of a cup of Liu'an melon slices. My younger sister also wants to see if Brother Feng can read it." It is also suitable for the occasion, let sister Miaoyu present Lao Jun's eyebrows, sister Yuanyang, don't you think so?"

  Yuanyang took a look at Feng Ziying and nodded slightly: "Uncle Feng can't spoil everyone's happiness. Second Master Bao will go to the city first. How can Uncle Feng be a successor?"

  Seeing that everyone, including Baoyu, were all looking at her, and that Miaoyu's pretty eyes were a little more indescribable, and Feng Ziying felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Although there are many poems written by Yongmei, most of them are from before the Ming Dynasty, and it is possible to fool mandarin ducks, but both Xiuyan and Miaoyu have read books, especially Miaoyu, who has been proficient in poetry since she was a child. There is a treasure jade, if you really want to use the poems of the predecessors to fool you, you can get rid of it immediately.

  The divination operator has already used it, and it is not suitable for the occasion. Where can he get another one to resist at this time?

   After finally gaining the upper hand, Baoyu felt elated.

This is not easy, Baoyu found that since he met Feng Ziying, he was crushed in almost every aspect, and even Sister Bao and Sister Lin fell in love with Brother Feng, and no matter how hard he struggled, he seemed unable to escape The mountain-like shadow that hangs in front of me, although I heard that Brother Feng is not good at poetry, but Brother Feng is a real second-class Jinshi, how many opportunities will there be to compete with Brother Feng on the same stage in poetry and fu? ? What's more, in a serious competition, he also has no idea.

But today, by coincidence, I finally met, and in front of Xiuyan, Miaoyu, and Yuanyang, I also played very well. As long as I can beat Brother Feng this time, I will have something to brag about for the rest of my life. opportunity.

Looking at Feng Ziying with a smile, Baoyu also pretended to be modest and said: "Brother Feng, if you just show your hand casually, I believe I can beat my younger brother. I heard that you made Wang Xiangchun speechless at the Enrong Banquet. ..."

   Baoyu has heard of this story, but there are also rumors that it was obtained by Brother Feng on a certain stone tablet, not by Brother Feng himself.

Seeing the half-smile on Bao Yuyuan's face, Feng Ziying couldn't understand what this guy was thinking, and her heart moved, "Forget it, I'm not good at composing poems for my brother, but in this situation, I also have some feelings. As a metaphor for others, similarly, if people can compare themselves with plums, it also shows people's character and aspirations..., um, yes!"

  Everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to see what kind of good sentence Feng Ziying had said so much, but Feng Ziying's mellow eyes flicked slowly over the faces of the three women, making the three women tremble.

   "Ice muscles and fine bones are paid by nature, and open to the cold place in the world alone!"

  (end of this chapter)

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