Number of People

Chapter 1258: Geng scroll serving tea

  Chapter 1258 Serving Tea in Geng Scroll

"Bu Suanzi·Yong Mei" can be regarded as one of Feng Ziying's plagiarized poems with a very high level, and it is also a complete poem, so it aroused great repercussions in the same year, and it was even widely circulated in Qingtan Academy Even the girls of the Jia family had heard about it, but Feng Ziying still pretended to get it from the stone tablet under the cliff, and even if they didn't believe it, he would not admit it.

  But today these two sentences can be regarded as cobbled together by him, and he squeezed them out just to beg for a cup of tea, so it makes sense for him to put them on his head, and he will admit it if he recognizes it.

"Brother Feng, can't these two sentences be found by chance on some wall or under the stone tablet in this Quicui nunnery?" Xiuyan said with a smile: "This Quicui nunnery has only been built for less than a year, so it's impossible for those gardeners The stonemason suddenly had a whimsical idea, where did the brush and ink leave marks, and he happened to be met by Brother Feng? And this is only a few sentences, it seems that there should be something ahead."

  Xiuyan's arrest left Feng Ziying speechless, and could only beg for mercy: "Sister Xiuyan, I just racked my brains to get one or two. If you force me, I will have nothing."

   "What's missing?" A hearty voice sounded outside the door, and Tanchun's lively dimple and Xiangyun's handsome face came in, "Brother Feng is lying again, saying that there is nothing?"

"The third younger sister put a hat on my head when she came here. It seems that I have had a hard time eating this cup of tea." Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing, and it was Daiyu who followed Tanchun and Xiangyun. It was Baochai and Baoqin, a group of people came strolling, and happened to catch up with Xiuyan and argue with him.

   "Oh?" Several people looked at Miaoyu.

It is very rare for Miaoyu to serve tea. Among the girls, although they have all had tea in Miaoyu's Cui Temple, everyone knows that it is not easy to drink this cup of tea. Just looking at that cold face, Few people are willing to go, like Baoyu, who has not been invited to Quicui Nunnery for many years, and most of these girls go with Xiuyan to get a cup of tea.

But I have to admit that Miaoyu's tea ceremony is very accomplished. From the choice of water, the season of tea, the utensils used to make tea, and the way of tasting before and after meals, they are all very particular, such as Baochai, Daiyu and Tanchun. The girls are all from everyone, but Miaoyu has to be a student in this respect.

  Why did Miaoyu change her temper today and offer tea to Feng Ziying? Serving tea to a man has many special meanings in itself, and the girls naturally don't think that Miaoyu is serving tea for Baoyu. If they really have this intention, Baoyu will not have never set foot in this Cui Temple for more than a year .

Miaoyu only felt a heart beating wildly in her chest, and her cheeks were burning hot involuntarily, and she wanted to go back to the house to escape, but there are so many people here, it is obviously too rude to leave like this, and it is even more She wanted to cover it up, but if she was to serve tea calmly in front of so many people, she felt flustered, and she would show her feet if she was not careful.

It was Xiuyan who reacted quickly. Seeing that the girls were a little curious about the jade serving tea, she immediately took up the conversation and threw out two good sentences from Feng Ziying. After telling the whole story about the betting on reciting poems and serving tea, everyone gradually dispelled their doubts.

  After all, these two poems by Feng Ziying are indeed worthy of serving tea, and the meaning of serving tea has been downplayed.

"Okay, sister Miaoyu's water should be boiled too. I heard it was the snow water from the end of last year, plus the Lu'an melon slices and Laojunmei. By the way, sister Miaoyu also has this year's frightening incense. ,..." Xiuyan introduced with a smile: "It depends on what you guys like."

The group of people suddenly became lively, but Feng Ziying didn't pay much attention to drinking tea. These kinds of tea are all light tastes like green tea and white tea. You can understand the choices of a few girls.

There were also two young nuns in Changcui'an, who looked no more than eleven or twelve years old. When they served tea, Feng Ziying was served first, but it was a very ordinary-looking green jade bucket, while Baoyu's was an apricot rhinoceros. However, the other girls all made bamboo cups with bamboo roots carved out of panqiu, which is also elegant.

It seems that Baoyu's apricot rhinoceros is the most valuable, but in terms of elegance, it is the bamboo cup carved with bamboo roots that wins, but Feng Ziying's green jade bucket looks plain and ordinary, but only Xiuyan knows that it is Miaoyu's own use Yes, other people just can't touch it.

   Laojun’s eyebrows are quite bland, and Feng Ziying doesn’t like this kind of tea very much, but he can only be arty when a group of people are sitting and drinking tea.


"Drinking tea at Changcui Temple?" Wang Xifeng asked in surprise, "Didn't it mean that Miaoyu was so arrogant that she didn't bother to receive ordinary people? Baoyu didn't even seem to be able to enter that Changcui Temple. Didn't Miaoyu also say that she never wanted to marry? Why did she change her temper today?"

"I don't know about this, but Uncle Feng is not alone. Miss Lin, Miss Bao, Second Miss, Third Miss, and Xiuyan are all there. Except for Grandma Zhu and her younger sisters who did not go, almost everyone else is there. Maybe it's because Miaoyu can't refuse to make a face under such circumstances." Ping'er explained.

"I really thought it was arrogance and a maverick, everyone is the same." Wang Xifeng looked down on Miaoyu's temperament, which has no outstanding points, but still doesn't know the sky and the earth. In her opinion, this is a disadvantage She ate too little, and was protected too well since she was a child. If everyone really ignored her and allowed her to bump into walls and suffer a few times, she would know that this world is not as beautiful as she imagined, and more people still have to suffer. If you want to swallow your breath, you may not be able to eat a full meal.

"Grandma has some opinions on Miaoyu." Ping'er didn't have much dislike for Miaoyu. Although this woman was a bit aloof, her nature was not bad, and she didn't offend anyone. Outside of the smoke, that is, the relationship with the fourth girl is a little closer, and the others are kept indifferent, and there is nothing else to say.

"I can't say it, but with her attitude, don't expect anyone to like her." Wang Xifeng shook her head, "Brother Keng is only because of Uncle Lin's promise. With such a cold and hard temper, no man will like her, but how many people will like her?" Pretty, but is there still a lack of pretty women around Brother Keng?"

   "Why is grandma still fussing with her?" Ping'er laughed, "It's just a cup of tea in Changcui Temple."

  Wang Xifeng glared at Ping'er, "Little Hoof, don't provoke me, I've been in a bad mood these two days."

"Then let's talk about Uncle Feng's affairs. The slave girl took the opportunity to talk to Uncle Feng, but he didn't say anything. He only said that the matter of redeeming people should be done according to the usual practice. He will not intervene, only provide Some convenience,..." Ping'er said concisely, "I feel that Uncle Feng has made careful arrangements for this matter."

   "Do you really think that as the disciple of the prime minister, he is so easy to fool?" Wang Xifeng sneered, "It's just using us,..."

  Ping'er laughed again. She knew that her grandma was a little jealous after all, but what kind of jealousy was this? They didn't mention so many serious matters, but Baochai and Baoqin just married.

"Using us? But there are many people who want to be used, don't you count as a master?" Ping'er chuckled, "Well, if you can earn tens of thousands of taels of silver from being used, you probably kowtow and beg your father Tell grandma that people who want to be used can line up from Fuchengmen to Chaoyangmen in the capital city?"

Amused by Ping'er's joking tone, Wang Xifeng's suffocating anger dissipated a lot. Of course, she knew where she was upset, but she knew it, but she was just as upset, even if it wasn't her turn yell.

   "Then it looks like we won't be able to meet each other today?" Wang Xifeng said leisurely, "I'm still thinking about what I can say about myself."

It is definitely inappropriate for Feng Ziying to stay in the Rongguo Mansion. The two sisters, Baochai and Baoqin, are still with them, and they probably won’t have dinner in the mansion. In a while."

"I don't want to worry about it, but the days are counting and passing. Seeing that he will have to go to Yongping Mansion once this year is over, how long will it take for him to come back?" Wang Xifeng said lightly: "Such a freshman To make a living, I have to talk to him about it, how to calculate it, he said it is none of his business, but who knows that this business cannot be done without him, and I can't just pretend to understand it like this Are you pretending to be confused? Things are not done that way, at least you have to give him an explanation. "

   "Grandma, I think Uncle Feng has sincerely promised you this business, and there will be no more fuss, so you don't have to think too much." Ping'er half persuaded and half explained.

Wang Xifeng didn't speak, and Ping'er was helpless: "How about I go talk to Uncle Feng again and find some time, um, for example, to go to Daguanlou to listen to a play. Didn't you say that you haven't gone out for a long time? Swallow Tower is no match now Grand View Tower,…”

Wang Xifeng's heart trembled, and his face burned like a fire. He subconsciously wanted to deny it, but the words changed for no reason: "Forget it, I haven't been able to go out to listen to the opera for a long time. I heard that In the past two months, Daguanlou has produced a lot of new plays, so once Liu Erlang takes the stage, he can win countless people crazy, I want to see it too,..."

Ping'er couldn't help curling her lips, her grandma was like this, she still had to be so coy in front of her, she didn't know how much she would be willing to do, but she still wanted to find such a reason, but such words were absolutely impossible Expose it, otherwise grandma's face will be broken, and it will really turn her face.

   "The servant understands, let's make arrangements now, and the servant on the uncle's side also goes to say hello..." Ping'er rolled his eyes helplessly, and left slowly.

   I recommend a book, "Floating Life in the Late Tang Dynasty" by Lonely Maike.



  (end of this chapter)

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