Number of People

Chapter 1275: geng character roll hits

  Chapter 1275 The Geng scroll hits

   "Master is next door, talking to Second Master Ni." Ping'er came in cautiously from the door, glanced at Wang Xifeng who was still sitting upright, and smiled, "Grandma, don't worry,..."

   "Little Hoof, why am I in such a hurry? Why, am I still in a hurry to deliver the money to him?" Wang Xifeng gave Ping'er a somewhat embarrassed look, but the blush on her cheeks still revealed some of her thoughts.

   "Grandma, Grandpa said long ago that he would not get involved in these things. He will definitely not want your money. Didn't he also say that he would leave it to you?"

Ping'er still believed in Feng Ziying's reputation, and he said what he said, and since the relationship between the uncle and the grandmother, it can be regarded as a dewy marriage. I will think about grandma.

"Ping'er, that's what you said, but don't you know that this business is all about mutual benefit?" Wang Xifeng's tone was a little more serious, "I understand what you mean, and I dare to love Brother Keng. After this unclear relationship, I can rely on this unscrupulousness, maybe once or twice, or even three or five times, and I don’t care about it. After that? I’m afraid that I will become a love in his heart A shameless and greedy woman, right? I'm not that kind of person, and I don't want to leave such an impression in his mind. "

   "But..." Ping'er bit her lip.

"Ping'er, we may have to live on our own in the future. The Jia family can't rely on it, and I can't go back to the Wang family. Believe it or not, I lost these. I left the Jia family. I used to be so respectful to you that even a post can do it. The situation of the matter, I'm afraid it will disappear in a blink of an eye, who would care about you, a woman who has been divorced?" Wang Xifeng saw it clearly, and her tone was very indifferent, "Brother Keng is a kind person, but the more you If this is the case, the more I can't rely on this unscrupulousness, I hope that what I do is within the scope of his acceptance, and he is even willing to hand it over to me."

   "Within his acceptable range, is he willing to hand it over to grandma?" Ping'er was still a little dazed and didn't quite understand the meaning.

"Ping'er, don't you think that Brother Keng has stopped moving forward?" Wang Xifeng saw farther than Ping'er in this regard, "Now he is a fifth-rank official, only twenty years old. Three or five years from now, he may be a prefect of a prefecture. How can they not have some things that need someone to handle them for them? Just like this time, although Jia She and I took the initiative to come to the door, but I feel that Brother Keng also needs us to handle this matter for him. If Jia She and I do not agree Go, I guess Ni Er, Jia Zhen, and Jia Rong might all be able to do the same thing,..."

   "Grandma, these things just happened by chance..." Ping'er still didn't understand.

"Who can tell clearly what will happen in the future?" Wang Xifeng's eyes became a little tougher, "These officials are certainly high-sounding on the bright side, but the higher the position, the more difficult it is for them to take action. If you are optimistic about Brother Keng's future, then maybe we can find our opportunities and positions here."

   "But..." Ping'er felt a little uneasy, which was somewhat different from Uncle Feng's idea.

Although I believe that Uncle Feng will make a proper arrangement for Second Grandma, it is definitely not what Grandma thinks. According to Second Grandma's thinking, it is to be more deeply involved in Uncle Feng's future affairs. Is this appropriate? ?

  It was fine before, but now Miss Bao and Second Miss Bao are married, and Miss Lin will also marry in the future. If Second Mistress continues to do this, it will inevitably lead to suspicion.

If there is that kind of relationship between a man and a woman, it is inevitable that they will become arrogant because of their favor, or they will change because of their dependence. Miss Bao and Miss Bao Er are both extremely shrewd people who can't rub the sand in their eyes. What to do, what should I do? Miss Bao and grandma are first cousins.

  Ping'er wanted to dissuade her, but seeing Second Mistress so excited, she didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Okay, don't worry about it, don't I understand the mystery of things like this?" Seeing Ping'er's appearance, Wang Xifeng couldn't understand, so she couldn't help saying: "Keng My brother hasn't taken your house yet, why do you feel that your heart is all tied to him?"

  Ping'er was ashamed, angry and impatient, and stomped her feet: "Grandma, what are you talking about!"

"Hmph, why don't you understand? Little hooves are thinking about spring, yes, you should have a man too. In this Rongguo mansion, there are no older girls except mandarin ducks?" Wang Xifeng curled her lips, "Attacking people Younger than you, I think Baoyu has taken over the house, so I should think about it."

  Ping'er's face was flushed red with Wang Xifeng's rude words, but he couldn't help but feel agitated in his heart.


   "Okay, I see."

  Feng Ziying looked serious, and leaned slightly in the chair, while Ni Er was sitting sideways with half of his buttocks on the edge of the chair, with a smile on his face.

   "The uncle means..."

   "Well, there have been a lot of refugees in the middle of Beijing and this year, and there are many people under you, right?" Feng Ziying asked slowly after thinking for a while.

"It's true that there are a few more, but there is nothing we can do about it. Many of them were introduced by the old brothers. If the folks in the village ignore it, it will hurt the hearts of the old brothers on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will be easy to take these things away. People push it to the other side, besides, they can do some things more or less, so..."

   Ni Er carefully explained.

"Okay, I didn't ask you this. Since there are so many people, and they come from all directions, you should put more thought into it. If I need it in the future, you should be able to pick out ten or twenty shrewd, capable and quick-witted characters for me. You don't have to ask what to do, I will make my own arrangements then."

Feng Ziying also needs to consider that she really wants to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion in the future. If Wu Daonan doesn't care about things, the burden will be on his shoulders. For the capital city, the most important thing is social security, and everything else must be put behind son gone.

  If I had Ni Er to cooperate with me, many things would be much simpler. After all, with him as a local snake, at least I would not suffer from the news in the Gyeonggi area.


   After Ni Er left for a long time, Feng Ziying quietly went out.

This line has been vacated, and it is in the most remote place. Ruixiang was arranged at the port, which can be regarded as guarding the door for him to call the police. In fact, Jia Qiang is also an extremely eye-catching character, otherwise Jia Rong and Jia Yun Impossible to fall in love with him, he cleared this area early, and found a few nursing homes to guard there.

Although it feels a little fussy to make a fuss, Feng Ziying doesn't care. Outsiders naturally don't know anything. Jia Qiang just thought that she wanted to talk to Ni Er and Wang Xifeng about ransoming people to make a living. Ni Er went out through the small door on the side. of.

When Ping'er went out quietly, Feng Ziying pricked up her ears and listened. Knowing that Ping'er was on the corridor outside, she secretly smiled inwardly, but felt relieved. Before the coy Wang Xifeng could react, she hooked her Wang Xifeng hugged her waist.

I have to say that this Daguan Building has changed a lot compared to before. At least the most luxurious private rooms have been transformed into more luxurious and secretive rooms. Brocade curtains were used to cover both ends, so as not to be accidentally discovered by both sides.

A rest-style bed, with two official hat chairs on each side, slightly shaped like a horoscope, it is obviously prepared for the female relatives of the dignitaries in the city, and a large family can accommodate five or six female relatives .

  When Feng Ziying came in, the curtains on both sides of the window were pulled to the maximum, leaving only a viewing platform less than six feet wide.

The bed is not high, and it is a bit far behind. Being hugged by Feng Ziying so wildly, Wang Xifeng was frightened to struggle. Although there is no one on the stage at present, there is no danger of being noticed, but the lobby is under the feet, and there is a lot of people's voices , this tossing, not to mention shameful, if this voice is heard, then it's okay?

   Could it be that Brother Keng has such a bad habit?

  When Feng Ziying got into the embroidered jacket of her cloak, Wang Xifeng still had some resistance. Although she had missed it for a long time, she was still a little displeased by how anxious she was when she came up like this.

But when Feng Ziying picked up her pink cheeks and kissed them down, all dissatisfaction and resistance of Wang Xifeng disappeared immediately, and her body softened immediately. If she hadn't retained some clarity, she knew that she would definitely not be such a shameful person here. Wang Xifeng is really going to limp under the opponent's body and let the king pick and choose.


Feng Ziying couldn't hold back her panting and half-exposed breasts, but fortunately Wang Xifeng was still rational, so she could only lower her voice and whisper: "It's not working here, it's better to do it here." Go back there last time,..."

Feng Ziying had already forgotten about watching and listening to the opera at this time, especially Wang Xifeng's emerald green tube top showed a touch of greasy whiteness, and she nodded slightly: "Forget it, I will let Ruixiang go to the office first, and I will take your car later past,…"

Wang Xifeng glanced at Feng Ziying coquettishly, and almost took Feng Ziying's soul out. The change in her body made Wang Xifeng unrecognizable, giggling, and was about to tease her, but she heard a voice coming from over there. Ruixiang deliberately raised his voice: "Uncle Xue, you are here, ah, please wait a moment..."

"Is Ziying here? I heard that he is here, and he was saying that he hadn't seen him for a long time. He was just talking, hey, you idiot, don't you want me to pass it on when I meet Brother Ziying?" Xue Pan's rough voice It sounded in the corridor.

  (end of this chapter)

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