Number of People

Chapter 1278: Geng Scroll Traffic Inside and Outside

  Chapter 1278 Geng Scroll Traffic Inside and Outside

   It is said that Xue Baochai first came to Beijing to draft women into the palace. Of course Feng Ziying knew about this. It was also mentioned in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", but it ended in vain.

  The Great Zhou Dynasty followed the Ming system, whether it was a draft girl in the palace or a concubine, generally speaking, it was limited to women from a good family with an innocent background.

  Shilin women generally disdain to choose concubines, while Wuxun women have taboos in the royal family and are reluctant to choose, mainly because they are worried that their relatives will not be lost in the future.

   Of course, this is not absolute, it depends on what the parties think.

  For example, the last concubine selection of Emperor Yonglong obviously adopted a balanced and compromised approach. There are both women with military honors and some daughters of powerful generals in Gyeonggi, with a strong purpose.

However, this is insignificant after the situation in the capital becomes clearer, especially now that the initiative in the capital situation is controlled by Emperor Yonglong, let alone, so now Emperor Yonglong even spends more time on several concubines. The energy on the body is lazy.

Feng Ziying did not make up her mind as early as the Xue family to let Baochai choose a concubine to enter the palace. Baochai's father had passed away at least ten years ago. At that time, Baochai was only a few years old, so it was a bit exaggerated to have such thoughts up.

"It's too illusory to revitalize a family if you put your hope on a woman. Either you can be a queen, or you can be a queen mother, otherwise it's almost just a sheep in the mouth of a tiger." Feng Ziying said lightly. .

"It's just a daughter. If there is hope for a family to prosper, what's the point?" Wang Xifeng embraced her chest with a pair of suet-like arms, pressed the brocade quilt covering her body, and also responded with an indescribable kindness. Emotional emotion, both a little hate, but also a little helpless.

  Feng Ziying is silent, it is true. How can a daughter’s happiness and future compare with the fate of a family?

   "That means Uncle Zheng Shi and Aunt Zhengshi sensed Baochai's parents' intentions, so they acted first?" Feng Ziying felt an indescribable complex emotion.

He always thought that Jia Zheng didn't care much about such false names, but he never thought that he would make such a decision on Yuanchun's matter. As far as he knew, Wang Ziteng had never supported Yuan Chun's entry into the palace. Jia Zheng should not go against Wang Ziteng's wishes because of the family's influence.

   "You're right if you want to say that." Wang Xifeng slowly leaned her face on Feng Ziying's shoulder, "Do you think it's not in line with the master's behavior?"

   "Well, it stands to reason that the prince disagrees, and Uncle Zheng Shi and Aunt Zheng would not make such a decision." Feng Ziying nodded, still expressing her inner doubts.

"More than ten years ago, the Supreme Emperor was in power, and the Jia family was not that downcast. My second uncle didn't have that much influence on the master and the others. The eldest girl did not enter the palace with the hope of being the current concubine, but the concubine wanted to support her. I used to think that the times would change in a few years, but now I am the emperor, as for later, it will be another matter."

  Wang Xifeng still knows the secrets of Jia's mansion many years ago, and there is an aunt named Mrs. Wang, these are no secrets to her.

"Besides, Master Jing in the East Mansion was so popular in front of the Crown Prince at that time, and Rongguo Mansion was overwhelmed. Jia Amnesty only knew how to put money in his pocket. Why did he ever take care of the affairs of the mansion? Master is in charge, Could it be that there will be no pressure? You are not ignorant of his temperament. There is no other way. Since the concubine is interested, the mansion will naturally... Later, the situation changed, but how can you go back on your promise to the concubine? so…"

It turns out that this is the case, Feng Ziying finally realized that more than ten years ago, Emperor Yuanxi was still Emperor Yuanxi, Prince Yizhong was still the crown prince, and Emperor Yonglong was just one of several princes. At that point there was no room for maneuver.

  Wrapping the wrist around Wang Xifeng's neck, let the other party's head rest on his shoulder more comfortably, Feng Ziying savored carefully.

  Then what is the current situation of the Jia family? Jia Jing is still standing in line with Prince Yizhong. Yuan Chun could have been arranged by the concubine as a chess piece to Emperor Yonglong. This is also the usual operation of big families, and everyone can understand it.

It's a pity that Emperor Yonglong doesn't care about these things at all, and the strength of the Jia family is too weak. If Yuan Chun is the direct daughter of Wang Ziteng or Niu Jizong, perhaps Emperor Yonglong will take a high look. I am very disgusted with these martial arts who stand in line with the Yizhong princes, I am afraid that even with the declining families of the Jia family, I am tired of thinking about hypocrisy and subservience.

It's a pity that Yuanchun was sent to the palace by his family like this, but he was thrown aside without even playing any role, and became an abandoned son. The natural beauty but ended up in such an end, even Feng Ziying couldn't help feeling sad regret.

   "You haven't said what the big girl asked Baoqin to come out to find you. Don't get involved in such things..." Seeing that her lover was absent-minded, Wang Xifeng touched him with her arm.

  What does Jia Yuanchun want to do? Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head.

  When Baoqin saw herself telling herself what Jia Yuanchun had passed on, Feng Ziying was taken aback. What exactly does Jia Yuanchun want to do?

  Qiu Shian, Qiu Bingzhong? Are these two related?

  At least Feng Ziying had never heard of the relationship between Jingtian Hou Qiu's family and the current No. 2 servant in the palace. There are so many people with the surname Qiu, how can there be such a coincidence?

   Besides, this is not about the ransom at all, but to exonerate Qiu Bingzhong!

   These are completely two concepts.

Feng Ziying thought it easy if the amount of ransom was small, at most it was a matter of tens of millions of taels of silver. It can also save a few, which can be regarded as an explanation.

But getting rid of the crime is a different matter. Although the court has not discussed how to deal with these military heroes who came back one after another, an obvious sign is that these martial arts are almost without exception being left idle at home, and even Accepting Captain Long's advice at any time, this is the posture to settle accounts after autumn.

In terms of specific crimes, it is also a matter of the Sanju Department. Long Jinwei will pass some of the information they have to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and then the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will come together with officials from the Ministry of Punishment and people from Dali Temple. After research and discussion, if it is determined that it is enough for the "Law of the Great Zhou", then it will be reviewed by the three law divisions.

  The Metropolitan Procuratorate is still playing a leading role in this, and the characterization is made by them, and then the specific details have to be investigated by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, including the complete combination of various evidences, and finally handed over to Dali Temple for finalization.

Although it seems that Dali Temple is the final decision, everyone knows that the Metropolitan Procuratorate still has supervisory power over Dali Temple. If the decision of Dali Temple makes the Metropolitan Procuratorate dissatisfied, the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate can even impeach Dali Therefore, if there are no special circumstances, Dali Temple will basically not violate the opinions of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  Jia Yuanchun was still very smart, but only brought out the news without giving any suggestions, and even the girl Baoqin expressed some of Jia Yuanchun's guesses in a very cryptic manner.

  Qiu Shian brought the letter through his own channel, probably not only Qiu Shian's own thoughts, but also other intentions.

For example, Qiu Shi'an got very close to Concubine Su and his son Fu Wang Li Wang, and fought fiercely with Xia Bingzhong, but now Xia Bingzhong got close to Mei Concubine and Lu Wang who seemed to be the most favored, so It made Qiu Shi'an feel the pressure. Whether that other Concubine Su Gui had other intentions, or even whether Qiu Shi'an received some instructions from Concubine Su Gui, is hard to say.

  Even Feng Ziying couldn't judge Qiu Shian's real intention for a while.

  A eunuch's servant, even if the inner court checks the eunuchs, he is not so arrogant and arrogant that he can directly communicate with foreign ministers, right?

Both Xia Bingzhong and Qiu Shi'an were old people when Emperor Yonglong hid in his residence. In this regard, Emperor Yonglong still misses the old days, so these two are now the two most favored in the palace. Let go, Wang Zhen from the time of Ming Yingzong and Liu Jin from the time of Wuzong have learned a lot, so the Great Zhou Dynasty used eunuchs but also took great precautions.

Because of this, Feng Ziying knew that from Dai Quan in the time of the Supreme Emperor to Xia Bingzhong and Qiu Shian in the time of Emperor Yonglong, although they were both greedy for money, there were few rumors of meddling in the affairs of the court, so when Baoqin brought a message to him, Feng Ziying was so surprised.

  However, when Baoqin mentioned the "ally" relationship between Qiu Shian and Concubine Su, Feng Ziying recalled that Qiu Shian was not just for himself, and there were even other roles behind it.

  But Feng Ziying was not very optimistic about this Concubine Su. He didn't have the power of Concubine Xu to rule the Six Palaces, and his son was not the eldest son. But thinking that he had two sons, he felt that he wanted the other family to be big. This kind of inference is too ridiculous.

   On the contrary, Concubine Mei and Concubine Guo and their princes should not be underestimated. Of course, all of this must be based on the premise of how long Emperor Yonglong's body can last.

  Yuan Chun faintly reveals that Qiu Shi'an can provide more accurate information about Emperor Yonglong's physical condition, and seems to be implying that he and his father should need information in this regard.

This judgment is not wrong, and I am fine with it. I have taken the road of civil servants, and my level is not enough, but my father is different. very important.

The governor and chief soldier of the border town without the support of the emperor will easily be swept away by the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Isn’t that why my father was the chief soldier in Datong, and he was randomly found by the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate Just one excuse will force you to resign and go to the field, otherwise the result will be even uglier.

  (end of this chapter)

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