Number of People

Chapter 1283: Xin Zijuan Xiyangcaoshu this Han Chinese

  Chapter 1283 Xin Zijuan Xiyangcaoshu This Han Chinese

Wang Wenyan is very thorough in his work, basically taking everything into consideration, and with the assistance of Cao Yu and Ni Er, now Feng Ziying does not know the situation of the entire capital city well, but basically the major events and some key concerns The movement of the target object is clear.

  Feng Ziying also gradually handed over many confidential matters to Wang Wenyan to plan and arrange, and Wang Wenyan also took all his family members from Shexian County to the capital city.

Even when Wang Wenyan was the chief staff member of the Transshipment Salt Envoy of the Two Huaihe Rivers in Yangzhou, Wang Wenyan did not put his family in Yangzhou, but now he can take the initiative to bring his family to the capital city. This is undoubtedly a gesture, a kind of loyalty and peace. Of course, Feng Ziying should repay the gesture of absolute trust with kindness.

  Wang Wenyan's family is small, only one wife, one concubine, two sons and one daughter. Both sons are underage, and one daughter is still infancy. Feng Ziying also specially arranged a safe and quiet house for him.

  Wang Wenyan also gradually became familiar with the staff of Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia. For some specific matters, the staff can hand over and contact each other in detail, and report directly to the respective lords after handling them.

  Before Feng Ziying was a little cautious in this regard, but during the spring break, she basically made it clear that she might return to Beijing to serve as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, so there was no need to cover up too much.

  Generally speaking, officials above the fourth rank and above have a staff team of three to five people. The magistrates of big prefectures like Suzhou, Yangzhou, and Datong have even more staff, and six or seven people are normal.

  Feng Ziying considered that if she really wanted to be the Chancellor of Shuntian, a staff team of three or five people would be fine, but there was no need to do it with such fanfare, after all, she was just the Chancellor, not the Chancellor.

  Wang Wenyan came to serve as the chief staff member, but Cao Yu and Feng Ziying meant to let him remain semi-independent outside, so that he could better play the role of "Today's News" as the mouthpiece.

If I return to the capital city, then there is no need for Wu Yaoqing to stay here in Yongping Mansion, but I also need to leave one or two reliable people to be in charge of contacting and coordinating the state affairs side, and at the same time, it can be regarded as helping to lead the state affairs on the road .

Judging from Wang Wenyan's letter, the situation in the capital city is still very unstable. Chen Jixian, the general of the Fifth Army Battalion, suddenly reprimanded four officers for being ineffective and drunken at night. People were beaten all over, and the four people were temporarily deprived of the right to lead the army.

According to Wang Wenyan's understanding, these four are all generals who hold certain military power in the Fifth Army Battalion. They usually obey Chen Jixian, but they are not Chen Jixian's absolute confidantes. Now the four of them have been temporarily suspended from leading troops and replaced. Those are several other confidantes of Chen Jixian.

This also caused a stir in the Fifth Army Battalion, but Chen Jixian is the general of the Fifth Army Battalion and acts as the governor of the Beijing Camp. He has the right to temporarily dispose of officers below the deputy general. If the general refuses to accept it, he can appeal to the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Procuratorate , but before the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Procuratorate make a decision, Chen Jixian has the right to make a decision first and then play it.

Of course, Chen Jixian did not directly deprive these people of their official positions, that is the power of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of War, but the power to lead the army can be flexible and temporarily suspended. Unless it is a special case, the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will approve the dismissal of officers who participated in guerrillas, which is also a necessary means to maintain the authority of the commander.

Chen Jixian's strange performance also made Feng Ziying quite puzzled. He still couldn't be sure what this guy who appeared in an impartial posture during the confrontation between the Supreme Emperor and Yonglong Emperor made both sides acquiesce that he held the power of the Beijing camp. Say which side this guy is on.

Feng Ziying feels that this guy is more like following his heart, or he is willing to bet until the truth comes out, but this can ensure that he will not stand on the wrong team and cause death, but he will never win. Party's greatest satisfaction.

  So Feng Ziying felt a little unbelievable. If this was the case, then why did Chen Jixian come to meddle in it?

  Of course, there is another possibility, that is, this guy is the most hidden corner, a double-faced person or even a multi-faceted person, who wants to play the role of the final winner or even a sudden reversal in order to gain the greatest benefit.

  Feng Ziying even thinks this is the most likely possibility, otherwise it would be difficult to explain how Chen Jixian behaves like this in his current role.

So what Chen Jixian is doing now is to further strengthen his own control, and he may even stir up trouble in it. Among the four generals and guerrillas, there must be dark men who play the role of bitter tricks, but I am afraid that the emperor or Prince Yizhong is on the side. Both Emperor Yonglong and Emperor Yonglong may not know all the intentions of the other party or even Chen Jixian.

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head. She still underestimated Chen Jixian's forbearance. Last year's Mongol invasion and Chen Jixian's "poor performance" made Feng Ziying somewhat disappointed and contemptuous of Chen Jixian, but now it seems that she still sees it too shallowly. Some.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying began to write and reply.


   Busia Mara walked out of the tent in a sullen mood.

  The moon is bright and clear outside the sky, and the moonlight is like snow, reflecting a haze on the flat ground, which looks like a fairyland from a distance.

  She doesn't like living in the overcrowded houses of shingled houses in the city, and prefers to be in this open and open field.

As the Mongols retreated from Yongping Mansion, it is reasonable to say that the three thousand elite cavalry of the Yehe tribe should also retreat outside the side wall and return to the tribe. It is difficult to supply in the middle, so it is better to let these three thousand fine riders eat in Yongping Mansion, which can also relieve a lot of logistical pressure for the clan.

   This made Busia Mara very helpless.

The Mongols had just retreated, especially the Horqin who did not obey the orders of the Nekhkas and went south to plunder, which still made Yongping's gentry feel a little lingering. When Delgler and the others proposed to Zhu Zhiren and Feng Ziying that they would like to keep the three thousand fine horses there At the frontlines of Lulong, Qian'an, and Funing, Zhu Zhiren and Feng Ziying agreed to this proposal after consulting the gentry from all over the country and merchants from Shanxi and Shanxi.

  Everyone agreed that the three thousand fine riders could stay there until June, when the horses are fat in autumn and then return to the territory of Yehe tribe. During this period, the logistics supply will be guaranteed by the funds from the counties of Yongping Prefecture and Shanshan merchants.

  Gently stretching his hand back, the scimitar at his waist slid out, making a graceful arc in the air, and the clear blade transformed into a white halo under the moonlight, floating in the air.

  Suddenly withdrew, a cold killing intent stopped abruptly in the air, and put it into the knife pocket at his waist.

  Busia Mara's full moon scimitar can be carried on the shoulder or straddled in the waist pocket. How to choose depends on the actual situation.

If you are going to fight in battle, it is most suitable to carry it on your shoulders. It can draw out the knife at the fastest speed, and the angle of force of the attack can be excellent; if it is in a normal state, you can choose to hide it in the knife bag , leaving only the hilt of the knife outside, you can even massage it with your palm, and you can break out of the bag in an emergency, but the angle and strength are not as sharp as those on the shoulder.

The purple velvet cloak covered Busia Mara's proud figure. This kind of velvet is said to be from the best weavers in Zhangzhou and is extremely precious, but Feng Ziying still gave herself a whole one. Busia Mara is very happy. I like this deep purple with a brown-red color, so I made it into a wide cloak, which can usually be worn to cover the whole body.

  Busia Mara doesn't like the embroidered jackets and long skirts of the Han people. For her who likes freedom, that kind of clothing is too restrictive and it is extremely inconvenient to walk, so she would rather choose the traditional Haixi Jurchen clothing.

But on the Han side, that kind of clothing is too prominent. If you wear wartime robes, but because they are all made of close-fitting leather, they will outline your figure and attract attention. It is enough to cover everything, and nothing can be seen from the outside, so it couldn't be more suitable.

  There were footsteps behind her, but Busia Mara didn't look back.

"Brother Dong, hasn't Mrs. Feng come back? Why do you..." After getting along for so long, Delgler has already seen some thoughts of this young cousin, but from his point of view, it is really very difficult. It is difficult to judge this complicated and unspeakable relationship.

The cousin is in the four tribes of Haixi, and her reputation on the grassland has caused countless disputes because of the words of the shaman. Even the Jianzhou Jurchen and the tribes on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia are full of complexities for the cousin who bears this sentence. Emotions include those who are wishful thinking, those who are fearful, and those who are on the sidelines, but there is no doubt that no one can ignore this sentence.

  Bu Zhantai now spends his days getting drunk in the stockade, isn’t he still a bit wishful thinking, the sons of Nurhachi in Jianzhou Jurchen, and even Nurhachi himself, are also salivating?

  Delgler didn't understand why his cousin was fascinated by Feng Ziying, a Han Chinese who was nine years younger than him.

  Of course, for the women of the Yehe tribe, how old a man is is not a problem, but the problem is that this man has already married two wives, and even if he has no wife, it is impossible to marry a foreign woman.

Although he doesn't know much about the rules of the Han people, Delgler also knows how big the difference is between a Han's concubine and a concubine's room. The shame of this is the shame of the entire Haixi Jurchen, even on the grasslands of Eastern Mongolia, even the Yehe tribe will find it difficult to raise their heads.

   It is true that this Han man is quite extraordinary, but so what? If my cousin wants to get married, even though she is nearly 30 years old now, countless people are willing to kneel in front of her to ask for marriage, so why bother with such a Han man?

  And now Liaodong and Yehe are also interdependent and use each other, there is no unilateral dependence, and there is no need to have any taboos on this.

  (end of this chapter)

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