Number of People

Chapter 1296: Xin Zijuan, the setting sun, grass, trees and a stone stir up a thousand waves

  Chapter 1296 Xin Zijuan The Setting Sun, Grass Trees and One Stone Arouse Thousands of Waves

  Feng Ziying didn't expect this at all.

  In his heart, the Mei family was beyond stupid. He retired Xue Baoqin, but he picked up a real peach. It was a godsend to exchange the identity of a concubine for a woman who could be called satisfactory in all aspects.

As for Mei Zhiye's Shuntian government administration, in Feng Ziying's opinion, his performance is probably not good. Otherwise, with the negligent performance of the governor Wu Daonan and the absence of the governor, this is simply a chance for Mei Zhiye to perform in this administration. ah.

   Unexpectedly, this guy was wasting years in vain, but he still got the impression that he was busy in the minds of the big bosses, and he simply walked to death by himself.

  So Feng Ziying was already thinking, if Mei Zhiye couldn't be used, then he could only make good use of a few general judgments.

Fortunately, there are five general judges in Shuntian Mansion, and it can even reach six. It is to assist oneself in work. Let's see if these people can seize the opportunity.

The sudden change in Xue Baoqin's mood did not attract Feng Ziying's attention, nor did he notice that Baochai, Baoqin's second daughter, and even the maidservants next to her hadn't really realized that she would return to Beijing. He thought Baoqin's question was just a Random joking questions, including Baochai's question earlier, are actually somewhat tentative.

"Hehe, why, Baoqin, are you still so unconfident about being a husband? A Shuntian Mansion Chancellor, not a Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister, in terms of status, is actually equivalent to our Tongzhi in Yongping Mansion, and he still works as a Tongzhi. It's nothing more than changing from Yongping Mansion to Shuntian Mansion. In addition, our Lord Governor probably doesn't like to worry about government affairs. I'm afraid he will be busy as a husband by then. You sisters, don't blame him for being cold and negligent. You guys."

   Hearing Feng Ziying's words was a little solemn, Baochai was also a little uncertain, exchanged glances with Baoqin, and then asked cautiously: "Xianggong, do you really want to go back to the capital, uh, Shuntian Fucheng?"

  Feng Ziying looked sideways, a little confused, "Baochai, why didn't I not understand what I said just now? Or when will my husband joke with you about this kind of thing?"

As soon as these words came out, Baochai and Baoqin immediately understood that this was true. Baoqin was particularly excited, a blush flashed across her fair and beautiful cheeks, she bit her lips and asked in a deep voice: "Master, when was this decided?" Things? Is it really settled?"

"It should have been the day before yesterday. The cabinet had made a decision, and it was reported to the emperor. The emperor has also agreed, and the official department is already sending the official document." Feng Ziying said leisurely: "That is, the official document will return to Yongping Mansion in two or three days. At that time, I will just wait for the handover to return to Beijing, so I will tell you sisters first that you can prepare secretly, but don't do it too much, it will be unsightly."

Baoqin clenched her fists, trembling slightly, fearing that her husband would see the clues, she quickly turned her head and turned her face to one side, her upturned chest rose and fell sharply, trying to calm herself down, she really wanted to go back to the capital city, Mr. It's really the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion!

At this moment, Baoqin felt an urgent urge to vent in her heart. Perhaps others might not understand it, but she knew it very clearly in her heart. She wanted to give herself an explanation, and she finally proved that her choice was not wrong, and it was perfect. achieved revenge.

Baochai was also inexplicably excited, such a sudden change, coupled with the fact that she could return to Beijing immediately and return to the familiar environment, for her, even diluted the "competition" that might be faced with the long room after returning. Joy.

  But she noticed the change in Baoqin's heart, and quickly answered: "Sir, does the family know?"

"Who knows, maybe everyone will know about it in a day or two." Feng Ziying doesn't care. Anyway, it's only three to five days. After making thorough preparations, the only one who might be a little confused is probably Zhu Zhiren, but he has to leave, even if there are some surprises, it won't matter.

   "Then it's better to tell the news to the family first, so that the wives, concubines and sisters of the Shen family know." Baochai reminded calmly.

  Feng Ziying glanced at Baochai with satisfaction, but shook her head: "It's not necessary, it's just a matter of one or two days. As soon as the official documents of the imperial court come out, the "Daily News" will reprint the Dibao."

Through the conversation between Feng Ziying and Baochai, Baoqin finally calmed down her mood. This is only the first step. Xianggong is appointed as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. In the future, he may be a minister with the Mei family. There are many opportunities. Not urgent.

  Those who have hurt themselves, they must retaliate tenfold. Xue Baoqin couldn't help clenching her fists, she had the patience.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that Baoqin's servant would be flattering her in every possible way in the bed that night, making him feel a little confused, isn't it just returning to Beijing, isn't it just being promoted by two levels? As for what?

  It was a happy night. When I woke up in the morning, I still looked at the sleeping Baoqin with tears in the corners of her eyes. I don’t know if it was caused by the excessive excitement last night or because I didn’t grasp the scale well.


   "Cheng'en, come in." Yuan Chun was wearing a pure black peacock wool coat trimmed with gold thread, standing gracefully in front of the window, without looking back, just quietly staring out of the window.

The hall is as warm as spring, and if it wasn't for the cold air brought by the open windows, Yuan Chun wouldn't even need to wear big clothes, but she felt more and more stuffy, and would rather wear one more than let the whole Fengzao Palace become oppressive Aggrieved, the warm breath makes people feel a sense of panic.

   "Go back to your mother, the slaves are back." The servant with dark skin, wide forehead and thick lips trotted all the way back, with sweat stains on his forehead and shortness of breath.

   "Oh, what's going on over there?" Yuan Chun saw that Cheng En's brows were a little helpless, and he probably heard some news, and most of them were related to him, otherwise he would have such an unexpected look.

"My servant heard some news from Qiu Daban, and I don't know if it is true or not, but seeing that Qiu Daban's attitude has changed a lot, so this servant feels that it is more likely to be true." After a little hesitation, The little black **** still spoke honestly.

   "What news?" Yuan Chun became nervous, it must be no small thing to make Cheng En so serious.

   "Qiu Daban said that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is going back to Beijing, so the matter of begging the empress may be easier, but if the empress finds it difficult, then there is no need."

The little black **** thought carefully about every word that Qiu Daban said, and he always felt that the eyes of Qiu Daban's fat and white face were full of indescribable sneer, like a sneer, and like a thorn that was about to pierce. In my heart, but today's situation is indeed a bit wrong, that smile seems a little more real, but it makes me panic even more.

Yuan Chunyi, she had already asked Baoqin to transfer the matter raised by Qiu Shi'an to Feng Ziying, but there was no reply on how Feng Ziying would respond, and Baoqin came back only to say that Feng Ziying's answer was known, but whether it can be done or not? Do it, can it be done, but there is no half a word.

  It lasted more than a month, and although Qiu Shian never came to remind him, Yuan Chun was like a stone in his heart, and he often woke up in the middle of the night, out of breath.

   "Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is going back to Beijing, what does this mean?" Yuan Chun subconsciously asked, and Baoqin and Cheng En next to him also shook their heads to express their ignorance.

   "Easier, no need..." Yuan Chun muttered to himself, unable to figure it out for a moment, could it be that Qiu Shi'an was speaking ironically, or warning himself? Indicate that you must do it immediately, or...?

Feeling dizzy, Yuan Chun shook his head, realizing that the key point probably lies in the first sentence that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is going back to Beijing, "Cheng En, hurry up and ask outside, Qiu Shi'anna Gu still doesn't understand what Xiaofeng Xiuzhuan is going back to Beijing means."

  Cheng En nodded, "My servant also heard that the emperor has been receiving courtiers outside the palace in the East Study Room for the past few days, especially the elders who have entered the palace many times one after another. I am afraid that there is something wrong, so I will go and inquire immediately."

   Just after Yuan Chun wandered around the main hall of Fengzao Palace countless times, Cheng En finally came back in a hurry.

"Reporting to your lord, the maidservant has inquired clearly. There are rumors outside that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan has been promoted from the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion to be the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion. This is always recommended by the cabinet, and the emperor has also agreed. The official document of the official department is already being issued. , it is estimated that it will be announced to the public as a residence report soon."

  The news that Cheng En brought back had a great impact on Yuan Chun. She couldn't help supporting the desk, shook her body, and then stood still: "He has returned to the capital, Shuntian Fucheng? How is this possible? This is incredible."

  Yuan Chun actually knew that since this kind of news is so detailed and detailed, it means that there is no falsehood. If those rumors are groundless, they are basically ambiguous words, and they will not use such detailed and accurate descriptions.

It's just that she never thought that Feng Ziying killed a carbine just a year after leaving Beijing, and this carbine was so beautifully played, Shuntian Fucheng, I don't know how many people have stretched their necks, just staring at this position, But Ziying took it away.

It's no wonder Qiu Shi'an's attitude has become so weird. It may be easier to talk about Qiu Bingzhong's affairs. The meaning behind Qiu Shi'an's words is also very clear, that is, if Feng Ziying doesn't want to do it, it doesn't matter. , he will not mind because of this kind of thing, and is more willing to deepen the relationship between the two parties.

   "Your Majesty, Master Feng is going back to Beijing to be the Chancellor of the Shuntian Mansion. This is a very good thing. Do you want your slaves to go back to the mansion?" Baoqin took the initiative to share his worries.

   "No, don't worry, let me think about it." Yuan Chun calmed down, opened the window further, and let the coldness brought by the cold spring blow on his face, which could make his mind clearer.

   The third update is delivered, please ask for a ticket!



  (end of this chapter)

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