Number of People

Chapter 1300: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Industrial Ambition (Second more

  Chapter 1300 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Industrial Ambition (Tickets for the second update!)

  Feng Ziying will indeed be busy for a while.

  At the same time as Wang Wenyan's letter arrived, another person's messenger also arrived, which was actually from Qiu Shi'an.

  Of course, this is congratulations, and it can be regarded as Qiu Shian's relatives who beat around the bush.

   But his congratulations were a bit intriguing, and even made Feng Ziying a little uneasy.

He doesn't want to have anything to do with these servants in the palace, at least he doesn't have the qualifications right now. Yuan Chun expressed some intentions of Qiu Shi'an through Baoqin's words, or there are other people behind Qiu Shi'an, but Feng Ziying didn't I don't want to know, and I don't want to get too involved.

Emperor Yonglong is still facing the threat of Prince Yizhong here, and those concubines and princes have already started to play the trick of five dragons seizing the heir. Thinking about it, Feng Ziying can't help but sigh, I really think that my country is very stable up?

  Feng Ziying also knows that as her status rises, some things cannot be avoided.

  Take the servants in the palace as an example, who dares to say that Dai Quan, Xia Bingzhong and Qiu Shian didn't hook up with Ge Lao and Shangshu's servants? Who dares to say that all the princes in the court are pure ministers?

There are hundreds of people, all kinds of people, and not all scholars have a strong character, Zhang Jingqiu is fine, look at Gu Bingqian, who is more favored by Emperor Yonglong, step by step to the position of minister of the Ministry of Rites, Li Sancai sees the wind and turns the rudder, and Do you really think everyone can't see through Emperor Yonglong's tacit understanding?

   Gu Bingqian's qualifications are also a little less senior. Feng Ziying believes that as long as he survives for a few more years, Emperor Yonglong will probably support Gu Bingqian to join the cabinet next time.

The position of Shuntian Mansion is too special. The two positions of Fu Yin and Fu Cheng are not only stared at by the princes in the court, but also by the people in the palace, especially Wu Daonan's negligence in government, which has attracted the attention of the candidates for Shuntian Mansion. Now I In the upper ranks, there are those who are envious and jealous, and there are those who look on coldly.

  Zhu Zhiren left first, Wei Guangwei took over as magistrate, Feng Ziying had to hold on for a few more days, and could not leave until Wei Guangwei handed over this side of affairs, and the handover of state affairs came to an end.

  Wei Guangwei is also a capable minister. He has worked in the Ministry of Industry for many years and has a good understanding of local affairs. In addition, he and Feng Ziying also have a relationship with Feng Ziying who went south to the south of the Yangtze River, so they came up with a good relationship.

The arrival of Lian State Affairs finally marked a successful conclusion to the adjustment of Yongping Mansion, but Wei Guangwei also asked Feng Ziying and Lian State Affairs to handover clearly, especially to explain some matters that Yongping Mansion needs to deal with in the next step. Properly, even if Wei Guangwei doesn't say anything about this, Feng Ziying has to do it well, this is related to his foundation in Yongping Mansion.

   Accompanying Lian Guoshi to meet Wei Guangwei, Feng Ziying and Lian Guoshi returned to Tongzhigong.

  The next step is the official handover of the two, which involves many official duties, and there are also some Feng Ziying needs to explain specifically, which is half public and half private.

   "Is this matter urgent?" Lian Guoshi took over the thick stack of documents and asked in confusion.

"Of course." Feng Ziying nodded, "Look first, this can be regarded as an unfinished business left by me as a co-prefect. Well, the former prefect Zhu adults originally wanted to use this matter to save himself. The official career of Yongping Mansion has left a strong mark. I didn’t expect that the sky would not be fulfilled, and I failed to succeed. Now Junyu, you can just catch up. If you do it well, I believe that the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Households will give you a credit .”

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said so affirmatively, Lian Guoshi's face immediately became serious, and he took the materials and began to read them carefully.

After a while, practicing state affairs was able to digest the impact of these materials, and said in a deep voice: "So, the Huimin Salt Field was deliberately destroyed by the powerful and evil gentry in Changli and Leting in collusion with Japanese pirates, in order to achieve their embezzlement. the goal of?"

"Basically that's what it means." Feng Ziying nodded, "A lot of preliminary investigations have been done, and a lot of clues have been dug up. Basically, two powerful gentry families in Changli have been locked. There are five families in Laoting, and this one is too many. , it is naturally difficult to keep it secret, and those who gain something will naturally have envy and jealousy, as long as you put some thought into it, you can find a way."

"Then Ziying, what do you mean to do?" Lian Guoshi frowned, and he checked. These powerful gentry households are not simple. They are all famous characters in Changli and Leting. If you want to move these people, you will definitely Caused a lot of backlash and public opinion.

"Junyu, these tyrants are no different than ordinary bandits. If you take them, you will take them, and if you kill them, you will kill them. If you want to touch them, you have to kill them. Otherwise, these people will have a lot of resistance. Disposing of them will also cause us a lot of trouble.” Feng Ziying also reminded Lian of state affairs, “So it is best to capture the Japanese pirates as well, so that the stolen goods can be obtained together, so that the case can be closed as an iron case. "

   "Ziying, it seems that you are very sure? How to deal with the Japanese pirates?" Lian Guoshi read all the files and felt that the Japanese pirates were the most difficult to deal with.

   These people come and go without a trace at sea, how can we hold them?

  If you can’t catch these Japanese pirates, you can’t convict these powerful gentry and drag them into an unsolved case, which will not only damage the prestige of the government, but also bring many sequelae.

   "Denglai Navy." Feng Ziying said softly.

"Oh?" Lian suddenly realized the state affairs. No wonder Feng Ziying was so sure. With the Denglai Navy, it would be easy to deal with hundreds of Japanese pirates. Come to Yongping Mansion, maybe there will be good things.

"Master Shen, I said it last time, because it happened to be delayed by the Mongol invasion. I also said hello to Hou Chengzu. He will lead the troops when the time comes. We just need to catch the clues here. , and then inform the navy, they will set off northward, stop at Dagu for a while, and then go straight to Xiangyun Island and Yuetuo, catching them by surprise. You can discuss the specific arrangement at that time, in a word, it will be All in one catch."

"With the criminal evidence of the collusion between Japanese pirates and Changli Leting tycoons, no matter how much they stabbed them into the sky, they will not be able to solve the case. This also affects the face of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Household Affairs. Whoever dares to intervene, just wait. The censors and the household department are angry." Feng Ziying rubbed her hands and said with a smile: "I also asked someone to arrange an inside line at the Leting in Changli. If there is no accident, these Japanese pirates will come back in late spring and early summer, and then they will do it. good time."

   Lian Guoshi secretly sighed in his heart, this is the background of Wu Xun's background.

Both Shen Yourong and Hou Chengzu came from warriors. Civil servants can control them, but they need to have enough status and confidence. Civil servants like Feng Ziying who came from martial arts can naturally get the favor of this warrior. For a twenty-year-old civil servant like Feng Ziying, which military general would be convinced by you and advise you?

   "Thank you, Ziying." Lian Guoshi thanked him sincerely.

"Hey, Jun Yu, it's meaningless if we both still talk about it." He waved to Feng Ziying, "We are like-minded. If you help me, you are helping me. I also hope that you can grasp and control the situation in Yongping Mansion as soon as possible. ..."

   "Ziying, what you said is a bit out of line, the magistrate is Brother Xian." Lian Guoshi smiled.

"I know that Uncle Xian and we are both scholars from the north, so his energy will not be concentrated on this, and some of his views are also different from ours." Feng Ziying did not deny, "Maybe in three years he will Leave, but we want to do a good job in Yongping Mansion, so that the gentry and common people in Yongping Mansion can feel the changes that our hard work has brought to their lives,..."

Feng Ziying's words seemed a bit confiding, "You and I can vividly remember the life of nearly a million common people in Yongping Mansion. It can be said that asking for food and clothing is a very luxury. Displaced by refugees, or starved to death everywhere, this situation is exactly what you and I as scholars should try to change, isn't it?"

Lian was moved by state affairs, and after pondering for a while, he said: "Ziying, I know that you are pushing for mining, building workshops, roads, and port business, but there are so many people in Lian, and these alone can solve the livelihood of the people? There are nearly one million people in Pingfu, and the number of people who can be accommodated by mining, building workshops, building roads and opening ports is only 100,000 people, which is the limit, and road construction accounts for the majority, and it is unsustainable. Once the road is repaired, how can they make a living? I think this comes down to the root In the end, the problem of land and food must be solved, of course, I also admit that what you have done is indeed very innovative and can indeed solve many problems, but it is difficult to solve the fundamental problem."

The view of practicing state affairs is not only the most traditional concept of scholars who regard food as the first priority and agriculture as the foundation, but also conform to the current situation of this era and the current situation of the Great Zhou. With the development of science and technology and productivity, it is difficult for industry and commerce to accommodate the huge agricultural population. The key to the survival of the Great Zhou Dynasty is whether the common people can have enough food and clothing to cover their bodies. , it is obvious that neither industry nor commerce can answer, and we have to work **** agriculture.

But Feng Ziying is also very clear that in the Great Zhou Dynasty in the Little Ice Age, it is inevitable to encounter various floods, droughts and natural disasters and huge disasters brought about by the colder climate, especially in the north. If we do not find a way to solve it, then It is inevitable that Da Zhou will follow the path of his previous life, Da Ming, and this is absolutely unacceptable to him.

Of course, it is impossible for industry and commerce to solve these problems overnight. Similarly, the introduction of potatoes and sweet potatoes introduced by Xu Guangqi is still a drop in the bucket, but at least these methods can alleviate the various crises that Dazhou will encounter to a certain extent, so Feng Ziying must insist on himself Ideal concept, to put into practice.

  Now he has to convince Lian Guoshiye to believe in himself and work hard for it.

  (end of this chapter)

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