Number of People

Chapter 1310: Xin Zijuan Setting sun, grass and trees entanglement

  Chapter 1310 Xin Zijuan Grass and Tree Entanglement in the Setting Sun

"Brother Huan, you have too much confidence in Brother Feng, don't you?" Feng Ziying laughed dumbly, "There is no precedent for having a third wife, but it is very common to have a second wife, even though our Feng family is a noble family, That only needs to be approved by the Ministry of Rites. As for the restoration of the title, it is not too special. Although my second uncle died of illness, he has served the country for decades, and he should have been Uncle Yunchuan of our Feng family. , it’s just a vain noble, so it won’t embarrass the imperial court.”

"Brother Feng, what you said is easy, but you can't fool me. I know it's not easy. If it were someone else, it wouldn't be possible." .

The happiness of the third sister depends on Brother Feng. From another perspective, Jia Huan also firmly believes that his third sister will not only win Brother Feng's favor, but also become Brother Feng's right-hand man. He has absolute confidence in this. Self-confidence, and you can benefit a lot from it in the future.

   Regarding Jia Huan's insistence, Feng Ziying was also speechless. He recognized this point, believed that he was superior in ability and could do everything at his fingertips, so he had to be his brother-in-law. Could there be something wrong?

"Brother Huan, what do you think I should do?" Feng Ziying spread her hands helplessly, "Your third sister will definitely not accept being a concubine, as you said, there may be resistance from your parents, but still You can think of a way, but how will your third sister pass this test?"

  Jia Huan's eyes sparkled brightly, "Brother Feng, my third sister trusts you very much. If you give her a promise, she will give up her heart..."

   "Stop! Brother Huan, what promise are you talking about?" Feng Ziying sensed that the situation was not good, and hurriedly stopped the other party.

   "For example, give her an imperial order in the future..." Jia Huantu looked at it poorly.

   "Decree?!" Feng Ziying opened her mouth wide.

  Uh, it’s not that he was shocked. To be honest, he wasn’t very interested in such vain things, even including the Earl of Yunchuan and his father’s Shenwu General Xujue.

The same is true for such orders, but this does not mean that people in this era do not value this. For example, although Baochai said that it does not matter whether the second wife Yunchuanbo can be re-elected, but when she really heard that the re-employment was successful and wanted to marry her, she still wanted to marry her. Isn't it so excited that your lips are trembling with tears in your eyes?

   Things you don’t value don’t mean others don’t, and Feng Ziying doesn’t care about things like orders, but dare you say that these women in the room don’t value them?

According to the usual practice, the system of feudal gifts for women of the Great Zhou Dynasty generally followed the previous Ming Dynasty, but it was not as strict as the previous Ming Dynasty. The style was the same as that of the previous Ming Dynasty. People, children of the seventh rank, mothers, grandmothers, and wives can be posthumously granted at the first and second ranks, and mothers and wives can be posthumously granted to the mothers and wives below the third rank.

   But without exception, as a wife, only a first wife and a big wife can be qualified, and concubines are not included.

   Of course, this is just an example, and there are precedents for exceptions, but that kind of situation is particularly rare and more likely to cause controversy.

  In Feng Ziying's eyes, this imperial order is even less meaningful than Xu Jue, but no woman would not take it seriously.

According to the usual practice, officials below the fourth rank must have served for more than three years before they are eligible to apply for imperial orders from the court. Feng Ziying's father is already the governor of the second rank, and he is already at the top of the level of generals, so my mother has long been There is a command.

  But he was only two years in the Hanlin Academy, and only one year in the Yongping Mansion as a co-prefect.

However, the situation is different now. Officials of the fourth rank or above are eligible to apply for imperial orders as soon as they take office. For Feng Ziying, Shen Yixiu and Xue Baochai are already eligible to obtain imperial orders. Of course, this also needs to be applied to the Ministry of Rites. Finally, the emperor A unified decree was granted.

   "Yes, commandment." Jia Huan said calmly, "If Brother Feng can make such a promise to Third Sister, then all the knots in Third Sister's heart will be resolved."

   "Brother Huan, do you understand what this edict means?" Feng Ziying looked at Jia Huan helplessly: "Non-official wives and aunts are not allowed to confer gifts,..."

   "No, there are exceptions." Jia Huan responded decisively.

   "Uh,..." Feng Ziying was taken aback and then realized that what the other party was talking about was the old practice of Yu Qingdong seventy years ago.

   But that is not rewarding for meritorious deeds, Yu Qingdong only came up with that trick in order to protect himself!

Feng Ziying knows the story of the scene 70 years ago better than Jia Huan. Yu Qingdong made a great contribution to Qin Wang, which attracted the hostility of the cabinet ministers and the Minister of the Ministry of War and other officials who showed nothing in this battle. If the emperor If he wanted to be rewarded again, he would have to directly join the cabinet, or even take over as chief assistant.

  Yu Qingdong also knew that he had made such a great contribution and the officials in the DPRK and China had not been able to share the credit, which was a big taboo, but he was helpless.

  Because all the princes of the imperial court were besieged in the city and did not show any performance at that time, this naturally aroused the hostility of many people, so he made the request of seeking an imperial order for his concubine mother, which obviously violated the regulations.

In the end, Emperor Guangyuan gave this imperial edict, which also caused an uproar in the court. Yu Qingdong also successfully won many criticisms and impeachments. Naturally, it was impossible to talk about things like joining the cabinet, so he perfectly avoided this. doomed.

Of course, ordinary people would not understand the mysteries here, and after a long time, many insiders also kept silent for various reasons, so from outsiders' perspective, this is the emperor's extraordinary order to the concubine after Yu Qingdong's meritorious deeds Award, but in fact, how many people know about the stormy seas and dangers here?

   "Brother Feng, am I right?" Jia Huan felt complacent seeing that Feng Ziying was at a loss for words.

   "Hmph, you remember these things firmly, but you don't know the inside story here." Feng Ziying was too lazy to explain.

   "No matter what the inside story is, there is indeed a precedent, right? Don't tell me you won't be able to do this in the future, Brother Feng, I don't believe it!" Jia Huan spoke eloquently.

It can't be said that Jia Huan's words are unreasonable, there are precedents, so with Feng Ziying's current performance, it seems that he can really follow the example of Yu Qingdong, after making a certain contribution, in exchange for a special decree from the emperor .

  And the current Minister of Rites, Gu Bingqian, is Emperor Yonglong's caring person. Only the emperor follows his lead, and the emperor has a will. He is absolutely impossible to be like the Minister of Rites who swore to die like the Minister of Rites seventy years ago.

  Thinking about it this way, even Feng Ziying herself felt that she really had a chance, but using such an illusory promise to deceive Tanchun, okay?

  Feng Ziying herself felt a little ashamed, isn't this a little too scumbag?

But seeing Jia Huan's piercing eyes staring at him, Feng Ziying was a little speechless: "Brother Huan, no one can guarantee anything about this kind of thing. I don't know what to do. You want me to ask your third sister Promise something, I really can't keep it."

"Brother Feng, you also said earlier that you were interested in the third sister. You promised to do it, but you did not invite you to realize it immediately. In fact, I think that the third sister may actually want a promise from you. This is a big deal for her. Psychological comfort, as for doing it, as long as you work hard, I don't think Third Sister will care about it,..."

Jia Huan's words made Feng Ziying couldn't help but take a deep breath. This guy actually felt like he was a friend of women, and he could figure out the feelings of these girls, but I have to say that his words were also in line with Feng Ziying's thoughts. approximate.

In fact, Tanchun just refuses to accept this tone, but the difference between the mother-in-law and the concubine is an obstacle that cannot be avoided and surpassed in this era. Even Feng Ziying, a traverser, cannot be reversed by herself, so give her a piece of psychological comfort. It is enough for Tanchun to be satisfied. As for whether it can be realized, maybe it is not that important?

   After dismissing Jia Huan, Feng Ziying scratched her head and thought for a while.

Tanchun's bright eyes, kind eyes, and heroic face reappeared before her eyes, especially the heroic spirit revealed in her speech, which was Feng Ziying's favorite. In the book "Dream of Red Mansions", such a girl ended up marrying outside the territory and became a The object of marriage, this is unacceptable to Feng Ziying.

  Just as Jia Huan said, he hesitated to intervene in Tanchun's future by himself.

  It seems that there are enough women around me, but I always feel that the heroines in the book cannot change their fate and cause them to repeat the same mistakes.

  Look, what else can I do? Feng Ziying thought helplessly, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and if there is no way, you have to wade out.


"Is it true that enemies don't get together." Wang Haoli picked up the teacup and put it down again, sighing, "We just left Yongping to enter the capital, but he rushed to the capital city behind us, and Gao Shengshun Tianfu Chancellor , the 20-year-old Shuntian Fu Cheng, do you believe it?"

Du Fu on the side licked his lips silently: "My lord, if it doesn't work, I will do it again. I didn't succeed at the Guhe Ferry. It's because he was lucky. He didn't die before the end of the day. Lord Yan refused to accept him, but come again." I don't believe he can have such good luck."

The other person, Zheng Sizhong, shook his head: "You said it so lightly, this is the capital city, how do you take the bow and crossbow out? The people from the Patrol Battalion and the Wucheng Bingma Division are certainly a bunch of trash, but ants kill elephants so much that they bite How can we get away without us?"

  Du Fu is suffocated, indeed, this is the capital city, the Fangjia system is strict, and assassination is required. No matter whether it succeeds or not, the people in the patrol camp and the five city soldiers and horses must strictly investigate. As long as there are some clues, they can follow the clues to investigate.

Not long after they entered the capital, they already felt the difference deeply. Even with the help of the congregation in the city, they had to change their addresses a few times before they settled down. This was because a congregation was in the Daxing County Government Office. To do things is to get the identity certificates of several people.

  (end of this chapter)

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