Number of People

Chapter 1312: Xin Zijuan Chaos of Grass and Trees in the Setting Sun (2)

  Chapter 1312 Xin Zijuan Sunset Sun Grass and Tree Chaos (2)

  Second brother Jing certainly knows the tricks here. The stewards of the warehouse, the soldiers, the grain merchants, the ship owners, and the buyers all form a dragon, and they all come to share the rich profits from it.

  Every year, the so-called fire, insect eating, and drying are lost. Are they really annihilated like this? It's impossible to think about it. Why are so many people going forward and risking beheading to do this kind of business? It's not because the benefits are too great, and there are people from higher levels involved.

The people in the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate are all clean, even if some of them are clean, but if there are one or two involved in it, you only need to use your mouth to get a letter, and you can gain a lot, He Le Why not?

In contrast, Tongzhou is too close to the capital, and it can be regarded as a large metropolis. There are people coming and going, and there are a lot of people talking. I really dare not behave like Yangcun and Tianjinwei. The conventional routine is Trade the old for the new, trade the inferior for the good, trade less for more, or falsely report damages, but to be honest, there is still some sense of propriety.

It was precisely because he was worried that those guys in Yangcun and Tianjin Wei would be too presumptuous and make too much noise, which would attract the attention of the new Shuntian Mansion Cheng and implicate Tongzhou, so he felt that he should proceed carefully and come and talk to him first. The people below said hello and wiped the dirty places first.

Who could have predicted this catastrophe? If you don’t make good preparations, maybe there will be no accidents in Yangcun and Tianjinwei, and the first fire will burn on your own head. Who made Tongzhou too close to the capital city? ?

"Okay, we can't take care of other people's affairs, so let's take care of our own affairs. The new official takes office three fires, who knows where this little Feng Xiuzhuan will burn the first fire?" Second Brother Jing waved his hand, Steady your mind, "From today onwards, both of you, go back and stay honestly with me, and let me see you here again, don't worry about me being rude. Don't gossip about Yangcun and Tianjin Wei, or even A wake up call over there,..."

   Lu San was surprised, "Why?"

   Wouldn’t it be best for someone to come forward, and attract the attention, and we can steal Qingtai here.

"Hmph, do you think the fire won't go to our side? If something happened to them, wouldn't they pull people into the water? You know what they're doing, but they don't know anything about our side?" Brother Jing sighed He breathed a sigh of relief, "I hope this little Feng Xiuzhuan will not be so angry and go to war."


Outside the You'an Gate, a long line of ox carts, horse carts, and donkey carts are slowly advancing, and a shiny horse is slowly kicking past. The man in brocade clothes and fur immediately saw the car from afar. The carriage with the Chen character logo, quickly got off the horse and trotted all the way over.

"Fourth Uncle, why are you here today?" Coming to the carriage, the curtain of the carriage was opened slightly, and the cold wind came in. The old man inside shivered and shivered, and then said impatiently: "Come up and say Bar."

The man in brocade clothes jumped onto the shaft of the car, and then got into the car. He immediately warmed up a lot, with a flattering attitude: "Fourth Uncle, what brought you here today? Didn't you specially supervise me here? If I didn't leave Here, aren't you going to miss out?"

   "Hmph, how can I have so much time to supervise you? I just came over to take a look, and by the way, see that these **** are not doing their best." The old man drooped his eyelids, and his spirit seemed a little listless.

The man in brocade clothes looked at the other party suspiciously. Could it be that this master just got up from the belly of some woman, and he didn't look at his own body? He was still tossing around like this. Sooner or later he would die under the woman's skirt. Of course, these can only be imagined. It's just thinking, but I dare not show it on the surface.

   "How is the situation of the Zheng family over there?" The old man asked after being silent for a while.

"Hmph, it's been a lot of tossing, two fights, seven or eight people were injured on our side, and they didn't feel better on their side. Two legs were broken, and one was disfigured..." Jinyi fur The man proudly said: "There must be someone who comes first and then arrives first. Just because there is a noble concubine in the family, we will not follow the rules? I will not go to the west mountain to visit. Who has our Chen family ever climbed?"

  The old man frowned a little irritably, "Little Six, find a way to contact the Zheng family about this matter, press it."

  The man in brocade clothes was taken aback, and he couldn't believe his ears: "Fourth Uncle, what did you say?"

"I said that this matter can't continue to make trouble. The people over there carried people to the Wanping County Government, and there was a lot of trouble..." The old man's face was slightly gloomy, "I said hello to Wanping County, Hold it down for the time being, but you can't continue to quarrel, you go to the Zheng family's management, let's sit down and talk,..."

"Why?" The brocade-clothed man was a hundred times unwilling, and he was even more puzzled, "We're taking advantage of the reason, is this still in accordance with the rules? We also have people in Wanping County, don't be afraid, their Zheng family's foundation We all know that there will be no big storms, and the Wanping County Yamen important person, I will go..."

   "It's not about this." The old man raised his voice: "You think you are justified, and you think you should take it for granted. Where did the kiln on the west side come from? Have you reported it to the county government? Have you filed it?"

  The man in brocade clothes couldn't understand it even more, "Fourth Uncle, what's wrong with you today, didn't you drink the breakfast bar?"

The old man stared at the other party coldly, kept looking down at the other party, and then muttered: "This is just a few kilns, where did they come from? Didn't we dig it ourselves? The county government said hello, it's not just a little How many reports have you made? Hasn’t it always been like this? Except for the first batch of filings in this dynasty, which one has filed later? The West Railway Station is originally a land of no one. Isn’t everyone the same? Who cares about this? Who can care? What's wrong with you, fourth uncle?"

  The old man sighed, and he also knew that the people below must not understand, thinking that he was full, and the Zheng family didn’t have the upper hand, and they lost the reasoning, isn’t it like this in Xishan?

   Are you being too sensitive? That little Feng Xiuzhuan really wants his superiors to make some political achievements, and the theory should not be a fuss about it. There are too many people involved here, from the royal family to the martial arts and powerful to the gentry Civil officials, monasteries, monks and Taoists, whoever can intervene has no background, why would he bother to get involved in this muddy water?

But I know that because there are too many interests involved and the fight is too fierce, even Wanping County can't suppress it, and there are often quarrels, so "Today News" has reported it twice this year alone. Those frustrated people use public opinion to make a noise, just want to smash the stalls, break up in two, or hope to redistribute through smashing.

The Chen family and the Zheng family are fighting for profit, although they can't give in, but the quarrel is too fierce, and being taken advantage of by others, this joint is pushed to the cusp of the storm, and it may become the third fire of the new official's appointment. The first fire started.

  The situation of the Chen family is not good now, and they can't stand such a torment. The wall is down and everyone pushes it. Who dares to say that when the Chen family is in crisis, no one will come back to take advantage of the fire?

  So he felt that it was wise to make concessions to the Zheng family, even temporarily or in a measure, to avoid the intensification of conflicts, to get through this turbulent period, and to prevent the Chen family and the Zheng family from becoming a burning period for new officials after Feng Keng took office.

"The weather is going to change." The old man glanced at the gradually cloudy sky, and reached out his hand from the side of the carriage curtain to touch it. Light snow began to fall in the sky again, and the spring was cold. What happened to the weather this year? It's getting warmer, but it's still such a ghostly weather.

   "Is the sky going to change?" The man in brocade clothes was stunned for a while, feeling that there was something in the other party's words, but seeing the other party reaching out to feel the falling snowflakes, he didn't react for a while.

"Let's think about it for yourself." The old man said lightly: "I'm done talking here. It is said that I should not meddle in my own business at this age. There is a big brother in charge of the house, and everyone in your generation has grown up. Maybe I'm worrying too much."

Seeing that the other party spoke a bit harshly, the man in brocade clothes turned serious and bowed, "Fourth Uncle, if what I said earlier conflicted, please forgive me, my nephew really doesn't quite understand what happened. , tell your nephew well,..."

The old man took a look at the other party, and seeing that the other party had become more submissive, he let out a sigh of relief and said, "In the past few years, everyone here in Xishan has started kilns with their heads depressed, that's because Shuntian Prefecture and Wanping County don't care much , Wucheng Bingmasi and Gongbu Street Office do not go out of the city, so there is such a scene, but everyone knows that charcoal is getting more and more expensive now, and the supply is getting less and less. Except for the imperial court and some big families, The supply of charcoal is no longer available, and we can only rely on coal for support, but the coal in our capital mainly comes from the Xishan side. Except for some approved by the imperial court when it was established, what else? Everyone is doing it secretly. Of course, it is mainly because Yuanxi started to develop after 30 years..."

  The man in brocade clothes was puzzled: "It's all like this. I have been here for so many years, and Shuntian Prefecture and Wanping County haven't said anything,..."

"Huh, four years ago, the Shuntian government office intended to rectify the folk kilns on the Xishan side. It happened that the former governor died of illness and Wu Daonan took over, so this matter was put on hold. In addition, the Ministry of Industry didn't make much trouble, so it's okay. Just dragged it down,..."

  The man in brocade clothes was taken aback, "Master Wu has resigned?"

"That's not true, but the new prime minister has just taken office." The old man said calmly: "Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, this is a master who will make Yongping mansion angry when he goes to Yongping mansion, you know he will go In one year, how many reports against him have the Metropolitan Procuratorate received? How many gentry have been tossed and screamed by him?"

  The man in brocade clothes is not afraid anymore, and even likes it a little: "Feng Keng? How dare you, everyone is from a martial arts background, can he still forget his roots?"

"Fuck! He's a civil servant now, looking for an opportunity to show his prestige!" The old man was angry and resentful, "Why are you so confused? If you shoot the first bird, maybe those scholar-officials are just trying to force him to call for a vote." The name certificate, self-certification of clarity!"

   "Huh?!" The brocade-clothed man was shocked, "Isn't that reasonable?"

"Hmph, who knows the intention of those civil servants to bring him back. All in all, the water here is too deep to see clearly. I always think it's not a good thing. The imperial court has always had constant disputes over the opening of the kiln in Xishan, but everyone has I don't want to poke this hornet's nest. Now that Feng Keng is back, you see, someone will definitely instigate and encourage this kid to poke it..."

The old man returned to normal, and stared at the other party viciously: "Remember, be honest during this time, and say hello to the Zheng family, they should stop if they are not stupid, and the Chen family can't be this early bird, otherwise I'm afraid they can't even be saved, and so are they."

  (end of this chapter)

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