Number of People

Chapter 1314: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass, Trees and Daiyu Treat Guests

  Chapter 1314 Xin Zijuan Set Sun Grass Trees Daiyu Treats Guests

Daiyu was about to nod her head in agreement, but suddenly she shook her head again: "Hanfang Pavilion is big enough, but after dinner, everyone may have to go for a walk. I think the weather is very good today, so why not arrange it in Congfang Pavilion?" Let’s go to Bishanzhuang, after eating, we can sit on the balcony outside, sisters, drink tea and talk for a while.”

   Zijuan looked back in surprise, as if she couldn't believe it was her own girl's suggestion.

This Tubi Villa is no better than other places. This is the best location in the entire Grand View Garden, because it is located on the ridge, overlooking the entire Grand View Garden and even Rongning Second Mansion. Well, other people generally don't think of it, why does my girl suddenly want to use Tubi Mountain Villa today?

Moreover, because of the high terrain of Tubi Mountain Villa, it will definitely be a lot of trouble if the back kitchen serves food. You have to go up the mountain along the mountain road. Although you can set up a steamer behind Tubi Mountain Villa to heat it, after all, you have to cook in the back kitchen. One more process is required, which is very troublesome, so the people in the back kitchen must not be happy. Fortunately, except for the ancestors, no one has been tossed like this.

   Now that Lin Daiyu suddenly wants to use Tubi Villa, what does the kitchen think?

   "Girl,..." Zijuan hesitated to speak.

"Okay, Zijuan, I'll use Tubi Mountain Villa. I'm running out of time now. Let Xueyan go to the back kitchen to say hello. Here, you go and talk to my sister-in-law in person. I will invite you in person." As soon as Tan girl and Yun girl are invited, Sister Miaoyu and Xiuyan, Second Sister and Fourth Sister, let Chunxian, Tuguan, and Ouguan go and invite them."

   This time Daiyu was extraordinarily decisive, and there was almost no chance for Zijuan to intervene.

  Zijuan dare not persuade her. She also knows that her daughter is usually a non-dispute character, but once a matter is settled, it will not change, especially what she values, and it is best not to rebel.

   Zijuan has a quick mind and has been by Daiyu's side for so many years. With Daiyu's arrangement, she also guessed some of Daiyu's thoughts.

Tubi Mountain Villa is the best, and if the girl wants to invite Miss Bao, she must be the host. On the other hand, now that the second wife is coming, the girl can't lose her momentum.

   "Your servant finds out, I'm going to Grandma Zhu's place now." Zijuan nodded, and when she went out, she called Xueyan over, gave her instructions, and gave Xueyan a handful of copper coins.

Xueyan is the No. 2 girl in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, second only to Zijuan. Now there are five girls in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Zijuan, Xueyan, Chunxian, Diguan, and Ouguan. Slack the three of them.

  The back kitchen has always been very submissive to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, especially after Daiyu and Uncle Feng got engaged, it was even more unusual, almost equal to Baoyu.

But Zijuan is also a savvy person, knowing that after all, the girl is not a genuine girl from the Jia family, and the two masters are just uncles, so the relationship needs to be sorted out. People respect me a foot, and I respect others. This is Zijuan However, the arrangement was very appropriate, for those who have to work hard in the kitchen today, so a hundred copper coins were thrown over, and naturally all resentment and dissatisfaction disappeared.

  Xiaoxiang Pavilion is very close to Qiushuangzhai. Daiyu came to Qiushuangzhai alone, and met the servant at the door.

   "Miss Lin?" Seeing Lin Daiyu coming alone, the servant was very surprised, and glanced at the fact that there was no one else behind Daiyu, "Where is the dead girl Zijuan? You let the girl come out alone?"

  Daiyu coquettishly: "Servant, why can't I go out alone? The girl is in charge of the house, and I'm just in this yard. Is there any accident after walking a few steps?"

  The waiter let out a chuckle, "The servant made a slip of the tongue. I usually watched Zijuan follow the girl, but today I saw the girl coming here alone early in the morning, so I was a little surprised,..."

   "Hmph, it's still early? Isn't girl Tan getting up yet? The sun is drying her ass,..." As soon as she said the words, she felt that the word "butt" was a bit vulgar, and Daiyu blushed slightly, "Is girl Tan here?"

"Hmph, even if you fell asleep, you would still be woken up by someone chewing your tongue behind your back." Tanchun's figure appeared in the courtyard, and glared at Lin Daiyu: "You have such a bone body, you don't care about the frost and ice when you run away early in the morning." What are you doing out here? Hurry up and come in to keep warm, Brother Feng will feel distressed when he sees you."

Although the words were blunt, the care she showed was self-evident. Lin Daiyu blushed when Tanchun said, "Feng Dagar will feel distressed when he sees it", and he stretched out his hand to twist Tanchun's mouth. , but was dodged by Tanchun, he took the other's hand and said with a smile: "You are a big girl who is about to marry, and you are so presumptuous. Are you afraid that the Feng family will annul your engagement?"

"Bah!" Lin Daiyu spat on Tanchun, her face became more and more flushed, but she let Tanchun take her hand and walked in, "Brother Feng is not so rigid, but he always encourages me to be more active, kick the shuttlecock, Throwing pots is said to be good for the body,..."

  A complex look appeared in Tanchun's eyes, but he quickly returned to his usual cheerfulness and generosity, "Brother Feng cares about you, and he can also customize sports such as shuttlecock kicking and throwing pots for you, as well as playing mahjong."

"Brother Feng said playing mahjong is good, but it's not suitable to sit for a long time. It's better to go out for activities for half an hour, so as not to strain your back in the future..." Daiyu didn't notice the change in Tanchun's eyes, but embraced Tanchun. It was even tighter, and the head was slightly tilted, and the face was next to the temple of the other party, very affectionate.

   Tanchun seemed to feel Daiyu's closeness, and his heart trembled slightly.

  If Daiyu knew that she might marry Brother Feng as a concubine, or even leave the third house where she lived, what would she think? Thinking of this, Tanchun shivered subconsciously, not daring to think about it any further.

  Originally, they love each other as sisters, but will they turn against each other? Maybe not, but can the current sisterhood be maintained? Tanchun can't imagine.

  Seeing that Tanchun didn't speak, but just entered the room arm in arm, Daiyu said, "Tan girl, do you know that Sister Bao is coming to the house today?"

   "Well, I heard about it." Tanchun collected his thoughts and replied: ""My sister also knows? "

"Sister Bao's return this time is equivalent to going back to the door. I want to call the sisters together and have a little gathering together. The Xiaoxiang Pavilion is too narrow, so I want to set up a table in Tubi Mountain Villa, so I will ask Zijuan to ask my sister-in-law to say something by the way, and I will let you know that you are in charge of the affairs of the mansion now." Daiyu said softly: "I also know the situation in the mansion is not right now. How about it, so today I will ask Zijuan to take ten taels of silver from my house to the back cook for today's meal, so that no one will gossip."

   "Hey, no matter how bad the situation in the mansion is, sister Bao can afford a meal when she returns home. Why should sister be so cautious?" Tanchun shook his head.

"That's not to say, I called Yun girl, second sister, fourth sister, sister Miaoyu and Xiuyan, and sister-in-law Zhu's two younger sisters. It's still a big table, and it's rare for me. As soon as you come back, let me grant this wish." Daiyu and Tanchun entered the room and sat down.

Tanchun also knows that Daiyu's status is quite special now, so it's okay to add a dish to eat something good, but for such a large table of people, there must be some attention to the dishes, so it is necessary to be cautious. And she was still in Tubi Mountain Villa, so she stopped insisting, "It's okay, anyway, you are a little rich woman, and you don't need the money, but the second sister-in-law and the second brother Bao, you..."

   "Forget about the second brother Bao. Sister Bao is already married, so it is inconvenient to be together again. I want to invite the second sister-in-law, but I am afraid that the second sister-in-law will not come when she sees someone else..." Daiyu hesitated.

  Hearing what Daiyu said, Tanchun also felt that Baoyu was definitely not suitable. Sister Bao was already married, so naturally she couldn't just eat at the same table with other men, but it was really difficult for the second sister-in-law.

   "My sister should still invite her. In the past, our second sister-in-law would come for dinner. Although she and Lian's second brother are separated now, they are still relatives. If we don't invite them, we will be rude."

When Daiyu heard it, she felt that it was true. Wang Xifeng had always been very kind to her. She was just worried that she would feel sad and refused to come. But now that the other party lives alone at home, she is very lonely. If she is invited to this situation, she might be very happy. .

"Well, my sister is right, I'll go and invite her in person later, how about my sister come with me?" Daiyu looked at Tanchun, "You don't even have this little time today, do you? "

   "It's not that exaggerated. If you say it, the sister-in-law is still busy. I just listened and checked the gaps." Tanchun waved his hand, "I will go with you."

   "In that case, let's go, first go to Ouxiangxie to wake up girl Yun, this girl is definitely still sleeping in." Daiyu became more energetic, "Let's go and make trouble for her."

Unsurprisingly, Shi Xiangyun was still lying on the bed, and told Cuilu to keep silent, the two sneaked into the room, suddenly put their cold hands into the brocade quilt, grabbed Shi Xiangyun, and almost jumped out of the cold When he got up, seeing Daiyu and Tanchun, Xiangyun captured the thief first and captured the king first. He jumped up and pressed Daiyu on the bed regardless, and suddenly went crazy.

For a while, the room was filled with the sound of warblers and swallows, lively and fragrant. Shi Xiangyun, who was only wearing small underwear, "wrestled" with Daiyu Tanchun on the bed, until exhausted, the three of them lay on the bed panting rest.

  Hearing that Daiyu was entertaining guests at Tubi Mountain Villa, Xiangyun was originally a lively person, and immediately fell in love with it, clamoring to invite the second sister-in-law together with Tanchun Daiyu, and the three of them packed up and got up to go out.

  (end of this chapter)

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