Number of People

Chapter 1323: Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass and Trees Infiltrated

  Chapter 1323 Xin Zijuan Infiltration of Grass and Trees in the Setting Sun

  Wang Wenyan obviously came prepared.

  Since Feng Ziying was expected to return to Beijing to take up the post of Shuntian Fucheng, he acted urgently, and together with Cao Yu began to dig and collect all aspects of Wu Daonan.

  From Wu Daonan's biography to his character, his main backers and party members in the court, and of course his family situation, his political orientation and personal preferences are also included.

Cao Yu also played a big role. As the editor-in-chief of "Today's News", the size of the editorial team under his command has expanded to dozens of people. Humanoids are almost a third each.

   Of course, these three types of people also have their own emphasis, but the first two are dominant in editing, while the last type is dominant in news gathering.

This team was slowly formed by Cao Yu's painstaking efforts. Among them, the good treatment and the cruel elimination mechanism have cultivated and trained a group of talents in this field. Even Feng Ziying praised Cao Yu's introduction Going on and on, this is somewhat similar to the embryonic form of modern media.

Cao Yu also followed Feng Ziying's suggestion and established a huge document database by category. Although it seems that there is nothing to see because of the short time, as time goes by, Feng Ziying believes that the importance of this document database will increase. Every day.

One type of this kind of document database is about the officials of the DPRK and China. The content they appear and involve in "Today's News" will be marked one by one, so that you can easily browse what he has done and said before. Of course this means public.

  Wang Wenyan also has another intelligence collection system in his hands, but his collection system is not as open and broad as Cao Yu's "Today's News", but it is more secretive and more targeted.

"My lord, I have done some research on Mr. Wu." Wang Wenyan said very quietly: "This person has worked in the Ministry of Rites for a long time. He used to be the right servant of the Ministry of Rites. Gu Bingqian, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, was at odds with each other, and the two sides attacked each other. Afterwards, Wu Daonan resigned and stepped down, and he returned as the governor of Ren Shuntian four years ago."

"Oh? He has a bad relationship with Mr. Gu?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised. Gu Bingqian was from Kunshan, Nanzhi, and Wu Daonan was from Jiangxi. Generally speaking, they were all Jiangnan scholars. But with Gu Bingqian's tact, Wu Daonan and Qi are difficult to get along with, so it's a bit strange.

"Well, Mr. Wu has a blunt temper. He thinks Mr. Gu has no character and follows others' opinions, especially the emperor Afu, who is too flattering to the servants in the palace. He is especially not used to it, so he confronted Mr. Gu several times, and later it became uncontrollable. Resign and step down,..."

  Wang Wenyan's introduction made Feng Ziying quite interesting. Nowadays, there are not many scholars with such a strong temper who would rather bend than bend.

  You may not like the Emperor Afu, but if you want to openly confront him, this is politically incorrect. Isn’t this openly feeling sorry for the emperor?

  The cabinet veterans and the six ministers also have differences with the emperor, and even have serious conflicts, but you have to master the strategy of the game of struggle. How can there be a hard steel that understands the way?

   is an interesting character.

"However, Mr. Wu seems to have a tough heart, but Wenyan thinks it's just a superficial phenomenon. The reason why he chose to go out with Gu Bingqian at the time is also a political speculation. At that time, Gu Bingqian and Ye Fang were both elders There was discord, but the emperor was very protective of Gu Bingqian, and at that time he was suppressed by Gu Bingqian in the Ministry of Rites, so he simply brought up the conflict and put all his eggs in one basket. I have been appointed as the Governor of Shuntian Mansion,..."

Wang Wenyan's introduction made Feng Ziying even more interested. He turned out to be a political speculator. To me, this was not a bad thing. The performance is not unacceptable.

Enthusiasm for literary and poetry meetings is in itself an act of inviting fame and fame. Ye Fang and the two of them should also be able to see this. As scholars, there is nothing wrong with it. Once the reputation has accumulated to a certain level, they can directly enter the hall. Mr. Wu is nearly sixty years old, and he hopes to take another step forward and become a second-rank minister, and the Minister of Rites that Gu Bingqian is sitting on now is undoubtedly Wu Daonan's goal.

As for not liking vulgar affairs, Feng Ziying has seen the other party's resume, and has almost always worked in the Ministry of Rites, promoted step by step, and has never worked in other ministries. The ones brought here also have no other experience. It can be seen that they are really unfamiliar with government affairs and unwilling to take care of them, but they want to enjoy the success of being the governor of Shuntian Prefecture.

   No wonder he didn't show much resistance to his visit, and even had a little expectation.

However, Shuntian Mansion is not Yongping Mansion, and Wu Daonan, as the governor of the third rank, is definitely unwilling to lose control of the entire mansion. This is probably a reminder from Ye Fang and others, so there is such a request to take it for himself. The attitude that the "Policy Outline" should be approved by him.

   Well, it’s a bit similar to the fact that the chairman of the board of directors needs to evaluate the policy strategy of the general manager after he takes office to see if it is satisfactory.

Feng Ziying doesn't care too much about this point, as long as the other party is not that kind of "upright and upright" temperament, as long as there is a desire for fame and fortune in his heart, and the desire to make progress, he can totally do what he likes, even if If the other party is not interested at the beginning, you can also arouse the other party's interest, and then gradually enter it, "turning" your own imagination and intention into his "wish and idea".

Regarding this point, Feng Ziying is still somewhat sure. There are too many areas where Shuntian Mansion can make political achievements. Similarly, there are places where it is easy to cause trouble. Don't mind "stirring Lou Zi", and even take pride in "stirring Lou Zi".

  Didn’t he already do it in the Ministry of Rites? Gu Bingqian, the left servant who dared to be tough, offended the emperor, so he can still copy it in Shuntian Mansion, even if he goes down again, maybe he should be Shangshu when he comes back again.

The conversation with Wang Wenyan was very effective. Along with Wang Wenyan's discussion of Wu Daonan's various experiences in Shuntian Mansion, Feng Ziying found that the other party had maintained an outstanding posture for four years, and had almost no contact with the Fucheng, Zhizhong, Tongju, and others below him. Feng Ziying was also surprised by how many intertwined officials were pushed and the officials and officials in each house.

He doesn't know how Wu Daonan got here in the past four years, and it's no wonder that he didn't make any achievements in the prominent position of Shuntian Mansion Governor, and it's even because you didn't do anything at all, and the officials under you all maintained the friendship of gentlemen Rushui's posture, as if I arrange you, and you will do it, how can things in this world be so simple?

  Do you think that when you issue an order, all states and counties will pay the summer tax and autumn tax? Do you think you can clean up military households and hidden households with one order? Do you think that if you say you are a bold lunatic, if you don't tell the truth, people will give you a truthful confession like pouring beans into a bamboo tube?

   This is too ridiculous.

  If you can't win Fucheng and Zhizhong, and you can't use them for yourself, then you have to grab one or two of them as your confidants no matter what?

   You can’t control the promotion of officials, you will have a limp in criminal and civil cases, and your gavel is really difficult to use.

  In the end, Feng Ziying could only sum it up with one sentence: there are such officials. To be honest, Feng Ziying thinks that such a person is really only suitable for going to the Imperial Academy or the Imperial College to study history and teaching scriptures, and other things are not suitable at all.

  I still fantasize about chasing fame and fortune all day long, isn't this just a joke? If you sit in that position, you won't be able to play anymore.

   "My lord, in fact, you already have a suitable candidate." Wang Wenyan smiled and prepared to leave.

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was taken aback, "Who?"

   "Fu Shi." Wang Wenyan smiled mysteriously.

   "Fu Shi?" Feng Ziying felt familiar in a trance, but couldn't remember where he heard it.

"Yes, he is a protégé of the lord of the Rongguo government, and he has always maintained close contact with the Jia family." Wang Wenyan smiled, "When Wenyan was still under the rule of Duke Lin, this person once visited Duke Lin in Yangzhou when he returned to Jinling. , he is now one of the five punishments in the Shuntian Mansion."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying's eyes lit up, "How is this person?"

However, this word is very rich, but Wang Wenyan understood Feng Ziying's meaning, and thought about his words, "I do have some talent, and I am very motivated. According to the classical Chinese, before my lord returned to Beijing a few days ago, I posted it on Mansion, and even sent a gift,..."

   "Oh, and a gift?" Feng Ziying frowned slightly. He was a little jealous of this.

"Don't worry, my lord, it's just a simple inkstone, and I also mentioned that he is a student of Jia Gong, which makes sense." Wang Wenyan smiled and said: "Although this person has more fame and fortune, he is quite polite in doing things. As for the rules, I guess he should have already informed Jia Gong and Miss Lin."

   "Well, we might as well see you then." Feng Ziying knew it.

   "There is another person who is also involved." Wang Wenyan said again.

   "Classical Chinese, why are you so hesitant today, why don't you make it clear all at once?" Feng Ziying smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I won't be able to handle it?"

   "Hehe, my lord was joking, um, it's that Zhang Hua." Wang Wenyan hesitated, "I don't know if my lord still has any impression?"

   "Zhang Hua?" Feng Ziying felt familiar again, but couldn't remember who came.

   "Well, Second Aunt You refers to the one who is married." As soon as Wang Wenyan reminded her, Feng Ziying immediately remembered, "It's him, so what about him?"

  (end of this chapter)

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