Number of People

Chapter 1329: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees to Block the Gun

  Chapter 1329 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees to Block Guns

   "Siqi, what you said is ridiculous. Who are you sorry for?" Feng Ziying tidied up her clothes in a leisurely manner, and said unhurriedly: "Tell me, um, what's wrong with you?"

  Siqi was at a loss for words for a while.

   The little **** behind the bed doesn't know who it is, how dare she say sorry to her girl? Now it is rumored in the mansion that the master wants to give the girl to the Sun family. If it is said that the girl and Uncle Feng are not clear, won't it ruin the girl's reputation?

  Now that she barged in so abruptly, the little **** behind the bed just thought that she had an affair with Uncle Feng, and even if it was rumored that she was not afraid of playing chess, that's why she was so aggressive.

Grinding his silver teeth, Siqi put his hands on his hips and stared viciously at the woman behind the bed who was obviously still arranging her clothes. He felt a little familiar, but the silk curtain was not very transparent, and he could only see the general figure, but could not see it. Knowing the details, I don't know which shameless person is so bold?

Thinking of this, Siqi's anger surged up, and he leaned forward to turn behind the bed to see who it was, but Feng Ziying was taken aback, he didn't expect that Mang Siqi would still dare to be so presumptuous in front of him, so he quickly stood up Come on, stretch out your hand to stop him: "Siqi, you have no rules. Can you control who is in the house?"

   "Who does the master have a crush on and who do you want to be with? Naturally, the servant has no right to intervene, but the servant just wants to see which girl is so shameless..."

Although Siqi is tall and strong, he is nimble and nimble. He avoided Feng Ziying's obstruction by twisting his waist, and was about to sneak behind the bed in a flash. Hugging Siqi in his arms, he held him firmly in his arms, and then said: "Let's go!"

Ping'er quietly covered half of his face and poked his head out from behind the bed, and saw Feng Ziying holding Siqi in his arms with one hand, and covering Siqi's face with a wide sleeve with the other hand, preventing him from moving and watching When he couldn't reach the outside, he got out suddenly and ran out in a flash.

Siqi was also caught off guard by Feng Ziying's arms, his head was dazed, his body was stiff for a while, he didn't know what to do, but after Feng Ziying said "go fast", there was a sound of small footsteps coming from behind the bed, and he went out As he walked away, he was anxious: "Little whore, where are you going? I want to see who it is..."

  Siqi struggled violently, nearly breaking free from Feng Ziying's arms, and one hand also took advantage of the situation to lift off the wide sleeve covering her face, struggling to see who it was that slipped out.

At this time, Ping'er had just had time to step out of the threshold with one foot. With the familiarity of the two girls, Si Qi could immediately recognize Ping'er's back just by glancing at her back. Feng Ziying suddenly pinched Si Qi's jaw with her hands , with a light pull, he turned Siqi's face over, and his eyes met.

Looking at the expression of panic, discomfort and annoyance on the face of Siqi who is being held in his arms, there is also a bit of anger and shyness, a pair of almond-shaped eyes are wide open on the ruddy face, and willow eyebrows are erect, although compared to Girls like Qingwen and Jin Chuan'er were slightly inferior in appearance, but they were still first-class beauties, especially the bold provocative and shameful eyes gave Feng Ziying a different feeling.

   Coupled with the fact that the pair of plump **** on his chest are extraordinarily tight, they are definitely the real thing, and the passion that was aroused by Pinger before suddenly ignited again.

  Siqi also noticed the changes in the eyes and body of the master holding him, subconsciously sensed the danger, and wanted to break free in panic, but was firmly restrained by Feng Ziying's pair of iron arms. How could he break free?

Feng Ziying's originally hesitant mind was intensified by Siqi's earning. When Baoxiang saw Ping'er trotting away all the way, he tiptoed in to report, but saw that another one was already in the arms of the master, and was about to do good deeds. , hurriedly shrank his head and exited the door to cover the door by the way.

Feng Ziying gave Baoxiang a wink, and Baoxiang understood and closed the door, but he was also full of emotion, the master's energy is really strong, he just settled down with Ping'er girl, and it seems that this side will have to toss the chess girl enough to give up. .

Seeing that Baoxiang closed the door, Feng Ziying stepped back and sat back on the bed. The girl in her arms was panting, her almond eyes were blurred, her red lips were like fire, and her **** that rose and fell seemed to be a little swollen, but she was caught. His scorching gaze pierced his whole body soft and boneless, and he almost collapsed in his arms.

  As soon as Feng Ziying hugged her to bed, Siqi panicked even more and struggled harder, but Feng Ziying couldn't allow her to escape at this time. You scared Ping'er away by yourself, and now you have to do it yourself.

  Feng Ziying put her arms around her and firmly locked the opponent's back, their faces were close to each other,...

Seeing that charming face and scorching gaze gradually approaching, Siqi felt that he could not breathe, and his whole body was tense and stiff like a stone, until the mouth pressed against his own lips, it was like a sky When the lightning struck the top, it completely shattered all the thoughts and moods in her heart, and she was completely lost in a daze,...

  Feeling the girl's stagnant body under her arms, Feng Ziying secretly smiled.

Don't look at this girl who is reckless on the surface, and speaks carefree and unscrupulous, but in fact she is just a baby. She just lowered her head and kissed, and immediately made this girl who had never had such an experience lose her ability to resist, and she was at a loss. What to do, the appearance of letting oneself do whatever one wants, is simply a godsend.

Pulling down the shark gauze tent casually, Feng Ziying probed deep, under Siqi's struggle, this stimulated some desires in Feng Ziying's heart, long ago I wanted to feel if there was a certain part of this girl that could be with You Two, You, Three, and even Wang Xifeng stood shoulder to shoulder, this one grasped, as expected...

Siqi was drowsy, she only felt that she had lost all resistance, her bellyband slipped off, her sweat towel was unbuttoned, and her underwear was half-faded. She didn't wake up from the sudden start until the moment the man leaned on her body, but The time has come when the arrow is on the string and has to be launched, and it is obviously a bit late.

   "Master, you can't let my girl down..." At this time, Siqi was still panting for his master,...

   "Don't worry, the second sister and you, the master will remember..." Feng Ziying also felt a little bit that Siqi is really loyal, but this is obviously different from the book "A Dream of Red Mansions".

In his impression, Siqi seems to have a cousin or a cousin. It seems that his surname is Pan and his name is Pan You'an. Grand View Garden.

Later, many clues were discovered. Everyone suspected that the embroidered spring pouch was a private meeting between Pan Youan and Siqi. This is also an unsolved case in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". Not finalized.

But the current Siqi doesn't seem to have this kind of relationship with her cousin. Perhaps the timeline is a bit ahead of schedule. After a year or so, that Pan You'an may really have some entanglements with Siqi. up.


  Accompanied by the swaying of the gauze tent on Babu's bed, more indescribable murmurs after the sound of hoo hoo pain,...

  Drunk through the thick and fragrant tent, the light is deep and the moon is light in the corridor. …

Looking at the back of Siqi staggering away with lame feet, the refreshed Feng Ziying couldn't help grinning, and looked at the pink dots on the light green sweat towel originally used for Siqi trousers, Feng Ziying was pleased. Hidden in bosom.

   It's just that Si Qi tied his sweat towel with his trouser belt, so his pants were a bit embarrassing. He searched the room for a while, but he couldn't find them.

   Reminiscing about the joyful and willful attack before, Feng Ziying couldn't help but shook hands.

It’s really impossible to master it with one hand. Compared with Eryou and Wang Xifeng, you must know that Eryou is of the blood of a Hu girl, and Wang Xifeng is a young woman who has given birth to a child, but the girl Siqi can be compared with them. No wonder In the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", it can be described as "rich and strong".

But even though she had a lot of fun, Feng Ziying was still a little uneasy. Although she winked with Baoxiang, if Daiyu or Tanchun's girl came to visit, I don't know if Baoxiang would be able to handle it, so it was inevitable that he would be in front of Si. Chess is a bit too eager for success, but fortunately Siqi can afford it.

In the future, things like this really can't just come up casually and get out of hand. If Daiyu or Tanchun and the others really encounter something and notice something, although it won't affect anything, but my impression will definitely be dusted, and even They have a contemptuous attitude towards girls like Siqi or Ping'er.


   "Master,..." Xiaobu ran in, Baoxiang took a look at his father's appearance, and couldn't see much clues, but looking at the messy bedding behind the bed, Baoxiang knew that the battle was fierce.

   "Did no one else come during this time?" Feng Ziying took a sip of the cold tea and put it down.

  Baoxiang lowered his eyelids: "Grandpa, no one came, and the little one also closed the door. If ordinary people pass by, I don't know there are people in our room."

  Feng Ziying was only half relieved, the noise was a bit loud before, and she didn't feel it before, but now she is a little scared, really afraid of being listened to by the surroundings, it's okay.

   "Uh, you go to Lian's second grandma to find Ping'er and ask for a sweat towel for me. Don't let others know, just tell Ping'er..." Feng Ziying didn't explain, just ordered.

  Baoxiang was also very sensible, and without asking a single word, he went out in a hurry and went straight to Wang Xifeng's small courtyard.

How clever Ping'er is, Baoxiang came to ask for a sweat towel after such a long time, and immediately understood, he couldn't help but feel frightened, he was afraid that Siqi blocked the gun for him, so he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he took it. He took a plain sweat towel with dots with the other party, and told him to go back quickly.

  (end of this chapter)

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