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Chapter 1340: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass and trees, will come naturally

  Chapter 1340 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees will come naturally

  Tanchun suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and sat down with Feng Ziying.

If this kind of act of entering the house is changed to an outsider, even Brother Bao or Brother Huan, it would be very abrupt. For Feng Ziying, it should be even more reckless, but it is precisely this kind of "do not treat yourself as an outsider" Hasty" behavior made Tanchun even more delighted.

  Tanchun personally brewed another cup of tea for Feng Ziying, put it in front of Feng Ziying, and then fell silent.

  In this situation, Rao Tanchun has always been hearty and generous, so it is difficult to say anything else.

  Feng Ziying thought about it for a while, he knew that it was impossible for a girl to talk about this kind of topic, and to be able to acquiesce to the third ring to speak, I am afraid that it is already the limit of a girl's self-esteem.

"Third sister, my sister should be very clear about brother Yu's situation, and brother Yu can't find a more suitable word to say..." Feng Ziying's eyes were bright, and by the light of the fish candle on the table, she looked directly at Tanchun, who was bowing her head. : "For my younger sister, Brother Yu was very heartbroken from the very first meeting, and the more we got in touch with him, the impression of my sister became clearer in Brother Yu's mind,..."

Tanchun didn't expect Feng Ziying to be so frank about her feelings and impressions. She was so ashamed that she almost stuck her head in her chest. She didn't know whether she should respond, or she kept silent like this, and she was afraid that the other party would misunderstand her and she was dissatisfied. , I could only hum softly in a nasal voice to show that I understood.

To be honest, Feng Ziying is also very embarrassed. This kind of face-to-face chat and love is totally not in line with my own ideas, but this is the case in this era. How can you have so many opportunities to get in touch with the opposite **** of the same age and gradually cultivate emotion? Most of them are the words of a matchmaker who did not meet the orders of their parents.

   It is very rare for me to have acquaintance beforehand and have some contact. This is all due to my reputation and the special relationship with the Jia family. Otherwise, I really think that the access control of the Jia family is useless? If it is really useless, it is only aimed at yourself.

  In this situation, he can only be honest and express his feelings. Fortunately, with the help of the former Huan Laosan, Feng Ziying also has a solid foundation in his heart, and he will not be rejected by Tanchun face to face, which would be embarrassing.

   "Brother Yu's family situation is like this, but it's a pity that he can't have four concubines,... Now Brother Yu can only be cheeky and plead, wronging his sister for the rest of his life..."

   It is a must to say some sweet words, even if you know it is a lie, but at least it can make the other party feel happier and more comfortable.

  Feng Ziying's words made her whole body feel warm, and her breathing became short of breath.

For a while, I lamented that I hated seeing each other when I was not married; Her cheeks became hotter and dizzy, and she didn't know how to respond.

   "Brother Yu knows that his words are a bit abrupt, but if he keeps pressing them in his heart, he will feel like he is stuck in his throat, and he can't vomit quickly. Today is also a way to express his feelings through my younger sister's birthday. Please don't blame Brother Yu for being arrogant..."

Tanchun raised his head, took a deep look at Feng Ziying, and suddenly a playful smile appeared on his face: "I don't know if Brother Feng's words are just for the younger sister, or for the second sister, sister Yun and the others. Have you said that?"

"Ah?" Feng Ziying cried inwardly. She still underestimated this quick-witted and decisive little girl. She had seen her blushing and her cheeks before. , counterattack yourself.

  Shi Xiangyun's place is naturally irrelevant. Feng Ziying can confidently deny and refute it, but how does Yingchun explain it?

  Seeing that Feng Ziying was stunned and didn't know how to answer, Tanchun felt relieved for no reason, and laughed, "Brother Feng, you don't think it's easy to answer?"

   "Uh, the third sister was joking..." Feng Ziying could only scratch her head in embarrassment, but really didn't know how to answer, saying that it had nothing to do with Shi Xiangyun, but what happened to Yingchun?

   Or deny all or admit all? Neither seems appropriate.

   "Hey, the third sister has bright eyes, Brother Yu is ashamed,..." Feng Ziying simply shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, "But brother Yu's love for the third sister is a lesson from heaven,..."

Tanchun sighed quietly. From the bottom of her heart, she certainly couldn't have no feelings for Feng Ziying's romanticism, and they were all sisters in the same garden, but she was also a little more worried about Feng Ziying. Favor, if you change someone, you may have to make excuses with clever words, and she even looks down on this kind of person.

   "Brother Feng, have you ever mentioned this matter to the master and wife?" Tanchun finally collected all his thoughts and asked softly.

"If you don't get my sister's approval, how dare Brother Yu dare to make a claim? Brother Yu is also afraid that Uncle Zheng Shi will drive Brother Yu out of the house in anger, and he will not allow Brother Yu to come in from now on." Feng Ziying smiled bitterly, "Besides, Uncle Zheng Shi is about to go south this time. Brother Yu is also thinking, while Uncle Zheng Shi is in Jiangxi, Brother Yu can exchange letters, and propose step by step,..."

   Tanchun's heart is slightly sweet, which shows that Brother Feng is quite concerned about this matter, and he is already thinking about countermeasures, not what he thought at first, maybe Brother Feng is casual and indifferent.

"Brother Feng, my younger sister listens to you, but Brother Feng also knows that my younger sister is already sixteen. Although the master has gone south, his wife and ancestors are still there. If there are arrangements in the future, my younger sister will not be able to." ,..."

Tanchun's words also reminded Feng Ziying that Jia Zheng can be the master at home, but even if he directly proposes to let Tanchun be a junior, I am afraid that he will be entangled in his heart, or he is not very willing. As long as there is a better choice, Who is willing to let their own daughter be a concubine?

   It was Mrs. Wang, but this was a variable, and Feng Ziying was slightly moved.

Besides, she is an aunt, but not her own mother. She may have some appreciation for Tanchun, but she never has much intimacy. In Wang's mind, Baoyu is probably the only one, even Li Wan, Jialan, and Feng Ziying feel a little bit Sparse, not even as good as Baochai.

If it is possible to talk through the Wang family through means, it will be easier for Jia Zheng to deal with it. On Wang's side, Tanchun being a wife and concubine is not of much benefit to her, and she will not care too much about it. A place to take advantage of.

   As for Jiamu, although Tanchun is strong, she is far less good at pleasing the old lady than Wang Xifeng, and Jiamu doesn't have much affection for her.

It's normal these days. Concubine daughters are like this. Few elders value concubine children so much. On the contrary, concubines such as Daiyu and Xiangyun, like Jia Mu, value intimacy much more. This is this era. common problem.

"Sister, don't worry, the wife and the old lady have their own solutions for the elder brother, but it will take some time. Fortunately, the elder brother has returned to the capital city now, and it will be easy to come to the mansion. Earlier, Uncle Zheng Shi also specifically entrusted Brother Yu, he After leaving, I hope Brother Yu will come to the mansion more often and take care of him, so as not to miss Xiaoxiao,..."

  Feng Ziying laughed, stroked her chin, and said half-truthfully, "I don't know if Brother Yu is self-stealing or not?"

  Tan Chun's cheeks were burning, and he stood up abruptly: "Brother Feng, if you continue to speak nonsense like this, little sister won't see Brother Feng anymore!"

  Feng Ziying panicked, and hurriedly got up to apologize: "Third sister, forgive me, Brother Yu made a slip of the tongue, and I will never dare to..."

  Actually, Tanchun was not too angry, it was just a posturing, that is, she was worried that Feng Ziying felt that she had lost her mind and would be contemptuous of her in the future, so she had to set up her temper first, lest the other party despise her.

  Even if she really becomes a concubine for the other party, Tanchun will never allow herself to live like her biological mother!

  Tanchun didn't pay much attention to the imperial order that brother Huan said before, but now it has taken root in Tanchun's heart and has become an obsession.

  If in the future I can really earn a royal order for myself, and if I have an official status, I can also enter the palace to receive rewards during festivals, so who can look down on me?

   "If Brother Feng really intends to marry my younger sister, then my younger sister will wait in peace, but I beg Brother Feng not to forget my younger sister's intentions..."

  When Feng Ziying left Qiushuangzhai, Tanchun's clear and clear gaze was still echoing, as if projected on her heart, making herself invisible. This is an extremely intelligent girl with a personality, which is worth cherishing.

  Ignoring Huan Laosan's noise, Feng Ziying walked along the Fengyao Bridge and crossed the bridge. Just after crossing the bridge, she heard a cold snort from the willow tree over there.

   "Who?" Jia Huan was startled, and suddenly asked.

  Feng Ziying stopped in her tracks and took a closer look. There was a figure standing under a willow tree, half turned sideways. It wasn't the chess player, but who was it?

  Jia Huan also recognized it, and if she realized something, she glanced at Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Brother Huan, wait for me on the Cuiyan Bridge in front, and I will come as soon as I talk to Siqi."

Jia Huan hesitated for a moment, he also knew that Brother Feng and Second Sister were a little unclear, but just now he came out from Third Sister's place, and encountered this kind of thing again, he always felt uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to do it in front of Feng Ziying. He doesn't have much right to play his temper.

  Glared at Siqi with some dissatisfaction, Jia Huan then walked to Ercuiyan Bridge to the east, and Feng Ziying also walked over, and saw Siqi twisting his body and pinching his sweat towel, a little coy and unhappy.

   "Are you still learning to squat to watch people? When did you come? The weather is cold enough at night, and you are not afraid of freezing yourself?"

  Feng Ziying approached, feeling a little emotional in her heart, and also reminiscing about the situation that day.

He still can't do such a thing like lifting his trousers and denying the account when he is broken. It's a very common thing for the master to sleep with a girl if he changes to another high-ranking family, but his modern People's mentality can't be lost, in a word, it's not scumbag enough.

  (end of this chapter)

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