Number of People

Chapter 1348: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Wang Xifeng's Intervention

  Chapter 1348 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Wang Xifeng's Intervention

  Fang Kezhuang really admired Feng Ziying.

If Feng Ziying was in her thirties and had many years of experience as a local official like himself, or worked in a department such as the Ministry of Criminal Justice or Dali Temple, it would be unusual to have such insight, but as far as he knew Feng Ziying was not a This item is good.

This person is quite knowledgeable in political strategy, and he is also very proficient in military strategy because of his family background. This is all reasonable, but this kind of trial and understanding of human relationships should only be explored, dealt with and dealt with over time. Why is this guy so proficient and comprehensible with the experience that has been continuously accumulated in his life?

Even if this son has some capable staff, but many staff can only give you superficial guidance. To truly master it, you have to accumulate and ponder it yourself, but this son seems to have skipped this boundary directly. If you don't say that, you can't treat him as an official novice.

It's no wonder that the princes in the court dared to use this son so boldly in the position of Shuntian Fu Cheng. The princes in the court are a little sloppy, and now it seems that they still have some real materials, there is no third and third, and they dare not go to Liangshan.

The original sense of unfamiliarity was quickly eliminated in the constant communication, and replaced by the sense of identity of Tong Wei, a scholar from the North, and a native of Shandong. Although Fang Kezhuang was ten years older than Feng Ziying, they talked very well with each other. There is not much estrangement, and it is no wonder that working together is the best way to bring the relationship closer.

   After talking about Su Daqiang's case, the people below will naturally execute what should be done, and the two also talked about other aspects of government affairs in Shuntian Mansion.

Tongzhou's status in Shuntian Prefecture is very special. In Feng Ziying's view, Tongzhou's status is no less than that of Wanping and Daxing counties. Because Tongzhou has strangled the throat of the canal leading to the capital city, almost all food from the south, including grain All kinds of daily necessities need to pass through Tongzhou. The Tonghui River has been silted up repeatedly, and the transport capacity is not as good as before. Many goods can only be transported to Datong Bridge. Therefore, Tongzhou Wharf is still prosperous, and many goods are handled here.

   "Brother Yang Chu, you and I came to Suncheon for about the same time, but you quickly opened up the situation, and my younger brother is also very envious." In the evening, there was another drink, there were only two of them, and many words were more open.

"Ziying, can the mansion be the same as the prefecture?" Fang Kezhuang was very calm, squinting at the other party, "Tongzhou is indeed prosperous, and the law and order are a bit chaotic, but it is a prefecture after all, so there are some followers. You also have to consider the impact, after all, it’s too close to the capital, so they have to bear with me once or twice when I’m so presumptuous. Of course, if you want to be serious and touch something that some people can’t see, then say it twice. .”

   "Brother Yang Chu, are you using the aggressive method for the younger brother?" Feng Ziying said with a smile.

"Hehe, Ziying, the governor of the Wu government is governing by doing nothing, but how long can this kind of governance last?" Fang Kezhuang said indifferently: "The imperial court arranged you and me in Fuzhou, so I'm afraid they just let you and me sit here as a vegetarian. Life? There are many problems in Tongzhou, I know it well, but some things still need to be done in the mansion, Ziying, are you ready?"

Feng Ziying had already received some hints and reminders when she went to Qiao Yingjia's place. Shuntian Mansion is not only the center of the imperial court, but also the essence of the Northland. There must be no troubles, and it must be well organized. Wu Daonan has dragged down Shuntian Mansion, so the next The situation had to be turned around. This was not Feng Ziying's business alone, but also the wish of the entire Northland scholars. Naturally, there were other arrangements.

   Like Fang Kezhuang, it should be an arrangement. There are more than 20 prefectures and counties in Shuntian Prefecture. This round of adjustments is not small, and I am afraid that this factor is among them.

"Brother Yang Chu, how can you be unprepared when you're in it? Sitting in this position, you can't stop." Feng Ziying smiled, "You guys have great expectations. If we do worse, we will have failed their expectations. .”

   "Well, since you have this heart, then I can rest assured." Fang Kezhuang pointed out directly, "There are a lot of problems in Jingcang, do you know?"

"Of course I know, it's almost becoming a secret that is not a secret. A group of Shushu colluded inside and outside to fill their pockets. As far as I know, if there is half the number of households in this Jingcang, it is considered Amitabha, but Jingcang is so In addition, there are connections with various warehouses along the canal, and the Water Transport Yamen, the Ministry of Households, and even the Metropolitan Procuratorate all have their inside lines. As long as there is a slight disturbance, they will be able to detect it, and they have cooperated with them for many years These grain merchants are rich and powerful, and they can easily ship thousands of shi grains out of their private warehouses, so it is not easy for you to catch thieves and get stolen goods."

Fang Kezhuang is no longer surprised by Feng Ziying's thorough understanding. He must have been prepared for being placed in this position. As long as the other party knows what he is doing, he is afraid that someone with high eyesight and low power will come, or talk about war on paper. He will make a fuss. To scare the snake away, that is not enough to succeed, but more to fail.

"Ziying, it seems that you have been prepared for a long time. This matter should be easy to handle, and you will not be so cautious. It has been delayed for a year or two. Apart from worrying about deteriorating the relationship with Huguang scholars, it is not because of The number of these people is too large, and they have accumulated malpractices for many years, so worry about cooking them as raw rice, plus our Lord Fuyin, hehe,..."

  Fang Kezhuang sneered, and Feng Ziying also laughed twice, but he didn't continue. Although he disdained Wu Daonan, he was his immediate boss after all, and he just kept his outrageous words in his heart.

   Feng Ziying stayed in Tongzhou for two days before returning to the capital.

This trip to Tongzhou made him very satisfied. First, he clarified the cooperative relationship with Fang Kezhuang. This countryman is another cloth of Zhugong in the officialdom of Shuntian Prefecture. In a sense, he also cooperates with him. Of course, he also has Quite independent. After all, in Tongzhou, people are in charge of the government. According to the principle that Jingfu prefectures and counties are two levels higher than other prefectures, Fang Kezhuang is also a fourth-rank official.

  The second is to start to find the entry point together with Fang Kezhuang.

  Su Daqiang's case doesn't count. I didn't expect that I and Fang Kezhuang had the same eyes, and they both paid attention to Jingcang.

  The Jingcang is really eye-catching. The amount of grain transported through the canal every year is astonishing. The Jingcang is responsible for the storage of the main supply to Jingshi City. Once something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

But it is precisely because the number is too large that these moths will think of getting involved in it, and this kind of thing is not a year or two, but a rule that has been established for many years. It started from the era of Emperor Yuanxi, and it should be said that it has converged in the era of Emperor Yonglong. There are many, but dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat people, as long as they have the slightest opportunity, these people will try their best to break through the barriers and profit from it.

The Su Daqiang case can be regarded as a cooperation attempt by everyone. Everyone can observe each other's behavior style. Although there are some big bosses on the top to make a bridge, this partner still needs to make a good evaluation. It is not uncommon for pig teammates to harm others and themselves. It is normal to be cautious, and the Su Daqiang case is the best opportunity to try cooperation.

When Feng Ziying returned home, she was thinking about how to quickly make a breakthrough in the case of Su Daqiang. The Tongzhou prefectural government has already started actions according to her own requirements, such as excluding Su Laosi, finding the Lifu to trust and ask for details, and then going to Hangzhou for verification. , and strive to have more detailed elements to be reflected.

   Zheng’s problem has to be solved by himself. If the other party refuses to agree, then he may need to act both hard and soft. It is difficult to win the respect of the other party simply by showing favor.

   This is also an opportunity.

   Didn't Qiu Shi'an always want to get on line with him? Coincidentally, Yuanchun's side was not easy to contact, so he just asked Qiu Shi'an to help him contact Zheng's side to see the other party's intentions.

   "My lord, Miss Ping'er is here."

   Baoxiang came in to report winkingly, which surprised Feng Ziying. Pinger is here?

  What's the matter with Sister Feng?

   "Ask her to wait in the study, I'll be there right away." Feng Ziying also nodded.

  Arrived in the study, seeing Ping'er's uneasy appearance, Feng Ziying knew that there must be something difficult again.

   "Why are you so restrained? What's wrong with me? Tell me, what's wrong with Sister Feng?" Feng Ziying sat down with a smile.

   "Master, what you said is too hurtful, can't grandma take the initiative to find you?" Ping'er was a little embarrassed, but he could only bite the bullet.

"Hehe, Ping'er, do you know what you have a shortcoming? It's just being too honest. If it's an ordinary thing, how can you be like this? It must be something you want to make difficult for me, right? No, you are usually generous, but today you are restless, am I right?"

  Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Let's talk about this matter earlier, I will do my best, and if I can't, I will make it clear to you."

   "Didn't your lord just come back from Tongzhou, it is said that he is investigating a case?"

  Ping'er's words surprised Feng Ziying, she was so well-informed, and she got the news as soon as she came back. It seems that the Tongzhou Yamen is like a fishing net, and there is no way to keep it secret.

   "Why, Sister Feng is so hungry that she dares to touch this kind of thing?" Feng Ziying's face turned cold, and her eyes were even more emotionless.

"Master, please don't lose your face. Grandma certainly has this intention, but she is not unprincipled. Isn't this just to ask you first? I heard from grandma that the other party has a lot of sincerity, but it's just that there are unspeakable secrets. It's definitely not a murderer, so..."

Ping'er also knew that this touched Uncle Feng's rebellion, and he had persuaded him before, but grandma had her own reasons, so Ping'er had no choice but to come, and I hope that Uncle Feng would not just refuse to listen. Turning her face around, she now finds that she is becoming more and more afraid of the other party, and that momentum makes her breathless.

  (end of this chapter)

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