Number of People

Chapter 1351: There is no exception to the benefit of the Xinzi scroll (the first

  Chapter 1351 There is no exception to the benefit of the Xinzi scroll (first update!)

   Only when she became a local official did Feng Ziying deeply feel the inconvenience and backwardness of the agricultural era.

For such a huge dynasty like the Great Zhou, even if the capital city has a population of one million, it is still the largest city in the entire world, but whether it is the backwardness of its urban management or the lagging state of economic development, it makes people unimaginable and unacceptable to modern people.

  City management in this era seems to focus on only two things, one is security and population management, and the other is guaranteeing basic expenses, especially the needs of the royal family, bureaucrats, the army and their relatives, and everything else can be ignored.

   This is also why a slight change, whether it is a flood or drought, an epidemic, or a shortage of supply caused by a blockage of water transportation, will lead to turmoil in such a big city.

  Shuntian Mansion is far from being self-sufficient in food. There are millions of people in the capital to feed. Without the support of water transportation, it is impossible to support the survival of such a huge city.

What makes Feng Ziying find it difficult to accept is that even in this era, the salaries of court officials and guard officers and soldiers are still paid by rations. Silver coins and part of the salary were converted into distributions. From the 30th year of Yuanxi's silver and three grains to the Yonglong eighth year's silver and grain, it was enough to illustrate the importance of grain.

The reason why the salary is still distributed with half of Lumi is partly because of the shortage of gold and silver, but this situation is improving rapidly with the release of the sea ban. The influx into Dazhou at a speed visible to the naked eye has greatly alleviated the silver shortage, and at the same time brought some impact on food-based prices. With the strong momentum of export sales, this impact will be even greater.

On the other hand, due to the fact that the grain production in the south of the Yangtze River has become more profitable with economic crops such as mulberry, cotton, hemp, and indigo, the momentum of planting mulberry from abandoned grain has become stronger. "Suhu cooked, the world is full" has officially changed its name to "Huguang cooked The world is full", which also makes the route for water transportation to guarantee the grain of the capital longer. The large-scale transportation of grain has formed a line from Huguang via the Yangtze River to Jinling, Yangzhou, and Suzhou, and then goes north to the capital through the canal.

  The lengthening of the life transportation line will also have a disturbing impact on the food security of the entire capital, which is also the reason why the imperial court still maintains a large-scale grain storage in the Jingtong warehouse for distribution to officials and soldiers after careful consideration.

   Facing Feng Ziying's questioning, Fu Shi could only rub his hands helplessly.

   Carboniferous thing is so simple? Since the opening of kilns in Xishan during the Yuanxi period has become an undisclosed secret, without any backing background, you dare to go to Xishan to open kilns? I don't know why I was cheated to death by others.

  Besides, the west mountain is high and dangerous, and the mines are densely covered. How many people are involved, and how many forces are involved? Over the years, an unbreakable realistic balance has been formed. Who would dare to easily break it?

Thirty-five years after Yuanxi, anyone who dared to go to Xishan to open a kiln, it can be said that if there is no backer of a senior official of the fourth rank or above, it is purely asking for hardship. Say nothing?

   These situations, not to mention prefectures and counties, even the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households, don’t people know about it? I know it well, it's just a tacit understanding.

   It can be said that there are two unstoppable hornet's nests in Shuntian Prefecture, one is Xishan kiln, the other is Tongzhou warehouse, down to the prefectures and counties, up to the six ministries and even the cabinet and the emperor, who doesn't know?

   This opening is difficult to clean up. I don’t know how many people will be offended and how much energy it will take to clean up this mess.

   Seeing that Fu Shi was silent, Feng Ziying was really curious and raised her eyebrows, "Qiu Sheng, why didn't you say anything?"

   "My lord, it's hard to say a word here, and the lower officials don't know where to start." Fu Shi smiled wryly.

   "Master Fu, where are you from?" Feng Ziying looked Fu Shi up and down, nodded, and said softly.

   "The next official is from the family of Jurongren in Jinling Prefecture, but he was originally from Shuntian Prefecture in his early years." Fu Shi didn't understand why Feng Ziying asked this for a while.

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly.

  Jia Shi Wang Xue is both a famous family in Jinling, and the relationship between Fu Shi and Jia Zheng's master-student relationship should also be due to the township party.

  In Shuntian Mansion, although Wu Daonan, governor of the prefecture, is a scholar from Jiangyou, everyone knows that there are dragons and crouching tigers in the capital city. If you are not a scholar with enough weight, it will be difficult for you to open up the situation here.

Wu Daonan is a typical example. He lacks political ability, and his character is soft and good-natured. He is also a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, which greatly limits his ability to govern in Shuntian Mansion. It is no wonder that he can only focus on Confucianism and education separated.

Feng Ziying has also done some understanding of the officials in the entire Shuntian government office, from Fu Yin, Fu Cheng, Zhizhong, Tongju, Tuiguan to such things as the Experience Department, Zhaomosuo, Confucianism, Prison Department, and Taxation Department. , Hebo Office, Miscellaneous Bureau and other officials, apart from himself and Wu Daonan, Mei Zhiye is a scholar from Huguang. He is a scholar from Guangdong and Guangxi, and Song Xian, the push official, is a scholar from Shanxi, which is why he and Song Xian quickly became close. Qiao Yingjia and Sun Juxiang are the leaders of Shanxi scholars, and they have a very close relationship with him.

Although it seems that there is a balance between the north and the south among the high-level officials, the lower-level officials such as the prison secretary and the tax department are basically scholars from the northern Zhili, not to mention the officials. All locals.

  In this situation, don’t say that you Wu Daonan was originally a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, and you are not capable enough. Even if you have political talents, if you don’t have enough internal and external support, you will probably struggle.

It can be imagined that the forces behind this Xishan kiln are basically big figures in the capital city, and Wu Daonan dare not touch it. Naturally, Fu Shi does not want Feng Ziying to poke a hornet's nest. He is more willing to work honestly with Feng Ziying Be practical, so that you can be promoted in the future.

   "My lord Fu, I understand your concern. Everyone says that Shuntian Mansion is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but if it wasn't so, why do you think the princes of the imperial court gave Feng the position of Shuntian Mansion's prime minister?"

Feng Ziying knew Fu Shi's worries and worries. As a government official, Wu Daonan did not dare to touch these two big hornet's nests. The previous government minister even turned a blind eye to these two things and turned a deaf ear to them. It was inevitable that he would touch this when he first arrived. .

"If you say that the incident in Shuntian Mansion does not involve those big figures behind it, even this random murder case will not involve a lot of involvement, but Mr. Fu, do you think this situation can continue? ?”

  Fu Shi remained silent.

"I can tell you clearly, Mr. Fu, if Feng Mou also learns from the former Fucheng's way of living with a dead body, in less than a year, Feng Mou will only be assigned to an idle official like Taichang Temple or Taipu Temple. Go up to drink tea and live, if Feng Mou is over fifty years old, it will be fine, but Feng Mou has just turned 20, so he is so timid, afraid of wolves and tigers, how can he ask for resignation?"

Fu Shi sighed and said after a long time: "Your official is stupid, but did your lord ever know that the matter of Xishan Kiln involved light, I'm afraid it's beyond your imagination, it's not any one person or some people, nor any group, Almost all the nobles in Beijing and China are involved."

"Since Feng is determined to clarify the matter of the Xishan Kiln, how can he not understand it? Every year, 90% of the fuel charcoal in Beijing is attributed to coal, and the value is more than billions of dollars?" Feng Ziying smiled, "Especially in winter, every day in Beijing is a million yuan. Residents use this for heating and cooking, and the average household borrows more than ten catties a day. According to the current price of coal, a hundred catties of lump coal is worth two hundred yuan, and each catty is two or three yuan. Two, if you add the cooking and water for the other three seasons, wouldn't the annual cost be five or six taels?"

Feng Ziying has conducted a survey on various prices in the current capital. This was completed with the assistance of Wang Wenyan and Cao Yu. There are probably more than a hundred kinds of materials listed, including basic necessities, food, housing and transportation, among which food is especially important. It is closely related to food, and it is also the focus of Feng Ziying's attention.

  Currently, the price of charcoal is between 150 and 220 renminbi per hundred catties, and the price fluctuates slightly according to the quality and season. In winter, there is a long queue of charcoal carts entering the city from You'anmen every day.

  In addition to ordinary households, high-ranking households use even more, especially places like Rongguo Mansion and Feng Mansion, from bedrooms to flower halls to wing rooms and ear rooms. They all have to burn kangs and earth dragons all day long, and the consumption of charcoal is even greater.

   Roughly estimated, the annual coal consumption in Beijing is at least five million taels, which means that the coal production value of Xishan Kiln is on this scale. I don’t know how many people will profit from it? Let alone some 30 to 50 households, each of which involves more than 100,000 taels of livelihood, and as far as Feng Ziying knows, less than 10% of Xishan kilns are actually government-run and have the filing procedures.

  Since this is the case, according to the requirements of the Jieshen Treasury of the Ministry of Industry, the mining tax is calculated according to the amount of one draw per ten, which is also a profit of four to five million taels of silver. How can the court not be tempted?

In the past, everyone kept their mouths shut. On the one hand, no one has calculated the scale and benefits of this place, and on the other hand, there is indeed no suitable person to manage it. But now Feng Ziying is recommended by all the princes, so it must be I have some thoughts on this.

In Feng Ziying's view, the biggest reason is that the Ministry of Household and Industry has little idea about the scale of Xishan Kiln's output, and it didn't pay much attention to it before. Classes, naturally have to take action.

  As long as these data are calculated in detail and presented to the public, Feng Ziying believes that Feng Ziying will never be tempted by Huang Ruliang, Secretary of the Ministry of Households, Cui Jingrong, Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, and Fang Congzhe, who is in charge of finance.

   The update is a bit late, please ask for a few monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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