Number of People

Chapter 1353: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Collaborator, Confederate Army

  Chapter 1353 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Collaborator, Allied Forces

   Just when Feng Ziying felt more and more complicated about the affairs of Shuntian Mansion and was a little exhausted, the letter of practicing state affairs also arrived.

This slightly relieved his state of mind, which has involved a lot of energy in various affairs during this period of time. It can be said that during this period of time he was exhausted by various affairs from various aspects, to the point where he fell down every time he went to the long room or the second room. Just sleeping, it is inevitable that he will feel a little cold towards the women beside him.

Both Shen Yixiu and Baochai Baoqin were a little confused and distressed, but as wives, they could also feel the pressure that their husbands were facing. Apart from trying to let their husbands rest as much as possible, they would also take the initiative to find some topics with their husbands Communication, even if it can't help, at least there is a trustworthy person to talk about, so that the husband can also vent and talk about all kinds of troubles and difficulties encountered in official duties.

  Compared to Feng Ziying's difficulty in Shuntian Mansion, practicing state affairs in Yongping Mansion is very smooth.

It turned out that Feng Ziying was a little worried that Lian Guoshi would not get along well with Wei Guangwei, the new magistrate, but she did not expect that Lian Guoshi's EQ was much higher than she expected, and she quickly won Wei Guangwei's trust. .

  The restoration and construction of several major coal-iron building materials complexes have come to an end, while the road construction from Luanzhou, Lulong, Qian'an via Funing to Yuguan Port is in full swing.

  The lack of rain this spring is not good for agriculture, but it is a great benefit for road construction. Tens of thousands of refugees are fighting on the front line of road construction. The project from Funing to Yuguan Port is progressing particularly rapidly.

In addition, many cement workshops have been built in Yuguan Port and Funing to supply a large amount of road construction used as a model. Therefore, it is initially estimated that the construction will be basically completed by the end of August, and Qian'an, Lulong to Funing The amount of work in this section is much larger, and it is estimated that it will take at least the end of November.

In his letter, Lian Guoshi also talked about his several "negotiations" with the local gentry and merchants in Yongping, which finally led to the compromise and cooperation between these local gentry and Shanxi merchants. In a sense, such a coalition of interests Basically, such a market cycle of vigorously developing the coal, iron and building materials industry in Yongping, exporting through Yuguan, and importing various grains, cotton, and daily necessities from Jiangnan has been basically ruled out.

In his letter, Lian Guoshi also talked excitedly about the construction of roads among the tens of thousands of refugees during this period, and a large number of experts in construction with cement, stone strips, and bricks and tiles have been initially cultivated. Skilled labor is used to dig ditches and build the banks of the Luan River to protect areas affected by floods, which can be regarded as investment in water conservancy.

Feng Ziying is also aware of the purpose of practicing state affairs. After all, tens of thousands of refugees are suppressed in Yongping Mansion, which is a huge pressure on everyone. These refugees have no land, and where does their livelihood come from? It is not an easy matter to open up new land. Irrigation first This is inevitable, so it should be a safe way to use these people to dig ditches first, and then spread along the banks of the Luan River and Qinglong River to realize gradual resettlement.

  Of course, this depends on the huge benefits brought by the coal-iron building materials complex to support the livelihood of tens of thousands of people for a year, otherwise, the relief from the Yongping government and the imperial court will not be able to support it.

After reading Lian's letter on state affairs, Feng Ziying was also full of emotions. The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. In the letter, Lian state affairs was also very grateful to Feng Ziying for everything he had done before. Basically, Yongping Mansion will definitely not have the situation it is today.

Rubbing her chin, Feng Ziying smiled wryly, Lian Guoshi and Wei Guangwei had picked a good peach, but now she was sitting on a stick, as if stuck in a quagmire, not only had to carefully consider every step she took, but also had to think about it. Will there be a trap if you step on it, and can you pull it out?

   Seeing that Lian is so optimistic about the state affairs, Feng Ziying has been infected. Anyway, the prosperity of Yongping Prefecture in the future will not be possible without his own contribution. Moreover, if Yongping is stable, Jingdong will be stable, and if Jingdong is stable, Liaodong will have no worries.

In the future, as the scale of Yuguan Port expands and merchants in the fleet increase, it is no longer necessary to transport grain and fodder through the canal to Jingcang and Tongcang as in the past. They can be transported directly to Yuguan and then imported into the Liaoxi Corridor. Zhuwei Town, with the opening of ports such as Niuzhuang and Jinzhou, can even be directly transported to the hinterland of Liaodong. The savings can almost make the household department grateful.

However, Lian Guoshi also mentioned the matter of Huimin Saltworks, saying that no Japanese pirates have been found so far, and the conditions are not yet ripe, but the Changlu patrol salt censor has been pressed very hard, which puts a lot of pressure on Yongping Mansion. Still looking for a way to fix it.

  Feng Ziying felt a little more at ease. There is nothing that can be easily achieved. Being an official is not really a blessing. There is nothing challenging. What is the use of the two of you?


   Watching Feng Ziying get off her horse and go straight into the office.

  Mei Zhiye who was next to him smiled coldly, curled his lips disapprovingly, Shi Shiran put his hands behind his back, and entered through the side door shaking three times.

  As soon as he entered Zhizhonggong, Lu Zhaoling got in.

"grown ups."

   "What's the matter?" Mei Zhiye nodded, sat down, and the long follower had already brought in the tea.

   "I heard that Lord Fucheng intends to clean up the Xishan charcoal kiln?" Lu Zhaoling smiled all over his face, "Why, we in Shuntian Mansion don't plan to live a good life this year, and want to poke this hornet's nest?"

"Why are you asking these questions?" Mei Zhiye was a little disgusted by Lu Zhaoling's smirk, but he also knew that this fellow was a local snake and could not be offended easily, and after hearing that Feng Ziying was going to be the chancellor, this fellow took the initiative Getting closer to himself made him a little suspicious.

He was born as a donated official, and he only became an official at the age of forty. He was mixed into the position of Zhaomo, so he naturally had some background. He was not considered a role as a ninth-rank official, but this guy was well-informed, and Mei Zhiye Sometimes I still use this guy, so the relationship between the two is not bad.

   "It's nothing, I just don't understand what this little Feng Xiuzhuan wants to do in our Shuntian Mansion."

Lu Zhaoling glanced at Mei Zhiye, who was expressionless. This guy is also a coward. His son's wife actually went to be Feng Ziying's concubine. Well, even though the marriage was divorced, it was undoubtedly a humiliation. , you were originally intended to be a wife, but now you can only be my concubine, what does this mean? Still not clear enough?

If it weren't for the fact that there is no one in this government office who can compete with Feng Ziying, Lu Zhaoling would not be able to find this one. Although the Wu government official is incompetent, he is a cunning person. When troubles arose, he was willing to step forward and find a way for Feng Ziying to step down, but if he wanted to stop Feng Ziying head-on, he had to find a suitable person in the yamen.

   After all the calculations, there is only this one Zhizhong adult.

During the trial, Fu Shi was obviously going to follow Feng Ziying. Although the two Beidi among the four who gave birth were still a little hesitant, worried that Feng Ziying would do too much, but Lu Zhaoling believed that sooner or later these two would only be on Feng Ziying's side. The remaining one has clearly expressed his disapproval, and the other thinks that he is from Guangdong and Guangxi, but he just intends to stand on the sidelines.

   And the weight of the general judgment is far from enough, and this person surnamed Mei has such a level of grievances with Feng Ziying, so he is the most suitable target.

   "What are you doing?" Mei Zhiye was vigilant in his heart, "Master Feng is the Fucheng, and you should take care of the duties of the Fucheng, don't you understand?"

  Mei Zhiye deliberately relaxed his tone, "Things in Shuntian Mansion have been in disharmony in the past two years. As we all know, the imperial court let Mr. Feng come here, so it is natural that there must be a change."

"That's right, our Shuntian Mansion has been suffering for the past two years. Finally, it seems that this year may be a little smoother. Last year, the big guy was tossed by the Mongol invasion. It was hard for hundreds of thousands of refugees to settle down. Mr. Feng should It’s very clear, and we should be sympathetic to the power of the people, and don’t want to repeat right and wrong,..."

  Since picking up the topic, Lu Zhaoling seemed confident, and he didn't shy away from Mei Zhiye when he spoke.

  He believed that Mei Zhiye would not tell Feng Ziying, and the relationship with Feng Ziying would not be any better if he told him. He should even be happy to see everyone make things difficult for Feng Ziying.

  After so many years of working in Zhaomo's position as the chicken head and phoenix tail, the Fu Yin and Fucheng have changed many times, but he has stopped moving since he was a school inspector.

For him, at his age, he has nothing else to ask for, just hope to get a few more silver. He has a share in Xishan, of course it takes a small amount, but even so, he can earn three dollars a year steadily for himself. Four thousand taels of silver was a hundred times more than his salary in the government office. Based on this alone, anyone who wanted to move the Xishan kiln would be like killing him.

Of course he knew that Feng Ziying was not a good person, and he knew that Feng Ziying was not easy to provoke, but as long as Feng Ziying didn't do anything about Xishan kiln, he was even willing to do things for Feng Ziying wholeheartedly, and he promised to do well, but if he wanted to touch Xishan kiln, then There is no discussion, you will die.

  Lu Zhaoling also knew that he was going to fight Feng Ziying by himself, saying that the mantis arm was a car was flattering himself, but he was not fighting alone.

  There are so many kilns, which one is not a character whose hair is thicker than his own? He doesn't believe that Feng Ziying can fight against everyone.

  Of course, in this yamen, people will not let themselves go. Of course, I have to give it a go, choose more collaborators, and allied forces to stop and destroy Feng Ziying's intentions and actions. Lu Zhaoling thinks it is duty-bound.

Mei Zhiye is the collaborator selected by everyone. With the cooperation of Mei Zhizhong, everyone can have more confidence and Wu Daonan can finally join in. Let everyone understand that this is a game that belongs to everyone. The war is won, and everyone gets what they need.

  (end of this chapter)

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