Number of People

Chapter 1355: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass, Trees, Shameless

  Chapter 1355 Xin Zijuan The Shameless Man of the Setting Sun, Grass and Trees

  When Yuanyang passed by the old man's yard, he could hear the old man cursing.

"This kid, I really don't know how big the sky is, how can I still harm him?" Jia She's hoarse and unwilling voice almost pierced through the white wall, "He's just here to show his favor, even if you don't want to talk to him, just have a meal What can you do with wine? You can just listen to what people say,... Besides, isn’t there a bargain in doing business? You don’t even have the patience to listen to what people say? "

Yuanyang looked around suspiciously, there was no one, and it seemed that there were no guests coming to the mansion today. I don't know who the old man was talking about, but what he said didn't seem to be too mean, but he was a little angry The taste of hatred and regret is in it.

Just as she was about to leave, she saw Qiutong coming out of the yard. Yuanyang didn't like the girl in Jia She's house very much. Although she was quite pretty, she could tell she was a mean person by her thin lips and pointed nose. , and the maids in the mansion don't get along very well.

  But before the mandarin duck could speak, Qiutong saw the mandarin duck at a glance, with a flattering smile on his face, and trotted over: "Miss mandarin duck."

"Sister Qiutong, who are you talking about, sir, who made him angry so early in the morning?" Seeing Qiutong's mysterious expression, he also knew that the other party was waiting for him to ask. He didn't want to ask, but he didn't want to ask. A sentence seemed to ignore the other party's "good intentions", so Yuanyang just asked.

   "Hey, who else is there, the girl should know, it's not Uncle Feng." Qiu Tong flattered.

   "Huh? Uncle Feng? How did Uncle Feng provoke the old man?" Yuanyang was shocked.

In her impression, the old man's attitude towards anyone is not very good, and he has a gloomy look towards the younger generation. The servants in the mansion are a little reluctant to come to his yard because they are afraid of touching him. His bad luck caused trouble.

  The mansion wants to say, I am afraid that only the ancestor can control him, the others, even the second master, will give him some points.

However, Uncle Feng is an exception. Every time Uncle Feng comes to the mansion, the Elder Master seems to be very willing to accompany him. His attitude is also extraordinarily "caring" and "kind", and the second master Lian has never received such treatment in front of him.

   "It seems that the master has a bad face when he came back from Feng's house. I don't know what happened." How dare Qiu Tong ask more?

  Earlier, it was the wife who echoed a few more words on the sidelines, but was scolded **** by the master. Who would dare to persuade him?

  Of course Yuanyang wouldn't ask, but she was very puzzled in her heart. Every time Uncle Feng came to the mansion, the elder brother always smiled, why did he suddenly change his attitude now?

It has been rumored in this mansion that the Elder Master intends to repent of his marriage. He had already made a verbal promise to the Sun Family Dalang, and even took a lot of money from the Sun Family. This kind of rumor has not been confirmed, and even the ancestor and the second wife kept silent about it, but from Yuanyang's observation, the ancestor and the second wife should actually know about it, but no one is willing to mention it. No one has ever brought it up publicly.

  Jia Amnesty was indeed angry.

The matter of the Xishan kiln is not a secret among the noble family in the capital city, but the Jia family has no chance to get involved. Among the four kings, eight lords and twelve princes, there are only Nan'an County Wang Qin's family, Li Guogong Liu's family, and Qi Guogong Chen's family. Years ago, I took the opportunity to go in.

At that time, no one took the matter of the Xishan charcoal kiln seriously, and felt that it would be a bit of a waste of time to rush to open the kiln in the mountains. Who would have thought that the price of charcoal has skyrocketed in the past twenty years, driving the city to start large-scale Most of the coal is used, and the amount is still increasing significantly every year.

Although charcoal is not as convenient and easy to use as charcoal, but the price is much cheaper. The key is that besides the palace, there is also a large area of ​​charcoal around the capital city that is specially reserved for firewood on the side of Iron Net Mountain. There are very few forests left that can provide charcoal, and even if there are, they are in remote valleys. It will cost a lot of money to transport them out after felling them, which is not cost-effective.

Now almost all of the capital city has changed to burning coal, and the kiln mouth of Xishan has suddenly become a sweet pastry. In the past ten years, the price of easy-going coal has risen steadily, and the price of kiln mouth has risen to sky-high prices. No one is willing to transfer these kilns, because everyone knows that it is a hen that lays golden eggs, and it is stable and considerable income every year, who is willing to transfer it easily?

After Feng Ziying became the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, news began to spread that Feng Ziying was going to rectify the Xishan kiln. Some people were willing to transfer the kiln, which had been priced but not sold. Although the price was still expensive, if someone could transfer it, then It was different, and Jia Amnesty was just envious, never thought about it.

Who would have thought that someone would come to your door, hoping for Jia Shen to buy a share. Of course, the price of Yaokou shares is not cheap, which is considered a discount for Jia Shen. Jia She also knew that someone would come to you at this time and was willing to let him buy a share at a low price. , Naturally, there is a purpose, but this kind of temptation is too great, knowing that there may be a bait with a hook, Jia Amnesty also wants to swallow it.

The key is that people have also set out a condition. If they can get approval from Feng Ziying, then the stock price can be greatly discounted. Being able to match up and ask Feng Ziying out for a meal, no matter what the result is, they will offer a reward of one thousand taels of silver. How can this not make Jia Amnesty feel bad?

  Anyway, it’s just a meal. As long as you, Feng Ziying, feel embarrassed, no matter how extravagant people say, you just don’t respond or agree. Who dares to force you to do something?

   Such a good thing, why not do it?

  I thought that such things would be easy for Feng Ziying, but I thought that I rushed to the door to talk about it, but was rejected by the other party without any room for maneuver. How could this not make Jia She annoyed?

"Three or four families have already offered the same condition, and they are willing to give a thousand taels of silver if they only ask Ziying to go to the banquet. If I can facilitate Ziying's trip, no matter what the result is, the three or four thousand taels of silver will be safe. It’s just that the matter of Xishan Kiln is too involved, we don’t get involved, but there’s no reason not to earn this cheap money, right?”

  Jia Amnesty was still not reconciled, it was worse than killing him if he kept the fat around his mouth, and this Ziying was too hateful, no, no matter what, let him agree.

Seeing that Jia She's face was changing, Xing Shi was also uneasy. She followed Jia She's words before and was scolded by Jia She, but if she didn't answer, Jia She would still get angry at her. It also made her not know what to do.

"You said how to get Ziying to participate in this matter. I don't care what the result is, but I have to earn the thousands of taels of silver. No matter what tricks I use, I won't earn the silver that was sent to me for no reason. Isn't that right? Whether it's something outrageous or treasonous, neither the Metropolitan Procuratorate nor Captain Long Jin can take care of such things, and I'll earn the money."

   Jia She said viciously.

  Xing carefully said: "Then why not find an excuse to trick Ziying over?"

"Hmph, can people still come to our mansion for treats? If it is outside, how can smart people like Ziying not understand?" Jia Amnesty said angrily: "Can't you come up with some reliable ideas? "

  Xing's silence was as cold as a cicada, and he didn't dare to speak again.

  Jia Amnesty also knew that the other party must have no good solution, and had to rely on himself.

  The question is how to get Feng Ziying to meet with them?

  Even if you don’t eat that wine, let them meet and talk a few words, it can be regarded as achieving your goal, and you can earn thousands of taels of silver.

  After pondering for a long time, Jia She rubbed his chin, twirled a few beards, and made up his mind, "How about asking Xiuyan to help?"

   "Xiuyan? How can Xiuyan help?" Mrs. Xing was taken aback.

"I'm going to talk to Ziying now. I'm afraid Ziying will be suspicious, and even if I invite him, I will be rejected. But in another way, I want to use your brother's arrest because of gambling debts as an excuse." So, let Xiuyan go and lure Ziying here, and take the opportunity to talk about things..."

   "Here, can Ziying come?" Xing was a little disapproving. How could the current Feng Ziying come forward for such things? In the Yali of Shuntian Mansion, it is enough to arrange a random inspection and arrest.

"Hmph, Ziying wouldn't show up if she was an ordinary person, but Xiuyan, I promised him to be my concubine that day, and he didn't object, which shows that he still has some interest in Xiuyan. It’s just a matter of debts, and he can solve it with a little effort, so don’t you want to sell Xiuyan to save face?”

Jia Amnesty said coldly: "Xiuyan doesn't let her know the inside story, you and I play tricks enough to make Xiuyan feel anxious, and then you come up with an idea to send Xiuyan to Ziying, I still know Ziying. Yes, I can't see beautiful women. Since Xiuyan is interested, he just asks to be in his name and say a few more good words, and he will not refuse,..."

  Xing's eyes lit up, and he was quite emotional: "Well, what the master said is true, but my brother already owed so much debt to the outside, so please ask the master to help..."

Jia Amnesty immediately became a little impatient, but thinking that Xing Xiuyan would have to come forward for this matter, he thought for a while before saying, "I know about this matter, and when the time comes, there will naturally be arrangements. Besides, if Xiuyan marries into Feng Mansion, those Xu Yinzi are nothing, I'm afraid Ziying will naturally clean up these bad debts before we need to come forward,..."

   After all, I still only want to use Xing Xiuyan, but I don't want to pay Xing Zhong's debt.

  (end of this chapter)

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