Number of People

Chapter 1371: Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass and Trees Clenched

  Chapter 1371 Xin Zijuan Grass and Trees Clenched in the Setting Sun

  Of course Feng Ziying would not hastily bring up the issue of solving the Fujian Navy to Shen Yourong, he just casually mentioned the comparison of the combat effectiveness between the Fujian Navy and the Denglai Navy, and Shen Yourong also made comments on the current Dazhou Navy.

  Before the establishment of the Denglai Navy, the Fujian Navy was responsible for the entire maritime defense north of Zhangzhou, and the other navy was the Guangdong Navy, but the Guangdong Navy was far inferior to the Fujian Navy in terms of scale and combat effectiveness.

However, as the Japanese threat gradually diminished after the Japanese Invasion in Japan, the Fujian navy, which was the main force, gradually declined. The lack of pay, smuggling and slack training by the officers led to the rapid transformation of the most elite navy in the Great Zhou Dynasty into a team no different from ordinary guards, and even appeared clumsy and slow in the face of Japanese pirates' attacks.

This is also the reason why Shen Yourong is unwilling to continue to stay in the Fujian Navy. No one can save a lifeless navy with no enterprising spirit, and no one will be able to save the influence of such accumulated evils. It can be eliminated, so Shen Yourong is more willing to rebuild an elite team, especially Feng Ziying's proposal to build a brand new navy with large ships and firearms as the core, which makes his heart skip a beat Lai Shui's today.

  In addition to Shen Yourong's arrangement, Feng Ziying also paid special attention to Dongfan.

  In addition to the Anfu Chamber of Commerce and Longyou businessmen's reclamation in Dongfan, there are also Fujian tycoons who have made great progress in the operation of the Budai salt field on the right bank of Dongfan in the past few years.

  In the past few years, Feng Ziying has never relaxed her attention to Dongfan. Even in Yongping Mansion, she still keeps in touch with Dongfan on a regular basis.

Lian Wenzhuang and Lin Huosheng's actions in the Budai salt field were extremely vigorous, even exceeding Feng Ziying's expectations, and they were in a desperate posture. They thought that it might take three years for them to produce salt, and it was estimated that they would start to enter a stable profit period in five years, but Unexpectedly, it only took two years for the salt to be produced, and the profit and loss have been balanced in the third year, and it is estimated that it will enter the profit period in the fourth year.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the investment at all costs in the past few years. In one year, they moved nearly a thousand people from Fujian, and also established a stable transfer station in Penghu. The population has exceeded 3,000 people per thousand households, and it is expected to exceed 5,000 people this year.

Such a large-scale action made the people of Anfu and Longyou Chamber of Commerce who were reclaiming in the north and south stunned. You must know that their special reclamation, the relocation of people in the north and south of the east and the south was only six or seven thousand people in three years. This gang of salt workers dared to relocate four or five thousand people at once. You must know that everything in Dongfan now needs to be imported from Fujian and Zhejiang. The cost is beyond what ordinary people can imagine, so this momentum is really A little bit of a make-or-break feeling.

   Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, and as soon as Feng Ziying returned to the mansion, Wang Wenyan brought Wang Jiuyu.

Feng Ziying hasn't seen this big salt owl who runs across Nanzhi and Fujian and Zhejiang for a year or two. It is said that this guy has been running between Dongfan and Fujian and Zhejiang. Judging from this guy's appearance, he is dark, thin and lean, but his momentum is even more impressive. He is fierce and fierce, probably sharpened in the fight with the Dongfan mountain people.

   "The grass people have met adults."

  The last time Wang Jiuyu came to see Feng Ziying was before Feng Ziying went to Yongping Mansion. He met once in Beijing, and Feng Ziying also had a long talk with him.

This interval is more than a year. Now Feng Ziying not only went to Yongping Mansion to work as a co-prefect for more than a year, but now he is taking the post of Shuntian Mansion. The promotion of taking off from the ground is still embarrassing and emotional. It is no wonder that Lian, Lin, and Zhu value this line more and more, and they must hold on to this thick leg.

   "Excuse me, wake up and let Jiuyu go, we are old acquaintances, why are you so polite, sit down." Feng Ziying waved his hand, and Wang Jiuyu sat down with half of his buttocks sideways.

   "I haven't seen you for more than a year. Seeing you like this, life in Dongfan is a bit hard."

Feng Ziying looked up and down this guy who was born as a salt owl. In the past two or three years, Wang Jiuyu has used various means to whiten his identity. Of course, he himself has no record in the government. He also participated in the imperial court-led plan to reclaim the land, so naturally no one would ask him about his dark past.

   "It's hard work for a master. The Yongping Mansion defeated the Mongol army in one fell swoop. Even in the south of the Yangtze River, the grassroots have heard of the master's reputation." Wang Jiuyu hurriedly said.

"Hehe, I asked you, but you came to praise me. What is the big defeat of the Mongolian army? It's just relying on the city to defend the opponent. The Mongols don't want to lose money and retreat. It's you, I heard that the actions in Dongfan are very Great, has the law and order around the saltworks been cleared up?"

  Feng Ziying waved her hand. It is a joke that Jiangnan is famous. It is estimated that only those who care about themselves know. Ordinary ordinary people who will take care of your Yongping Mansion may not even know where Yongping Mansion is.

"Returning to my lord, I can only say that initial progress has been made, but you also know that there are many natives in the Dongfan Mountain Forest, and it is impossible to completely eradicate them in a short period of time. The hosts are all very happy, so the population introduced from Fujian continues to increase, and our strength is also further enhanced. It is difficult for the natives to pose too much threat to us. In the next step, the hosts intend to further expand the scale ,..."

  Wang Jiuyu couldn't help but be a little elated when talking about these situations. He can transform from a salt lord to an upright tycoon. Although he can't be called a squire, isn't Lian Lin just fancy his bravery? Without the harassment of these natives, how could I have the opportunity to show myself and win such an opportunity? I'm afraid that the identity of Yan Xiao will be worn for a lifetime.

   "Oh? So sure?" Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows, it seemed that she had underestimated the other party.

"My lord, we can't rely on us alone. Your bosses have also established a line with the Fujian Navy, and they are also willing to participate..." Wang Jiuyu paused, "In addition, our business group guards are also fully equipped with Guangdong ships. The flintlock produced by Foshan Zhuangji is more than enough to deal with these natives, as long as it is not attacked by a large number of natives, and we have made two consecutive raids together with the navy, and the surrounding natives have basically been wiped out Once it was empty, the rest also fled into the depths of the mountain.”

   It turned out that they hooked up with the Fujian Navy, and Feng Ziying felt slightly moved. Although the Fujian Navy has declined, it is still considered a regular army. If there are these merchant guards to cooperate, it is indeed not a big problem to deal with these mountain people.

"I didn't expect Lian Lin and the others to be thoughtful." Feng Ziying nodded, "As far as I know, the court still wants to slow down the establishment of the Dongfan mansion. Your side is making good progress, but it only involves salt affairs. Moreover, the imperial court collected almost all of them in advance, and the progress of Anfu and Longyou merchants was not too fast, and the reclamation was not satisfactory. I also negotiated with them and hoped that they would speed up the progress, but the reclamation of raw land is indeed compared to your salt farms. It's a lot harder, and I can understand it,..."

  Wang Jiuyu can be regarded as the liaison officer of Feng Ziying and the big men in Fujian. Although he was born as a big salt lord, he is still far behind Lian, Lin, and Zhu. He is also very happy to play such a role.

  After chattering for a while, after understanding Wang Jiuyu's reason for coming and explaining some of her own thoughts, Feng Ziying casually asked about other things.

   "How is the situation in Jiangnan?"

   "What aspect is your lord asking?" Wang Jiuyu still didn't understand.

   "I heard that the Zhen family is very active and involved in the salt business?" Feng Ziying asked directly.

Wang Jiuyu was taken aback, thought for a while before carefully saying: "My lord, the Zhen family did make some requests, and sent people to meet with several masters, probably wanting to get involved in the saltworks, but the masters did not agree, nor did they Maybe I agreed to invest so much, but I haven't officially seen a profit yet. Although the Zhen family is tyrannical, their eating habits are too ugly,..."

"How could Zhen Yingjia give up so easily? I heard that he is in Nanzhili right now." Feng Ziying laughed, "Your salt production should gradually increase this year. The salt envoy Siyamen of the two Huaihe Rivers and the Siyamen of the two Zhejiang provinces have been transferred to the salt envoy. Now Zhen Yingjia has heard that they can intervene, if he fails to fulfill his wish, I'm afraid you will be in big trouble."

  Feng Ziying stared at Wang Jiuyu, Wang Jiuyu was also a little nervous, not knowing Feng Ziying's intentions.

The Zhen family has a very close relationship with the Jia family, one is the new four masters of Jinling, and the other is the old four masters of Jinling, and this one is inextricably linked with the Jia family. It is said that Jia Yucun, the prefect of Jinling (Yin Tianfu Yin), the father-in-law of Jinling, also has some relationship with this person, and Jia Yucun is now very close to Zhen Yingjia.

"My lord, the Zhen family is indeed considered a local snake in Nanzhili, but the several bosses are not without status in Fujian. Even the grass people are well-known in Nanzhi and Liangzhe. If you don't follow the rules and blindly use power to overwhelm People, then we can only stay with us to the end. Of course, we are not ignorant. Our salt must go to Nanzhi and Jiangyou. This is what the adults promised us back then. But we are willing to pay the salt lesson according to the rules, but..."

Wang Jiuyu spoke slowly, trying to figure out the other party's intentions, "Everyone is a businessman, we have invested so much, we have to give us a bowl of food, and in the next step we will continue to increase investment in accordance with the imperial court's wishes, ..."

  (end of this chapter)

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