Number of People

Chapter 1380: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass and trees are intertwined, killing step by step

  Chapter 1380 Xin Zijuan The setting sun, grass and trees are intertwined, killing every step of the way

  Jia Jing didn't speak for a while, but lowered his eyes as if thinking about something.

Zhen Yingyu and Zhen Yingjia exchanged glances, and then pondered: "Zijing, my brother and I also have some feelings in the past few months. With the clarification of the amount of tax imposed by the imperial court on our Jiangnan area this year, it has increased by nearly half. The public is full of voices, but the imperial court uses the reason that it wants to support Jingxiang Town and establish Huaiyang Town. The Six Departments of Nanjing are about to be controlled by the northerners. Is it more than enough to form a Huaiyang Town with the military expenses saved by the abolition of the three towns?"

  Jia Jing pursed his lips and smiled lightly, his slender eyes flickered, "This may not be a bad thing, just push and squeeze, some people understand a lot of truths."

"That's what you say, but when Huaiyang Town is established, can we control it?" Zhen Yingjia couldn't help but said: "Zi Teng is holding Denglai Town now, I'm afraid the court has regretted it, and the Denglai Army is there. performance, once the imperial court wants to replace it,..."

  Jia Jing shook his head, "If Ziteng wins the battle, it is possible, but with Ziteng's current performance, they still dare not move,..."

   One move, once Wang Ziteng is forced to fight back, I am afraid that the situation in the southwest will suddenly deteriorate, and Huguang will definitely be affected. Coupled with Jiangnan taking the opportunity to raise his arms and shout, it will really become an unmanageable situation.

The current situation is that all parties are waiting, waiting and watching, and accumulating strength. The northern side wants to seize the time to quell the southwest rebellion. The Jingxiang Army formed by taking the opportunity can control Huguang, and Huaiyang Town can If you can't delay, you can also arrange for people to intervene to control Huaiyang Town, at least to prevent Huaiyang Town from being controlled by Nanbianer.

   In this way, as long as Huguang is stable, there will be no big disturbances in Jiangnan with only a group of gentry and merchants.

  The same side is also waiting and saving.

  Emperor Yonglong has been on the throne for almost ten years. It is undeniable that orthodoxy is still very powerful and influential to ordinary people. Even in Jiangnan, there are still quite a few literati who maintain orthodoxy and respect the orthodoxy of the court.

  Prince Yizhong did not have the title of righteousness, even though he won the support of some gentry, there are still quite a few gentry who have a good impression of Prince Yizhong, but this does not mean that in the south of the Yangtze River, Prince Yizhong has an overwhelming advantage.

  So this requires people like myself, Tang Binyin, and the Zhen brothers to go all out but quietly to win over, buy, and win over any people and forces that can be used by themselves and support their side.

  This is the hardest part. You have to spare no effort, but you have to be calm or subtle, and you have to take pains to identify which of them are sincere support, which are double-faced, which are scumbags, and which may even be undercover agents.

  Even those who sit on the wall, how to make them firm in their confidence, slowly draw them in, and become their own help, all of these need to be carefully considered, carefully explored, and finally come up with one strategy for each person, one strategy for each faction.

Fortunately, the prestige and connections accumulated by the Supreme Emperor and Prince Yizhong in Jiangnan over the years are deep enough. Although Prince Yizhong failed to take over the big position, which disappointed the gentry in Jiangnan, the various measures taken by Emperor Yonglong after he took office are still the same. It is difficult for the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River to recognize that this advantage still exists.

   But Jia Jing is very clear that if this continues, the popularity and resources accumulated by Emperor Yuanxi and Prince Yizhong will eventually be slowly eroded and consumed by Emperor Yonglong, and will eventually be swept away like water or sand.

From the bottom of his heart, Jia Jing also knows very well that unless Emperor Yonglong or his sons have some major changes or make some big mistakes, it is very difficult for Prince Yizhong, even if the Supreme Emperor is added, to reverse the situation. , but I have received the great favor of Prince Yizhong, and I have been firmly bound to Prince Yizhong, so I can only go on in this way,

"Zijing, is it appropriate to pin our hopes on the imperial court?" Zhen Yingyu couldn't help interjecting, "Ziteng's Denglai army has been in Huguang for so long. So the lack of logistics supplies was used as an excuse to delay the war opportunity and delay the occupation of the Southwest. One time is fine, two times is fine, but what about three or four times? The first two times the court still thought that Zi Teng wanted to preserve his strength, and all generals are like this. I can understand, but three or four times? Both Sun Chengzong and Yang He are not kind people, especially Sun Chengzong, who is proficient in military affairs, how can he not see what Zi Teng is thinking?"

   Zhen Yingyu's words also reflected Jia Jing's worries.

Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army is currently the most effective army in the south, and it is also the only organized army in the south that is firmly in control. But before the flag of rebellion is raised publicly, the imperial court can make the prince Teng is going to be the governor of Denglei and the commander-in-chief of Denglei Town. At that time, it is still hard to say whether these troops will no longer be in command, whether they will fall into chaos, and whether they will accept the orders of the new commander-in-chief.

  People are separated from each other. On the surface, you bow your head and obey your orders, and maybe you will turn your back on the next moment. No one can say for sure about such a major matter of wealth and life.

After hesitating for a while, Jia Jingcai said: "Yingyu, I understand your worry, but we can only wait for a while. Ziteng's side is certainly risky, but now we can't act rashly. The timing is gradually ripening, but I think the next six months to a year may be the best timing."

   "Will you have to wait half a year to a year?" Zhen Yingyu asked calmly, "What's the reason? What's the basis?"

"The news came from the middle of Beijing that the emperor is not in good health, and he has not been in court for a long time recently. Most of the court affairs are handled in the East Study Room. Several noble concubines in the palace and King Shou, King Fu, King Li and King Lu have all started to move. It’s a good thing for us, the messier the better,…”

  Jia Jing did not hide from the two of them.

   Zhen Yingjia and Zhen Yingyu both nodded, they also grasped the situation.

"In addition, Niu Jizong is still trying to find a way. Although the emperor's cleansing of the Beijing camp has allowed him to have a firmer grasp of the Beijing camp, it has also made many people sad. This is a good thing for Niu Jizong. Xuanfu, Datong and Shanxi There are also quite a few of our Wu Xun disciples in the town, so these people are still half-hearted, but seeing the emperor's treatment of these Wu Xun in the Beijing camp, they should understand a lot,..."

  Zhen Yingyu thought for a while, then nodded: "However, the capital is firmly under the emperor's control. In the future..."

"Ying Yu, we didn't have a chance in the capital city. Chen Jixian was unwilling to take risks before, but now Chen Jixian is willing to put all his eggs in one basket. Our chances are not great..." Jia Jing smiled wryly, "The Shenshu camp is controlled by the enemies, and the gods The military battalion is being formed now, and almost all of them are ordered by the emperor himself. Although the fifth military battalion is the strongest and the largest, I think Chen Jixian probably lost his courage a long time ago,..."

   "Of course there is no chance in the city, but what about outside the city?" Zhen Yingyu asked back.

  Jia Jing asked suspiciously: "Outside the city?"

   "Yes, outside the city." Zhen Yingyu said in a deep voice.

"Ying Yu, you mean Autumn Hunting? Autumn Hunting at Iron Net Mountain?" Jia Jing suddenly realized, and then shook his head again, "Although autumn hunting is a ritual rule in the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor has been absent for several years because of his poor health. ,..."

"Not necessarily, Zijing, have you forgotten that this year is the emperor's 80th birthday?" Zhen Yingyu sneered, "According to the emperor's practice, every birthday he must go to Iron Net Mountain for autumn hunting, and the emperor Known for his loyalty and filial piety, if the Supreme Emperor goes, as long as the Emperor is not too sick to get out of bed, he will definitely accompany him, even if it is only for a day or two..."

Jia Jing thought for a while, indeed, in the past, when the Supreme Emperor Qiushou, all adult princes had to follow. The last time it was the Supreme Emperor, it was the 70th birthday of Emperor Yuanxi, and all the princes followed without exception, even the emperor who was over eight years old. The grandchildren also all go together, which is also the rule of the Zhang family of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Seeing that Jia Jing was moved, Zhen Yingyu did not force him: "Zijing, I just mentioned this, as for whether it is suitable and whether the conditions are ripe, you have to make up your mind, and what is going on with Chen Jixian, I don't know. , but I thought that even if Chen Jixian was unstable, what about Niu Jizong? The Xuanfu Army was close at hand, didn't he claim that the Xuanfu Army was under his control? An elite might be able to decide everything,..."

  Jia Jing shook his head: "Xuanfu Army is being watched by Jizhen Army now. As long as Niu Jizong moves, You Shigong will follow suit..."

"Opportunities are created. He has a good plan. We have a wall ladder. As far as I know, everyone in Chahar..." Zhen Yingyu nodded, and Jia Jing frowned, but then he stretched it out and sighed. Tone, "I know about this,..."

Zhen Yingyu nodded slightly, "Brother Zijing knows it well, as brother Zijing said, maybe our conditions are not mature now, but if we drag on, our conditions will become more mature, but others will also be there." Consolidation, just like the Beijing camp, if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had been more courageous seven years ago, or if we had dared to take a gamble with the Supreme Emperor, wouldn’t everything have been accomplished? Why is there no need to look forward and backward now, and be in a dilemma?”

Seven years ago, the enemies of the Shenshu camp had not yet been controlled. At that time, Wang Ziteng was still the military governor of the Beijing camp, and the military power in Beijing and China was concentrated in one hand. It can be said that it was the best time to do it, but it was delayed because of the opposition of the Supreme Emperor. , and now it looks like this.

"Well, the reason why I want to wait a little longer is that according to what I know, the drought in the Northland this year will be very serious, beyond everyone's expectations. This is what Xing Yunlu, the former supervisor of Qin Tianjian, told me..." Jia Jing looked serious, "If what Xing Yunlu said is true, then most provinces in the North will rely on our Jiangnan and Huguang food supplies this year, especially this winter and next spring, when..."

  (end of this chapter)

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