Number of People

Chapter 1387: Xin Zijuan, I make the decision for you

  Chapter 1387 Xin Zijuan I decide for you

  Jia Baoyu's face was pale, and he looked at Feng Ziying in disbelief.

  It was the first time he had seen Feng Ziying with such an attitude. At this moment, he really felt that the Brother Feng he was talking about was no longer the easy-going and friendly Brother Feng, but the one-sided Shuntian Fu Cheng.

Feng Ziying's contemptuous attitude towards Qin Zhong and Jiang Yuhan, of course Jia Baoyu knew what was the source of it, and he didn't dare to point out or argue, but if he really wanted to stop interacting with Qin Zhong and Jiang Yuhan, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him .

How many confidantes can we get in life, Brother Zhong and Jiang Yuhan are two of them, only they can understand the worries and anguish in our hearts, and can comfort and relieve the restlessness and resentment in our hearts. How is it possible to get along with people?

   And this is his own private matter, why can Brother Feng interfere?

  Why is it that the children of King Jing, Prince Zhongshun, Lord Zhen Guo and Duke Qi are so free, but he himself has to be coerced by an outsider?

But under Feng Ziying's sharp eyes, Baoyu found that he didn't dare to resist and refute. After a long time, he said weakly: "Brother Feng, you can't do this. I don't have many friends now. Don't you think I'll stay here for a long time?" Can you suffocate to death in the garden?"

  Feng Ziying stared at Baoyu, seeing that there was a trace of tears in the other's weak eyes, and she couldn't bear it in her heart.

To say that this well-deserved King Yan and the first hero in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" can be said to be unparalleled in luck. He was born with jade in his mouth and fragrance in the house. To him, Bu Chengshi is simply a piece of cake. Countless people hold it in their hands for fear of falling, and hold it in their mouth for fear of melting. It is extremely honorable.

  Even if the only shortcoming is that he doesn't like to read the scriptures, it is not a big deal for a family of martial arts.

  Among the children of the Four Kings, Eight Dukes and Twelve Marquises, how many of them like to read or read books?

   Don’t Jia Lian, Jia Zhen, and Jia Rong also don’t study?

   There are also people who are familiar with me, such as Chen Yepin, Han Qi, and Wei Ruolan, who have been in the Imperial College for several years and have not studied?

Not studying is not a big problem, as long as he can take over the family business, he can also live a life of a master, and look at the Daichaiyun and the women around him, all of them are beautiful and beautiful, and they have a good family background. It can be said that you can choose , it can be said that as long as they don't die, the noble families of this feudal dynasty will be rich and noble for a lifetime.

  Feng Ziying didn't know if it was because of the dream when she was sleeping on the big bed in Qin Keqing's boudoir. She ran amok in the dream, so it seemed that all her luck was transferred to herself.

Married Baochai and Baoqin, and betrothed to Daiyu, even Yingchun and Xiuyan might want to enter the Feng family, not to mention that I also picked Jin Chuaner, Xiangling and other Red Chamber beauties or deputy beauties Even Wang Xifeng has been reduced to his own taboo.

   It seems that this kind of winner in life can't even imagine Jia Baoyu in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", right?

  Looking back at the current Jia Baoyu, the halo has faded, gradually disappearing from everyone.

The rise of Jia Huan, as well as the excellent performance of Jia Lan and Jia Cong, have directly impacted his status and influence in the mansion. Even Jia Mu still dotes on him, but Jia Huan, Jia Lan and Jia Cong can all read books. , especially Jia Huan, who is the younger brother of the concubine, has entered Qingtan Academy and is expected to win the competition in next autumn.

But he can only rely on going to the second-rate literary clubs in the capital city to polish his reputation, or he can earn a penny or two by writing legendary paintings. Knowing this and the gap between real scholars has become more and more obvious.

Even Jia Lian, another loser in the original "Dream of Red Mansions", has now successfully turned salted fish over with his own help and won the treasurer of Haitong Yinzhuang Yangzhou, but Jia Baoyu is obsessed with himself because of his aversion to mundane affairs. in the small circle.

  How many heinous things did Jia Baoyu really do? Really not, maybe incompetence or mediocrity is the original sin?

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing: "Baoyu, you should think I'm doing it for your own good, whether it's for Brother Zhong or Jiang Yuhan, are you going to hang out like this for the rest of your life? They both plan to hang out like this forever Go on? One should always have a correct goal in one's life, and always work hard towards this correct goal, instead of just muddling along like this, and living one day at a time, right?"

  Jia Baoyu did not expect that Feng Ziying's tone of voice suddenly softened again, and his words were also very pertinent. He also admitted that Feng Ziying's words were not unreasonable, but he really couldn't make a clean break with Qin Zhong and Jiang Yuhan now.

"Brother Feng, I know that you are doing it for my own good, but everyone's life may not be the same. I know that you have made great achievements in your career. Brother Huan, Brother Lan, and Brother Cong are all examples. I learn from you, but you also know that I don't like official career, I like a more free life, you want me to be like you, I can't do it, I like to be with my friends,..."

   Jia Baoyu's words were very difficult, he didn't dare to look at Feng Ziying, and his body was trembling. The big round face in the past seemed to have lost weight, making him appear more feminine and charming.

Feng Ziying looked straight at Baoyu, and said after a long time: "Baoyu, what I said, I hope you will think about it carefully, don't make the old lady and your mother sad, let alone embarrass Zheng Shishu outside, and what's more, I will give advice to the old lady and your mother later, to find a suitable marriage for you as soon as possible, and try to get married by the end of this year, so as to continue the incense for your Jia family earlier, do you understand what I mean?"

  Jia Baoyu breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded a little guilty: "I understand."

"Okay, it's good that you understand." Feng Ziying had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, "You and Qin Zhong and Jiang Yuhan can't be so close, you have to respect your identity, and I have to beat the two of them well, don't make trouble Some absurd things come, embarrassing everyone's faces."

   Baoyu could only nod, not daring to speak.

   This is the only way she can go. Feng Ziying also knows that Jiamu and Mrs. Wang dote on Baoyu, so if he says he knows nothing about his hookups with Qin Zhong and Jiang Yuhan, he simply doesn't believe it.

It's just that Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang probably think that this is just a kind of "elegant interest" for the children of rich families. There is no need to make a fuss. This Jia's family already has this kind of tradition. Jia Amnesty, Jia Lian, Jia Zhen, and Jia Lian seem to have had it This kind of "Yaxing" is just not to be addicted.

It wasn't that Feng Ziying wanted to take care of Jia Baoyu's affairs. First, Jia Zheng did have an entrustment, and second, Yingchun wanted to make herself a concubine. In addition, Baochai and Baoqin were married to him. In the future, there would be Daiyu, and even explored Chun's future is hard to say, and it seems that he and Jia's family have been entangled.

Although I really don't want to take care of the Jia family's nonsense, he can't take care of the original Jia family's nonsense, and even the Jia Amnesty's nonsense, but at least I have to be worthy of my conscience, and do what I can. Do something within the scope.

  Jia Baoyu is not a very bad person, but he has developed such a lazy and unrestrained disposition since he was a child. If he can help, he will help. If he really can’t help, then he will do his best.

   What surprised Feng Ziying was that not only Mrs. Wang was in Jiamu's room, but also Mrs. Xing, who usually didn't like to be in Jiamu's room.

  Compared with the last visit to the mansion, Jia Mu, Mrs. Xing, and Mrs. Wang all felt that Feng Ziying had changed a lot.

If Feng Ziying still had a bit of gentleness and elegance last time, this time this feeling has faded a lot, replaced by the dignified majesty of a superior, with a unique demeanor in every gesture, I don't know how others Look, at least that's what Jia's mother felt in her heart. This kid is becoming more and more like a fourth-rank official.

"Brother Keng, the affairs of Shuntian Mansion must be much busier than that of Yongping Mansion, and you must also focus on official duties. If you have free time, you can come to Rongguo Mansion, Baoyu, Brother Huan Brother Lang and Brother Cong are looking forward to your coming to teach them more..."

  Mother Jia still looked rich, leaning cross-legged on the kang. Although Feng Ziying was a fourth-rank official, she was the grandson of a family friend after all, so there was no need to be too particular.

"Uncle Zheng Shi also told Ziying when he left. Naturally, Ziying didn't dare to be negligent. A few days ago, because she just took over the official duties, she was a little busy, but now she is getting used to it gradually, so I can find some free time..." Feng Ziying He said generously: "Just now I talked with Baoyu for a while, and I thought Uncle Zheng Shi also told me that Baoyu was not young, so he had to consider the matter of getting married. I don't know how the old lady and aunt thought about it." ?”

Going straight to the point, it surprised Mother Jia, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing, but after thinking about it, this precious jade is eighteen, and it should have been considered long ago. Only those who are suitable and satisfied will be dragged down. Now that Feng Ziying said so, could it be that there is a suitable family?

  Hearing Feng Ziying really brought up the matter, Jia Baoyu also turned pale and wanted to argue, but when he saw Feng Ziying's gaze turned sideways, he immediately froze, shrinking his neck, not daring to make a sound.

"Ziying, do you have a suitable family?" Mrs. Wang was impatient, and immediately asked: "Baoyu is indeed not young, as long as it is a suitable family, we will not do anything else. It is worthy of our Baoyu, and we don't care about other things,..."

  The words are light and simple, but the meaning inside is not easy. Feng Ziying has already experienced it, so of course she understands it.

  (end of this chapter)

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