Number of People

Chapter 1389: The Consequences of Impulse

  Chapter 1389 The Consequences of Impulse in Xin Zijuan

"Brother Keng, you don't know that the enemy family was just an ordinary military officer who was not in the ranks before. He only made a fortune after accumulating some military achievements in the past few years. This kind of people has no background. It is not a good match for precious jade."

  Mother Jia obviously also had some understanding of the Chou family, and her tone was quite disdainful.

Feng Ziying also admitted that this enemy family did not have much background. During the reign of Emperor Yuanxi, the enemy was still unknown, and he was vigorously promoted after Emperor Yonglong succeeded to the throne. Naturally, he was completely devoted to Emperor Yonglong. Now he is in charge of the Shenshu camp, but he is a big power in the grip.

  In his view, even if Emperor Yonglong is gone, as long as Qiu Shiben is in power, other successors will have to rely heavily on him, which can be said to be a good reliance, but the Jia family actually refused because the other party has no background, leaving Feng Ziying speechless.

Of course, it’s not that Jiamu’s words are unreasonable. This kind of upstart depends entirely on the trust of the emperor. Considering it from this perspective, it makes sense.

  Looking at the Jia family, they are at least three or four generations old. Even though the current situation is not good, the appearance can still be maintained. When they meet the children who are up to date in the family, they can come back to life again.

"As for Prince Lianzhong, people outside think that it is good to be married to the royal family, but Prince Lianzhong is from the previous generation, and he is not valued among several princes. Although his daughter is in name The above is from the first line, but it is neither from his original spouse, nor from the current princess, but from the late second, and Prince Lianzhong is well-known in the capital city, and he can’t speak at home. His current princess is a A powerful person, he has never had a good face towards the other children,..."

Feng Ziying understood that this daughter of Prince Lianzhong was not welcomed by the current concubine in the mansion, and Prince Lianzhong was a strict wife, so she could not talk, so even if Baoyu married Prince Lianzhong's daughter, she might not be able to get along with her. to how much light.

But Feng Ziying doesn't think so, as long as Baoyu becomes the son-in-law of Prince Lianzhong, if something happens in the future, it is impossible for Prince Lianzhong to ignore his own son-in-law, and marrying Prince Lianzhong's daughter now is just a dowry money It's just a little bit of a loss. On this point, Jia's mother is a little short-sighted.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's silence, Jia's mother also guessed that the other party might not agree with her views, so she asked warmly, "Brother Keng, do you think what I say makes sense?"

   After thinking about it, Feng Ziying also felt that even if she put forward her own point of view, it would be difficult to get the other party's approval. Could it be too risky to tell her that King Beijing and Prince Yizhong are too close? Tell her that Niu Jizong has ulterior motives, and the Niu family will inevitably be implicated in the future?

  Do people believe it?

Now King Beijing Jing is still very active in the limelight in the capital city, attending literary and poetry meetings one after another, and even has close friends with King Shou and King Fu; Niu Jizong is still the governor of Xuanda who holds military power, even older than himself His father is even more beautiful. Niu Jixun not only married Emperor Yonglong's younger sister, but also had a huge family fortune. He was also one of the most wealthy families in the capital city. Why did he say that he was at risk?

To be honest, no one, including Feng Ziying, can predict the future outcome. It is even hard to say whether Prince Yizhong will turn the tables and return the throne to his lineage in the future. Emperor Yonglong's body and how long the Supreme Emperor can live have nothing to do with it. It is a variable, and I am just considering these factors from the north-south perspective and my own interests.

  Although it is said that conquering the north from the south is far less victorious than conquering the south from the north, it must be known that from the Ming Dynasty to the current dynasty, all the victories were achieved by conquering the north from the south. This point cannot be ignored.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying was at a loss for words for a while, Jia's mother did not urge her, but just waited patiently for Feng Ziying's attitude.

Before his son left, he also specifically explained to himself that in the past few years, he could discuss with Feng Ziying any major matters in the mansion. Although Feng Ziying was young, he had a far-sighted vision and a deep understanding of the situation in the court. People who have experienced the world know that it is no accident that Feng Ziying took the position of Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister at the age of 20, so he still attaches great importance to Feng Ziying's attitude.

   After thinking for a long time, Feng Ziying felt that it might be difficult for him to convince Jiamu and Wang, but he felt that he had to say it.

The King of Beijing, the Niu family, and the Zhen family all have political risks. Although it is not obvious now, once it is really exposed, I am afraid it will be too late. However, Qiu Shiben and Prince Lianzhong have to look at it from Feng Ziying's point of view. Qiu Shiben is not very suitable for the Jia family's appetite, but Prince Lianzhong is absolutely suitable.

   But I don’t know if Mother Jia has become more and more concerned about money and goods because the Jia family has become more and more poor in recent years, or because she is too fussy about her grandson, so...

   "Old Madam, let alone the Zhen family, I think that if you really think it is appropriate, you might as well wait a while..."

Feng Ziying's words stunned Jia's mother and Xing's Wang family, but Jia's mother was obviously more knowledgeable than Xing's Wang's. Seeing that Feng Ziying didn't want to say more, she felt a chill in her heart. Bro, what do you mean..."

   "I mean, if it's the Wang family and the Niu family in Beijing, I'm afraid they need to seek the opinion of the imperial concubine in the palace, and see what she says before making a fuss..."

Feng Ziying thought of a plan to delay the attack. Judging from the posture of the Jia family, it should be basically confirmed that it is the Niu family. If the Niu family does not agree, they will choose the King of Beijing, and the King of Beijing should have already had This is intended, so it is used as a guarantee.

  Jia Yuanchun should understand the current situation in the palace. Even if he doesn't understand, he will remind the other party that if he is really married to the King of Beijing or the Niu family, it may be really difficult for the Jia family to get rid of it.

   Naturally, Mother Jia and Wang had no objection to Feng Ziyi's suggestion. They were planning to inform Yuan Chun of this situation, and in their view, Yuan Chun could not have any objections.

   Coming out of Jiamu's yard, Jia Baoyu also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that he would decide on his own marriage. He had met Prince Beijing's sister, Shuitang, and she was indeed very good. He had also met Niu Jixun's daughter, and it was passable, but he never I never thought about marrying them.

   But he also knows that his marriage will not be out for too long. It is an eternal truth that men should marry when they are married and women should marry when they are older.

   "Brother Feng, thank you."

   "Thank you for what?" Feng Ziying was a little absent-minded, "I didn't help you with your marriage. It seems that your family has already considered it for you, but I don't think their consideration is the most appropriate."

   "Ah, then you should bring it up directly. My ancestors and mother respected your opinion very much. When my father left, he also made a special explanation. In this way, I also..." Jia Baoyu felt that his words were wrong, and Jia Baoyu stopped abruptly.

"Hmph, Baoyu, I don't quite agree with their point of view, it doesn't mean that I don't agree with you getting married as soon as possible, it's just that the choice of candidates is different." Feng Ziying said angrily: "Okay, let's see the opinion of the imperial concubine, you go to work first You go."

  A complex look appeared on Baoyu's face, but it was only fleeting, "Brother Feng is going to the garden? Do you want to have dinner in my Yihong Courtyard?"

Feng Ziying turned his head and took a deep look at Jia Baoyu. He could understand Jia Baoyu's complicated and sour mood at this time. Baochai had already married him, and Daiyu would marry him next year, and all the women he liked the most had left him. He got what he wanted, but he was still confused and hesitant about his own future.

"I won't go to the garden until later, I won't have dinner, I'll leave after a while." I understand, but Feng Ziying doesn't care too much about it, luck is on her body, and everything can only be done by taking advantage of the situation, he He waved his hand, "I'm going to ask Brother Lan and Brother Cong too. If you become a master, you can't ignore them."

  Feng Ziying's stay in Jia's mansion is almost like her own mansion. Whether it's Jia's mother, Wang's side, or Grand View Garden, everyone from housekeepers, servants to mother-in-law and maidservants are used to Feng Ziying walking in the mansion.

Everyone is even happy to see this official from Shuntian Mansion come and go frequently, especially the servants, when they see Feng Ziying, they all wish they could be with him and have a few more words, so that they can show off and show off when they go out. After all, this is also a rare honor and glory for the increasingly declining Rongguo Mansion.

Looking at it from afar, the courtyard of Sister Feng seems to be much darker. The gray wall tiles and dark white walls always feel a sense of bleakness, and I don’t know if it is her own psychological feelings. , It seems that the inside is a little too quiet.

  In the past, this yard was full of people coming and going, and it was extremely lively, but now it suddenly became cold. I don't know if Wang Xifeng can bear the feeling of being left out in front of others?

  Pinger also came to bring a letter some time ago, saying that he was going to move out within two or three months, and that Jia Lian would come back with his family by the end of the year.

  Feng Ziying naturally knew about this, but she was powerless to change anything. Jia Lian refused to come back, and now he is returning home. Life in Yangzhou is comfortable, and he has a son. Now he wants to marry a wealthy woman with a rich dowry.

  In contrast, Wang Xifeng who was "swept out" is a bit desolate.

Ping'er's words must have some meaning in it, but Feng Ziying also has no idea what to do with the promise she made when she was in a fever. Don't think about it any more.

  (end of this chapter)

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