Number of People

Chapter 1394: Xin Zijuan staying overnight?

  Chapter 1394 Xin Zijuan staying overnight?

  Being a little embarrassed by Wang Xifeng's tiger-wolf words, he could only rub his cheeks embarrassingly, and let out a haha.

  Wang Xifeng also realized that she had made a slip of the tongue. Besides, she had been a husband and wife, but after all, they were not husband and wife, and there was Ping'er. She blushed, Wang Xifeng snorted lightly, and turned her face away.

On the other hand, Ping'er was so teased that he almost couldn't help laughing, it wasn't because he was worried that Wang Xifeng would become angry from embarrassment, he was afraid that he was about to laugh out loud, so he covered his mouth and turned his face away, and said, "I thank you, my servant, for the reward." , but this is too expensive,..."

"It's nothing precious, but it represents the heart of the Lord." Feng Ziying still held Ping'er's hand, and pulled Ping'er into his arms, let her sit on his lap, and carefully held the jade for her. Putting on the bracelet, after looking it over for a while, he said: "Well, it's quite suitable, Ping'er, this means that you are the master's man, you must abide by women's morals,..."

Being so soured by Feng Ziying's words, Wang Xifeng looked disgusted, "Okay, Brother Keng, you are really unscrupulous, people who come to dig me in front of me don't care about me at all? You I don't agree, when will it be your turn to become yours?"

  Feng Ziying didn't care about it, "Sister Feng, I think you have a short temper in a short time. Jia She offended you, and you don't want to take it out on me. Am I here to make plans for you?"

Wang Xifeng couldn't say anything, but she always felt that it was not pleasing to the eye, so she glared at the other party bitterly: "I think you are here to trick us deliberately, to see our jokes, to see me Wang Xifeng is down and out, and you will Comfortable,..."

"Sister Feng, in your mind, my Feng Keng's structure is so small?" Feng Ziying smiled, "I am still a fourth-rank official of the imperial court, a parent official of Shuntian Mansion, and I don't think about government affairs all day long, but I only think about seeing you as a woman." It's a joke, do you think Feng Keng like this is qualified to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion? Can he be your man?"

  The words are just and correct, if there is no last sentence, it is really sonorous and powerful, but if there is an extra last sentence, the taste will suddenly change, but it also makes Wang Xifeng feel more turbulent.

"Hmph, who knows what's on your mind? It's been so long that even a letter has been brought to you, and you and I, Heping and I, are left to suffer in Rongguo Mansion..." Wang Xifeng snorted softly, "If it wasn't for Ping It's your son's birthday, are you afraid that you won't come?"

"Sister Feng, you are also from an official family anyway, don't you know that the official duties of the court are bigger than the sky?" Feng Ziying said with emotion, "If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how expensive Chai Migui is. Although there is Shuntian Fu Yin in this Shuntian Mansion, you all know Wu Fu Yin As a human being, I don't like mundane affairs, so this burden has to be on my shoulders, and I'm also anxious."

  Seeing Feng Ziying's emotion, Wang Xifeng's face softened a little.

  This man who had been married to him is now one of the best people in Shuntian Mansion. It is self-evident how busy he is. It is not easy to come here today, which shows his attitude towards his master and servant.

   "Brother Keng, don't worry too much. The affairs of Shuntian Mansion can't be completed in a day or two. You are so young, you are too hasty, and you are easy to be taken advantage of." Wang Xifeng pursed her lips and said.

   "Well, with your words, my heart will be at ease." Feng Ziying laughed, "I still think about the kindness of a husband and wife for a day, and I really thought you didn't expect me."

  Wang Xifeng gave Feng Ziying a blank look, and fell silent.

  Feng Ziying mentioned Jia Baoyu's marriage again, and by the way, she also wanted to ask Wang Xifeng what the Jia family thought about it.

"What else is there to say? This is not the meaning of the old ancestor alone, including the wife, the master, and even the imperial concubine." Wang Xifeng looked at Feng Ziying with some puzzlement, "Prince Beijing Hereditary, his younger sister is the princess, and she is both talented and beautiful, more than enough to match Baoyu, if it wasn't for the prince of Beijing Jing who appreciates Baoyu, I'm afraid it won't be Baoyu's turn?"

  Feng Ziying looked at Wang Xifeng and shook her head, "The reason? Sister Feng, I don't believe you don't understand the reason."

  Wang Xifeng turned her face away with some guilt, "Then what reason do you say?"

   "Don't you consider Prince Yizhong's sake?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "The relationship between Prince Beijing and Prince Yizhong is well known, so you are not afraid of the emperor's dissatisfaction?"

Wang Xifeng hesitated for a moment, "According to what you said, no one would dare to marry Prince Yizhong. In this capital city, there are many people who are closely related to Prince Yizhong. The same goes for the Duke of Zhenguo. Niu Jixun is marrying the emperor's own sister, the eldest princess, so it's all right, right?"

"Sister Feng, it's okay for you to say that." Feng Ziyi raised her head slightly, "But you know what I'm worried about. The Jia family is in a bad situation now. There is no need to mix in the muddy water, and I can't afford to. A stable family can keep Baoyu rich and peaceful for the rest of his life, that's about it..."

"Isn't that what the old ancestors and wives thought? Niu Jixun's family has royal origins and a strong family background. Baoyu married a daughter from the Niu family. It would complement each other and couldn't be better." Wang Xifeng looked at Feng Ziying, "Even if the Niu family came from If there is something wrong, can the eldest princess help with it?"

  Even Wang Xifeng thought so, and Feng Ziying thought that this might be the Jia family's unanimity.

  He can’t say that this choice is bad. Prince Lianzhong is also at risk. Although he and Prince Yizhong seem to draw a line, what if the ties are broken?

Besides, some people may be thinking of sitting on the fence, and the one who wins in the end will get all the money. From this point of view, choosing the daughter of the Niu family seems to be similar to the daughter of Prince Lianzhong, but choosing the daughter of Qiu Shiben means betting all bets It's on Emperor Yonglong, but who can say for sure about the future development of the situation?

  It was getting late, Feng Ziying had no intention of leaving, Wang Xifeng was a little restless, but Ping'er covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

   Lin Hongyu was still smart, arranged a meal in the back kitchen early, and delivered it early.

  After getting Feng Ziying's letter of approval, Lin Hongyu was immediately refreshed. Even Uncle Feng recognized her, and her future suddenly brightened.

Although it is not clear what will happen after leaving the Rongguo Mansion, Lin Hongyu firmly believes that her parents are right, and she believes that Uncle Feng is a man of great fortune, and he can be expected to be crowned king and minister in the future .

  As for the affair between Uncle Feng and Second Mistress, Lin Hongyu is also a child of the Jia family, and grew up in Rongning Second Mansion since she was a child.

  Second master Lian had an affair with Duo girl and Bao Er's family, and hooked up with Qiu Tong. You must know that Qiu Tong was Jia She's close person, and he was once regarded as forbidden, so Jia Lian stole it?

The prudish old man is also messing around outside, otherwise Jia Cong would have come out for no reason, and now everyone does not know who Jia Cong's biological mother is, and Mrs. Xing has issued a strict order not to inquire. Jia Cong's motherhood.

But there is no way to block the messages in this mansion. It is said that Jia Cong's mother is an unfavorable concubine after Master Jing became a monk in Dongfu. Somehow, he was stolen by Master Xi, and later her reputation was not good. Sent away, but unexpectedly got pregnant again, after giving birth, quietly sent the woman away.

   It is the second master who has always been upright. Where did Aunt Zhou come from? The younger generation in the mansion don't know about it, but my parents do.

It's not a small family that was engaged to get married, but the second master hooked up when he went out to study, and then spent a lot of money to get rid of the man. It's just that the aunt has never given birth this week, so she is in the mansion Silently.

  So, in fact, the big families don’t really care about this, or it’s commonplace, so they’re not surprised.

  Second Grandma and Second Master Lian have reconciled. Uncle Feng likes this tune, and having an affair with Second Grandma is a good thing in Lin Hongyu's opinion. Otherwise, if there is no such relationship, why would Uncle Feng take care of you?

  Maybe it’s okay to take care of the old relationship once in a while, but for a long time, Lin Hongyu even feels that it’s still lacking, so the second grandma put Sister Ping’er on it, right?

  Thinking of this, Lin Hongyu couldn't help but her heart skipped a few beats. Second Mistress deliberately tried to win her over, so she also wanted to...?

  Uncle Feng has always been romantic, who doesn't know his temper? Even though I can't compare with the second grandma and sister Heping'er, I can still be regarded as a yellow flower girl, and she is considered outstanding in the mansion in terms of appearance and talent. If the second grandma wants to let me..., then what should I do?

   While Lin Hongyu was thinking wildly in the yard outside, the three of them in the room had already had a few drinks.

This kind of situation was absolutely impossible in the past, but today seems to be a little different, Lin Hongyu is outside, even Ping'er is at ease in his heart, today is his birthday again, and some good friends at noon have already gathered together Congratulations, this night is considered to be clean.

   "Am I going to stay here today?" Feng Ziying drank a few cups, but did not drink too much, teasingly.

  Wang Xifeng was taken aback, "No way!"

Originally drinking and eating together was a bit out of order, but she also thought about it, if someone came to meet her, she would say that it was a follow-up matter of the redemption of the military heroes of the Beijing camp. If you don't know the fun, you have to worry about it, and it's justified to be perfunctory, anyway, Wang Xifeng feels that she is also deceiving herself.

  Feng Ziying glanced at Wang Xifeng, "No? Sister Feng, I can let you go? I won't leave today, what's the matter?"

Wang Xifeng was angry and hated, her lips trembled a little, she lowered her voice and said viciously: "I know you are in my courtyard, I can still afford a meal, if you don't leave, you will definitely force me to die here ?”

  (end of this chapter)

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