Number of People

Chapter 1411: Xin Zijuan is as long as Ruixiang's day

  Chapter 1411 Xin Zijuan grows with Ruixiang's day

   "My lord, Mr. Fang has arrived at the government office." Ruixiang came in to report.

   "No hurry, Mr. Wu is still here, let's talk about it after he pays a visit to Mr. Wu." Feng Ziying reviewed the official document without raising her head.

   "But the villain saw him coming directly to you." Ruixiang's tone was a little hasty, but also a little uneasy.

  From Yongping Mansion to Shuntian Mansion, the experience and growth of more than a year is simply too important for him.

  Yongping government office is even better. Although the work is heavy, but more of it is done by the uncle himself. He is more concerned with observing and studying, observing words and demeanor, and learning the fastest and most sensitive comprehension of the meaning of the master.

  But Shuntian Mansion is different. It is almost too busy. There are too many visitors, and they all need to be dealt with comprehensively.

Uncle has no time, energy, or time. As a long-term follower, he needs someone to accompany him. The important role is Mr. Wang, but some are small people sent by big people to explain things, or to ask for a result. It is impossible for Mr. Wang to accompany him. , that is, he came to receive him.

This is not easy. Grandpa often says that life is old and learning is old. Insight into the world is knowledge, and understanding of human feelings is writing. Ruixiang thinks that the latter sentence is really good, but it seems that it is not what the grandpa said, but the ancients. But the uncle explained this to him in detail, and Ruixiang took it very seriously.

Ruixiang also begged the old man to write this picture for himself, but the old man said his handwriting was too ugly and refused to write it, but he finally wrote it after he was obsessed with it. It is tidy, the key is that this is the uncle's calligraphy. Rui Xiang treasured it and hung it in his hut after it was framed. It is also ready to be passed on to his children and grandchildren.

  Writing this picture is one thing, but the uncle reminded himself that he must understand the essence of this couplet. Ruixiang naturally understood the meaning of the old man and pondered it carefully.

  He can feel that the uncle has different expectations for himself and Baoxiang, which can be seen from the requirement that he must spend half an hour a day reading and learning.

  At first, I thought it was to allow the two of them to read books in their spare time, but it gradually became a habit. They read books every day before going to bed, even when they went out in the wind and rain. This is what the grandfather personally explained.

Not only himself, but also Baoxiang, who is much younger than him, must read books every day. He must know three new characters every day, learn to read and recite a sentence by heart, which can be scriptures, poems, or poems. It's a common saying, but you have to be able to memorize it, comprehend it, and use it. It is said that as long as you persist for three years, you will not change it even if you take the exam for a scholar.

  What Master said, I heard that Daoxi would be dead. I and Baoxiang are still young and have a bright future. Following him is only a short period of time in the journey of life. There is a more exciting world waiting for them outside.

Although the two of them didn't understand the words very well, they probably understood the meaning, that is, they can't follow the master all their lives as a servant, well, now he has been officially promoted to the master's long-term follower, and Baoxiang is still in the apprenticeship period. It is probably the preparatory period, and there is no formal recognition yet.

How the master will arrange the two of us in the future is not what Ruixiang is thinking about now. What he is thinking about now is how to learn more from the master, learn faster, and understand more deeply. The most profound thing I have learned in the yamen for so long is also the most wonderful part of the sentence that the sophistication of human feelings is the article.

Mr. Fang is the magistrate of Tongzhou, and he came directly to the uncle instead of the governor when he came to the government office. Ruixiang also knew that it was inappropriate, but everyone knew that Mr. Wu, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, didn't care much about mundane affairs, but After all, he is the governor of the government, the head of the government, the rules cannot be broken, and this will push the uncle to an embarrassing situation, so he rushed to report in a hurry.

   "Oh?!" Feng Ziying raised her head in surprise and raised her eyebrows. It's impossible for Fang Kezhuang to be so ignorant of the rules, right? After all, they are all Jinshi backgrounds, and they have been in the officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty for so many years, and they don't even understand the rules? Not likely.

   "Really, my lord, Mr. Fang has come over." Ruixiang was sweating profusely.

Feng Ziying waved his hand, Fang Kezhuang seemed to be demonstrating or standing in line, and he could avoid it, but everyone in the house looked at him, so he seemed a little weak, but if he received him grandiosely, it would be a bit like joining hands with Fang Kezhuang. Ke Zhuang demonstrated to Wu Daonan, which is also not advisable.

   After a little thought, Feng Ziying knew that he really couldn't avoid it, and he also wanted to see what Fang Kezhuang was up to.

Fortunately, Ruixiang came to report in advance and gave himself a bit of a buffer. Feng Ziying quickly got up and walked out, and walked quickly. As expected, after walking a few steps out of the Fu Cheng Gong's house, she saw Fang Kezhuang coming along the corridor in a big way, followed by a long follower , People from the yamen were watching on both sides of the corridor, Feng Ziying murmured in her heart, this guy really wants to make trouble.

Besides, Wu Daonan doesn't care about anything, but his status as the governor of the government determines that he is the ruler of the government, and no one can challenge him. into an awkward position.

   "Master Fang is here?" Feng Ziying cupped his hands with a smile, and Fang Kezhuang also bowed in return, "Master Feng is going out too?"

"No, I heard that Mr. Fang is here. I guess he is going to report something to the mansion. It just so happens that I am also going to report this matter to Mr. Fu Yin. Isn't this just right?" Feng Ziying's thoughts turned sharply, He answered calmly.

Fang Kezhuang was stunned for a moment, and looked at Feng Ziying with a half-smile, but felt helpless and admired this guy's quick-wittedness. Really only twenty years old?

  Nodding his head, Fang Kezhuang stopped in his tracks: "Alright, let's go to Mr. Fuyin and talk about it together, or ask Mr. Fuyin to show you."

Tongzhou is the most important prefecture and county in Shuntian Prefecture besides Wanping and Daxing counties, not only because it guards the terminal of the Grand Canal, most of the materials from the south of the Yangtze River have to be re-exported from here, or go to Jingdong and Liaodong. Either enter the capital city, or store and distribute locally, and more importantly, the warehouses that are related to the food safety of more than one million soldiers and civilians in the entire capital are also built here.

This is life-saving food, and it must not be lost for a moment. Of course, this is what the imperial court said. The water transportation has never been interrupted for so many years. Even if it is due to weather or accidents, it will be restored in a very short period of time, and more warehouses will be opened. It still plays a protective role, and even psychological protection is more important.

Tongcang was originally composed of two parts. It was originally built by the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry, which was funded by the imperial court. It was mainly to protect the needs of court officials, princes, nobles, officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp and their families in the capital city. Later, it covered the governor of Xuanda. The Xuanfu soldiers under the jurisdiction and the Jizhen soldiers under the governor of Jiliao are needed by the two frontier troops.

Later, as the population of Gyeonggi continued to grow, more and more people in the capital served imperial officials, princes and nobles, as well as officers and soldiers from all walks of life. The refugees from the Northland who came from the disaster have gradually transformed into people who serve all kinds of people in the capital. These people not only live in the city, but also live outside the city.

This group is getting bigger and bigger, so it is impossible for the imperial court to guarantee the needs of these people. Once the water transportation encounters obstacles, the price of grain in Beijing and China will skyrocket, so later the imperial court instructed Shuntian Prefecture to resolve this possibility of crisis, so Shuntianfu built the local Tongcang of Shuntianfu next to the imperial Tongcang.

Later, for the convenience of unified management, the imperial court combined the two into one, mainly focusing on the management of the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry. Still in the hands of the Ministry of Finance.

Although the dominant power is in the hands of the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry and Shuntian Mansion also have management power. This kind of power and responsibility is not separated, and the model of confusion often forms the water control of Kowloon. The result is that everyone fights for good things and pushes for bad things. It was especially prominent in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  Tongzhou is the largest inland river port in Shuntian Prefecture. More than 90% of the goods from Jiangnan, Huguang, and Guangzhou enter Gyeonggi through here. Therefore, a large number of merchants, hawkers, dental workers, and various service people gather here.

  In addition, this is where Tongcang is located, and most of the soldiers stationed in Tongcang, and the people who come and go to and from the tank boats gather here, so in the words of the imperial court, there are no less than tens of thousands of idlers.

  The daily consumption of this group of people alone is not a small number. In addition, these people have complicated identities and are deeply connected with the officials of the Beijing and Central Courts. No one can tell how much tricks there are in it.

This is also the most troublesome thing for Fang Kezhuang after he took office as the prefect of Tongzhou. In the past, the prefects just wanted to fool around for three years and leave, but now the situation is not the same as before. I can't drag it on.

Considering the safety and stability of Tongcang for the entire Gyeonggi, and especially the fact that both of them have learned of the possible false report and deficit that Tongcang may face, Feng Ziying and Fang Kezhuang also secretly reached a consensus that this year, this cancer must be dealt with. Pull it out, otherwise, if something happens, it may really lead to an uncontrollable catastrophe.

   It's just that Feng Ziying didn't expect Fang Kezhuang to come so suddenly, and even felt a little forced, which made him a little incomprehensible.

"Brother Yang Chu, why are you so hasty and hasty?" Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning when she walked to a secluded place and asked, "If you report it to Master Wu, it means we have to come up with countermeasures. You know him. If there is no perfect countermeasure, this matter is not beautiful, and it is inevitable to startle the snake, and the whole pot of rice will be boiled and raw."

  Fang Kezhuang also stopped, and the two long followers stood at a distance knowingly, avoiding hearing the words of the two superiors.

"Ziying, do you think I am willing?" Fang Kezhuang's face darkened: "The situation forced me to do this, but our Lord Fu Yin seemed to be careless about it, which made me in a dilemma. In the end, I still feel that I can only come to you, of course, I have no intention of avoiding Mr. Wu, so I might as well open it up."

  (end of this chapter)

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