Number of People

Chapter 1414: Xin Zijuan is overwhelmed, join hands

  Chapter 1414 Xin Zijuan is convinced, join hands

Now that the plan has been determined, we must act quickly. Feng Ziying and Fang Kezhuang are not people who just talk but don't practice. Even Fang Kezhuang predicted that Feng Ziying would not give up easily before coming to Shuntianfuya, so he made it in advance Some arrangements and even lead wires are already in place.

  The place for discussion was not in the government office, there were too many people, and it was not suitable for discussing confidential matters. Instead, they chose Feng Ziying's outer house in Maxiang Hutong.

It turned out that Eryou was once arranged to be here, the golden house hides the beauty, and later Eryou entered the mansion, and he and Wang Xifeng were here to make love and cross the old warehouse secretly. Now it seems that the house is still a bit old, so it was handed over to Mrs. You to live in. , It’s just such a big second courtyard, where Mrs. You lives with a woman, it seems a little empty.

When Feng Ziying asked Ruixiang to make arrangements, Mrs. You thought that Feng Ziying was going to bring someone from Jia's mansion to have **** again. She found Ping'er last time, and at first thought it was Ping'er, but with her old-fashioned eyes, soon It turns out that Ping'er is still a virgin, and the person hidden behind Ping'er is about to come out.

  Ms. You was also frightened for a while, but she gradually calmed down. Not to mention that Wang Xifeng is now a divorced woman, so what if there is no divorce? Could there be fewer things like this in this big family's house?

  How powerful Uncle Feng is now, Mrs. You has seen it in the past few months. In Shuntian Mansion, one person is under one person, and there are more than ten thousand people. He is a well-known parent official. What does it matter if he sleeps with a few more women?

   I just didn't expect Uncle Feng to be so lucky, but it surprised Mrs. You.

Although the Second Mistress of Lian looks enchanting and coquettish, after all, she is a woman who was born in her twenties. It is not as good as her own two daughters who followed him as virgins, but who would have thought that Uncle Feng would like this What about tuning? Perhaps this is the appetite of these men?

But later it seemed that Uncle Feng never brought anyone here again, and Mrs. You also felt that it might be that Uncle Feng was just trying something new. After eating it, I am afraid that it will not be so fresh and fragrant. coming.

  Ms. You never told anyone about this matter, even her two women kept her mouth shut.

  Since my two daughters followed Uncle Feng, and the second and third sisters said that Uncle Feng treated them very well, so why bother to cause unnecessary trouble by talking too much.

Mrs. You is also a person who has been here. She knows that there are many rules in this capital city. The two daughters have climbed to Gao Zhier. I heard that even the second girl of the Rongguo Mansion's long house may want to be a concubine for Uncle Feng. Doesn't that mean that my family Can my daughter be equal to that lady?

  Although she only dared to think about it, she was just as happy as she was in her heart.

  Because of this, she is also unwilling to cause trouble to her daughter at all. If Uncle Feng is useful to her, she will naturally spare no effort.

But today Uncle Feng brought a group of people here, but they were all big men. It seemed that they were discussing important matters, and Mrs. You didn't dare to neglect her. come out.

   "Ziying, this is your foreign house? Jinwu Zangjiao, why haven't you seen anyone?" After getting acquainted with Feng Ziying, he could speak more casually. Fang Kezhuang also knew about Feng Ziying's affair, so he teased.

"Hehe, Brother Yang Chu can do the same. Well, there were originally two, but now they have entered the house as concubines, so this yard has been left behind. The old woman was the mother of the concubine before, and she didn't want to live in it. In the mansion, she can simply let her live in this yard, and she will be at ease." Feng Ziying didn't hide anything.

  Fang Kezhuang was a little impressed. He took such care of his concubine's mother. It seemed that Feng Ziying was really a lover.

   "It's rare." Fang Ke upvoted a sentence, and then turned to the main topic: "Speaking of business, how to start, I have some ideas, and I would like to hear your suggestions."

  Feng Ziying also knew that Fang Kezhuang had put his mind to it, so she nodded: "You talk first, and I'll come later."

"Okay, I have a matter in my hands right now. It's at Zhangjiawan. The boat capsized and a boatload of wheat sank in the river. The two sides are wrangling and wrangling lawsuits. As far as I know, the owner of the boatload of wheat should be with A group of people in Tongcang have a deep relationship. To be precise, he should be an important accomplice in exchanging grain for these people in Tongcang. Here comes a clue..."

  Feng Ziying nodded. This is a good entry point. The government must find excuses to investigate the case, especially if the other party has some background, you can't act rashly.

Now that this lawsuit has reached the Tongzhou Yamen, they can intervene openly. On the one hand, they say that the quantity of wheat is insufficient and the quality is poor; .

  As long as there is a problem in it, the owner can quickly control the owner to pry out what he wants from his mouth, and take advantage of the situation to get involved in the warehouse.

According to the rules, both Ambassador Tongcang and the deputy envoy are officials, and the investigation of officials should be done by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but this was drawn from private businessmen, and it was considered a collusion between the inside and outside, so the Tongzhou government can confidently take over the investigation first. At that time, the group of people will not be able to help Tongcang.

"Very good, this is a good entry point, but Brother Yang Chu, you need to find out whether this grain merchant has any background, and remember, to break through in one fell swoop, the time must be fast and not delayed, as long as it involves the opening of the warehouse People, we can first mobilize the officials below, so that the Metropolitan Procuratorate will not be able to find trouble, and it will also play a role in knocking mountains and shaking tigers, forcing them to mess up, and then we will attack one by one,..."

After listening to Fang Kezhuang's introduction, Feng Ziying initially agreed with the other party's opinion, but he suggested that it is necessary to quickly break through these external grain merchants outside Tongcang, so as to be invincible It's too late, and it can also cause huge pressure on the group of people in Tongcang, and then they will be able to choose the weak to act with ease.

"Ziying, you have to think about it clearly. Once we start, the people who open the warehouse will be like sparrows that blow up the camp. The ambassador of Tongcang will not say anything, and the deputy envoys will be in charge. They are all hot and fat vacancies. , Usually there are five people and six people, the people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Long Jinwei, and the Ministry of Punishment probably won't sit and watch,..." Fang Kezhuang reminded.

"Why, Brother Yang Chu, do you still think we can eat alone?" Feng Ziying chuckled, "Do you believe it or not, as soon as we succeed, Captain Long and the Metropolitan Procuratorate can't wait to jump out, and the Ministry of Punishment is the same, I can even assert that , Master Wu has already quietly revealed the news to some people,..."

  Fang Kezhuang's face turned cold, "He dares?!"

"Brother Yang Chu, you misunderstood. I don't mean that he revealed to those people, but someone they trust, who is waiting to share the food..." Feng Ziying laughed, "We didn't gnaw this bone, Then they can watch the joke, once we bite the turtle shell, then they will jump on it and eat the meat."

   "Then we...?" Fang Kezhuang was unwilling.

"Brother Yang Chu, if you eat alone food, you will be stabbed in the back. One more food sharer means one more helper. The opponent we face is not simple. Over the years, from the Ministry of Households to the Ministry of Industry to the Governor's Mansion of Water Transport, Local officials will also be involved. Do we have any in the Shuntian government office, do you have any in the Tongzhou prefectural government office? Come on, that's not worth it."

  Feng Ziying looked at Fang Kezhuang with a smile: "Think about it carefully, is this the truth? If they want to eat meat, they have to show two tricks, then the pressure on us can be transferred to them..."

   "Ziying, I don't care, what about you?" Fang Kezhuang squinted at the other party, "You took advantage of the situation in the night murder case of Su Daqiang and immediately opened up the situation. Don't you want to go to the next level this time?"

   "Isn't it enough again? Too much is too late. What's more, no matter who gets the last laugh this time, who can ignore the contribution of you and me?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "So sometimes it is a good move to take a step back."

Fang Kezhuang had to admit that what Feng Ziying said was more appropriate. He found that although he was more than one round older than the other party, he was far less far-sighted than the other party on these issues. Zhuan sits in the position of the fourth grade of Shuntian Mansion Cheng, so he naturally has his own uniqueness in dealing with people.

  The two discussed specific matters for a while.

Considering that Feng Ziying, who is in the punishment room of Shuntian Mansion, is not completely reliable, he only selected a few competent clerks, and selected some reliable staff from the third class of yamen servants, so that they will be handed over to Fang Kezhuang for preliminary investigation. , and then wait until the situation stabilizes and the pressure from all parties begins to gather, and then hand over the people and everything else to the Shuntian government office, and Feng Ziying will carry the second round of pressure.

  He believes he can get what he wants.

  The discussion lasted from the afternoon until it was getting dark, and the two finally broke up.

  Feng Ziying thought about it alone for a while, to see if there was anything well thought out, and then went home.

  Looking at this yard, I knew I should have told Ping'er and Sister Feng to come over, and have dinner here, so that I can have a good time at night.

   Mrs. You is not an outsider. Feng Ziying knew that she might not have lied to Mrs. You last time, but she never heard any rumors outside, including the second and third sisters, which is enough to show that Mrs. You is smart.

   In the future, I am afraid that this yard will not be used for much time. Wang Xifeng and Heping'er should also move out. I don't know if they have chosen the house well.

  I have long been talking about choosing one that is not inferior to the Rongguo Mansion, so as to save face, although there are many luxury houses in the capital city, it is not easy to find the right one in a short time.

  (end of this chapter)

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