Number of People

Chapter 1417: Simulac integration

  Chapter 1417 Xin Zijuan Integration

  Feng Ziying was indeed very busy. After reaching an agreement with Fang Kezhuang, he quickly went to Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia to report.

   Doing such a big thing will inevitably cause a chain reaction. Feng Ziying and Fang Kezhuang have no idea how much shock it will cause in the future, so they have to report to their respective "backstage supporters" for support.

Fang Kezhuang's benefactor is Wang Yongguang, the current left servant of the household department. He belongs to the northern scholars from the big faction, and Wang Yongguang is also one of the leaders of the northern Zhili scholars. He has a good relationship with Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia. In a sense, Feng Ziying can also be regarded as a Shandong scholar, but the Feng family has been away from Shandong for a long time, and they are running around in Shanxi and the capital city respectively. Feng Ziying is also a native of Shuntian Prefecture, so all three can be counted.

Fang Kezhuang also went to Wang Yongguang's place, so an agreement was quickly reached among the scholars in the Northland, that is, Shuntian Prefecture will start the investigation of Tongcang. Once the problem is solved, there will be substantial progress , then both the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Punishment will have to intervene to expand the results of the battle. As for Long Jinwei, Qi Yongtai needs to report to the emperor at the right time, or wait for Long Jinwei to consider it when he thinks it is appropriate.

Feng Ziying selected several capable and reliable characters from the torture chamber and the third class of government officials in Shuntian Prefecture, and also selected a few capable characters from the inspection departments in several counties in the north that he found during his investigation, and put them together. Let it be used by Fang Kezhuang.

With Feng Ziying's full support, Fang Kezhuang quickly opened up the situation and arrested the grain merchant by means of a secret arrest. A few bosses and followers of Fusi of Beizhen came to assist.

  Zhang Jin was very enthusiastic. Facing Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, who was so popular in the sky, any fool would know how to hug this thick leg, so he directly asked Feng Ziying how many people he wanted.

  Feng Ziying was not polite, and named Zhao Wenzhao. After all, he is an acquaintance who has cooperated many times, so it is more reassuring and smooth to use.

Naturally, Zhang Jin had no objection, and Zhao Wenzhao was overjoyed. To have such an opportunity to work with Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan would not be too happy. In addition, the case of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's assassination at Yutiangu River Ferry has not progressed, so Zhao Wenzhao was also very guilty, and wanted to take this opportunity to make amends.

   As expected, the grain merchant initially wanted to be unruly and refused to explain, but after the people from Beizhen Fusi intervened, he was soon overwhelmed and explained the origin of this batch of grain.

This batch of grain is the new grain that he colluded with a deputy envoy of Tongcang to exchange the old grain for the new and the old grain that has been infiltrated with some sand and gravel. Pay the deputy envoy, that is, only this sum, and the deputy envoy will collect a thousand taels of silver.

The problem is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. According to what the grain merchant told him, there are at least three grain merchants doing the same thing with the deputy envoy based on what he knows. stone.

As for whether other deputy envoys or even Ambassador Tongcang participated, he didn't know, because they all went their own ways and didn't ask others, but based on his understanding of this industry, almost everyone had to part ways Run, there are few who are not involved.

   When Wang Xifeng asked Ping'er and Lin Hongyu to come to him, he was at his busiest time. The breakthrough in Tongzhou meant that Tongcang was about to be attacked.

  But Tongcang is not something that can be investigated by the Tongzhou government, so this group of people changed the soup again and became a special investigation team of the Shuntian government.

After all, the original part of the Tongcang belonged to the Shuntian Mansion, and the Shuntian Mansion Government has the right to supervise the Tongcang, but because there are no officials in the Shuntian Mansion Yamen that Feng Ziying trusts, or they do not believe that they can do this matter. prison, so Feng Ziying had to take the lead in person.

So when Lin Hongyu came to look for Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying was also very impatient, and Lin Hongyu herself didn't know what was going on, but she just followed Wang Xifeng's instructions and said that grandma had something urgent to discuss with Uncle Feng, but what about Feng Ziying at this time? Wanting to think about other things, he sent Lin Hongyu back with a few perfunctory words.

   "My lord, I think someone who can move through the warehouse." Zhao Wenzhao came with Wang Wenyan, and as soon as he entered the door, he cut straight to the point.

Although Wang Wenyan is just an aide without an official status, Zhao Wenzhao knows that even Feng Ziying dares to hand over such matters to Wang Wenyan. Because of Xiuzhuan's trust, Zhao Wenzhao didn't treat Wang Wenyan a little arrogantly just because he was Deputy Qianhu of Captain Long Jinwei. On the contrary, he respected him very much.

   "Oh, so sure?" Feng Ziying put down the pen in her hand, and raised her hand to signal the two to sit down.

"If it drags on, I'm worried that the people on Tongcang will communicate with each other. I'm afraid the effect will be affected. It will be much more difficult to pry open their mouths one by one in the later stage, and it will also waste time. Now, they are still in shock. , They are still suspicious of each other, worried that the other party will confess first to make meritorious service and atonement, and a united front has not yet been established, and the best effect is to defeat each other."

  Zhao Wenzhao is also a veteran of this kind, and has rich experience in how to deal with these people, far better than Feng Ziying's role on paper.

   To be honest, Feng Ziying is not good at this kind of interrogation skills. He prefers to make arrangements from a strategic and macro perspective, while catering to and coordinating the attitude of the higher-ups.

  At present, the investigation of the situation outside Tongzhou has come to an end, so Fang Kezhuang's side is no longer the main battlefield, and Tongcang's gang will be the focus of attack.

Even if the people from the Shuntian government office want to move the gang of Tongcang, these people may not be too scared. The officials of Tongcang are all under the direct management of the Ministry of Households. According to the rules, if the officials are involved in a crime, they need to be investigated by the Metropolitan Procuratorate. , unless the case is blocked first and the local government can deal with it impromptu, it needs to be handed over to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for investigation first.

  Even officials need to be dealt with by the Shuntian government office instead of the Tongzhou government office, so this side will be transferred to the Shuntian government office.

However, if you use Long Jinwei to handle the case, you will no longer be subject to these restrictions. Similarly, if you borrow Long Jinwei's authority, not only Long Jinwei will bear the risk, but also Shuntian Prefecture will also bear the responsibility if the case is not handled effectively or if something goes wrong. The risks brought about by impeachment, after all, Long Jinwei is directly under the imperial power other than the Sanju Division, and theoretically has unlimited power, but it is also the focus of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

   This also shows Zhang Jin's trust and optimism in Feng Ziying. Otherwise, how could Long Jinwei easily hand over this power to someone else, and he has to bear the responsibility himself.

   "Wen Yan, what do you think of Wen Zhao's opinion?" Feng Ziying also asked for Wang Wenyan's opinion.

  Wang Wenyan was also a prison official in She County. He has been immersed in prison affairs for many years and is very familiar with the inside story here. He should be able to grasp the heat here.

"I also agree with Mr. Zhao's opinion. Now that the situation has been revealed, everything that should be known has been known, but it has not been fully understood. Everyone is still in a cloud of fog, and only knows the scale and half of it. Let's attack now. Just caught them off guard, and then split up and attacked them one by one. As long as they are under control and there is some evidence, the treasury can be closed and audited openly, but my lord, there is a problem here."

   "Speak." Feng Ziying was exceptionally calm.

"I have also discussed with Mr. Zhao. There is a big problem here that too many people are involved. Almost all the ambassadors, deputy envoys, and other officials are involved, and the guards are also colluding. In addition, many people are involved. Other officials, so once they move, the whole warehouse will almost be paralyzed. If there are not enough people to replace the warehouse quickly and take over the warehouse affairs, then if something goes wrong, we will not be able to bear the responsibility."

This is also what Zhao Wenzhao is most worried about. The matter of opening warehouses is more important than Mount Tai. It usually seems to be nothing, but once there is an accident, Jingtong warehouses are ballast stones. Even if the warehouse cannot operate normally, if there is an accident, the responsibility will not be light.

Feng Ziying also considered this point, and mentioned it when reporting to Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia. Fortunately, Wang Yongguang is now the left servant of the household department. The friendship is in it, so it will not be deliberately difficult, so when you go to the household department, you must coordinate first.

As for the mobilization of Cao Bing, Chen Ruiquan, the commander in chief of Cao Cao, is now the eldest son of the Duke of Qi's Chen family and Chen Ruiwen's cousin. With this kind of relationship, Feng Ziying is not afraid. , go to say hello to the Chen family at this time, they should be willing to cooperate.

"This matter is my responsibility, and I am duty-bound. I will negotiate with the household department, and you don't have to worry about warehouse clearance." Feng Ziying took care of everything, "I will also coordinate with Cao Bing. I have a bit of face, and I am worried about whether you have enough manpower here. Once you move, you will be swept away with overwhelming momentum. There must be no fish that slip through the net. At least none of the important people on our list can slip through the net! How can you guarantee this?"

"Shuntian government office here..." Zhao Wenzhao just opened his mouth, but was overruled by Feng Ziying: "I don't have confidence in the people in Shuntian government office, and I can't reuse them. I can smoke some people in the prefectures and counties, but they are unbearable. Yes, after all, they all live in the land of Shuntian Mansion, and no one can guarantee it, so Long Jinwei..."

  Zhao Wenzhao shook his head with a wry smile: "My lord, don't make things difficult for Mr. Zhang. He took a strange risk and recruited too many people. It is Long Jinwei who handles the case, not you Shuntian Mansion."

   "How about the Wucheng Bingma Division and the Patrol Battalion?" Feng Ziying hesitated.

   "No, this group of people has been infiltrated a long time ago. When encountering such a big event, most of them will go wrong. If they let go of a few, it will be a big trouble." Zhao Wenzhao and Wang Wenyan shook their heads at the same time.

"Then the Beijing camp." Feng Ziying took a deep breath, still lacking her own strength in the capital. Neither the Patrol Battalion nor the Wucheng Bingma Division had any of their own people. Shuntian government office and various prefectures and counties, except Tongzhou Fang Kezhuang, basically It is believable on the surface, and everything else needs to be observed.

   It is against the rules to transfer the Beijing camp. The Beijing camp is the army and has never participated in the investigation and arrest of these cases, nor has this right, responsibility and obligation.

  Shuntian Mansion can invite the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Punishments, Long Jinwei, Wucheng Bingmasi and Patrol Battalion to assist, but if they want to move the Beijing camp, it is an exception.

  Zhao Wenzhao and Wang Wenyan looked at each other, wondering whether Feng Ziying didn't understand the rules here, or was too confident, Jingying can't move if he wants to.

   Third update, ask for two hundred monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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