Number of People

Chapter 1420: Xin Zijuan Audience

  Chapter 1420 Xin Zijuan Audience

  When Lu Song left, it should be said that the atmosphere of the conversation between the two was already very good.

  Feng Ziying can also feel that Lu Song has a good impression of himself, and this kind of fit between the choice of topics and the conversation can be felt.

This commander who survived from the bottom of Long Jinwei had unswervingly chosen him when Emperor Yonglong was still King Zhongxiao, so after King Zhongxiao ascended the throne and became Emperor Yonglong, it was no surprise that he became the new Dragon King Captain at the helm.

  Of course the previous commander, Gu Cheng, was unwilling to withdraw completely, and the existence of the Supreme Emperor also made the handover process a bit lengthy, but it was still progressing irreversibly.

  Feng Ziying's reminder to Lu Song still made Lu Song a little wary.

He could feel that Feng Ziying was not alarmist or seeking revenge. He also knew that the White Lotus Sect under various guises was very popular in the North, especially in Beizhili and Shandong. Even some young eunuchs in the palace believed in it in private this.

As early as the 33rd year of Yuanxi, such a thing happened in the palace, but at that time, the servants in the palace only made friends with the white lotus believers outside, and the white lotus believers outside only hoped to make friends with some officials in the court through the servants in the palace , hoping to get the support of local officials.

This matter was dealt with calmly later, several servants were secretly executed, and a group of Bailian believers involved were also secretly hunted down by Captain Long, but the clue was broken by a leader of Bailian, and no further investigation Digging down, who is manipulating behind the scenes, actually came up with the idea of ​​opening the joints from the palace.

Now Feng Ziying is talking about the fact that in almost counties and counties of Yongping Prefecture, there are such white lotus variants as Wenxiangjiao and Bangchuihui, which involve a wide range of people. Even in some counties, squires came forward to hold various pujas and dojos, making a mess of smoke. Most of them were banned lightly, but they were not rooted out at all.

  Furthermore, Feng Ziying also mentioned that he had only been in Shuntian Mansion for a few months, and he had already discovered that the situation in Shuntian Mansion was even worse, not only in the prefectures and counties, but also in the city.

This is a bit scary, Lu Song immediately became alert, if it is in other places, it will be fine, but this kind of spread in the capital city, it is the matter of Long Jinwei, Wucheng Bingmasi and Patrol Battalion Apparently out of work.

Another incident also made Lu Song aware of Feng Ziying's keen insight, that is, Feng Ziying believed that the gentry in Jiangnan had been clamoring for the past six months, and scholars rushed to write letters, thinking that the imperial court had extorted Jiangnan too much. This kind of public opinion clamor is often a sign, a precursor to intentional public opinion confrontation.

Feng Ziying resolutely opposed the imperial court’s granting of the authority to establish Nanzhili’s critics and magazines to the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing, especially when the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing agreed to the establishment of three newspapers and magazines in Jinling, Yangzhou and Hangzhou, namely “Jiangnan Times” , "Business Daily" and "Guanjiangnan", and the Ministry of Rites of the Beijing Normal University agreed to the bid of "Liangzhe Express". It is said that Fang Congzhe specially greeted him.

   Among them, "Jiangnan Times" and "Guan Jiangnan" are the most policy-oriented, taking into account business and people's livelihood, while Yangzhou's "Business Daily" and Hangzhou's "Liangzhe Express" are more commercial-oriented, taking into account current affairs and people's livelihood.

  Feng Ziying talked about the importance of controlling public opinion, especially if it is controlled by people with ulterior motives, then it will be as harmful as the army.

  Lu Song felt that although Feng Ziying's views were somewhat extreme, his intentions were good.

He knows that Nanzhili has been making small moves, but he still thinks that neither the Jiangnan gentry nor the Yizhong prince can achieve anything. Now the court's tolerance has a certain limit. The first and second assistants of the cabinet are all from Jiangnan. They should If you want to greet Jiangnan, including Nanjing, which is dominated by Jiangnan forces, if you exceed the limit, the imperial court will no longer tolerate it and will decisively deprive them of their power.

All in all, after a long talk, Lu Song also personally felt that this frighteningly young Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is definitely not in vain. Maybe his literary talent is not so outstanding, but his work is first-class, especially when he analyzes things. He has a keen eye and sense of smell for problems, and he can calm down to do things. Such a scholar can be called a capable minister.

It is also a blessing for the emperor to have such a civil servant, and the key point is that this son is so young, even if he works for another forty years, it is more than enough. Great use, this is the most suitable choice.

While thinking, Lu Song recruited his confidants and told him a few words, "Tell him that there are some things that he can't get involved in, and it's best to cut them off as soon as possible to avoid being involved. Shuntian government office has Shang Fang's sword, Nobody can stop it..."

Lu Song doesn't think there's anything wrong with this. It's not easy for the Shuntian government to find out to this extent. It's too naive to imagine that all the participants will be wiped out. Lu Song can feel that Feng Ziying doesn't have such extravagant hopes. , but Feng Ziying's predetermined goal must be achieved before he can be satisfied.

Feng Ziying doesn't know what Lu Song thinks, but he knows that the first impression is very important, and Lu Song is the old man in the hidden residence of Emperor Yonglong, and he is also loyal to Emperor Yonglong, so leave a good impression in front of him, and in the future One or two casual words from Lu Song in front of Emperor Yonglong may make a completely different result for one thing, and it will benefit him a lot.


  Emperor Yonglong, who was leaning on the throne, seemed to be much thinner than the last time we met. Feng Ziying remembered that since she left the center and went to Yongping Mansion, she basically didn't have many chances to see Emperor Yonglong.

   This is the difference between the center and the local area, and why everyone is unwilling to go to the local area, but wants to stay in the central government.

Without him, even if you don't see the emperor, at least you can get to know each other in front of the cabinet ministers and the seven chiefs, and occasionally express some opinions and get their approval. In this way, the annual assessment and the annual assessment There will be a better chance at the Jingcha Grand Competition.

   Not everyone can see a dazzling performance when they go to the local government. It requires not only ability, perseverance and determination, but also opportunities.

Many people were ambitious before they went down, but only after they went to the local area did they realize that there were constraints from the superiors and opposition from the powerful gentry at the bottom. Where can it compare to the prosperity of central Beijing?

   How many people have the determination, perseverance and courage to make a career, and do not hesitate to work hard and sweat for it? How many of them really have clear plans and ideas for their goals, and have practical and feasible operating rules?

The vast majority of scholars are more passionate and impulsive, and they will fade away quickly after being hit with cold water and setbacks. Only those who can persevere in finding countermeasures to solve problems under various adverse factors Only those who persevere can have a chance to reach the final goal.

  Feng Ziying knew that she was different. Starting from Qingtan Academy, no, because it should have started from the Linqing civil uprising, she stepped on the right rhythm.

Only after making friends with Qiao Yingjia and obtaining his approval can he enter Qingtan Academy, and the appreciation of Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen made him favored by the two major factions of Beidi and Huguang at the same time, plus his ancestral home in Shandong, But he grew up in Shanxi, and then he was sent to Shuntianfu in Beizhili to take part in the scientific examination Chinese style, which made the scholars in Shandong, Shanxi, and Beizhili have a natural sense of closeness to themselves.

It can be said that it is precisely in this era that the most important elements of Shilin officials, the teacher, the same year, and the township party, these favorable factors are all gathered in him, which makes him able to rise to the top among many scholars in China .

I was the first to be promoted to a senior member of the fourth rank in the five-year subject of Yonglong, even the number one scholar in state affairs is now only a fifth-rank acquaintance. If there is no special merit, he will have at least six years to have the chance Climb to the threshold of Zhengsipin.

Even if he combined all kinds of talents, it happened that he happened to catch up with the defeat of the three camps in the Beijing camp. Obtaining such an opportunity, and this is based on the fact that I have accumulated a lot of goodwill with Emperor Yonglong through Ningxia's counter-insurgency and the strategy of opening the sea in the early stage. Only then did I get the final promotion.

Otherwise, Feng Ziying thought to himself that if he didn't have ten years, he would have no hope of climbing to the current position, so he was determined to do something in this position to prove that Emperor Yonglong and the court princes put him in this position Above all, it's not as simple as rewarding meritorious service, I deserve this position!

   "The minister Feng Keng has seen His Majesty."

   "Feng Qing is here, no courtesy, but a seat." Yong

  Longdi looked thinner with a slightly tired face, and his mental state didn't seem to be very good. Fortunately, his eyes were still alive, at least when he looked at himself, there was still some momentum in his eyes.

Feng Ziying was also evaluating in her heart, saying that the emperor has been almost two o'clock in the past year. In addition to handling government affairs, he just cultivated his mind and cultivated his character in the bedroom. He used to occasionally go to sit with the prince's mothers, but now he hardly goes. The imperial concubines brought several princes to visit in the bedroom, and the time Emperor Yonglong stayed with them was very short, most of them left after a cup of tea.

Although the princes below are trying to express themselves, the emperor has given them some opportunities, but he never evaluates the performance of the princes, but the officials of the cabinet and the Seventh Ministry will make written evaluations and submit them to him for archiving. And it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to know.

It can be said that King Shou’s momentum is now frustrated, King Fu and King Li are competing fiercely, King Lu’s reputation has risen, and there is another King Gong who is already eleven years old. Wang was also able to study in Qingtan Academy, but Prince Gong was declined by the academy because he was not yet twelve years old.

  (end of this chapter)

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