Number of People

Chapter 1422: I am very optimistic about you, Xin Zijuan, but...

  Chapter 1422 Xin Zijuan I like you very much, but...

"Why should I try my best to clean up the Tongcang? On the one hand, the corruption inside the Tongcang has reached the point of no delay. Secondly, it is more important. I am worried that if something happens, the capital will not be able to produce usable food, which will lead to a big disaster. Disaster." Feng Ziying stabilized her mind before exhaling and speaking.

Emperor Yonglong's eyes turned cold, "There are a lot of internal problems in Jingtong No. 2 Warehouse. I have heard about this situation, but it's not so bad that I can't get enough food, right? I know there is a deficit inside, and the deficit must be not small. Zheng Jizhi wrote a letter to me when he became an official, saying that his biggest regret was that he had not had time to clean up the Jingtong Second Warehouse, leaving behind this disaster. Huang Ruliang's successor also said that the problem of the Jingtong Second Warehouse was not small. The judgment is almost the same, Feng Qing, what is your judgment?"

  Feng Ziying thought about it silently, Zheng Jizhi and Huang Ruliang should be more reliable, this judgment is basically reasonable.

   "I think it's around 30%, or less than 25%." Feng Ziying nodded.

Emperor Yonglong breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that if Feng Ziying really made a big deal for himself and lost 40% to 50% of the money, it would really be a big joke. I don't know how brave these worms are. .

  Thirty percent was also estimated by Zheng Jizhi and Huang Ruliang. Zheng Jizhi and Huang Ruliang also explained this to Emperor Yonglong. This kind of thing can only be estimated at the worst, and cannot be underestimated.

"Well, it does make people angry, and I am also very angry, but this is a problem left over from many years of abuse. I have always wanted to solve it, but I always consider too many other factors, so I have delayed until now. If it is 20-30%, I also have a bottom line in my heart." Emperor Yonglong nodded and relaxed a little.

"Your Majesty, the deficit does not lie in how much it is, or in other words, it does not lie in the actual number of the deficit. Everyone knows that there is a deficit here. Even if a passer-by in the capital city is randomly asked to ask, they all know that it is a legacy of ten or twenty years. The hole that came down, the problem is that when everyone thinks that this hole exists, then an expectation is bound to be formed. In case of an accident, when Jingzhong lacks food and needs to use the Jingtong Second Warehouse, but the Jingtong Second Warehouse is in a big deficit, at that time it must be Rumors are flying all over the sky that grain prices are bound to skyrocket, and hundreds of grain shops in central Beijing will hoard grain and sell it reluctantly, that is a disaster!"

  Feng Ziying's words made Emperor Yonglong unable to react for a while, how big a deal could this be?

  As long as the deficit is not too big, regardless of rumors or not, as long as the food is shipped out and sold continuously, how big of a problem can it be?

Seeing that Emperor Yonglong was puzzled, Feng Ziying patiently explained: "Your Majesty, the key lies not in the grain in Jingtong Ercang, but in the grain in every grain shop in the capital city. Which of the hundreds of grain shops has no food?" Thousands of tens of thousands of shi of grain in storage? But once there is an accident, such as the interruption of water transportation, or a severe harvest failure in Jiangnan, Huguang, and no grain to be transported to the capital, the expectation of food shortage itself is formed. Now there is news that Jingtong’s second warehouse is short of grain. Rumor has it that the Jingzhong Grain Shop must be reluctant to sell and limit sales, and the price has skyrocketed, so what should the common people who cannot afford high-priced food, or even can't buy food at all?"

Only then did Emperor Yonglong understand that the most important food channel in central Beijing still comes from the non-governmental grain distribution channel, and it is not at all the guaranteed grain of Jingtong Second Warehouse. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to earn money for the grain stored in the grain store, but once the price rise is expected due to some accident, and suddenly there is a large deficit in the Jingtong Second Warehouse, which was originally used to ensure supply and relief, What will happen then?

I'm afraid that the Jingzhong Grain Store will be reluctant to sell, restrict or even hoard grain and not sell it immediately, and then make a fortune after the price of grain rises to skyrocketing prices. It may be nothing for wealthy families, but what about the ordinary people who account for more than 90% of the population of the capital? ? Can they tolerate such a round of ransacking for their entire life? I am afraid that civil uprisings or even riots may be triggered immediately. It is really unimaginable if there are people with ulterior motives manipulating it.

  Emperor Yonglong was not an emperor who did not understand political and economic affairs, otherwise he would not have quickly stood out from many brothers after Prince Yizhong was abolished.

He is very clear about the virtues of these big families and rich merchants in Beijing. Once there is a huge profit to be made, he will make it at all costs, unless violence is used to forcibly deprive these grain merchants of their grain control. Otherwise, even if the imperial court strictly ordered the sale, it would be difficult to curb their crazy behavior.

  Seeing the slight change in Emperor Yonglong's face, Feng Ziying knew that Emperor Yonglong had already realized the seriousness of the problem.

Gyeonggi is different from Jiangnan. Jiangnan not only produces its own grain, but also has extremely convenient water transportation. It can easily transport grain from Huguang. The grain produced in Gyeonggi cannot meet the needs of the capital. It has been transported by canals for many years. Unexpectedly, when things come together, it will really be a big deal.

After pondering for a while, Emperor Yonglong asked: "Feng Qing, what you said is not unreasonable, but even if the water transportation is interrupted due to some unexpected factors, as long as the time is not too long, even if these grain merchants in Beijing are reluctant to sell and limit sales to push up grain prices It can't be too long, just delay for a while, because they know that once the canal is open to navigation, there will be no room for food prices to rise, so..."

"Your Majesty, this is what I am most worried about. Under normal circumstances, the canal cannot be interrupted for too long. Whether it is a shipwreck, dry water, or a certain river blockage, it will be cleared in a short time. , but what I am worried about is whether this accident will really become an accident."

  Emperor Yonglong didn't understand Feng Ziying's words, "Feng Qing, what do you mean?"

   "What I mean is that if the accident is the kind of accident that we can expect, then that's all. It's nothing more than the people in Beijing spend more money, but if it's the kind of accident that we didn't expect, such as..."

  Feng Ziying's words were roughly interrupted by Emperor Yonglong: "Feng Qing, what do you think this kind of accident will be, rebellion, military chaos, or civil uprising?"

"Your Majesty, I encountered a civil uprising in Linqing at the beginning, but the scale was not large at that time, but there were already some bad signs. I found traces of the White Lotus Sect there. This is one aspect, and the other is Since last year, the gentry and public opinion in Jiangnan have been clamoring, exerting pressure on the court to lower the tax in Jiangnan, but the court cannot make concessions, which has formed a stalemate. The minister is worried that in the second half of the year, water transportation and even private grain transportation may be blocked, and there will be some unforeseen circumstances. Expected things,…”

  At this time, Emperor Yonglong's eyes were as sharp and deep as a falcon, "Feng Qing, you don't need to hide it, what are you worried about?"

"As far as I know, the drought in the whole Northland is extremely severe this year. I don't know how other provinces and prefectures are doing. Shuntian Prefecture is considered good, but because of the drought, the summer harvest has been reduced by more than 40%, and the situation in autumn may be even worse. I also learned from other sources that the situation in Yizhou in Baoding Prefecture is very bad. The production reduction may be more than 80%, or even no harvest. How about these places in the government, what is the situation in Shandong, Shanxi, and Shaanxi? If the situation is as I feared, then the people's hearts and minds will definitely be turbulent, and the canals in Shandong have a long mileage, and the canals are the most economically developed areas. In order not to starve to death, These people are very likely to take risks, and the canal is their best hunting ground. If there are the situations we mentioned before, a few sparks may cause turmoil in the capital city."

   Feng Ziying said these words a little more tactfully, but Emperor Yonglong understood them in seconds.

If there is a severe drought in Shandong, the refugees will be the biggest hidden danger, and there is also the White Lotus Sect making waves in it. It is entirely possible that the canal will be interrupted. Then the situation that Feng Ziying expected may happen, but the court can withstand it. What a mess?

"In addition, if people with ulterior motives in the south of the Yangtze River fan the flames and manipulate public opinion, leading to strikes by merchants, shipping workers, and boatmen, this is not impossible, and the situation is even more serious..." Feng Ziying paused, "At that time, even if the If the imperial court decides to deal with it decisively, I am afraid it will not be able to deal with it in a short period of time. If there is a slight twist here, the capital will be turbulent, and the grass and trees will be full of soldiers, and I am afraid it will also lead to civil uprisings."

The civil uprising in the capital is very dangerous, because a considerable part of the people here are the relatives of the soldiers of the capital. Many of them were eliminated during the cleansing of the capital. They were already full of hatred and dissatisfaction with the imperial court. This kind of thing will definitely become the fuse, and these people will also become the main force in it.

Speaking of this, Emperor Yonglong didn't understand who Feng Ziying was alluding to, so he really didn't deserve to sit in this position. His eyes narrowed, but their eyes became sharper. He nodded, "Feng Qing is dedicated to the country, I know, but there is a little noise from Jiangnan, it’s not worth mentioning, no one would take the risk of genocide, because they know there is no chance,..."

  Seeing Feng Ziying's silence, Emperor Yonglong's expression was relaxed and full of confidence, "Could it be that Feng Qing has no confidence in the frontier army? Or does he not have confidence in me?"

"I don't dare, I just..." Feng Ziying sighed. Indeed, this possibility is relatively small. Although Tang Binyin and the others danced happily, they used it to put pressure on the court and the emperor in exchange for It's nothing more than more compromises and concessions from the court, but there are always accidents, what if?

"I understand Feng Qing's painstaking efforts. Well, Feng Qing's request has been granted. It is also a good thing to eliminate the disaster of opening warehouses in advance. I will make an order for Shenjiying..." Emperor Yonglong was in a good mood, perhaps because he felt that Feng Ziying was so painstaking and lonely. It is very gratifying to work **** state affairs and be loyal to yourself, "Feng Qing, do a good job, I am very optimistic about you."

  (end of this chapter)

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