Number of People

Chapter 1436: Xin Zijuan home

  Chapter 1436 Xin Zijuan Going Home

   "The uncle is back!"

  The entire Feng Mansion was full of joy and noise, the servants rushed to tell each other, the big and small Duan family brought Shen Yixiu, Baochai, Baoqin, Eryou and a group of maids to welcome them inside the corner gate, making Feng Ziying a little panicked.

   "Why is mother like this, isn't this going to kill the son? The son is in this capital city, isn't he asking Ruixiang Baoxiang to bring letters back every day? How can there be such a treasure?"

  Feng Ziying hurriedly got out of the car to salute her mother and aunt. Shen Yixiu, Er Xue, and Er You beside her were also full of concern and anticipation.

"That's different. You haven't come back in the past twenty days. Mother misses you very much. You hear all kinds of rumors from outside every day. The "Daily News" is also vague. , There are so many people involved in the case, but he refuses to say more about the details, and you are only a few miles away from Wei Niang, but you seem to be unable to see each other across thousands of mountains and rivers, doesn't this make Wei Niang feel anxious?"

Mrs. Duan took Feng Ziying's hand and looked it over carefully. She felt that her son seemed to have lost some weight. He lived in the government office for the past 20 days. , working day and night, it is hard to avoid.

  Although Ruixiang Baoxiang also sent some food, Feng Ziying told other people in the mansion not to go, so as not to shake the morale of the army.

"Mother, why should you worry? My son is sitting in the lobby of the mansion. Hundreds of people from all over the mansion are inside. They are not allowed to go home. Naturally, my son has to set an example. Isn't this just a matter of twenty days? Aren't you coming back now?" Feng Ziying took the hands of her mother and aunt, and greeted the wives and concubines with their eyes and expressions, and then walked inside together.

   "Ziying, I'm afraid you still have dinner?" Duan is most concerned about her son, as long as she sees her son coming back safely, she will be assured.

"Well, I haven't eaten yet. The food in the government office is really not good. I can only make do with enough to eat, so don't try to pay attention to the taste." Feng Ziying walked, and said: "It's hard for mother, aunt, and sisters. Come have dinner with me."

   While eating and talking during this meal, it was inevitable to ask about this case that has become the busiest case in the capital city during this period, and it has become an indispensable topic of conversation after dinner in Sijiu City.

"Mother also knows that the handling of cases in the government is not so mysterious, and my son is not a god-man with three heads and six arms, or a **** who breaks the sun every day and night, and he has made a lot of preparations in the early stage. These people are also greedy and evil. The son also obeyed the emperor's order and The order of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is to investigate the case."

Feng Ziying didn't introduce too much. Although it is a family, there are too many people talking about it, and spreading it is harmful and not beneficial. They are willing to speculate or make up, so that is up to them, so it is half-truth, half-false, neither denying nor confirming. That's right, it made Duan feel a little regretful, thinking that he couldn't understand such a case well.

   "I heard that there were hundreds of gold ingots found in Zhou Tianbao's home?"

Mrs. Duan also knew that young couples are not better than newlyweds. Once the son is away for twenty days, the wives and concubines must miss it very much and inevitably have to talk about husband and wife, so they left after eating, leaving only a bunch of Yingying Yanyan, at this time, naturally, there is no distinction between the first and second households, and even the maids are surrounded by them.

Everyone has the heart of gossip, especially women, especially these gossips are created by their own husbands. Now that the instigator is back, they can understand it most intuitively and clearly, and satisfy their curiosity. It can be said that this pride The sense of satisfaction is unparalleled.

The person who asked the question was Second Sister You. She seemed to be particularly interested in this gold. Even the jewelry around her was mostly gold jewelry, but she was not very interested in the more expensive jade jewelry. Even Feng Ziying felt that this was really a gold jewelry. "Sincere people".

"How could it be that exaggerated? There are hundreds of ingots weighing a hundred taels, and this alone is worth a hundred thousand taels? Then Zhou Tianbao is more than enough to confiscate his family and exterminate his family." Feng Ziying laughed, "It's just rumors, fifty taels There are some gold ingots, but there are only thirty or forty. The shapes are quite exquisite. It is said that they were cast by someone specially. I bought a batch of gold pieces of the twelve zodiac signs, which are very gorgeous,..."

  Second Sister You showed a look of envy on her face, "It really took a lot of thought. If it is placed together, it must be very beautiful."

  Bao Qin laughed, "Adu's things are still used to make zodiac ornaments? It's really interesting."

Second Sister You's complexion is a bit ugly, she likes gold jewelry, and she is a bit out of tune with other women, but it is her big hobby, even her husband didn't say anything, but she was teased by Xue Baoqin, naturally she was a little unhappy up.

It's fine if it's Shen Yixiu, that's a big sister, you, Xue Baoqin, are no better than me, you are all brought into Feng's house by women from good families, and being a concubine is nothing more than a better reputation, as long as Xue Baochai has a son-in-law , even if you Xue Baoqin can give birth to a son, isn't it still useless?

  However, Second Sister You is a docile temperament. Although she is unhappy in her heart, she can't show it. She just lowers her brows and keeps silent.

   It was Xue Baochai who was keenly aware of Shen Yixiu's frown, knowing that Baoqin had done a poor job in this matter. He was the head of the house, so why did your second house evaluate it?

"Things of gold and jade are all auspicious. The collar hanging around my neck is made of gold. I think it is very gorgeous, and it was left to me by my late father..." Xue Baochai hurriedly interjected to avoid this awkwardness. He stagnates while taking off his collar.

Feng Ziying also remembered the collar on Baochai's neck. Although he and Baochai had been married for so long, he didn't pay much attention to this gold collar. It was kept by Yinger, and occasionally placed on the bedside, but Feng Ziying didn't look at it carefully.

  Xue Baochai's actions made Shen Yixiu's face brighten. Although Xue Baoqin's words may not be intentional, it is obvious that he doesn't care about Second Sister You. If it were him, Xue Baoqin would never dare to be so presumptuous.

Feng Ziying sat in the middle, but he didn't pay much attention to the undercurrent between his wives and concubines. He took Baochai's gold collar and examined it carefully. Sure enough, there were eight words on it, "Never leave, never leave, Fangling will last forever." ".

  Well, in my impression, the book "Dream of Red Mansions" also said that Jia Baoyu's jade pendant had the eight characters "Don't lose, never forget, live forever and prosper", which seems to be a pair of couplets.

Countless people think this is a golden and jade marriage, but now they are being robbed of their love by themselves. Baochai is in his arms, and the wood and stone romance is also gone. Sister Lin will marry into her family next year. Thinking of this, Feng Ziying's mouth twitched. Can't help showing a smug smile.

I'm really sorry for Baoyu, maybe it was because of the sleep in Qin Keqing's room that day, all the luck was transferred to me, um, the Twelve Beauties of the Red Chamber, the main book and the side book , Don’t you just let yourself pick and choose?

   It's just that I have been in this world for a long time, why would I have such a dream after sleeping in Qin Keqing's boudoir?

Qin Keqing's residence is Tianxiang Building, the first floor is her boudoir, and the second floor is said to be where Qin Keqing usually lives and rests, and no one else is allowed to go up. Huoshui, why did I have this dream after sleeping in this woman's boudoir?

  Is there really any special artistic conception here?

  Feng Ziying is a materialist, but now that the soul is in this world, no matter how materialistic she is, she can't help becoming a little superstitious.

   Is it really because Qin Keqing has a special "royal spirit", which has a special meaning like the mantra "The world can be prosperous, but the world can be destroyed" shrouded in Busia Mara?

   It's just that these two seem to be entangled with her. Whether this is a blessing or a disaster, Feng Ziying can't help thinking about it.

Seeing Feng Ziying pinching her gold collar and looking dazed, Baochai was both happy and ashamed. Although there were no outsiders here, there were still a few of the head of the house after all. A husband like this would inevitably cause the head of the house to be dissatisfied , I wanted to remind him, but I felt that it was not beautiful to be too revealing, so I just sat quietly like this.

Shen Yixiu seemed to be aware of this too, but she didn't pay much attention to it. This kind of jewelry, as long as it is a lady, has some family heirlooms. If it is said that gold jewelry is really inferior to jade jewelry, it is probably because of this The style of the gold collar is a little different.

Sure enough, after observing it for a while, Feng Ziying said: "Baochai's gold collar is still a bit different. It is in the shape of a crescent moon, with tangled branches and bird patterns on it. This is the most popular style in the Tang Dynasty. This is the most prosperous and open era in China. , so it also absorbed many styles from the Western Regions and overseas, which can be called a boutique,…”

"Oh?" The girls were a little surprised, including Baochai, they didn't know that their gold collar was nearly a thousand years old. When my father left it to me, I also said that I bought it from a Hu merchant when I was young. I thought the words on the gold collar had a very good meaning, so I kept it as a heirloom, but I didn't expect it to be from the Tang Dynasty.

   "Well, it should be true." Feng Ziying nodded, "This thing is worth cherishing."

   "My sister wears it on her body every day, so she keeps it close to her body." Baoqin smiled and said, "I underestimated the origin of this gold jewelry."

A turmoil was silently resolved in this way, and the women also asked some other questions. Feng Ziying also picked up an insignificant gimmick and said that there is no need to mention the specific circumstances of the case. Just those novelty things that can be brought out for conversation.

  (end of this chapter)

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