Number of People

Chapter 1439: The Destination of Busia Mara in Xinzi Scroll

  Chapter 1439 Xin Zijuan Busia Mara's Destination

"I really didn't expect to see you at this time, Busia Mara, when did you come to the capital? I remember you came to the capital in March, and then returned to Liaodong. This time, um, no Are you leaving?"

  Feng Ziying was in a good mood, with a smile on her face, and almost went to the door to let Busia Mara into the study.

  Jin Chuan'er brought the tea in with no expression on his face, and then quietly closed the door.

  Intuition told her that this woman should have some unclear relationship with the master. Although the expression of the master is well controlled, she can still feel that the expression on the face of the master is very rich, not the attitude of looking at ordinary women.

  Grandpa is not the kind of person who can't move his eyes when he sees a beautiful woman. This woman, um, doesn't seem to be beautiful, at least Jin Chuan'er doesn't think she is beautiful.

He is too tall, even taller than Second Aunt You, with a more burly figure, and even a cloak can't hide it. It added a bit of indescribable taste, which made Jin Chuan'er very uncomfortable.

  That face is also very broad, especially those eyes are like a deep pool, unfathomable. His face always has a cool look, and he doesn't know what to be proud of.

The reason why I think there is something strange here is that Jin Chuan'er found that the woman's body was a little inexplicably stiff when she saw the uncle. She was nervous, but she didn't look like it. She was excited, a little bit, and she was happy. It seems to be suppressing it deliberately, Jin Chuan'er is also someone who has experienced it, how can she not understand what a woman can be if she is in this state?

The legs of this ghost woman are so long. Jin Chuan'er thinks that she is taller than a woman beside her master, but she is half a head shorter than this woman. Even Aunt You seems to be inferior to this woman, especially Those legs wearing strong boots are long and straight, tense and full of strength, like a female leopard.

   It was not the first time Jin Chuaner saw this woman, but she didn't feel this way before, but this time it was different. The special atmosphere and artistic conception shrouded between the two can only be tasted carefully.

   Although Jin Chuan'er was not happy, she couldn't say how disgusted she was. Such a woman would never enter Feng's family. A foreigner is still a Jurchen. Isn't the master still fighting with the Jurchens in Liaodong?

  Even though I have some unclear entanglements with my master, I will definitely be able to handle it well. Even if there is something, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

  As the door creaked shut, the sound of Jin Chuan'er's footsteps disappeared into the corridor, and there were only two people left in the study.

  Feng Ziying sighed softly, stood up, and approached the other party. Busia Mara's body stiffened immediately, but when Feng Ziying hugged her, she softened immediately, allowing the other party to embrace her in her arms.

   "Are you tired?" Feng Ziying asked softly, her lips were on the other's earlobe, and the hot breath touched Busia Mara's heartstrings.

   "Yeah." There was only one word, and Busia Mara bit her lip, "It doesn't count, just get used to it."

   "I'm afraid it's not physically tired, but mentally tired?" Feng Ziying said sympathetically.

It is conceivable that Busia Mara will inevitably have disputes with Jintaishi and Buyangu when she returns to the Yehe tribe. As I judged, they are not willing to marry Busia Mara to anyone. Only by hanging can they attract the attention of the Jurchen and even the Mongolian tribes to the maximum extent, and make them willingly form an alliance with the Yehe tribe to fight against the Jianzhou Jurchen.

Although this cannot be used as a decisive factor, it is also of great significance. For Ye Hebu, this is enough. As for Busia Mara's personal preferences and happiness, it is really irrelevant. Where is Buzai's daughter?

  But even if it is any other woman in the clan, the result will be the same, no one can outweigh the interests of the whole clan.

Busia Mara trembled slightly, but did not make a sound. Nothing could be hidden from the man beside him. Everything seemed to be within his expectation and control. Would it be easier to rely on such a man, and no longer need Carry everything by yourself like before?

  The headstrong elder brother Buyangu, the short-sighted uncle Jin Taishi, and other brothers, maybe only Delgler understands himself a little bit, but what's the use of it?

Faced with such a woman, Feng Ziying also felt embarrassed, because he could not give her any future, but if she refused, not to mention that Busia Mara knew the situation they were facing long ago but still ignored it, and she looked forward and backward, as if It's too obscene, and it's not his style to reject a woman.

"Then Busia Mara, what are you going to do now?" Feng Ziying held up Busia Mara's face, which was different from ordinary women, but had a unique charm, especially the pair of dark eyes that looked like a combination of sea blue and deep. Tan Heizuan's eyes seem to make people sink into them and cannot extricate themselves once they look at them.

   "I don't know." Busia Mara shook her head in confusion.

   She really doesn't know.

  Back to the tribe, my uncle is satisfied with relying on Dazhou to compete with Jianzhou Jurchen, but my elder brother still wants to compete with Jianzhou Jurchen for those tribes of wild Jurchen.

   It’s just that Jianzhou Jurchen’s power and influence are much stronger than Yehe’s. Nurhachi even brought several sons to attack the north continuously and made great progress.

Coupled with the fact that Zai Sai also organized the army and military forces, after receiving the ransom and compensation from Dazhou and many other material supports, the Neikalkha people showed a prosperous atmosphere. They not only launched an offensive against the Horqin people, but also strategically The savage Jurchen further north began to compete with the Jianzhou Jurchen.

  In contrast, Ye Hebu, who is not aggressive or making little progress, looks much dimmer.

Now the Yehe tribe seems to have fallen into a bottleneck, or lost its goal. The Jianzhou Jurchen’s peace during this period has made the whole tribe relax. In addition, the Wula tribe has been annexed, and its power has increased. Everyone has been fighting for so many years, and it seems that they are a little slack.

Even Busia Mara herself felt this way, as if relaxing would allow her clansmen to breathe a sigh of relief, but Busia Mara knew that this short period of calm might contain more violent outbreaks and crises, but she I don't know what to do.

Looking at Busia Mara, who was a little confused and didn't know where to go, Feng Ziying felt distressed for no reason. This woman seemed to have sacrificed her whole life for Ye Hebu in history. She was engaged several times, abandoned several times, and finally married into the grassland. In the end, the Yehe tribe was also destroyed by the Jianzhou Jurchen. It can be said that everything will return to dust, and the grief cannot be overcome.

   Now such a woman's life has completely changed her intrusion as an outsider, so why don't I let her change more thoroughly, discard those troubles, and let her live for herself?

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying wrapped his arms around the opponent's strong waist. Before Busia Mara could react, Feng Ziying's other hand passed through her armpit, and the other hand slipped from her waist He reached his knees, picked up the woman, and walked straight to the back room.

  It was only at this time that Busia Mara came to her senses and struggled violently.

She almost broke free with this struggle, but fortunately Feng Ziying was also prepared, knowing that it was a strong horse, she held her arms tightly, without any explanation, and kicked the door to close after entering the room, pushing Busia Mara Lay down on the bed.

This is the lounge in the courtyard of Feng Ziying's study. It is mainly for lunch breaks and sometimes when you are too busy to rest here. Of course, Jin Chuan'er will inevitably sleep here, so although it is a little smaller, it is very warm and comfortable. .

Shortness of breath, snow-like cheeks flushed, Busia Mara did not expect Feng Ziying, who was usually polite and polite, to suddenly become so presumptuous and crazy. She wanted to struggle and resist, but she didn't know what to do after the resistance. Where to go, didn't you already want to listen to the other party's arrangement?

This hesitation, how can Feng Ziying not understand, put it down on the bed and leaned over to support the opponent's shoulders with both hands, staring at the opponent, "Busia Mara, when you come to my place, don't think about other things." , everything will be arranged by God’s will.”

   "Huh?!" Busia Mara didn't know why, so she could only open her mouth wide and looked at the other party nervously, but she didn't speak.

Only then did Feng Ziying stretch out her hand from behind the opponent's shoulder, unbutton the shoulder loops of the opponent's special leather armor, take off the leather armor covering the chest and lower abdomen, revealing the brocade clothes inside, and unfasten the opponent's waist The belt in the middle was removed, and the entire set of leather armor was removed.

At this time, Busia Mara realized what the other party was going to do. Previously, she thought that the other party just wanted to make out with her. Although she was nervous and shy, she did not resist it, but now this step is about to enter the real state , made her nervous, subconsciously wanted to struggle.

  But at this time, Feng Ziying and other veterans can't let her go, her lips pressed down, and just that touch made Busia Mara tremble all over, her head exploded, and all her thoughts were blown away by the wind...

Feng Ziying didn't expect that this seemingly fierce and irritable wild girl had never experienced a relationship between a man and a woman, and she completely destroyed her defense line with just such a simple kiss, and was completely confused under her body, allowing herself to do whatever she wanted, but that His stiff body made every movement extremely difficult. From **** to intimacy, to the final smooth flow, this process is truly indescribable.

  However, only the hard trek can experience the joy and happiness of climbing the peak to explore the secrets,..., accompanied by the swaying and creaking sound of the bed, the woman's heavy breathing and whispering, it is inevitable to suffer some pain, and then the pain will come.

  ..., before the lingering rhyme was over, Feng Ziying was hugged tightly by the other party and fell into a deep sleep.

Perhaps because she suddenly let go of all the burdens and pressures, Busia Mara slept soundly, with the sound of snoring accompanied by the pair of big jade-white **** undulating under the thin embroidered quilt, Feng Ziying stood up, women can let go of everything, He couldn't help but think about the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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