Number of People

Chapter 1453: Xin Zijuan cunning rabbit three caves

  Chapter 1453 Xin Zijuan Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit

Lin Zhixiao's family was also taken aback, "I can't come up with two thousand taels? Go to Feng's house to borrow money, and the second one is to be a concubine for Uncle Feng. It's only been more than a year, and my stomach is not up to date. Can you get two thousand taels of silver?"

   "Don't underestimate that Eryou. Although she is a Hu girl, she is said to be very popular with Uncle Feng. It is said that the third sister You is also good at martial arts. Uncle Feng usually stays with her when she travels far."

  Lin Zhixiao is a man after all, and he knows the situation outside the country better. The Feng family is the focus of his understanding now, and many news are still very accurate.

"As for the unfulfilling stomach, I can't blame them. There are so many women around Uncle Feng, even the wife doesn't care about Second Master Bao, who still misses Jin Chuan'er, and gave Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er to Uncle Feng, isn't it still Expecting to make a good fortune, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er have been Uncle Feng's personal maid for so many years, but nothing happened?"

Lin Zhixiao's family shook his head, "Jin Chuan'er was confiscated, I know, Yu Chuan'er came back to the mansion two days ago, I took a look, it seems that she hasn't broken her body yet, and she is full of ten years old." Is it six? The appearance is not much worse than our Hongyu, and Uncle Feng also confiscated the house,..."

"Sooner or later, don't you all know what Uncle Feng likes? Or the wife will be willing to give him the gold and jade sisters?" Lin Zhixiao snorted softly, "Then you are going to Feng's mansion. Not to mention, the two younger sisters really collected two thousand taels of silver for the elder sister."

"Really?" Lin Zhixiao's family felt inconceivable, "Two thousand taels is not a small amount. Uncle Feng is so generous to them both. If Miss Bao and Miss Qin get married, it will be windy or rainy." rain?…"

"Why, are you still thinking about asking the third girl to borrow money from Miss Bao?" Lin Zhixiao knew what his wife was thinking, "Maybe the third girl can let go of this face, but what about the wife? It hasn't been long since they married, and they are the masters. The second wife of Feng's family is their masters. Don't they know the situation in our house? They still owe Miss Lin's family one or two thousand taels of silver. Uncle Feng knows it all too well Now, if you lend it to our house now, I'm afraid it will be a meat bun beating a dog—it will never return, Miss Bao and the others don't care about the attitude of the Feng family?"

  It is true, Eryou is much more free as a concubine, she only needs to take care of the man on the bed, and it would be great if she can give birth to a man and a half woman, and the rest is not her responsibility, unless the old woman entrusts her to be a housekeeper.

  The private money in their hands was rewarded by their wives or men, and no one else could control how they used it as they wanted.

  But if a wife or a grandma wants to borrow money, they have to consider the family's ideas.

In particular, the Feng family still has the long house, the second house and the two houses side by side. If the money is borrowed and cannot be collected back, there must be gossip on the long house, and the wife of the Feng family will definitely have opinions, especially Baochai Baoqin now There is no movement.

  Lin Hongyu listened to the conversation between his parents, and had a clearer understanding of the situation in the Rongning Second Mansion.

   No wonder parents let themselves go out with Second Mistress. It seems that the Rongguo Mansion can't support it anymore. Thinking about it makes people feel chills down the spine.

   It's just that the future of the second grandma is also uncertain. A woman who has divorced, even if she has an affair with Uncle Feng, so what, can Uncle Feng marry her back home? Obviously impossible.

"Hey, these days are getting sadder every day. Do you want to say that our house is really out of money? I don't think so. I don't think the money in the private house of Second Mistress is less than 50,000 taels. The old man over there What's more, all day long, the Sun family tried every means to extract money from others, but the Feng family also hugged their thighs and refused to let go, and now they want to promise the second girl to Uncle Feng as a concubine, really don't want any face, ..."

Lin Zhixiao's family couldn't help sighing, "Even Grandma Zhu's net worth is not small, at least three thousand taels, but it's just that I have suffered a few girls who have no one to rely on..., it's really embarrassing for the third girl , Second Mistress is going out, Grandma Zhu is a widow and Lan Geer has to take care of her, that’s all, but can’t the Elder Master help me a little bit?”

"Help me a little bit? It would be nice if I could scrape an extra layer in the mansion. I've been thinking about the things in my ancestor's house all day long, and the old lady kept talking about what's going on in the old lady's house, didn't she just beat it in different ways?" Yuanyang, let Yuanyang let go and take out the things as a pawn?" Lin Zhixiao sneered, "Look, one day when the Rongguo Mansion can't survive, the old man and his wife will be the first to jump out and call for a breakup..."

  The family in Rongguo Mansion has a big business, and there are many people who cling to Rongguo Mansion to **** blood, like Jia She, Wang Xifeng, Jia Rui, and even the earliest Jia Yun and Ni Er all made money from the business of building the Grand View Garden.

But the problem is that the Grand View Garden has been repaired. It took only one time to welcome the imperial concubine and empress to visit her relatives. Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver were poured into this hole. Now it costs a lot of money to maintain and manage it every year. It is really bottomless. big hole.

From Lin Zhixiao's point of view, this is the biggest failure. She still has to earn face even though she doesn't have that great ability. The eldest girl has never seen it in the palace. What happened because of this Grand View Garden, that is, in exchange for a second master Jiangxi academic and political status.

   But with hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, the second master of Jiangxi Xuezheng may not get half of it back after working for a lifetime, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Zhixiao couldn't help sighing and said: "Two days ago, I came back from the palace holding the qin, and maybe it cost money again. You said that this big girl is a concubine in the palace, so she didn't see her as a replacement." The mansion should take care of it a little more, the cost is so high, how do the other women in the family live?"

Regarding this issue, I am afraid that many people in the Rongguo Mansion have a lot of opinions. They gritted their teeth and tightened their belts to find a noble concubine for the eldest girl. The housekeeping costs are not small, and I hope that if the eldest girl becomes a noble concubine, she may be favored by the emperor, and she will have a man and a half woman to rely on.

   No matter how bad it is, you can give Lian Erye or Bao Erye an official reward, and find an official in Beijing.

  Who would have thought that in the end, Mr. Zheng would just be sent out to study politics.

   Whether this Xuezheng can earn so much money back, everyone has no idea, it is probably very difficult, especially when meeting Mr. Zheng with such a pedantic and honest temper, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

   Now that the eldest girl is in the palace, she still needs to spend money. No matter how the mansion always makes up for it, when will such days come to an end?

  I have sold everything that can be sold, and pawned everything that can be pawned. Every year, the income is getting less and less, but the expenses are not reduced at all, or even increased. How can I live in this day?

"So the head of the family, do you think Hongyu should go with the second grandma?" Lin Zhixiao's family smacked his lips, "It may not be easy for the second grandma to go out. Even if she has some affair with Uncle Feng, it is impossible for Uncle Feng. Just take care of her for this little thing? What future does Hongyu have with her?"

"Hmph, don't underestimate Second Grandma, this woman is amazing, I haven't seen the Beijing camp ransoming people, Jia Rui, Uncle Xiao Rong, and Second Master Ni are all around her, of course there is Uncle Feng here But if you don’t have a bit of skill, you can’t play it well. You see, the Elder Master is also involved, but I can assure you that the Elder Master will definitely not earn as much as the Second Mistress for this single business!”

  Lin Zhixiao's words are eloquent.

  My daughter found out that the second grandma seemed to be having an affair with Uncle Feng, and raised her suspicions when she came back, which shocked Lin Zhixiao and his wife at first, but after thinking about it later, she felt that it was normal.

This second mistress has divorced, a lonely woman, with a broken flower and a willow, it is good luck that Uncle Feng can take a fancy to her, not to mention, there are really men who like the coquettishness of the second mistress, I guess Uncle Feng is Obsessed with this bite.

On the contrary, the Second Mistress relied on this relationship to hook up with Uncle Feng, and firmly grasped the precious business of ransoming people in the Beijing camp, robbing the Grand Master's business, and making the relationship between the Grand Master and Second Grandma even worse, but gold and silver are popular. Money touches people's hearts, this hard money has nothing to do with the Jia family, why does Second Mistress still care about the face of the elder?

Second Mistress has long sleeves and is good at dancing. If Uncle Feng, who is already Shuntian Mansion Cheng, takes care of the incense on the bed, Second Mistress may not be doing well in this capital city. The only worry is that Uncle Feng will get bored after sleeping for a few nights. It's hard to say if this relationship will gradually fade away in the future.

  But Lin Zhixiao has also thought about it, Second Grandma still has some skills in seducing men, and in Rongning Second Mansion, many men flock to her.

Jia Zhen, Uncle Xiao Rong, Jia Rui, and even the Eldest Master all had such thoughts in them, and outsiders may not be able to see it, but those who have been walking around the mansion for many years, how can they not see it, but Second Mistress It was quite smooth, Jia Zhen, Jia Rong, Jia Rui and even the old man could only watch and smell but couldn't feel it.

   This also shows that the second grandma is smart. If she wants to choose, she should choose the thickest thigh. Whoever sleeps is not sleeping. Why should these men with little ability be cheap? Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, who has a good reputation in the capital, is everyone's parents not good now?

  Maybe this kind of incense can be used for many years, don’t you see how smart he is now?

"Hongyu, Rongguo Mansion is in a downturn right now. We can't put all our eggs in one basket. If the second grandma with thick legs like Uncle Feng can hold her for a few more years, I'm sure the second grandma will be able to make a living in the capital city." Come here like you used to be, you will follow along, father is really worried that the Jia family won't be able to survive this year or two." Lin Zhixiao sighed, "If it's really impossible, as long as father is here, it's fine if you come back again. .”

  (end of this chapter)

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