Number of People

Chapter 1469: Xin Zijuan's small tricks (seeking tickets for the third update!)

  Chapter 1469 Xin Zijuan's small tricks (seeking tickets for the third update!)

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying has already made up her mind, "Qiusheng, Wenyan, Yaoqing, this matter should not be delayed, I have an idea, the original method may not be suitable for this sale, and we have to innovate, otherwise don't talk about it." The 500,000 yuan at the end of the year, or the 2.5 million taels before this September, is enough."

   Several people nodded.

  Two million and five million taels are difficult. Except for the full amount of 900,000 taels of cash, the remaining 1.6 million taels must be sold through the sale of curios and farm shops.

Although there are quite a lot of rich people in Beijing, none of them only keep money at home. If they can come to sell goods, that is to ask the government to sell them cheaply. Don't buy it, it's not just needed.

  In this case, if you want to cash out, you have to discount the price to make people tempted, but with this discount, how can you make up several million taels of silver? The more the discount is, the more hesitant it is, and the more difficult it is to sell it. This rule applies everywhere if you buy up or not.

   Several people don’t understand what Feng Ziying means by innovation. How can this sale be innovative?

In the past, government sales usually found some old buyers by themselves and invited them to look at the goods. After reading them, they bid for the goods they were satisfied with. If the price met the bottom line of the government, they would sell them. Fan, most of the time can be sold, if it is really not good, then find a second one.

  Because these are the goods confiscated by the government, especially rare artifacts and farm shops, many people think it is unlucky, so the prices are basically not sold at a good price.

  Thus, most of the seized items in Jingtong Second Warehouse were estimated according to the previous standards, but Feng Ziying did not intend to do so. He hoped to make a good operation and sell them at a good price.

   "What does the innovation of adults mean? We all don't understand."

   Still Wang Wenyan asked.

"The case of Jingtong Second Warehouse has spread all over the country. There are so many people involved, and the confiscation of the items is so good that it has been widely circulated outside. But in fact, everyone only knows about it. I plan to use an on-site auction. In this way, these objects are divided into several categories, such as antiques, calligraphy and paintings, pearls and jade jewelry, farm pavements, plus a miscellaneous category, including medicinal materials, furs, silk satins, and clothing. auction,…"

  Fu Shi and Wang Wenyan looked at each other in dismay.

   "My lord, I'm afraid there are many joints here..." Wu Yaoqing bit the bullet and said.

"I know, that's why I said it was an innovation. There must be something I haven't considered in it, such as how to price these things and how to determine the authenticity. This requires hiring some specialized experts, such as the big shopkeeper of the treasure jewelry store They, such as the authority in the dental office, even invite two more people to set the price together, and finally determine an approximate price. If it is lower than this price, the auction will be rejected,..."

Feng Ziying made a general introduction to the modern auction system and methods, and the three of them were also amazed. In fact, Feng Ziying didn't know much about the auction industry. It feels like a pioneer and a big coffee.

"In addition, the current momentum is not enough. I plan to let "Today's News" and "Jiangnan Business Daily" and other northern and southern newspapers publish it to create momentum, especially to show off some specious stolen goods in the two cases. To arouse everyone's thoughts, especially the ordinary people in the capital city puff their cheeks and brag about it after dinner, it will definitely attract many people's interest,..."

Feng Ziying has already begun to release all the gimmicks in modern society in advance. The clamor of public opinion can often make people lose their minds. As long as these things are blown up enough, there will naturally be those local tyrants who are not short of money. Bo a brilliant scene.

"In addition, we can also invite the Japanese, Koreans, Mongols, Jurchens, and even Folangjiren and Hongmaofan people here, so that they can also appreciate the prosperity of our Great Zhou Dynasty, maybe They'll be interested in these things too,…"

"By the way, publicize the auction scheduled for one month later. The auction venue is chosen in Daguanlou, and the lower floor can be used as general bidders. The box on the second floor invites some wealthy and idle people in Beijing, such as King Zhongshun, such as the eldest princess, For example, the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce, the Dongting Chamber of Commerce, the Longyou Chamber of Commerce, and the Jiangyou Chamber of Commerce, etc., on such occasions, as long as they can successfully mobilize everyone's bidding psychology, I believe they will sell at a good price. Relevant people from News, Northern Business Daily, Jiangnan Times, Business Daily, and Liangzhe Express were also invited to watch on the spot. I believe no one wants to lose face on this occasion,..."

  This suggestion is very practical, and Fu Shi and the others couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

  The top figures of the North and South Merchants Group are all gathered here, and there are dignitaries from the imperial court, as well as overseas merchants participating. Who wants to be at a disadvantage and lose face? Naturally, there is a fight between dragons and tigers.

  Even those who are clear-headed, at most restrained a little, but if possible, they certainly don't want to be pressed too hard.

  Feng Ziying raised some considerations on details, which also attracted the divergent thinking of several people, and began to actively put forward some suggestions, either to improve or to make up for it. All in all, such a rough plan was roughly formed.

  Like King Zhongshun, there is nothing to say, Feng Ziying doesn't need to invite, I think this guy will take the initiative to participate, as for the eldest princess, Feng Ziying will go to Wei Ruolan to say hello, his mother, the eldest princess, can't come, but his father and son-in-law will definitely be there.

Several members of the major business gangs, Feng Ziying, who has been running around in the south of the Yangtze River for more than half a year for the strategy of opening the sea, have some friendships, and they can strike up a conversation, say hello, and come here even for a little fun, there must be no problem. To make people fight and throw money out, it depends on how the atmosphere is created, and the on-the-spot performance is performed on the spot.

   After some discussions, some people who were still a little uncertain at first suddenly felt that the future was bright.

In the past, everyone would think that this was something that was sold on the case, which was bad luck, but now it is different. When it was advertised in the newspaper, everyone paid attention and looked up to it. There are news newspapers to wave the flag and shout for momentum, which can lift people's hearts at once.

   It is also possible to use anonymous bidding methods, such as only reporting the name of Longyou Chamber of Commerce or Jiangyou Chamber of Commerce. Outsiders do not know who it is, but it can boost the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce.

  Multiple ways to choose will naturally let many people who still have some doubts put down their burdens, and even those merchants who originally wanted to take the opportunity to strengthen their momentum, it will be a rare Vanity Fair to show their strength.

After Feng Ziying left, Fu Shicai discussed with Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing and others, and he admired Feng Ziying's whimsy. This kind of amazing idea is really beyond the imagination of ordinary scholars. Adapting and making use of everyone's psychology, they all felt that according to Feng Ziying's assumption, maybe the task of three million taels of silver could really be completed.

"It's said that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan hides everything in his chest, and it seems that what he said is true." Fu Shi stroked his beard and smiled while shaking his head, "The two of you also followed Mr. Feng after Mr. Lin, but Mr. Fu I saw it ten years ago when Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan was not yet weak. At that time, I thought it was just after Wu Xun, maybe a little brave, but I didn't expect..."

   "I didn't expect it to be as expected, did you?" Wang Wenyan also laughed. After two months of working on the big warehouse case, several people, including Zhao Wenzhao, He Huchen and others, became familiar and close.

Everyone understands that they are on the same tree. Although their identities are different, Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing are aides and private ministers, Fu Shi is a subordinate, Zhao Wenzhao is an ally, and He Huchen is a benefactor of Feng Ziying, but he is a member of the Beijing camp. General, but his identity has nothing to do with Feng Ziying.

Before, everyone thought that Feng Ziying’s family has a long history, he was born in Wu Xun, and he has read books. Superb, that is, both Fu Shi and Wang Wenyan feel that there is really no other reason to explain it other than God's gift.

  Some of the methods and experience of being an official are not something anyone can teach. You have to experience and explore slowly in countless tedious affairs. Otherwise, why do you need to pay attention to seniority when you are an official?

In fact, this qualification is the accumulation of experience. If you are a Jinshi, even if you are the number one scholar, you will suddenly be thrown into a county to become a magistrate. In the first two years, you will definitely have black eyes and know nothing. At least you will stumble After two years, I can slowly enter Hong Kong and go on the road.

But this Mr. Feng is really different. The Hanlin Academy has amazing talents when he is a good scholar and observes politics. Ningxia's counter-insurgency has shown bravery and courage. , You can talk about family education, you can talk about talent, but when the performance of the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion and the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion in the past two years, even Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing, the two confidants who have been following him, have to admit that some people really It is born with it, without groping, and even many things can be seen through at a glance, and you can understand it.

Even if everyone criticized him for his poor literary talent, Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing, and even his classmates felt that Feng Ziying was hiding his clumsiness from the few poems and essays he occasionally revealed, and he was unwilling to let his poems and essays affect his political talent. That's all.

   It can be said that this adult's performance is perfect except that he is too fond of women, but after thinking about it, if he has no shortcomings, isn't he a saint? It's not a big flaw to like women.

   I wish the great motherland prosperity and prosperity, brothers and sisters, happy National Day!



  (end of this chapter)

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