Number of People

Chapter 1481: Xin Zijuan belongs to the Lord

  Chapter 1481 Xin Zijuan belongs to the master

   It's a coincidence that the three mandarin ducks came hand in hand, but they each had their own affairs.

  Feng Ziying was puzzled but didn't care.

   Now he can look at the affairs of the Jia family with a normal mind.

   The matter of welcoming the Spring Festival is basically finalized. Although Jia She still has a formal agreement, it is actually waiting for a step up, or a bargain, so it is not a problem.

  Tanchun is a little bit troublesome. Now the Rongguo Mansion is focused on Baoyu's marriage and doesn't care about Tanchun, so it can only take a break.

   It can't be said that just after the matter of Yingchun is settled here, and Tanchun is said to be accepted as a concubine on the other side, that would really slap the face of Rongguo Mansion.

  The Jia family still wants face, and they have to save some face.

   See mandarin ducks first.

   As expected, it was Baoyu's marriage.

   is still the daughter of Niu Jixun.

   I don't know what Jia Yuanchun was thinking, but he didn't choose Prince Lianzhong's daughter, but Niu's family.

  Princess Yongning seems to be in favor now, but in fact the hidden crisis lies in the Niu family.

  Can Niu Jixun and Niu Jizong be completely separated? It is impossible to think about it.

   Ordinary things are nothing more than ordinary things. If something big happens, the Niu family will not be spared, so Niu Jixun can rely on the relationship with the eldest princess to get away? Feng Ziying doesn't think so.

  With all the nests, how can there be any eggs? Jia Yuanchun would not understand this truth, but maybe she overestimated the influence of the eldest princess Yongning and underestimated the destructive power of this kind of battle for succession.

  In other words, she didn't think Niu Jixun would be involved, so could she distance herself from the Niu family?

  Theoretically, if Niu Jixun could really make a clean break with Niu Jizong early on, he might be spared, but now it seems that Feng Ziying doesn't see that there is too much difference between Niu Jizong and Niu Jixun brothers, at most they are not so close.

  Or maybe you think Niu Jizong won't go all the way to black?

All in all, this kind of hedging situation is not uncommon in any dynasty, but the premise is that in troubled times, the choice among members of a clan, like this kind of prosperity of the Zhou Dynasty, and it is obviously difficult for direct brothers to do so. The winning side forgives.

Feng Ziying didn't want to comment on the Jia family's choice. Since they chose the Niu family, if Prince Yizhong really becomes a great treasure in the future, then the Jia family can naturally use the Niu family's salted fish to make a comeback, but if the choice is wrong, well, it seems As long as Niu Jixun didn't get involved too deeply, it didn't seem too bad, at most he was a little downcast.

  The Jia family is like this anyway, and even worse, it seems that there is nothing unacceptable.

"I see. Since the old lady and his wife have made a decision, and they have told Uncle Zheng Shi, then of course I, an outsider, have nothing to say." Feng Ziying nodded calmly: "The wedding date in September is a little tight. Can't it be delayed until next year?"

   This is Feng Ziying's last effort for Baoyu's marriage.

  He judged that there is a high probability that there will be some accidents this year. If the wedding is delayed until next year, then there is still time for accidents.

   At most, the Mei family repented of their marriage like the Xue family. Anyway, Wu Xun is not like a literati, and he doesn't care so much about reputation.

Yuanyang hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "I'm afraid it can't be delayed. The second master Bao is not young, and the girl from the Niu family is about the same age. Both sides have this meaning, and September is also very suitable. I heard that the eldest princess at the appointed time,..."

  Yuanyang didn’t mention that the Emperor on September 19th, Iron Net Mountain, wanted to take Baoyu with Princess Wei. Uncle Feng probably didn’t care about it at all, but the Jia family valued it very much.

   "If that's the case, then..." Feng Ziying shook her head, and didn't mention it again: "Is the old lady in good health? Maybe I haven't gone to say hello for a long time, where are the girls?"

   "The old ancestor is also in good health, girls, the third girl is not in good health, but everything else is fine." Yuanyang nodded, "It's all caused by the family's financial difficulties, and the third girl is too worried, so..."

   "Hey, the third sister is also a hard worker. She is not married yet, so she will take care of her natal family first." Feng Ziying laughed dumbly, "It's good to exercise, maybe I will be in charge of the house in the future."

  Yuanyang always felt that there was something in Uncle Feng's words, and when she glanced at Feng Ziying, she couldn't see anything, so she just bowed her head and remained silent.

"By the way, Yuanyang, what about your business?" Feng Ziying smiled again, "You can't guard the old lady forever, can you? I told you before, let Hu Po and Zhu Zhu learn slowly. After taking your class, the ancestors must have cherished you, and came to my house, how can I still treat you badly?"

  Yuanyang blushed suddenly, a little shy, but relieved in her heart.

At first I thought the other party was joking, so I forgot about it. It’s been so long, and I haven’t seen him mention it. It seems that I haven’t forgotten it either, but the old ancestor really couldn’t leave it, and the other party couldn’t ask for it. .

"Master, don't mention this matter again, how can a servant be worthy of it?" Yuanyang bit her lip, but her watery eyes were full of affection, "At the old ancestor's place, the servant really couldn't speak, and the servant was unwilling to carry a The reputation cast against the master, as long as the ancestors still want the mandarin ducks, the mandarin ducks will not be able to leave. This kind of heart of the master, the slaves know it in their hearts, and they also accept it, but..."

  The voice of the voice gradually became inaudible. Feng Ziying saw that the mandarin duck lowered its head, and the slightly shrugged shoulders could tell that there were still some emotional ups and downs in her heart.

  Who doesn't care about their own happiness in the future, which girl doesn't cherish spring? For a talent like Feng Ziying, how can Yuanyang not understand that he is so praised and caring about himself?

  Especially after the trip to Jinling, Yuanyang's affection has been tied to Feng Ziying, but her identity is different, she can't dare to hate and love like others, she can only hide it in her heart.

   Unable to stand up, Feng Ziying walked over and put his arms around Yuanyang's round shoulders. Yuanyang suddenly woke up and wanted to stand up suddenly, but he never thought that Feng Ziying was in front of him, and his head was on Feng Ziying's chest.

  Feng Ziying couldn't bear it anymore, so she raised her frightened face, and pressed down deeply on her bright red lips like fire.

   The sound of "ah" was still rolling in the throat, and the body of the mandarin duck went limp. Feng Ziying wrapped one hand around the other's back and waist, and hooked the other's jaw with the other, only caring about sucking greedily.

   Rouge is thick, warm and sweet,...

It wasn't until Feng Ziying's hand penetrated into the lower skirt of Yuanyang Bijia, and suddenly through the inner belly pocket, caught the softness of Yingying's grip, Yuanyang woke up from a start, struggled suddenly, and pressed Feng Ziying tightly. The hands in the sweaty towel in the underwear kept calling coquettishly: "Master, you can't do it, you can't do it!"

"Why not?" Feng Ziying simply picked up the mandarin duck, "I wanted you today, so I went directly to the old matriarch and told about it. Isn't the old matriarch the most fond of Baoyu? I will give up this piece of paper." I lost my face, and when Baoyu Ngong went to the Imperial College to study for two years, I tried to recommend him to find an official position for him, whether it was Taipu Temple, Honglu Temple, or Zhan Shifu. Let Baoyu have a place to go,..."

As soon as Yuanyang's heart warmed up, the struggle slowed down, allowing Feng Ziying's demonic palm to wreak havoc on her chest, but the sweat towel in her trousers refused to loosen, "Master, I promise you, I will be your servant all my life. The body can only be taken away by the master, but it can't be done right now, the old matriarch treats the slaves as much as a mountain, and the slaves can't be that kind of person, so I ask the master to wait,..."

Seeing Yuanyang's resolute tone, Feng Ziying also knew that it was difficult for her to succeed, and she sighed in her heart, "Then when will this happen? Although the old lady is not young, her bones are very healthy. If she lives another ten or eight years, Yuanyang, aren't you going to become an old girl?"

Seeing that Feng Ziying finally stopped, Yuanyang felt relieved, and looked outside carefully. Ping'er and Zijuan were still in the outer courtyard, and Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er, and Qingwen were still talking with them. It's about to go out and be seen out, so it's okay? Can Qingwen's mouth kill people?

"What did you say, how can you curse someone bad?" Yuanyang glanced at Feng Ziying coquettishly, "I still hope that my ancestors will always be in good health. Oh, there are so many people around me who are much stronger than slaves, why is Jin Chuaner not as good as slaves? And Qingwen, except for her mouth is too powerful, everything else is ten times better than slaves..."

"Okay, Yuanyang, I didn't come here to hear you praise others." Feng Ziying finally withdrew her hand reluctantly, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed, Yuanyang was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head, "Well, I can't let you be a fool." For those who are ungrateful, let's wait a little longer and see what happens to the Rongguo Mansion after Baoyu gets married..."

"What about the second girl?" Yuanyang asked as she tidied up her clothes, "I heard that Mr. She let go of his mouth. That day when the servant and maid met the eldest wife, she muttered there, saying that the cheap master got such a good girl. , I’m still a concubine, I don’t know why the second girl lost her head, and the Elder Master is also like that…”

Feng Ziying sneered, "That's what Mrs. Xing told you. When will it be her turn to make decisions in the long house? She didn't even dare to fart, and she only dared to chew her tongue behind her back. It seems that she didn't get any sweetness."

"Not necessarily, but I feel that the eldest lady thinks that the second girl is going to be promised to the Sun family to be a concubine on the top of Xiuyan?" Yuanyang shook her head, "Master Xing owes a lot of money outside, If it wasn't for the Lord to come forward, how could she get away with it? The eldest wife is afraid that she has taken a fancy to the Lord and is thinking about letting Xiuyan, the niece, be a concubine for the Lord. Then, as an aunt, she has always been able to make decisions for the Xing family, and she can also make some money. , at least some of the original debts can be counted on the head of the master, some can be recovered, and some can even be earned."

  (end of this chapter)

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