Number of People

Chapter 1483: Xin Zijuan riding a tiger is hard to get off

  Chapter 1483 Xin Zijuan Riding a Tiger is Hard to Get Off

"Then what does the imperial court mean by the four towns in the northwest? Or is it determined to abolish Guyuan and merge the two towns of Gansu and Ningxia?" Feng Tang stopped and turned his head, "Master Xiong, I'm a warrior and I don't like to go around Going around, if the three sides are to be abolished, it will definitely provoke a big backlash, and I don’t think now is a good time.”

  Xiong Tingbi sighed, "Since Brother Tang, the court is also helpless. Huaiyang Town is going to be established, and it can't be done without millions of taels of silver..."

   "There is no need to form Huaiyang Town at all!" Feng Tang interrupted the other party roughly.

   "But the gentry in Jiangnan felt it was necessary. If not, they might have discounted the taxes paid this winter, procrastinating, and the people in Jiangnan are raging. The court can't ignore it."

  Xiong Tingbi smiled wryly. Why didn't he think that Huaiyang Town was not necessary? A few Japanese pirates frightened the Jiangnan gentry, which is too childish.

"The emperor and the court are too conniving with Jiangnan!" Feng Tang said bluntly: "I think the big soldiers are easy to deal with, and the opinions of the gentry and the people become the weather vane, but the court doesn't rely on these big soldiers. Ma Changjiang is here!"

  This is not easy to answer. Xiong Tingbi feels that this Governor Feng is not like the impression he got from other people before. It is said that this Governor Feng is moderate and calm, and he does things well. He did not expect that he is no different from other warriors.

As if he felt that his words were too harsh, Feng Tang eased his tone: "Master Xiong, I am straightforward, please bear with me, the formation of Huaiyang Town is unnecessary, this is the unanimous opinion of the frontier generals when I was in Liaodong. Money and silver, if you reorganize the four towns in the northwest, their combat effectiveness will definitely be much stronger than a newly formed military town."

   "The gentry in the south of the Yangtze River hope to form an army of children. They think that the soldiers in the north can hardly adapt to the climate in the south of the Yangtze River..." Xiong Tingbi's tone was also a bit bitter. This is a compromise, so what?

"Soldiers? Hehe, can soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River fight?" Feng Tang sneered, "Forget it, it's meaningless to say such things. Now that the court has decided, we can only complain. What is the situation in the Northwest? Deal with it, where is the crux, and what Feng needs to do, Lord Xiong can teach me."

Xiong Tingbi heaved a sigh of relief, and thought about his words, "The Northwest is mainly owed wages, but it is much better than before the Ningxia rebellion a few years ago, but it is definitely not comparable to Ji Liao and Xuan Da. In addition, Hami and Shazhou's Liuhe Abandonment is also a problem. Some frontier generals have different opinions. In addition, Guyuan Town will be withdrawn. family problems,..."

"As for how to deal with it, to be honest, Mr. Feng, you are an expert. We people in the court and the situation and mentality of the soldiers on the border are in the dark, so we can't be sure. Chen Jingxuan made such a big hole, and in the end we have to ask the court for help." Come to take over, or you will be temporarily drawn back from Liaodong..."

  Xiong Tingbi was very polite. After all, no one would be happy if this kind of thing happened to him. This trip spanned thousands of miles, and he traveled back and forth. It might take him back to Liaodong after a year or so. Using a donkey is not the same.

  Feng Tang can only complain, the court has difficulties, if it is really that simple, why call him back?

   After talking for a while, Feng Tang and Xiong Tingbi went straight to the Ministry of War.

  In addition to the Northwest issue, the Ministry of War also needs to listen to Feng Tang's report on the entire situation in Liaodong, which cannot be ignored.

   After coming out of the Ministry of War, he went to Wenyuan Pavilion. The elders of the pavilion also wanted to hear the situation, including the disposal plan for the four towns in the northwest after the Ministry of War and Feng Tang discussed together.

   When Feng Tang returned home, it was already the beginning of Hai.

   After traveling for hundreds of miles, and then non-stop going to the Ministry of War and the cabinet to report and discuss, Feng Tang was also a little tired.

However, when he saw his wife, concubine, son and daughter-in-law waiting at the door with their granddaughter in their arms, Feng Tang's fatigue and fatigue disappeared immediately. He got off his horse and walked forward briskly, and said excitedly: "Come on, let me see Look at the granddaughter of our Feng family, um, Feng Qiwu, very good, my granddaughter will definitely be able to sing like a phoenix,..."

After hugging his granddaughter and sighing with emotion for a while, Feng Tang reluctantly handed over his granddaughter to his daughter-in-law, his eyes fell on his quiet and self-confident son, and he nodded: "Well, it's a bit like a fourth-rank official, yes, Keng Brother, the position of Shuntian Mansion Cheng is not easy, and there is a long way to go."

   "Father, don't worry, my son will work hard and won't embarrass the Feng family." Feng Ziying was in this kind of situation, although he also felt a little bit emotional, but to be honest, after half a year, he has gotten used to it.

  After exchanging pleasantries, it was a salute one by one. Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, Xue Baoqin and others all came to pay their respects to the father-in-law, and then they naturally went back to the room to talk.

   "Father, the cabinet and the Ministry of War have been talking with you for so long?" When only Feng Tang and Feng Ziying were left in the study, Feng Ziying brewed tea and put it in his father's hands.

"Well, the situation in Liaodong seems to be fairly stable now, but the cabinet and the Ministry of War are still worried. Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Lijiao are not in harmony with each other. Lord Shangshu wants to ask..." Feng Tang took the teacup, Putting it down, he rubbed his temples, "But as long as the time is not too long, it's not a big problem. Before I left, I had a long talk with both of them, and I also told Xilong (Zhao Shujiao), Wen Zhao Will not stay in Liaodong."

"Oh? Father wants Brother Cao to go to the northwest?" Feng Ziying was astonished. The old Liaodong generals and the Datong and Yulin generals brought by his father were not as expected, and Li Chengliang's influence could not be wiped out in a year or so. .

   "Hmph, if that's the case, the court will suspect that your father wants to become a feudal town again." Feng Tang glared at his son, "Could it be that Wen Zhao of Huaiyang Town can't go?"

  Feng Ziying laughed, "How is that possible? The gentry in the south of the Yangtze River managed to form an army town. How could you let father pick peaches?"

  Feng Tang's eyes were sharp, "So, you also think that Huaiyang Town belongs to the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, not to the court? So what are the cabinet ministers thinking?"

  Feng Ziying was momentarily at a loss for words.

   "It seems that the situation in the court has changed a lot in the past two years since I left. Tell me, what is the situation now? Ziying, you are not very optimistic about the current situation?"

  Even though Feng Tangyuan is in Liaodong, he doesn't have much energy to pay attention to Beijing-China affairs, but he has only been back for half a day, and he can infer some abnormalities from the news he has received from various sources.

  Being confused by what her father said, she didn't know what to say for a while. After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying said, "Father, what do you want to hear?"

  Feng Tang became interested, and glanced at his son, "Well, Ziying, what you mean is that you can't explain clearly in a few words. Why, our father and son will have to talk all night by candlelight tonight?"

"Father, you just came back. You've been tired for so long. Why don't you take a good night's sleep and let's have a good talk when your son comes home early tomorrow." Feng Ziying thought for a while, "Because the scope is too wide, and many things even involve my son I still can't see clearly, or I'm not sure, I need father to help you feel the pulse, analyze and analyze..."

  Feng Tang nodded, "Forget it, let the kitchen in the house make some dishes for our father and son tomorrow, and let's have a good talk."


   "Feng Tang returned to Beijing?" Emperor Yonglong's slightly haggard face became thinner and thinner under the dim light, "He came back very quickly. How is the situation in Liaodong?"

   "I'm back. I arrived at noon. The Ministry of War and the cabinet have already listened to his report. For now, the situation in Liaodong is still stable. Nurhachi is focusing on how to conquer the wild Jurchens, and he has made great progress..."

  Zhang Huaichang's answer made Yonglong Emperor a little irritable, "Didn't Liaodong think of a way to contain them?"

"Your Majesty, the current situation in Liaodong is more than successful, but not aggressive." Zhang Huaichang did not hide it, "If you want to take the initiative to attack, the risk is too great, and the supply of food, fodder and military supplies will increase greatly. At present, the imperial court cannot guarantee it, so Liaodong has more The most important thing is to use the Yehe tribe, the Neikha people and the Jianzhou Jurchen to compete for the savage Jurchen and contain the Jianzhou Jurchen."

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Yehe tribe and the Neikha people to compete with the Jianzhou Jurchen?" Emperor Yonglong sighed.

"That's true. The Yehe tribe is too weak. Even if it accepts the Ula tribe, it is not satisfactory. Because the Nekhka people are Mongols, it is difficult for them to be recognized by the savage Jurchen tribes. Now the Nekhka people mainly It is to suppress the Horqin people and prevent the Horqin people from falling completely to the Jianzhou Jurchen."

Zhang Huaichang spoke succinctly, and Emperor Yonglong nodded: "Feng Tang's move is still practical. The Neikalkha people can be used by our Great Zhou, which is a great help, but it is still difficult to really contain the Jianzhou Jurchen, and I heard that the North Korean Are you flirting with Jianzhou Jurchen?"

Zhang Huaichang nodded in embarrassment: "It should be so. After the loss of the Six Forts of Kuandian, our influence on North Korea has been weakened a lot. Nurhachi took the opportunity to launch an offensive, using both soft and hard tactics. The officials in North Korea who were kind to us in Dazhou were hit hard. , The information obtained by the Pedestrian Division also proves this,..."

Like being bound by an invisible chain, he raised his head slightly and looked at the dark algae well. Emperor Yonglong only felt that everything was not going well. It looked like a big week, but he was controlled by others everywhere. The Southwest War dragged on for a long time, the prince That's all for Teng, why are Yang He and Sun Chengzong also making slow progress?

That's all, but there was a mutiny in the northwest. A group of people in Guyuan Town were similar to those in the old Beijing camp. They couldn't fight a war, but they made more money than anyone else. It's hard to get off now.

  Chen Jingxuan was also incompetent in controlling his subordinates, he had placed high hopes on him in vain, but in the end he made a fuss like this, but this guy still asked to resign. Thinking of this, Emperor Yonglong's inner anger rushed upwards.

  (end of this chapter)

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