Number of People

Chapter 1486: Xin Zijuan is in jeopardy (make up for last night)

  Chapter 1486 Xin Zijuan is in danger (make up for last night)

"Tell me, why, are you afraid that your father won't be able to accept anything?" Feng Tang laughed loudly, "Your father eats more salt than you eat, what you know may not be known to your father, Don't think that your father doesn't know that he is in Liaodong."

  Feng Ziying also burst into laughter, she was too careful, this is her father, what doubts and worries can't be said? If the father can't even tell, then there is really no one who can be honest with each other.

   "Son, I'm worried that Prince Yizhong might make trouble." Feng Tang's expression changed slightly with Feng Ziying's words, but he didn't look surprised, which made Feng Ziying feel more at ease.

"Oh? It really shocked your father. Well, it's not a day or two since Prince Yizhong wants to take back the throne. The emperor knows it, and the Supreme Emperor knows it too, but can he do it?" Feng Tang nodded, " The three major battalions of the Beijing camp are all controlled by the emperor. Even if Chen Jixian may be unstable, there are also people from the emperor in the fifth army camp. The enemies of the Shenshu camp are originally the emperor's people. In fact, the emperor has already mastered the dominance of the military power, how can Prince Yizhong stand up?"

   "It's definitely not in Beijing." Feng Ziying shook her head, "My son is worried about being outside of Gyeonggi, for example, Jiangnan."

"Jiangnan?!" Feng Tang mused, "Jiangnan is rich and rich, and the gentry and the people really don't like the emperor very much, but prefer Prince Yizhong. , Huaiyang Town?"

   "Huaiyang Town is just one side, and there is also Denglai Town." Feng Ziying said word by word: "My son suspects that Wang Ziteng's playing and resting in Bozhou is just a big game of chess..."

   "You mean that Prince Yizhong colluded with Yang Yinglong of Bozhou?" Feng Tang looked serious, "But even if the two towns are combined, compared with the army of the Nine Frontiers, they are chickens and dogs, hitting rocks with eggs!"

"But father, have you ever thought about how much the army from the Nine Frontiers can spare to go south? Don't you want to defend the northern frontier? Will Jianzhou Jurchen take the opportunity to attack? What about the Chahar people? If the Jiliao army can't be drawn out, then Xuanda is the only one, but Xuanda Niu Jizong, the governor, is in charge of the Xuanfu army, and Niu Jizong of the Datong army. Only Shanxi Town, but both Shanxi Town and Datong Town have to face the Tumed people. The Tumed people are good stubblers? The four towns in the Northwest made it like this , have great resentment towards the imperial court, will they be willing?"

Feng Ziying's series of rhetorical questions made Feng Tang a little confused, and he said after a while, "Ziying, according to what you said, if the south of the Yangtze River rebels, the army on the nine sides will not be able to pull out a single soldier, and even if Niu Jizong also plays the role Without the character, there will even be a big hole on the nine sides?"

"It's really hard to say now, Ji Liao can't draw out troops, that's for sure, Xuanda is bound to be in conflict, and the three sides and four towns, the distance is far away, and they have been dragged down by the cold treatment of the court for so many years, let alone the combat effectiveness. What will happen to the Tumed people, Xihai Mongols and Mughal people? Are they willing to go south to fight for the imperial court? Even if they go south, will they go all out? Will they be bought by Jiangnan and fight back, or simply Harm the place?"

  Feng Ziying continued to question a series of questions, leaving Feng Tang speechless, not knowing how to answer, but Feng Ziying refused to give up.

"Similarly, the Jianzhou Jurchen and Chahar people will not be unaware of this. For them, the more chaos within the Great Zhou, the better for them. It is best to divide the north and the south and confront each other and consume each other. Then the Great Zhou will really They can't spare any strength to deal with them, they can launch an offensive from east to west thousands of miles with ease, but if we lose Jiangnan, can our Great Zhou still support the nine-sided army?"

   Without Jiangnan, how could the hundreds of thousands of troops on the Nine Sides be able to support it? I'm afraid that even one-third of the army will be difficult to maintain, but it will be a disaster for the entire Middle-earth Han land if they have to face the wolf-like Mongols and Jurchens.

"Ziying, the situation has really deteriorated to this extent?" Feng Tang said disapprovingly: "Huaiyang Town has not been built yet, right? Doesn't the court know how to defend? There is also Wang Ziteng's Denglai Town, which cut off his power. Food and grass, he can only catch it without a fight!"

"Father, why do we say that Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong are planning to rebel? Even Prince Yizhong can still swagger in the capital city. The emperor prides himself on loyalty and filial piety. How could he make such a move without any substantive evidence? Something? The Supreme Emperor is still here." Feng Ziying spread her hands.

"Relying on Huaiyang Town and Denglai Town alone can't make a big storm." Feng Tang calmed down slowly, "Even if you add Niu Jizong's Xuanfu Town, it won't work. Niu Jizong can command Xuanfu Town, but in Gyeonggi, Even though You Shigong's Ji Town is slightly weaker, it is not much different. Moreover, Niu Jizong can't control Datong Town to the west. With the order of the imperial court, his Xuanfu Town will be attacked from both sides, let alone Xuanfu Town. Just under the eyes of the imperial court, dare to rebel? The generals dare to take risks, but what about the soldiers below? If he dares to raise the rebellious flag, it will definitely cause chaos among them, and it is easy to put down the rebellion in Gyeonggi!"

Feng Ziying listened carefully to her father's analysis. As a military general, her father must understand the mentality of the army better than herself. Although the Xuanfu army is controlled by Niu Jizong, all the generals seem to follow Niu Jizong's lead, but in real terms they want to set up a big army. In the face of rebellion, do the generals dare to stand firmly behind Niu Jizong? What about the middle and lower level military officers below?

  I'm afraid it may not be the case, as the old man said, I'm afraid it will cause a mess.

  Furthermore, Feng Ziying did not think that Niu Jizong dared to put up the banner of rebellion openly. Another way, such as using the name of "Qingjun side", may be more attractive.

   "The father means that this possibility is unlikely?" Feng Ziying asked.

   "At least in the current situation, it's impossible. Whether it's Niu Jizong or Prince Yizhong, they won't be so stupid." Feng Tang said decisively: "Unless there are some accidents inside the court."

"Accident? Which aspect counts?" Feng Ziying asked: "Jianzhou Jurchen or Mongols violated the border again or even broke into the border wall? Is it because the White Lotus Sect rebelled internally, or the court was unable to cope with the flood of refugees brought about by the severe drought in the north? These does it count?"

Feng Tang frowned again and again, obviously a little displeased by Feng Ziying's series of descriptions, "Ziying, is the situation in the court so bad? Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongols don't have the ability to break into the side wall this year, right? At least Liaodong I have this confidence. I met You Shigong in Shanhaiguan. Although Jizhen’s strength was lost last year, it is slowly recovering this year. By the way, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu were specifically mentioned. Huang Degong is the youngest guerrilla in Jizhen , is now stationed at the Bohai Institute, Zuo Liangyu is now the capital in charge of guerrilla affairs, and is now stationed at Shitangling,..."

Feng Ziying couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Brother You trusts these two boys so much? Both the Bohai Institute and Shitangling are the key points. According to the usual route, this line should be the main breakthrough point for the Chahar people to commit crimes. "

"If not, how can we train these two boys?" Feng Tang stroked his beard, "You Shigong told me, and I agree, Zuo Liangyu is too young to be directly promoted to guerrillas, and his colleagues will not be convinced. Huang Degong has done enough, and he is better at life than Zuo Liangyu. It is reasonable to be promoted to Guerrilla, and it is no problem to let him take charge of the Bohai Institute. Zuo Liangyu still needs to hone his skills. ..."

"It's definitely okay to polish it. I'm afraid that Kunshan will take the initiative to attack..." Feng Ziying shook her head with a wry smile, "I know Shitangling, this is Huangyakou and Shichengxia, which are the confrontation with the Chahar people. ideas,…"

"Huh, if he really has the ability to compete with the Chahar people, that's not a bad thing. At least he can fight with the Chahar people, and Lindan Batur will not be so presumptuous. Lindan Batur last year After the invasion of Gyeonggi, the arrogance has increased a lot, if Zaisai had not parted ways with him, I am really worried that if the Mongolian left wing wants to unify, the pressure on Dazhou will be greater."

Ji Liao was under attack from both sides, and Jianzhou Jurchen was certainly the most dangerous, but as Lin Dan Batur got older, the threat from the Chahar people began to increase, which also put a lot of pressure on Feng Tang, and the strength of the two towns of Ji Liao Although the fighting power is the strongest, it is really impossible to draw a single soldier, and even feels that it is not enough.

Based on Feng Ziying's understanding of Zuo Liangyu's temperament, this guy will definitely not settle down at the border. Unlike the Jianzhou Jurchens outside Liaodong, the Chahar people are more loosely organized, and the tribal soldiers below often flee to the side wall. Naturally, Zuo Liangyu would not let go of such an opportunity.

"By the way, Ziying, you mentioned the White Lotus Sect's rebellion? Is this possible?" Feng Tang looked puzzled, "I know that the White Lotus Sect participated in the Linqing civil uprising, which impressed you very much, but you said that you will be promoted to It’s impossible to rebel at this level, right?”

"Father, internal and external troubles often come together, and internal troubles are often more serious than foreign troubles." Feng Ziying shook her head, "My son has already noticed the spread of the White Lotus Sect in Yongping, and he has also taken some measures to contain it. Unexpectedly, it attracted the assassination of the White Lotus Sect. If it weren't for the strong guards around the son, he might have succeeded. When he arrived in the capital, the son found that the White Lotus Sect was not only very active in the capital, but even in the capital city. People are also involved, which makes people shudder."

When Feng Ziying said this, Feng Tang couldn't help but change his face, "White Lotus Sect is rampant? I remember that there were also many White Lotus Sect members in Bansheng, Fengzhou, and later migrated to the Hetao area. Both Lost Rabbit and Su Nang said hello, and they also assured me that these White Lotus Sect members will not have anything to do with the Central Earth White Lotus Sect,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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