Number of People

Chapter 1494: Xin Zijuan Lin Hongyu's imagination

  Chapter 1494 Xin Zijuan Lin Hongyu's imagination

  Everyone was trembling with fear, but they were also muttering to themselves, who is it?

  There are only a few men in the yard, Wang Xin, Wang'er, Zhu'er, it's impossible to think about it, how could Second Mistress think of them?

  Then only outside.

   There are many men in Rongguo Mansion, but there are only a handful of men who have this possibility, and it is unlikely that those who are below the third master Huan are the only ones who are the second master Bao.

But everyone who knows the situation knows that the second master Bao has hardly been here, and the second grandmother has never been to Yihong Courtyard, and she rarely even goes to the Grand View Garden. It seems impossible for the second grandmother to eat tender grass It went to her own cousin, and Mrs. Wang had to tear up the second grandma after she found out, so this is also unlikely.

   In fact, the answer has long been ready.

   I have been to the courtyard, and there are qualified men, except for Uncle Feng, there is no one else.

  But Uncle Feng and Second Master Lian have an irresistible relationship, like brothers.

   It’s just this kind of thing, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal, it’s not as delicious as dumplings, it’s not as fun..., aren’t these dark and obscene words a true portrayal of these big families? After so many years of history, isn't this kind of thing normal?

Besides, the second grandma has long since reconciled with the second master Lian, and now the second grandma can't be called the second grandma theoretically, she has to be called Grandma Feng. As for whose grandma this grandma is, it is self-evident , Whose seed is in the belly, then it should be the grandma of the family.

  But before Feng Ziying came to the door, no matter how suspicious everyone was, they could only be suspicious. What if Uncle Feng didn’t come to the door again, or denied it, what should we do?

  Including Wang Xin and Wang'er, they were all anxious. If the second grandma was sleeping for nothing by Uncle Feng, and her stomach was getting bigger, and Uncle Feng would lift up her pants again and refuse to admit it, it would be really troublesome.

  Is the evil seed in the stomach knocked out or born?

   What should I do if I am born?

   Besides, the second grandmother is now a widow, but she became pregnant out of thin air and gave birth to a child. How do you explain it to the outside world?

  So when Feng Ziying appeared at the gate, the hearts of all the people in the yard who were hanging in mid-air immediately returned to their stomachs.

  The master finally showed up, and this appearance meant that Uncle Feng had admitted this matter, and the second grandma would have a backer in the future.

Of course, Wang Xifeng and Heping'er didn't think so much. They never thought that Feng Ziying would not admit it when he lifted his pants, but the others were different. First, although they all suspected that it was Feng Ziying, they never confirmed it. Second, it was confirmed that it was Feng Ziying. Feeling humiliated and detrimental to the reputation and refuse to admit it, so I don't want to go to the door, just deny it?

This kind of situation is not uncommon, and it is even very common. There are many officials and gentry who are raising their concubine outside, and there are even a lot of dragging their children. Difficult.

  Many sons and daughters have grown up, but they are still not recognized as fathers, and they can't even follow their father's surname.

   Now that Uncle Feng has finally come to the door, the first step has been finalized. Uncle Feng has accepted the matter, and the child in Second Mistress’s womb is considered to have a master. It seems that Uncle Feng is willing to let Second Mistress be born.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's figure appear, Wang'er smiled happily, rubbed his hands and hooked his waist, and quickly knelt down to salute, "The uncle is here, and the second grandma is still resting in the room. Feng'er has notified her to come in."

   "Get up." Feng Ziying waved her hand, and seeing Wanger's expression, Feng Ziying could roughly guess what these people were thinking.

During the time when I didn't go to the house, these guys were probably tossing and turning, not knowing where to go, they had no choice but to stay in Jia's house, and followed Wang Xifeng out, but they couldn't see the future, so they wanted to leave, but they didn't know where to go Everywhere they go, they all come out from the Wang family, where can they go?

Now that the dark clouds are cleared to see the sunrise, I finally have a backer I can rely on, and I have also confirmed that I am the rightful owner of the piece of meat in Wang Xifeng's stomach. Naturally, my heart is more at ease, and I will have support in the future. Naturally, I am overjoyed.

But Feng Ziying didn't bother to think about it at this time. Since he showed his face, he didn't plan to hide it. At least in front of these people, he needed to show his attitude, and how to keep them secret, besides his own threats and exhortations, was more important. More depends on Wang Xifeng's training.

   "Master, please come inside." Wang'er and Zhu'er both nodded and bowed, and closed the door while waiting for several of Feng Ziying's guards to come in.

  Feng Ziying explained to several guards, and then took Ruixiang into the second courtyard.

The second courtyard is considered to be the inner courtyard, like Wang Xin and Wang Er, they all live in the second courtyard, and the third courtyard, which is further inside, only Wang Xifeng, Ping Er, Xiao Hong, Feng Er, Sister Shan and several women lived there, but Wang Xifeng herself did not live in the Sanjin courtyard, but in a small courtyard with a side door next to the Sanjin courtyard.

  As soon as he stepped into the second courtyard, Ping'er came out with Xiaohong.

  Ping'er naturally had a look of surprise on his face, and Feng Ziying also noticed that Lin Hongyu's face was full of surprise and sudden realization.

   "Master is here?" Both Ping'er and Lin Hongyu were blessed.

There was some dissatisfaction in Ping'er's words, and Feng Ziying could hear it, "You guys don't know what you've been busy with these days, Daguanlou will have a development and sales conference in the future, and you've been so busy these days, You finally found time to come here, aren't you happy?"

   "Slave maid, how dare you not be happy?" Ping'er pouted, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, and her eyes melted, "I just thought that the master really forgot a lot of things."

Feng Ziying glanced at Xiao Hong who was beside Ping'er. Seeing this, Wang Xifeng and Heping'er didn't intend to hide Lin Hongyu's secrets anymore. Let Lin Hongyu realize it slowly by herself first, and then solve the mystery at the end, so as not to be too abrupt.

   "Even if I forget other things, I can't forget about you." Feng Ziying didn't talk nonsense, and raised her jaw, "Let's go."

  Lin Hongyu remained silent.

  She has now calmed down from the initial shock, bewilderment and sudden realization.

  Thinking about it, why did Second Mistress dare to move out of Rongguo Mansion? If there is not enough support, can a single woman survive in this capital city?

  Just those single gangsters who run rampant in the streets and alleys can swallow you up. You can ignore these in Rongguo Mansion, but once you lose the halo of the Jia family, you have a try?

So she was also very confused about whether she should go out with Second Mistress. Although her parents made the decision for her, she was still very worried. I dare not make this decision.

   But now it seems that this step seems to be on the right track.

  The person hiding behind Second Mistress is actually Uncle Feng!

  All suspicious, incomprehensible, and unimaginable things suddenly became logical.

   Without Uncle Feng’s care, how could Second Mistress **** from the Uncle Feng the redemption of the military generals in the Beijing camp and earn a lot of money? Before, I thought Uncle Feng was so generous because of the second master Lian's care, but now it seems that if there is no kindness in bed, how could it be the second grandma's turn to do such a good thing?

  If it wasn't for Uncle Feng's seed in her stomach, how could Uncle Feng make such comprehensive arrangements for her?

  Even Lin Hongyu can be sure that this house should be arranged by Uncle Feng for Second Mistress.

Before, Lin Hongyu thought that the Second Mistress was really generous, and that this house could not be taken down without two to thirty thousand taels of silver. Now it seems that the Second Mistress would not pay the money, but she only gave away a body, um, a body, that’s all. Of course, the premise is that your body can conceive one for Uncle Feng.

  Thinking of this, Lin Hongyu is really envious of the second grandma, she is just a broken flower, and even gave birth to a beautiful sister, but she doesn't know how to climb up to such a tall branch as Uncle Feng? Why did Uncle Feng fall in love with her?

  That's all, but she was able to conceive one, which is really lucky.

  Lin Hongyu was really envious of Second Grandma's luck.

There are several wives and concubines in Uncle Feng's house, not to mention Grandma Shen, the eldest room, and Miss Bao and Miss Qin, who are in the second room, who are not looking forward to conceiving as soon as possible, let alone Eryou, Jin Chuaner, Yu Chuaner and sisters. Qingwen, Ying'er, these prodigal hoofs are all like wolves and tigers, but it has been half a year, but I haven't heard from any of them.

Coincidentally, the Second Mistress and Uncle Feng may have had only a few occasions of dewy love, and they were able to conceive. Lin Hongyu still knew very well that the Second Mistress was high-spirited, and ordinary men would look down on him, and only Uncle Feng was the only one. , but Uncle Feng only came to the yard a few times, and there were unexpectedly.

Recalling that first time, I was still a little puzzled, and I didn't know why Uncle Feng came back after leaving the house. It was probably because Ping'er, this little hoof, played tricks and deceived himself. Heard some strange noises.

   Lin Hongyu, who was following Feng Ziying, looked at the tall and vigorous figure in front of her, and couldn't help thinking about it.

  Who wouldn't want such a man?

She really didn't expect that the second grandma could hook up with Uncle Feng. In her opinion, there are so many big girls and daughter-in-laws in the Grand View Garden of Rongguo Mansion. Some plump and enchanting, but she is several years older than Uncle Feng, how could she fall in love with Second Mistress? It must be that Second Mistress used all kinds of means to charm Uncle Feng.

But you said it’s nothing more than a dew couple doing it twice, it’s not surprising, but it’s really the second grandma’s ability to conceive after just a few dew couples, could it be that the second grandma is really in bed Is there any incredible trick in the room that can hit it in one shot?

   The cold is slowly getting better, so try to get more and two more today.



  (end of this chapter)

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