Number of People

Chapter 1502: Xin Zijuan is full of voices (3)

  Chapter 1502 Xin Zijuan is full of voices (3)

  Although they are not familiar with Feng Ziying's phrase "stable social environment", but based on the experience of the Weng brothers, they can still understand that this probably means a stable world, and both of them felt a sinking heart.

It is no secret that people in the south of the Yangtze River are restless, including the six ministries in Nanjing who are very resentful towards the imperial court, especially in Suhu, Changjia, Songhang, the areas with the heaviest taxation among the prefectures, the people are even more enthusiastic. Taxation, and these governments are all important, it is no wonder that the gentry complained.

However, compared with merchants who do not rely mainly on land harvests, this impact is much smaller, and after the imperial court opened the sea, Ningbo quickly became a major sea trade port, cotton cloth in Songjiang, silk brocade in Suzhou and Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Ningguo Dyes, paper and ink from China, pens and beads from Huzhou, tea and inkstone from Suzhou, Hangzhou and Huizhou, and porcelain from Jiangyou all quickly became staple products in the sea trade. Before opening the sea, it had increased by more than ten times, and the tariffs of Ningbo Shipbuilding Division also skyrocketed, becoming one of the most important tax sources of the Ministry of Commerce.

It can be said that the strategy of opening the sea had a huge impact on the entire Jiangnan merchants. It not only greatly promoted the transformation of some merchants and gentry into industrial merchants, but also made some domestic trade merchants begin to transfer to sea trade merchants. It occupies a big part in the field of trade, but the vast market of sea trade has undoubtedly become a huge supplement to domestic trade, unlike before, it was purely a dispensable addition, and it was only exclusive to those smuggling merchants.

  The rapid development of domestic and foreign trade benefits not only from the strategy of opening up the sea, but also from a stable social order. No serious businessman wants to live in war-torn times.

  Especially now that the domestic and foreign trade is rapidly expanding, the products of Dazhou, which occupy the advantage of the industrial chain, are almost crushing for Japan, North Korea, Ryukyu, Nanyang and even Xiyi.

What North Korea can produce is nothing more than native products such as ginseng antler and deer skin, while Japan can provide silver, sulfur, etc., while Nanyang spices, precious wood, copper and tin have become bulk materials, while the Xiyi people only They can rely on firecrackers, clocks and other items as trading items, or simply use silver to trade, but in any case, Dazhou's rich products have formed a huge advantage over them.

But for the merchants, they don't care about this. As long as the purchased goods can be sold at a good price and can make a good profit, everything is not a problem. The continuous import of silver into the big week is not a problem for them. concern.

  For Dongting merchants who not only occupied a considerable position in the industry, but also began to deeply intervene in maritime trade, they were undoubtedly the last to see the rivalry between the imperial court and Jiangnan.

Although they are not sure how far the Jiangnan gentry will "fight fiercely", such as whether they will go on strike, refuse to pay taxes, or even cut off grain transportation, but if they really come to that point, it means that the court may have to A round of cleansing of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River may even lead to a war. The **** wind will definitely cause great harm to the commerce and trade in the entire south of the Yangtze River. After all, these gentry are not only big landlords, but also a considerable part of them are also factories. Masters and traders.

Licking his astringent and bitter lips, Weng Qiming glanced at the silent Xu Chengdong next to him, and then at the brooding brother with lowered brows, knowing that it was time for him to express his opinion, he cleared his throat: "My lord, Jiangnan Of course, I hope the world will be stable, but you also know that the taxation in Jiangnan is too high now, and the gentry are forced to do nothing,..."

  Under such circumstances, they must defend the gentry in Jiangnan. No matter what they think in their hearts, their superficial attitude must be correct.

"The imperial court raises taxes every now and then, and there is an end to the power of the fields. How can they stand up to such endless tax increases? The gentry still needs to appease and educate the people. Things that are difficult for the government to build bridges and roads need to be done by local gentry. I also want the imperial court to understand the hardships of us Jiangnan people."

"Who can understand the difficulties of the imperial court?" Feng Ziying also needs to sit upright, but her face is very peaceful. There is no temporary tax increase, right? The Mongolian right wing invades the border every year, and the Mughals and Xihai Mongols are also ready to move. The four towns in the northwest defend the northwest frontier. , can it be ignored? Is it really necessary to wait until the story of the former Song Dynasty repeats before the princes come to repent, and I am afraid it will be too late."

Feng Ziying sighed, "Besides, in the past few years, there have been severe droughts in the north. Jiangnan is not unaware of it, and the court is also struggling. If the court's ineffective relief causes these northern refugees to cross the south of the Yangtze River, I don't know how the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River will feel. ?”

  The words were spoken calmly, but they implied threats.

  The problem of the refugees from the North has always been the biggest concern of the court, with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands at every turn. Once the court really allows these refugees from the North to cross the south of the Yangtze River, it will be an unbearable burden for Jiangnan.

Thinking about the devastating blow to Jiangnan brought by Huang Chao's army going south in the late Tang Dynasty, it makes people shudder. If the court really allows hundreds of thousands of refugees to go south, some refugees will have nothing to eat, and it will inevitably evolve into violent looting and eventually riots. The scholars and people in the south of the Yangtze River have been at ease for a long time. In addition, the elite officers and soldiers of the imperial court are all on the border of the Northland. The Jiangnan is empty. How can it withstand the impact of these northern mobs?

   Weng Qiyang was speechless.

From Feng Ziying's point of view, these words are also correct. The northern land has been suffering from years of drought, and the taxes cannot be collected at all. They all rely on the taxes from the south of the Yangtze River to support the frontier army and suppress the north. However, simply not being able to help the refugees in the north is a huge problem.

"Okay, Mr. Weng, everyone, everyone has difficulties. The key is not to let everyone only see their own difficulties while ignoring other people's. One-sidedly think who should be considerate of whom. If you all have this kind of thinking, Then there’s no way to say it.”

Feng Ziying also knew that this place was not a place for in-depth discussions. It was enough to knock them down to let them understand the intention of the court. Moreover, these Dongting merchants were not die-hard gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. Those gentry who occupy the main fields in the south of the Yangtze River, monopolize the imperial examination methods in the south of the Yangtze River, and intend to control the power of the entire officialdom in the south of the Yangtze River are the biggest enemies.

All the Dongting merchants breathed a sigh of relief. They were originally invited to join in the fun. If they bought one or two suitable items, it would be regarded as giving Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's face. The topic really makes people a little breathless.

   "Young Lords, gentlemen, please, I have arranged private rooms for you, next to the rooms of the princes, on the other side of you are the members of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce,..."

  Feng Ziying waved his hand, and the merchants in Dongting bowed to express their thanks.

As soon as the merchants from Dongting left, the merchants from Huizhou arrived again, followed by the salt merchants from Yangzhou. Merchants from Shaanxi, Huizhou Merchants, Longyou Chamber of Commerce, Anfu Chamber of Commerce, and Fujian and Zhejiang Maritime Merchants all came, as well as businessmen from Flangji, Hongmaofan, Japan and Korea, and Mongolian chieftains from outside the customs.

  The main items for sale today are antique calligraphy and paintings, and of course some other items will be interspersed sporadically, so as to prevent guests who are not interested in antique calligraphy and paintings from sitting around all day.

With more and more guests, Feng Ziying glanced down in the private room, and the lobby downstairs was also full of guests. There was still a cup of tea time before the official sale time of the first two quarters, and the lobby was already full, even on the third day. There are also a lot of scattered seats at the entrance. Even so, there are still many people outside who have difficulty entering the arena, so they can only listen to the sound of water outside the arena.

Feng Ziying is sitting in the private room of King Zhongshun. In addition to the four princes, Feng Ziying's friend Wei Ruolan's father, Wei Ziheng who is also the husband-in-law of Princess Yong'an, and Jia Baoyu's future father-in-law, Princess Yongning Her husband, Niu Jixun, also sat in this room, and Wei Ruolan was not qualified to attend such occasions.

Seeing that the guests were gradually filling up, but there was still time to spare, Jia Qiang took a deep breath while feeling confident. There was still some time, and he needed to go on stage to prop up the scene. Before the guests arrive, some guests have to step on a little bit to arrive. If it is really about to start, it will not give the guests face.

   After tidying up her clothes and taking a deep breath, Jia Qiang stepped onto the stage with her chest out and her abdomen in.

After Jia Qiang entered the stage, she bowed to all fours first, and the voices in the audience gradually became quieter. Anyone familiar with Daguanlou knew that this person was the third shopkeeper of Daguanlou, and the first shopkeeper was written by Xiao Feng. My close friend Liu Erye, the second shopkeeper is the current Haitong Yinzhuang Jingshi No. 1 master Jia Yunyun, who is also Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's confidant, and the third is this Qiang Erye.

   "My friends from all over the world, Jia Qiang is here to be polite."

  Jia Qiang suppressed the excitement and tension in her heart, wandered around, and tried her best to make her facial expression appear calm and atmospheric, so as to avoid showing it.

   Such an occasion can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is also an excellent opportunity to establish the reputation of Second Lord Qiang and Daguanlou in the capital city. Uncle Feng gave himself this opportunity, and he must grasp it well.

  He has been practicing for half a month to be on stage this time, and he also specially invited some people to sit down below for him to practice on stage, which will come in handy today.

   Basically back to normal, and will try to make up for it.



  (end of this chapter)

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