Number of People

Chapter 1507: Great Harvest of Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1507 The Great Harvest of Xin Zijuan

  Natu next to him was also deeply touched by this.

  As the main diplomatic and intelligence chief of Jianzhou Jurchen stationed in Dazhou, Natu has been working hard in the capital for so many years, and has gradually extended his tentacles to the entire Northern Zhili.

For so many years, he not only visited Shuntian prefectures and counties one by one, but also set foot in nearby Yongping prefecture, Hejian prefecture, Yanqing prefecture, Wanquandusi, Baoding prefecture and Zhending prefecture further south. inspected.

  He even went to Shandong, took a boat along the canal to Jining, and inspected the water and soil roads and towns along the canal before returning.

  Last year, taking advantage of the Mongol invasion, he also went to Shanxi, inspected Datong Mansion and Taiyuan Mansion personally, and entered the Mongol territory from Piantouguan, and sneaked back from Wanquandusi's Dushibao.

   It can be said that over the past ten years, the prosperity and prosperity of Dazhou has been firmly engraved in Natu's heart, but this has further stimulated Natu's desire for Dazhou's land, population, and wealth.

The Great Zhou is too rich and powerful, and the population of a random prefecture can be more than that of Jianzhou Jurchen, but the Great Zhou is also too weak. Although they have a million troops in name, they can truly be called elite divisions. Those who are worthy of fighting against the Jurchens in armor are more than half, maybe even only 30% to 40%. Of course, even if there are 300,000 to 400,000 elites, if they really want to gather together, they can still wipe out the Jianzhou Jurchen more than three times.

  But accounts cannot be calculated in this way.

  One ebbs and another, the Great Zhou is getting weaker and worse, which is visible to the naked eye, but the Jianzhou Jurchen is constantly annexing the Haixi Jurchen and the East China Sea Jurchen, and it is thriving, which is also visible to the naked eye.

And the Great Zhou still needs to defend the side walls tens of thousands of miles from Jiayuguan to the Six Forts of Kuandian. The Mughals and Mongolian tribes are their enemies. They can use 30% of their elites to deal with Jianzhou Jurchen. Very rare.

   This is not to mention the intrigue and constant infighting among these officials and generals within the Great Zhou. In Natu's view, this is a good opportunity for the Jianzhou Jurchen.

The Han people have a saying that Natu is familiar with it. If God does not take it, you will be blamed. Now the chaos in the Great Zhou is intensifying. From the picture, it is impossible for a court that is rotten from the bottom to be saved by a few scholars and officials alone, not even the emperor.

   And this is precisely the opportunity for Jianzhou Jurchen.

   There are many people who want to tear off a few pieces of fat from Dazhou’s body to have a full meal. Jianzhou Jurchen can only be one of them, and Lindan Batur is also one of them. What about the Tumot people? It may be that they were fed too much by Da Zhou, which made these Tumot people lose their bloodiness to actively bite their prey, but if Da Zhou really fell to the ground, these Tumote people would also turn into wild wolves .

Who else? Japanese? And those Frangipani and Hongmaofan? White Lotus Sect?

  Da Zhou is too big. If it falls down, it will be enough to satisfy everyone's appetite and ambition, and even eat and hold on, Natu thought silently.

   "Tiger-eating human-shaped pottery, okay, this tiger-eating human-shaped pottery from the Shang Dynasty was auctioned by this customer of C Zi No. 42. The reserve price was 2,000 taels, and the transaction price was 2,600 taels..."

"Okay, let's take a look at this white-glazed boy chanting pot again. This is the most classic Ding kiln boutique. It was produced in Dingzhou, North Zhili, about 600 years ago. You can have a look. The sutra chanting pot uses the rolled scriptures as the flow, the center of the scriptures is the spout, and the hollow body of the boy is the ampulla. The shape is elegant and round, and there are holes in the head for water injection.

It was still Xu Hongjun who made the comment, with an intoxicated expression on his face, "I have probably seen less than thirty pieces of this kind of exquisite Ding kiln in my life, and each one can be called a treasure that can be passed down from family to family. , if all of you here are really rich, you must not lose the opportunity to collect like this,..."

   "..., so the recommended price given by the old man is 3200 taels!"

"This kiln-shaped chicken blood red plate comes from our Yuzhou, Henan Province,.... People in the know know that 'Jun porcelain is unparalleled, and kiln transformation is unparalleled', 'one color in the kiln, and a variety of colors out of the kiln'. The rarity of Jun porcelain can be seen. But this kiln-made chicken blood red plate is a rare treasure, if it is not for the shyness of the pocket, the old man really wants to take this rare treasure into his pocket,..."

Accompanied by the continuous sales in the morning, it entered a small climax, especially the chicken blood red plate of Jun Kiln, which attracted everyone's attention as soon as it came out, including the guests in the private room. , even King Zhongshun couldn't help but be moved.

   "Ziying, whose house did you find this thing from?"

  For the first time, King Zhongshun picked up the paddle in his hand and played with it.

   "Why is your lord so moved?" Feng Ziying laughed, "Didn't you say that you just want to see calligraphy and paintings? Why are you also interested in this kind of porcelain?"

"Hehe, treasures of Jun porcelain are hard to come by. Gu really didn't expect that there are still people in this group who understand this and can hide such rare treasures." King Zhongshun looked around and looked at the treasures in his room. Several people were eager to try, "Brothers, don't rob me, this artifact, I want it."

   "My lord, you persuaded the people in our house, but the merchants from Jiangnan, Shanxi, and Shanxi don't know this, and they are not ignorant, and they will definitely not give up." Feng Ziying reminded.

   King Zhongshun snorted softly: "Can Gu still be able to force anyone? It's just that he doesn't want to fight with a few brothers to hurt his peace. As for the others, Gu doesn't mind."

  Feng Ziying laughed lightly. He knew that this chicken blood red plate was considered a treasure, but the few people he invited all estimated the price at more than 8,000 taels.

As expected, when the bidding started, this chicken blood red plate attracted fierce competition from many people. The price skyrocketed and quickly exceeded 10,000 taels. In the case of King Zhongshun's continuous increase in price, King Zhongshun finally paid 12,000 taels. Five hundred taels took down this Jun Kiln Kiln Transformed Chicken Blood Red Plate.

  Feng Ziying clicked his tongue, this is really willing to give up, 12,500 taels, how many people can be redeemed even if the soldiers of the Beijing camp are redeemed from the Nekhka people? But I can only exchange for a porcelain plate that can only be seen but not used, is it worth it? It's hard to say.

During the lunch break, the guests in the private room had a special refreshment lunch, while the guests in the lobby only had refreshments, and both Mo Houguang and Liu Jingting took the opportunity to talk about "Shuo Tang" and "Water Margin". The wonderful clips attracted everyone present. The guests were overwhelmed.

  Feng Ziying also listened carefully to the storytelling of the two masters and apprentices. It is indeed very accomplished, with cadences and rhythms, which makes people's hearts unable to follow the ups and downs of his words.

After the meal, the main event began, such as the blue-and-white red-colored fish-and-algae lid jars of Ming Xuande, the three-legged bottle furnace of Ru Kiln, the gray celadon fish-ear furnace of Ge Kiln, the moon-white glazed halberd bottle of Jun Kiln and Rose and purple-glazed water chestnut flower pots, each of which is worth thousands to tens of thousands of taels, as well as Su Hanchen's "Autumn Garden Playing Baby Picture", Sun Wei's "Bamboo Forest Seven Sages", Yuan Dynasty Wu Zhen's " The Map of High Hidden Streams and Mountains, Zhao Mengfu's "Water Village Map", and Huang Gongwang's "Quick Snow and Sunny Map" are all excellent works.

Even Feng Ziying couldn't resist buying a few, such as Jun Kiln's rose and purple-glazed water chestnut flower pots, Wu Zhen's "High Hidden Streams and Mountains" and Huang Gongwang's "Quick Snow and Sunny Picture". "Quick Snow and Sunny Picture" was won for as much as 15,000 taels of silver. Even so, it attracted the envy of King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui.

King Zhongshun also won three paintings and calligraphy, one is "Cold Forest Chongting Picture" by Dong Yuan of the Five Dynasties, one is "Stream Bank Picture" by Dong Yuan, and the other is "Eagle and Cypress Picture" by Zhang Shunzi of Yuan Dynasty. Feng Ziying also took a fancy to this "Eagle and Cypress Picture", but King Zhongshun insisted on taking it. Seeing that his attitude was firm, Feng Ziying did not fight with him.

This high-paced sale reached its climax in the evening, with Ni Zan's "Autumn Festival in Yuzhuang", Yuan Wangmeng's "Gezhichuan Migration", Zhao Ji's "Furong Golden Pheasant", Fan Kuan's "Autumn Forest and Waterfall" , as well as Longquan kiln's celadon mold-printed phoenix-tailed statue with peony pattern, celadon brown color jade pot spring vase, white glaze dragon head and lotus pattern Dajing vase, etc. Feng Ziying roughly estimated that these ten or so utensils, calligraphy and paintings alone He sold more than 200,000 taels of silver, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

   I have to say that there are so many antique calligraphy and paintings in this era, but the prices are really not cheap. Antiques are hidden in prosperous times, and gold is preserved in troubled times. If this era is really prosperous, Feng Ziying has no idea.

The entire sale lasted until Haishi, which was far beyond Feng Ziying's expectation. It was really hard for several "appraisers" to keep their mouths open. It arouses the interest of buyers and makes them more willing to bid.

   When the guests' carriages and sedan chairs gradually left, Feng Ziying returned to the private room with her hands behind her back.

  Wang Wenyan, Wu Yaoqing and Fu Shi had already been waiting.

"How is it? Have you figured it out?" Feng Ziying has actually made a rough estimate. Today's auction of more than 100 kinds of antique calligraphy and paintings is basically the most valuable item of confiscated property. According to his initial estimate, as long as they can He was quite satisfied if the auction reached 800,000 taels, but now it seems that he greatly underestimated the upsurge caused by this round of auctions. He roughly calculated that the dozens of most valuable pieces should exceed 800,000 taels of silver. If you add others, it will be at least 1.2 million taels.

"My lord, I've figured it out. There are a total of 167 items for sale. None of them were sold at first-rate auctions. All of them were sold, and each item was sold at a premium, and none of them were sold at the reserve price. One, three hundred and fifty-four thousand, six hundred taels of silver." Fu Shi couldn't wait to report the good news.

   "Good!" Feng Ziying was determined.

  (end of this chapter)

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