Number of People

Chapter 1519: Xin Zi Juan Su Li Wan

  Chapter 1519 Xin Zijuan Su Li Wan

The conversation between Feng Ziying, Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang didn't last long. Now that Niu's family has been settled, Feng Ziying naturally won't come to be a villain. It's just a simple congratulations. As for Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, it is impossible for him to It is impossible to bring up the topic of borrowing money, so in the end Li Wan or Tanchun will have to come.

  Feng Ziying also expected that with Li Wan's temperament, it would be impossible to open this mouth, and Tanchun could only do this kind of thankless thing.

  So he also planned to go directly to see Li Wan or Tanchun. After all, he agreed to Yuanyang face to face, and it was impossible to set up any obstacles at this time.

  Jia Amnesty also heard that Feng Ziying had entered the mansion early on, and he was very upset.

  He had already heard that Sun Shaozu and Shi Nai were hooking up, and Niu Jizong was there to fuel the flames, so Shi Xiangyun's promise to marry Sun Shaozu was basically a certainty.

  At first, I felt that Yingchun Xu was wronged by Sun Shaozu, but now that the Sun family left their own family all of a sudden, they climbed up to the Shi family, which immediately made Jia She feel uncomfortable.

The key is that I borrowed tens of thousands of taels of silver from Sun Shaozu. If Yingchun married, I would naturally find a way to get rid of it step by step. What I care about is what to do with the more than 10,000 taels of silver.

   It is absolutely impossible to return the money that has entered his own pocket. This is Jia Shen’s creed. As for how to resolve it, it can be discussed.

It is definitely not possible to take away the money from the Sun family now. Sun Shaozu is now mixing with Shi Nai and Niu Jizong. Jia Amnesty is not afraid of Shi Nai. They are nothing more than cousins. It doesn’t matter if you tear your face. The two Shijia brothers didn't like to see each other very much, but they couldn't get past Niu Jizong.

  Since Niu Jizong was the front line for the marriage between the Sun family and the Shi family, Sun Shaozu would definitely tell Niu Jizong about this matter, and Niu Jizong is hard steel, Jia Amnesty does not have the guts yet.

  Then how to transfer this debt to Feng Ziying is an imminent matter.

It turned out that he had to make some decisions, but now he needs to urge Feng Ziying to hurry up and talk to him about taking the second girl to the house, otherwise Niu Jizong urges him to come over and pay back the Sun's money, and he will dig raw meat out of his own pocket. Keep yourself awake for days?

  So when Feng Ziying entered the mansion, he got the news, but Feng Ziying went to his mother's side, obviously to discuss the marriage between Baoyu and Niu's family.

  Looking at the chiming clock in the lobby from time to time, Jia She was restless. Although he was certain that Feng Ziying would come to talk to him about the second girl sooner or later, he still felt uneasy until the final decision was made.

  He ordered Qin Xian to go to the gate of his mother's yard early to watch, hoping that as soon as Feng Ziying came out, he would invite Feng Ziying to his yard.

   After waiting for quite a while, he saw Qin Xian returning angrily, and Jia She hurriedly asked, "Why didn't Brother Keng come?"

"Uncle Feng said that he would go to discuss with Grandma Zhu and Miss San about the marriage of Second Master Bao and other matters, so he can't come yet." Qin Xian scratched his head, "Master, I think Uncle Feng seems to have a low temper, right? I got angry with the old lady, so..."

"How can he be angry with his mother?" Jia Amnesty said impatiently: "It is likely that the Wang family has opened up again. Baoyu wants to get married. It has nothing to do with the Feng family. It is nothing more than a matter of borrowing money. She had a good idea, when she gave Feng Ziying two girls, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er, now she wants to get back a lot of money."

   This was also said in a blunt manner, but he forgot that he was also wholeheartedly thinking of using the Spring Festival for silver.

   "Master, what should I do?" Seeing that Jia She was in a bad mood, Qin Xian was also a little worried.

"You let your family go to the garden and see where Brother Keng is going. It's hard to wait until Brother Keng passes the house today, so we have to settle the matter." Jia She said in a deep voice, "If he is there After delaying for a long time, you let your niece go in and look for it, and said that the second girl has something to discuss,..."

  Qin Xian's niece is Siqi, but it would be inappropriate for Siqi to come forward in such matters, but seeing Jia She's impatient face, Qin Xian didn't dare to say more, so he could only go.

  Feng Ziying did not talk to Qin Xian.

Of course he knew that Qin Xian had come to call him on behalf of Jia She, and of course he wanted to go, but he would go as soon as he made a move, I'm afraid Jia She's appetite would be even bigger, so let's let Jia She go With all the ups and downs in my heart, the next step is to negotiate conditions.

Jiamu and Wang didn't talk about borrowing money, but Jiamu and Wang also talked about the current difficulties of Rongguo Mansion, which made Jiamu and Wang lament the suffering of Rongguo Mansion in such a low voice. , Feng Ziying also felt very touched, he would not want to expose the fault in person, he only said that he would go to see Zhu's sister-in-law and third sister, and Jiamu and Wang felt at ease.

  Hearing Feng Ziying's visit, Li Wan was also taken aback. He asked Suyun to go out to meet him, and after dressing up in the room, he arranged for Biyue to call Jia Lan quickly, and then she came out gracefully.

  Seeing that Li Wan took a while to come out, Feng Ziying was also a little puzzled. Seeing Li Wan's appearance, Feng Ziying realized that the young woman had gone to dress up.

  Although she still looks so plain, this dress, with just a few touches of red on the hem of the snow-white skirt, immediately adds a bit of indescribable beauty to the air.

   Be pretty and filial. This woman, Li Wan, is well versed in the subtleties of it, there is nothing superfluous in this outfit, it is just a plain white robe, which immediately outlines a bumpy figure, which makes people who are used to Li Wan's ordinary dress Feng Ziying's eyes lit up immediately.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's eyes flashing with brilliance, Li Wan was also shocked when he was proud, and suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Even she herself didn't think that she seemed to be acting a little abnormal today. Why did she suddenly have to change her clothes by accident when she heard that the other party was visiting? She even put some makeup on her face and looked at it in the vanity mirror After a while, what happened to me today?

   Could it be because Feng Ziying has an unusual status now and feels that meeting the other party should be more formal?

  Or because the other party is now the Chancellor of Shuntian Prefecture, Jia Lan will soon take the Shuntian Prefecture School Examination for Talents, and he needs to be more respectful?

   But can I look more formal and more respectful with this outfit?

  For a while, Li Wan was also a little confused and ashamed. Seeing the other party salute, he felt a little at a loss.

   "Brother Keng, please sit down, I have just taken a nap not long ago, so I am a little rude." Li Wan didn't know what he said, but felt his cheeks were burning hot, and he didn't know if the other party saw anything.

Suyun also glanced at her grandma in surprise. Grandma had a light nap in the afternoon and could only sleep for a while. She got up early and sat in the room in a daze. It was only when she heard Uncle Feng that she came out and waited for her. Suyun was quite surprised to think that grandma had been delayed for so long, and she seemed to have gone to change a dress.

  Grandma's dress seems to have been worn out for a while, and it seems that she only wears it occasionally when she is in a good mood. I don't know why grandma suddenly wore it today. Could it be because of Uncle Feng's arrival? Or is Lang Geer's performance so good that grandma is in a good mood?

   It's just that if there is any doubt at this time, Su Yun can only press it in her heart and stand aside with Li Wan.

"Sister-in-law is being too polite, and I took the liberty to visit, because I just went to see the old lady and his wife. After talking for a while, Baoyu is going to get married in September, and the two of them are also very anxious. It was entrusted to me, and now the elder sister-in-law and the third younger sister are in charge of the Rongguo Mansion, so I have to come to discuss with the elder sister-in-law."

  Although Feng Ziying also noticed something strange about Li Wan, she didn't think too much about it.

This woman lost her husband at a young age, and now she is less than 30 years old. Compared with Wang Xifeng, she is only two or three years older. She usually looks old-fashioned and not very conspicuous, so a slight change today is refreshing. After looking at it, I realized that this woman was dressed in plain white and filial piety, and she looked amazing.

"Brother Keng, it's just right for you to come. I'm just putting on a name for the affairs of the house. I just worry about the daily affairs. Outsiders, let me make it clear that the current situation in the mansion is very difficult, the summer harvest is not good, and it is estimated that the situation will be even worse at the end of the year, but Baoyu is going to get married, and the Niu family over there is watching, our mansion cannot lose face, ..."

Li Wan suppressed the shame and anxiety in her heart, and tried to make herself speak more naturally and calmly, but when facing Feng Ziying's gaze, she always felt that the other party seemed to see through her cover, which made her voice tremble a little .

Feng Ziying didn't notice this, and when she heard Li Wan's introduction of the difficulties of the Rongguo Mansion, it was just one thing to borrow money, so she couldn't help but said: "Sister-in-law, as far as I know, there was a problem in confiscating Lai's possessions last year." A lot of income, even though the expenses in the mansion are huge, but there should be some surplus. In addition, I also handed over the redemption of people in the Beijing camp to Xi Shibo and the others, so there should be a lot Income, why is the mansion so unbearable?"

  He had to force the Rongguo Mansion, and Jia She was still waiting for him to take a big bite out of him.

   They are all thinking about themselves, even if they want to take Yingchun as a concubine, but it has nothing to do with the Rongguo Mansion. Isn't Jia She the eldest son of the Rongguo Mansion? Should I also take some responsibilities? I can't do everything by myself, right?

  How about talking about Tanchun? If he really wants to agree to Tanchun being his concubine, he will accept this little money.

   There is still time at twelve o'clock tonight, brothers, please leave the guaranteed monthly pass to Lao Rui.



  (end of this chapter)

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