Number of People

Chapter 1533: Xin Zijuan Yihong Yuanzhong

  Chapter 1533 Xin Zijuan Yihong Courtyard

  Lin Zhixiao's suspicion was not without reason. When he said this, Jia Baoyu, who was lying on the kang in the Yihong courtyard, reeking of alcohol, looked at the roof in a daze.

Xiren, who came in with hangover soup, saw Baoyu's expression changing, carefully held the bowl and blew on it, and then whispered: "Second Master, have a drink of soup, you have had a lot today. "

"Well." Baoyu nodded, stood up, took a big sip from the bowl, and then handed it back to Xiren. Xiren took the bowl and was about to go out, but Baoyu said: "Xiren, come here Follow me, stay with me."

   Xiren subconsciously glanced outside the curtain, hesitantly said: "Second Master, they are still busy outside, servant girl..."

   "Let me say it." Baoyu raised his voice: "Why, even you won't listen to me?"

Xiren trembled, so he could only put down the bowl, came over cautiously, and sat on the edge of the Kang beside Baoyu, but was pulled over by Baoyu, and the scream was quickly covered by his own hands, Baoyu's hands had already slipped in through the skirt of his clothes, he opened his bellyband, started rubbing,...

  The sound of heavy breathing, and the sound of the bed, followed by the scattering of clothes and bellybands, accompanied by bursts of suppressed moaning,...

  After a cup of tea, Xiren had quietly gone down to dress and pack, and was about to go out, when she heard Baoyu on the kang who she thought had fallen asleep said in a hoarse voice: "Don't go, come here, stay with me."

   "Second Master?" Xi Ren sighed and stood still at the door.

  She knew that Erye had been in a bad mood these days, and she didn't know whether it was a forced smile or really happy when she was drinking with Uncle Feng today, she was stupid and couldn't figure it out.

"Come here, rest with me for a while, talk, you are the only Xiren in this yard who can listen to me." Baoyu laughed at himself: "You know I want to marry a girl from the Niu family. I have inquired, the one from the Niu family is not easy to get along with, they are all worried about whether they can stay with me next month, to be honest, I don’t even know.”

"Second Master, don't worry too much. There is always a banquet in the world. Everyone has their own destiny in the dark. It is all arranged by God, and no one can blame." Xiren leaned against Baoyu, softly road.

"Can't blame anyone? I'm afraid it's just what you think. I know that many people in this house are complaining about me, saying that I am a waste, I don't like to study, and I don't know how to make a living like Lian's second brother, but I am still the second roommate. I don’t have any part in Xi Jue’s legitimate son, and the old ancestor let us be the housekeeper of the second room, so naturally all the blame was pointed at me.” Jia Baoyu’s fingers fell on Xi Ren’s soft and charming face, “Huan Laosan can still go to the academy Reading, what about me? I can only write legendary stories, but I really don’t like to read those classics and current policy theories, just reading them gives me a headache, what can I do?…”

   Xiren kept silent, she knew that Baoyu didn't want anyone to answer at this time, but simply wanted to confide.

"That's all for the youngest Huan. Anyway, he hasn't passed the exam yet, but what about Brother Feng? Such a stark comparison falls on me, but why don't they compare Brother Feng with other children? On me? Why don’t you compare me with Xue Wenlong? Sister Yun’s cousins ​​Shi Chaofeng and Shi Chaoyi are flying eagles, why no one said? Even cousin Wang Guosheng is also obsessed with singing? Why don’t you compare yourself with Brother Feng and stare at me? Is Brother Feng comparable to ordinary people? In the century of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there was only one person like him, that is, Brother Feng’s Feng family and our Jia family are old friends. So everyone took me and Brother Feng together as a matter of course, do you think I am unlucky?"

Baoyu's voice became a little hoarse, probably because he drank too much alcohol, and he felt distressed, "Second Lord, this servant will bring you a cup of tea to moisten your throat, please keep your voice down, and be careful not to hurt your throat. "

"Xi Ren, it's this time, do I still care about this voice?" Baoyu sighed leisurely, "Brother Feng, I can't compare with anything, so I shy away from it. It's great to be able to read. , everything can come true, so I can only do nothing?"

"Second Master, what are you talking about, what are you waiting for death, don't say that, the old ancestor and his wife will scold you again when they hear it." Know what's going to happen.

"If you scold me, just scold me, who made me so useless?" Baoyu's big eyes were already filled with tears, "I don't even know what I should do, what should I do to satisfy everyone and make myself happy, why? Everyone likes Big Brother Feng?"

   Xiren was speechless, why did he like Uncle Feng? Isn't that obvious? Uncle Feng is capable of both literature and martial arts, he was a high school imperial examination, and his reputation spread far and wide. After becoming an official, he was also praised.

"I like Sister Bao, but Sister Bao married Brother Feng. I like Sister Lin, and Sister Lin wants to marry Brother Feng. Even the second sister in the family wants to be Brother Feng's concubine. The girls in our Jia family are all reduced now. Are you going to be a concubine?" Jia Baoyu couldn't help but slapped the head of the kang, his face full of pain and confusion, "Brother Feng is good, but without him, everyone can't live without him?"

"Master, keep your voice down. Don't let outsiders hear it. If it spreads, it will be bad for everyone." Xi Xin was afraid, but he couldn't keep Baoyu from shutting up. I know how many right and wrong will be born.

Jia Baoyu glanced at Xiren, his eyes fixed and dull, but he laughed again after a while: "Xiren, do you think I'm a bit overconfident, or even ungrateful? , is so kind to me, but I want to be jealous and hate him, or maybe I'm really a wolf-hearted guy,..."

When Xiren heard this, he quickly reached out his hand to cover Baoyu's mouth, "Second Master, don't say that. Uncle Feng is excellent, but you are not bad, and you are not bad if you don't study or be an official. Everyone in the house likes it." You, how come everyone is willing to come to your room to serve you? Musk Moon, Qiuwen, Meiren, Qilu and Zixiao are all willing to stay with you all the time..."

   "Really?" Baoyu's eyes seemed to become clear from the daze, and he breathed out, "Maybe I should really think about it."

  While Xiren and Baoyu were making a fuss on the kang, Sheyue, Qiuwen, and Bihen were also gossiping one after another, and glanced into the room over there from time to time.

   "Second Master probably drank too much..." She Yue sighed.

   "If you drink too much, there will be attackers waiting for you, so it's not your turn to worry about it." Qiuwen said bitterly.

Bihen wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh out loud in the end, and sighed: "Qiuwen, who are you talking about with your sour taste? Musk Moon just cares about the second master, so it's worth your while Are you jealous?"

"Am I jealous?" Qiu Wen also has an unforgiving mouth, "You and the second master take a bath for an hour, really think we don't know? According to what you say, you should be the one who is qualified to be jealous ?”

  Because of Qiu Wen's insult, his face turned red immediately, Bihen gritted his teeth: "Don't talk nonsense there, the second master and I are innocent, don't tell me you haven't served the second master to take a bath?"

"When we take a bath, we just carry water and hand handkerchiefs. Why are you like this?" Qiu Wen sneered, "Why, are you still fighting for Musk Moon? The attacker is on the second master's bed. If you are really dissatisfied, don't you?" Should we go to the attacker?"

"Qiu Wen, did you eat gunpowder today? Are you so hot?" Although Musk Moon is an honest person, she was agitated by Qiu Wen's words, "Why did I provoke you? I?"

Qiuwen was suffocated, and didn't know how to answer for a while, and after a long time, he said sullenly: "Sheyue, Bihen, what do you mean when you said that the second master avoided attacking people after drinking? Qilu , Zixiao and the others can’t stay anymore, is this going to send everyone to find their own way out?”

"Maybe it's the second master's drinking talk..." Sheyue was interrupted by Qiu Wen before she could finish her sentence: "Okay, Muskyue, if you want to be a good person, you can do it yourself. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb person." , look at what Zixiao and Qilu are thinking and doing now?"

  She Yue was surprised, "What happened to Qi Shang and Zi Xiao?"

   "What's the matter? They are all smart people, and they have been thinking about the way out for a long time. I didn't see that Zixiao went to the third girl a few days ago to ask about the situation..." Qiuwen said coldly.

   "Huh? Zixiao wants to go to the third girl's place? But, the third girl has Cuimo as her servant..." Sheyue was puzzled.

   "Sheyue, I don't know how you stayed in the second master's house, maybe the second master took a fancy to your elm bump..." Qiu Wen said angrily.

"I'm afraid Zixiao and the others want to go to the third girl?" Bihen was obviously much more alert, "Qiuwen, you mean the third master Huan? But the third master Huan is a little too young, he is only fourteen years old. ..."

"Hmph, isn't that Xiren also a few years older than Second Lord?" Qiuwen sneered, "Husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly separately. There is always a banquet in the world. During this time, Second Lord Don't you always say these few words? Don't you understand, then you should understand what I said tonight?"

   Sheyue and Bihen stopped talking, they were both thinking about what Qiu Wen said.

Among so many maidservants in Erye's room, Qiuwen is not outstanding in terms of appearance, but the most outstanding ones than Zixiao and Qixie are all favored by Erye, second only to Sheyue who was originally with Xiren, Needless to say, Qingwen's big girl, Xiren, Qingwen left, only Sheyue is the most honest, but Qiuwen can stand out, naturally has its own ability.

  (end of this chapter)

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