Number of People

Chapter 1542: Xin Zi Juan Xue Baoqin's Two Accuracy

  Chapter 1542 Xin Zijuan Xue Baoqin's Two Accuracy

Shen Yixiu didn't have the feeling of Jia Shiwang Xue Tongqi, but Feng Ziying had to take care of Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin's state of mind, and thought for a while: "How should I say it? It's not that the Jia family didn't study, but they just happened to meet each other. Baoyu doesn't like to study. For example, Jia Jing, the predecessor of Ningguo Mansion, was also a Jinshi. Baoyu's elder brother Jia Zhu also passed the examination as a scholar, but his health is not good enough to die. Brother Huan is also a student. I think he will take the exam next year. It’s not a big problem, and there’s hope of being a Jinshi in the future.”

  Feng Ziying’s fair evaluation made Baochai and Baoqin feel a lot more comfortable. After all, it is a fact that Jia Baoyu doesn’t like reading. The generation of Jia’s family really can only see if Jia Huan can read it, and they can’t count on Baoyu.

From the point of view of Baochai and Baoqin, they naturally tend to like reading, and the saying that all things are inferior, but reading is high is still deeply imprinted in their minds, and even their children will stick to it in the future It is necessary to read books, which is the best choice for the society in the farming era.

   Even a businessman with hundreds of millions of fortunes is not as good as a single family member. This is an unswerving view of this era.

"Since this is the case, then the Jia family should train those who can study well. If they can't study but still have nothing to do, wouldn't they become a dandy? Mr. Jia said that the husband of the Jia family is married to the daughter of the eldest princess. Does the eldest princess not know?" What's the situation here?" Shen Yixiu didn't know what was going on here, so he asked casually.

   "Well, it's not that Baoyu can't read. He still has some attainments in poetry and poetry, but he doesn't like classics and righteousness, and he doesn't understand current policies and affairs." Feng Ziying explained.

"Oh, so that's how it is. If you do well in poetry and poetry, you can at least have a good reputation. If you donate an official in the future, with the connections of the Jia family, you may be able to find a free position." Shen Yixiu laughed, "Ms. This gentleman of the Jia family has an extraordinary appearance, presumably the eldest princess has also taken a fancy to this good skin."

  Shen Yixiu's words made both Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin a little embarrassed, but it was not easy to get angry.

   These words were not aimed at them, but when they first entered the Rongguo Mansion, they still felt that Baoyu was indeed handsome and heroic, but after a long time of contact, this gradually faded.

Feng Ziying didn't know why Shen Yixiu was targeting Jia Baoyu today. He had mentioned the Jia family before, but Shen Yixiu didn't bother to mention it. Today, he was targeting the Jia family every sentence, most likely because he didn't return yesterday. The family has something to do with it, and it was supposed to rest in the long room last night, but it was delayed. It's just that I had a romantic night yesterday, so I really feel guilty and short of breath at this time.

   "Mr. Wan, please be merciful." Feng Ziying said flatly, "The Jia family is also a family friend of the Feng family. Even if Baoyu fails to study, it will not hinder others."

"It's not a problem to others, but the Jia family is a duke of two countries, and there is a noble concubine. The current situation is not good. The two concubines seem to be like this. You are a family friend, shouldn't you teach me well?" Do you want to mention it?"

  Of course Shen Yixiu was angry.

Last night was the best time for her to conceive. She thought that her husband came back, and today she took a rest, so she could have a free love, but she didn't expect that in the end, she came to stay in Rongguo Mansion. Another question was that she was drunk with Jia Baoyu. How can this not make her annoyed?

Then I asked Qingwen what happened to Jia Baoyu, and I didn't want to see him. A dandy who doesn't seek to make progress, but also thinks that he is the pride of the sky. I want to ruin my husband.

   Being teased by Shen Yixiu, Feng Ziying knew that Shen Yixiu was really angry, scratched her head, and then said embarrassingly: "Well, what the lady said is powerful, I will remember it in the future."

   This word is a pun, presumably the other party should understand, Shen Yixiu took a deep look at Feng Ziying, and then his face eased a little, and he remained silent.

Xue Baochai and Baoqin had also seen that Shen Yixiu was just making use of the topic, so they relieved a lot of the frustration in their hearts. As long as it was not aimed at the Jia family, they were fine, but what they said was reasonable. , a family of two countries, and a noble concubine in the palace, but it is difficult to explain the current poor situation.

  When the Xue sisters returned to their mansion, it was inevitable that they would have to say some intimate words.

"I didn't expect that the elder sister of the Shen family would be so harsh and harsh, and my husband even begged for mercy." Baoqin couldn't help sighing, "But the second brother Bao did not do it right, it's fine for him to be drunk. And got my husband drunk too."

   "Baoqin, didn't you hear something?" Xue Baochai asked calmly.

"Sister, do you mean that the Jia family came to borrow money?" Baoqin was surprised, "Sister Shen's family is not angry because of this, right? Besides, now each house is in charge of it, except that in the future the third house will be owned by the mother-in-law. Don't worry, who can control other family's affairs? Can the Jia family borrow money from her long house? I think it's mostly from the husband's private house. "

Baochai sighed, "Why didn't the Jia family fall to this level? My mother went to Rongguo Mansion the day before yesterday and stayed with my aunt for two days before returning to Lige old alley. I went back to visit my mother and brother yesterday. My mother is saying that the Rongguo mansion is not getting any more people, and Baoyu is about to get married, and the empress will come back to visit her relatives on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.

"Hmph, what's so strange about this? No matter how big the family property is, it can't withstand such a big consumption, and there are not two people in the family who can afford the scene." Baoqin looked disdainful, "Second Brother Lian ran away Lu Yangzhou, no matter what, the second sister-in-law and Mr. She are only interested in putting money in their own pockets. They have already lived on paper, and they want to build a big flower shelf like the Grand View Garden to make their faces swollen and fat. , isn’t this hating yourself for losing too slowly?”

   "Is this the only reason why the Jia family fell so quickly?" Baochai wanted to take a test of Baoqin, and even Xianggong said that Baoqin was smart and a good material for the family, so she wanted to test him.

"Shen Yixiu said that the Jia family's children did not study, which led to the decline of the Jia family. The younger sister thinks that it is only half of the reason, and it doesn't matter if they don't study. The two elder brothers of our Xue family did not study, but at least you have to judge the situation and find the right way to do things. My son, my elder brother sits in Daguanlou, and at any rate, he earns money every day. My elder brother is always on the sea, in the wind and rain, and my sister is also planning strategies. The farms and shops in the capital, Jinling, and Yangzhou are stable. Earnings, and also invested in Haitong Yinzhuang, the younger sister is not talented, and the iron factory and cement business in Yongping Prefecture also have shares, and now the younger sister of the charcoal factory in Xishan also thinks it is very promising,..."

Xue Baoqin talked eloquently, "Look at Jia's house again. Jia Huan doesn't talk about studying, Baoyu only knows how to play, the old ancestor prefers the second room, Lian's second brother just left home to set up his own house, but there are thousands of people in Jia's family. Is it true that there are not many people who can do things? Seeing that Jia Yun and Jia Qiang are all working for the husband, you know that the Jia family has no plan and no rules. To put it bluntly, the second The old man is muddle-headed and has no plan, and no serious way to run the business. Thousands of people eat horse chews, and they have to stretch out their hands to ask for monthly money every month. They also set up a big hole like the Grand View Garden. That being said, the rate of decline is rather slow.”

  “Open source of income and cost reduction are always the most important thing. It’s okay if you can’t read a book, but if you want to do something, you don’t do business, don’t do things, and just want to eat off-the-shelf. Everyone wants to do this kind of day, but can it work?”

Xue Baochai knew that Baoqin had a talent for doing business, and that the business in Yongping Mansion was active before she married into the Feng family. It was done through Xue Biao, but Xue Biao was arranged by her husband to do business at sea, so These affairs are handed over to Baoqin, which is considered to be the second branch of the Xue family's business, which is not only Xue Biao's, but also Baoqin's personal share.

But Xue Baochai on the side of the capital did not expect Baoqin to be involved. It is estimated that those Shanshan merchants want to develop the Zunhua Iron Works and need coke, and Baoqin will use the proceeds from her shares in the Xue family to make a living. Yes, this girl really has no time to spare.

"Baoqin, I didn't expect you to be really caring. Are you busy?" Baochai didn't expect Baoqin to be able to make a living under her nose, and she never saw her go out. And everyone was still thinking about getting pregnant and having a baby as soon as possible, but this girl was doing both.

"Sister, I think Zhang Dehui and his son beside you are honest and reliable people who can be used. We also have a few available from the second room of Xue's family. Although most of them were taken away by my brother to Yongping Mansion, there are still two left for them. Me, I put one on the cement business of Yongping Prefecture, and brought the other back to the capital. I usually live in the old alley of Li Ge. During this time, the Shanshan businessman intends to develop a coke plant, and I let him in. Follow along and learn to do things, although it only takes up a small share, but I think the main thing is to learn to do things, and in the future, I will be able to do it by myself.”

Xue Baoqin didn't lie to Baochai either, "I specifically asked Mr. Xiang about the prospect of the iron factory, coke and cement business. Mr. Xiang also said that, needless to say about the iron factory, the demand for steel and ironware will only increase. The key lies in cost reduction and market development, and cement is used everywhere, and the supply is in short supply. The coke plant is mainly supplied to the iron plant, which is relatively simple, and there is no need to operate outside. It only needs to cooperate with the iron plant, so My little sister chose this coke to make a living."

   "Then if you are pregnant, what will you do with the work outside?" Baochai asked sideways.

"Well, my little sister thought about it too. In the future, there will definitely be people who want to come in from all the houses. It's a pity that the second sister is not good at this, but Xiuyan is a shrewd and capable person. It's a pity that even if she wants to enter our Feng's house, she probably won't be able to come in." I am also willing to go to the third room." Xue Baoqin said calmly: "If it fails, then Jian Ba ​​will train a girl to deal with the outsiders. What does sister think of Jin Chuan'er?"

  (end of this chapter)

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