Number of People

Chapter 1573: Suspicious Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1573 Suspicious Xinzijuan

  Standing at the gate of Yihong Courtyard, Jia Baoyu listened to Mingyan's report with a calm expression.

"After Niang Niang met Uncle Feng in Jiayin Hall, Uncle Feng went to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. Miss Lin and Uncle Feng walked around the garden, and then Uncle Feng sent Miss Lin back to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. It was too late, Uncle Feng just had a chat with Siqi in the Dicui Pavilion for a while, and then left the garden, and then the younger one heard from the door that Uncle Feng went back to Feng's residence."

   "Brother Feng didn't go to the second sister of Zhuijinlou?" Baoyu asked casually.

"Didn't go, I watched Siqi come out of Zhuijin Building, went all the way to the gate of Xiaoxiang Pavilion and met Uncle Feng, and then they went to Zilingzhou, but they turned into Dicui before reaching Zilingzhou. I went to the pavilion." Mingyan whispered.

   It's not a good thing to follow Uncle Feng, and I don't know what Second Master Bao thinks, but I just want to see where Uncle Feng went in the garden?

   Where else can I go? Either Xiaoxiang Hall or Zhuijin Tower.

Miss Lin is coming to the door next year, and the second girl heard that after the second master Bao got married, he will be going through the door. Although it is not suitable for a man and a woman to meet before marriage, Uncle Feng, the second girl and Miss Lin grew up together, not to mention childhood sweethearts, but it has been for many years. We are family friends, so the mansion is not so harsh, and they are not allowed to meet each other.

   Besides, who is Uncle Feng, he comes to the mansion, he is generous, and the people below are very welcome, if he comes for a walk, he will meet people generously, so what's the matter? It's much better than those masters who do some stealthy things in private.

  So Mingyan was also very puzzled and a little scared by how Second Master Bao suddenly wanted to see where Uncle Feng had been in the mansion.

   If Uncle Feng is really going to notice, Second Master Bao is afraid that he will not admit it, so he can only go to top the tank by himself. I don't know how to explain it, and what to do with it.

Jia Baoyu naturally didn't know that Mingyan had so many thoughts in his heart. Of course, he would not check on Feng Ziying's whereabouts for no reason. It was just that after the elder sister talked with Feng elder brother in the afternoon, when he went to see the elder sister himself, he found that the eldest sister was in a mood. Not very good, often distracted and not talking, and also depressed, this is the second, when talking about the matter of Iron Net Mountain Autumn, his attitude has also changed a lot, which makes him very puzzled and puzzled.

In the letter to her mother before, the eldest sister also mentioned that she went with Princess Yongning during the fall of Tienwang Mountain. She also said that during the fall period, she might meet the emperor, and she could go hunting and hunting with the princes. This is a very rare opportunity for poetry and literature, and Baoyu is also very interested.

  Over the past year, Jia Baoyu has experienced a lot. Although he is very clear that he has no interest in classics, justice and current affairs, which seems to have cut off his career path, it does not mean that he does not want to live a better life.

  The current deteriorating situation of the Rongning Second Mansion also makes him very worried. If this continues, the glory of the Rongning Jia family will really fall to his own generation.

   Lian's second brother left Yangzhou far away, and he didn't know what to think, but Erfang had to face all this because he wanted to take the lead.

Over the years, it's not that he can't hear some ugly words from the servants in the mansion. They praise the third child and Brother Lang, and slander themselves. An indisputable taste.

  He knew all these things, but he didn't care about them before, or ignored them intentionally or unintentionally, but after going through all kinds of things from last year to this year, he began to realize that everything seemed to be different.

Everything seems to have started after the family-saving villa was built. The mansion suddenly fell into trouble, all kinds of expenses were cut, food and clothes became frugal, and the Yihong Courtyard was also greatly affected, so there were people in the house. The maids are saying that although they moved to Yihong Courtyard, the courtyard looks more beautiful and the flowers and trees are more prosperous, but the monthly payment does not increase, and even has to be deducted, and the clothes made every season are getting less and less. Live well.

Later, more and more debts were owed to outsiders, and more people came to ask for debts. The Lai family was checked all at once, but some money was freed up, which finally made the mansion more comfortable, but it was also It only lasted for less than a year, and the days began to be tight again. Even he vaguely knew that no matter whether it was the second sister-in-law before or the later sister-in-law and third younger sister, together with the mandarin ducks in the old ancestral house, they kept putting the old ancestral house away. Those items in the house were mortgaged or simply sold, just to make the mansion able to pay for it.

In fact, the old ancestor knew the same thing, but he just turned a blind eye and pretended not to know. One day he overheard the conversation between the old ancestor and his mother, and then he realized that this day had reached a time when it was a bit unsustainable. I hoped that my father would make some money when he went to Jiangxi, but until now, there seems to be no news.

The third younger sister became much more worried about this. There were more and more people complaining among the servants, and there were more and more cases of disobedience. There was no other reason. With a large family, it is natural to start thinking about it, and some people even make up their minds to find another way out.

  The second sister-in-law moved out and followed a group of people. If it was normal, would these people be willing to leave? Even Hongyu, who was in her own room, followed her away, which made Baoyu even more unacceptable.

  The government's pursuit of a marriage with the Niu family made him deeply realize that today is different from the past, the difficulties faced by the Jia family and himself, and even marriages need to encounter these cruel blows.

   All these things made Baoyu start to reflect when he was decadent. Could it be that he was really going to hang around like this?

   At this time, the marriage with the Niu family seems to be a key that can change the door of fate.

If after getting married with Niu's daughter, she can be supported by the eldest princess of Yongning and then summoned by the emperor to leave a good impression, even the princes may even become princes and establish a good relationship with a certain prince of the future emperor, plus this layer Relatives, in the future, I may not be able to get rid of the current embarrassing situation in one fell swoop, and seek a noble status, which will also allow the Jia family to get out of the predicament.

  Big sister was very supportive at first, why did she suddenly change her attitude, and Baoyu also noticed that big sister was restless, it was just after talking with Brother Feng, which made him suspicious.

   It stands to reason that as a noble concubine, the elder sister should not see outsiders like Brother Feng even if she returns home to visit relatives this time.

Brother Feng is just the husband-in-law of Sister Bao and Sister Lin, and he is only a cousin. Once the people in the palace find out about this private meeting, it will inevitably cause a storm, but as a younger brother, he can't intervene in such matters. What's more, he also knows the purpose of Big Sister's meeting with Brother Feng. After all, Big Brother Feng has more sources of news outside, and Big Sister is also planning for herself.

Who would have thought that such a big change would happen after this meeting, the eldest sister's attitude was a little vague, she seemed to disapprove of the eldest princess Yongning taking herself to Iron Net Mountain to make friends with the princes, and only said that she had the opportunity to meet the emperor It's a good thing, but the other princes should not be too friendly, and they should not be too concerned about the mention of the eldest princess Yongning.

   This cannot but make Baoyu suspicious.

Big Sister Baoyu also knows about her temper. She entered the palace since she was a child, she is talented and intelligent. It is difficult for ordinary people to talk to her, but Brother Feng is different. Big Sister usually respects Brother Feng's opinion very much, but now Yongning The eldest princess escorts you, no matter which prince you are, you have to give some face, why not take this opportunity to make friends?

As for which prince will have the best chance, Princess Yongning must know it well. She is the emperor's most beloved and close sister, and she must have the means to deduce who has the greatest chance. Of course, such an opportunity must be seized. My sister actually changed her attitude, and this was obviously influenced by Brother Feng.

   It's just why Brother Feng did this?

Baoyu felt a little resentful and helpless in his heart. He knew very well that his influence with his eldest sister was incomparable to that of Brother Feng. If there is hope to follow, if the eldest sister can say a few words in front of the emperor, wouldn't my chances be greater?

  Since Princess Yongning called her son-in-law, would she still harm herself?

   This kind of mood lingered in Baoyu's chest, making him extremely restless.

  He really wanted to ask Brother Feng to clarify in person, but he was a little timid and guilty, and didn't know how to speak.

  But anyway, Baoyu has already made up his mind, and he still wants to ask Brother Feng, but he needs to find a more suitable opportunity.

   There is still a month to go, and autumn will not be until September. During this period, there is still a chance.

  Deep in my heart, I also have some doubts. Could it be that Brother Feng is jealous that he married the Princess, and that he will be lucky in the future, and will suddenly shine in the family, knocking down his favorite brother Huan at once, which is a little embarrassing for him?

   It’s just that Brother Feng is already like this now, and Jia Baoyu doesn’t suspect that Feng Ziying is jealous of him surpassing him, but he may be dissatisfied that the third brother Huan is overwhelmed by him, but Brother Feng is not so narrow-minded, right?

   Once the seeds of suspicion have been sown, they will take root and germinate, and it is difficult to pull them out. Baoyu is also asking herself if she is too sensitive, but this is clearly in her best interest. Why did Brother Feng stop it?

"Second Master, matters concerning Uncle Feng, Miss Lin, and Miss Er are all settled, so it's okay if he goes to see them?" Mingyan observed Baoyu's expression, "As for Siqi and Uncle Feng, what are you doing?" In the green pavilion, there is something, the chess player will be Uncle Feng's person sooner or later, no one will see it, it doesn't matter,..."

  Mingyan is still a little worried that her second master should not insult Uncle Feng because of these trivial matters. Uncle Feng is a noble person to Rongguo Mansion.

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  (end of this chapter)

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