Number of People

Chapter 1586: Xinzijuan confidant

  Chapter 1586 Xin Zijuan confidant

  Feng Ziying really didn't think that much.

He liked the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story" very much in his previous life. Wang Zuxian's appearance is extremely amazing. Originally, Xichun's appearance is a bit like Wang Zuxian's when he was young. It is similar to Wang Zuxian's appearance in "A Chinese Ghost Story", so it suddenly brought back the memory of Feng Ziying's era, otherwise it would be absolutely difficult to think of this poem that was originally mixed together.

It's just that he never expected that when he looked at Xichun because of the shockingly similar glance, both Xichun and Xing Xiuyan were a little misunderstood, and even Xiangyun and Tanchun, who insisted on expressing their opinions, were also moved, even Even Li Wan was in a trance.

   I have to say that in this era, poetry and songs are really destructive to women, even more powerful than Hermes or Ferrari in the previous life.

   It's just that at this moment, Feng Ziying also sensed something from the sudden silence of the girls and the blurred eyes and complex expressions, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

The artistic conception and meaning of this poem are indeed a bit special. If it is about Baochai Baoqin and the four daughters Yingchun and Daiyu, it seems a bit ostentatious in it, especially for Tanchun and Xiangyun. Chai, Baoqin and Daiyu welcome the spring, which has a deep meaning, and it is undoubtedly a kind of seduction, it depends on how you understand it.

  Seeing this posture, Feng Ziying was both a little elated and a little guilty. All in all, this poem seems to be good, with a pun, and the meaning in it. Everyone can understand it by themselves. He can pretend to be crazy and foolish without explaining.

After this poem, the whole atmosphere seems to have changed a bit. Sisters Baochai and Baoqin were thoughtful, but Daiyu and Yingchun were blurred. As for Tanchun and Xiangyun, they were silent, while Xichun and Xiu Yan and even Li Wan's daughters were confused and flustered. In short, when Feng Ziying realized this, she realized that she had to leave quickly, otherwise the situation would be even more embarrassing and stagnant.

   It was a rough night for many people.

Once a person has something on his mind and has a certain thought, his mental state will not be different. Whether it is anticipation, doubt, worry, or panic, it can make people no longer a bystander. But to become a participant, this kind of mentality transformation is very important.

  Feng Ziying didn't know that the seed he sowed unintentionally would affect countless people's hearts. If he really knew, well, he would do so without hesitation.

  It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. Hello everyone, it is really good.

  As for scumbags, this era doesn’t exist. He likes the new and never tires of the old. In this era, he is a responsible and noble quality worthy of praise.


  Emperor Yonglong met Zhang Jingqiu in the East Study Room.

  Seeing Emperor Yonglong with a calm but tired face, Zhang Jingqiu was also filled with emotion.

I was promoted from Nanjing to Beijing eight years ago, the emperor was still in good spirits and full of vigor, but in the blink of an eye eight years passed, the emperor's health became worse and worse, and he was no longer in the same state as he was eight years ago. It is the Supreme Emperor who nourishes his heart and mind every day. Although he is nearly eighty years old, he is in good health. There is also the Yizhong Prince, who is three or four years older than the Emperor, but he is still fierce and energetic.

   "The emperor."

"Well, Zhang Qing, I haven't seen Zhang Qing for a long time, isn't it the big case of Jingtong Ercang?" Actually, Emperor Yonglong didn't really want Zhang Jingqiu to go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but during that round of personnel changes, Zhang Jingqiu counted and counted. You can only go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Punishment were all controlled by scholars from the south of the Yangtze River. Even Qi Yongtai, who had always been strong, was unable to confront the three of Ye Fang and Li. The scholars from Huguang got a newly-built Shangshu position. Except that Gu Bingqian had secured the position of Rites Shangshu, Zhang Jingqiu could only go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, otherwise Zhang Jingqiu could only go to the Shangbu to exchange with Guan Yingzhen. , for myself, it is not suitable.

"It's almost there. All the criminals have basically appeared in the case and confessed. The rest of the search still has some follow-up finishing matters. It is expected to be basically completed by the end of October." Zhang Jingqiu is not too interested in the Jingtong Ercang case. , but Qiao Yingjia was very interested, and Liu Yixiu, Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, was also a new official who wanted to make some political achievements when he took office, so the two cases were handled like a thunderbolt, and they were quickly closed.

This is all in the second place, the key point is that the auction method pioneered by Feng Ziying made a big splash, and the profits were beyond imagination. He even took his father to the Northwest to pick up a lot of bargains, not to mention, But Huang Ruliang from the household department was actually willing.

   "How much money is estimated to be sold in the future?" Emperor Yonglong shook his head subconsciously after asking this question, and laughed dumbly, "I'm almost becoming a miser now, and I'm so focused on money."

"The emperor can care about the income of the treasury. This is the blessing of the country. What's wrong?" Zhang Jingqiu replied, "It is estimated that there will be three to five million taels of silver income. Feng Keng and his ministers said that is the amount. Everything that can be sold is basically sold at a good time.”

"Well, it's not bad, at least it can help the Beijing camp to balance out a little bit. Huang Ruliang cries to me all day long, why not just stare at the little silver at the bottom of the box in my inner treasury and Jieshen treasury , I don't understand, why are my household ministers not thinking about how to increase the income of the treasury, but they are staring at me all day long? Could it be that the dignified Zhou Dynasty can't find one who can solve the current lack of financial resources? Your servants?"

  Emperor Yonglong's words were already somewhat angry.

Originally, his health was not good during this time, and every time he went to court or discussed matters in the East Study Room, he would always have problems of one kind or another, and he would argue frequently, and he might not be able to close his mouth for an hour or two, making Yonglong Emperor exhausted. Emperor Yonglong felt that it was time to go to Iron Net Mountain to recuperate.

Zhang Jingqiu remained silent for a long time before saying with emotion: "Your Majesty, when it comes to this point, I have to admit that Feng Keng has extraordinary abilities in this area. There is not much increase in the summer tax, but the commercial tax has increased by six times compared to the first half of last year, I wonder if Master Cui has reported it to the emperor?"

"Yongping Mansion?" Emperor Yonglong was taken aback, "Cui Qing only said that the income of Jieshen Treasury had increased significantly compared with last year, but he didn't say which mansion or how much the increase was. Hearing what you said, Zhang Qing, this Is there anything unusual about Yongping Mansion, the foundation laid by Feng Keng last year?"

"Well, Yongping Mansion has not only digested nearly 100,000 refugees from Shuntian Mansion last year, but even some Mongolian refugees who caused white disasters on the grassland last year have also entered Yongping Mansion to seek food. The estimated number is not large. It will be less than 10,000 people, which is very rare." Zhang Jingqiu said calmly: "In the past, the government would expel these people long ago, but this year there is no movement in Yongping Mansion, the reason is that Yongping Mansion has set up many new charcoal factories , cement factories, and ironware workshops have a great demand for population, and Yuguan opened a port, and materials from the south of the Yangtze River directly landed from Yuguan to Liaodong and Mongolia. It’s no longer enough.”

  Emperor Yonglong stroked his beard and remained silent.

He also heard about this situation. Yongping Mansion has now become the most valued place for Shanxi businessmen. Iron smelting, iron making, coal, coking, and a new gadget—cement, have completely changed the situation in Yongping Mansion. , It was originally just a strategically important location in Jingdong, and the food was self-sufficient, but now it has become a food shortage. However, a large amount of iron materials, ironware and cement are shipped out, and food needs to be imported from Jiangnan and even Guangdong.

Regarding the opening of Yuguan Port, the Ministry of Commerce also mentioned that the tariffs at Yuguan have increased sharply, almost every January. Before Emperor Yonglong thought that Guan Yingzhen might be bragging about his students—Feng Ziying and Lian Guofu, but Now it seems that the situation may be much better than expected.

Commercial taxes, tariffs, Emperor Yonglong was talking. He remembered Feng Ziying vaguely saying that when a place’s industrial and commercial taxes and tariffs exceed Xia Qiutian’s tax, the changes it brings are incomparable. He still doesn’t quite understand the meaning of this point, but I can still feel that Yongping Mansion is becoming the experimental field that Feng Ziying herself said.

   "Zhang Qing, I remember Feng Keng also said that he introduced some Xiyi seeds from Xu Guangqi, and they were found in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion?" Emperor Yonglong asked.

   Zhang Jingqiu failed to join the cabinet, which was Emperor Yonglong's greatest regret.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingqiu was appointed as the censor of Zuodu, which also allowed the other party to escape from the complicated affairs of the Ministry of War and help him observe and understand the affairs of the court from a broader perspective. After all, the Metropolitan Procuratorate can supervise any officials and related affairs. In Emperor Yonglong's mind, he is an alternate cabinet minister, and he will give Zhang Jingqiu the status of a bachelor in the next step no matter what.

"I have also learned about this matter. Yongping Mansion is mainly located on the line from Kaiping Zhongtunwei to Zhenzi Town and Santunying in the north. There is a lot of wasteland in this line, and most of them are the original garrison land. I have communicated with the Ministry of War for state affairs. , Ji Town is also very supportive, so they reached a cooperation and planted a batch of potatoes and sweet potatoes. It is said that the yield is very high, but there are still many problems in terms of taste and preservation, but for now, it is still very cost-effective to supply those refugees. of."

Zhang Jingqiu has obviously put in a lot of effort, "Although the yield varies according to the feedback from various places, the high yield per mu is six to seven times that of wheat, and the low yield is also three to five times, depending on the soil quality and situation. Whether it is Whether it’s potatoes or sweet potatoes.”

   "Oh?" Emperor Yonglong was moved, "So high? Do you have any special requirements for the land?"

   "It's not too special. If you can grow wheat, you can basically grow these two types of crops, and even if they are barren, you can make do." Zhang Jingqiu replied.

  (end of this chapter)

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