Number of People

Chapter 1619: Ren Zijuan Thunder Fall Serial Killing (2)

  Chapter 1619 Ren Zijuan Thunder Falling Serial Killing (2)

  Zhong Cui Palace.

  Shou Wang Zhang Chi stepped into the palace gate, and a court lady had already greeted him and brought him into the palace.

   Seeing his mother still sitting on the brocade stool and letting the maids dress her up, Zhang Chi became agitated for no reason.

   "My son has met his mother." But Zhang Chi knew that this was not the time to play his temper, and he needed his mother's full support.

Xu Junru glanced at his impatient son from the bronze mirror, ignored him, and sat upright on his own. The two maids didn't get her words, so one could only carefully twist her hair in a bun, and the other didn't understand. Carefully wipe the balm on her face.

   Seeing his mother ignoring him, Zhang Chi knew that his behavior these past few days had made his mother very dissatisfied, but he couldn't help it.

   If you continue like this, you might lose your qualifications to go to Iron Net Mountain. At that time, who can help you? Could it be that mother will be fine?

   But at this moment, his mother was in a bad mood, so Zhang Chi could only sit in the back without saying a word, sullen.

Xu Junru ignored him, and the maid combed her bun, then inserted the jade crown and phoenix hairpin, knelt down, and carefully arranged the hem of the pleated skirt for her, and another maid had already finished adorning her face , and began to tidy up the top of the skirt for her.

   Fenglong's chest was lifted up slightly, the jade hills were like mountains, and the ravine was deep. Xu Junru straightened her chest, lowered her eyes and glanced at it. The bust was tightened at the bottom, but that was all there was to it.

  She sighed slightly. She is thirty-seven years old this year. Although she still has a self-conscious charm, in this palace, this age can already be called an old man.

  Looking at the others, Su Lingyao is three years younger than herself, but she looks like she is five or six years younger than herself with her gorgeous attire every day, and she also gave birth to two sons.

Needless to say, Mei Yuexi felt jealous for no reason when thinking of this woman, Xu Junru. This woman is only under 30 years old, her appearance and figure are well maintained, she looks like a woman in her early twenties, no wonder she It is said that King Lu is more like her younger brother.

Guo Qinyun was young at first, maybe twenty-six years old. Xu Junru still remembered that this woman was not very conspicuous when she entered the palace, maybe she was less than fourteen years old, but she gradually grew up and won the emperor's favor all at once. Being able to wrestle with the most favored Mei Yuexi, this made me and Su Lingyao, who had put their minds on Mei Yuexi at the beginning, completely unexpected.

Originally, both Su Lingyao and Su Lingyao thought it would be fine to let Mei Yuexi be favored. At that time, King Lu had already been born, so he could only accept this reality, but who would have thought that Guo Qinyun would succeed in the end and let the emperor have the favor? One of the youngest youngest children, King Gong.

  Thinking of this, Xu Junru also regrets a little bit. If she had supported Mei Yuexi at that time, strangled Guo Qinyun from the beginning, and prevented her from getting too much contact with the emperor, maybe this disaster would not have happened.

   It's just that at that time, both myself and Su Lingyao felt that Mei Yuexi was the biggest threat, and they all focused on Mei Yuexi, but gave Guo Qinyun, a little whore, a chance.

I thought that Prince Gong was too young to get his turn, but who would have thought that now that Guo Qinyun's younger sister is married to Zhang Jingqiu's nephew, it is also fortunate that Chen Jingxuan has stepped down from the position of governor of the three sides, and now it is said that he is seeking recovery. , I want to go to the Fifth Army Battalion as a general, how can this be done?

  I would rather let King Zhonghui serve as the General of the Fifth Army Battalion than let Chen Jingxuan take that position. This is probably the only thought that I, Su Lingyao and Mei Yuexi have in common now.

A voice from behind woke up Xu Junru from his contemplation. From the vanity mirror, he could see his son gnashing his teeth there. Xu Junru glanced at him coldly, but still ignored him, preventing him from calming down and tempering his temper. Even if he went to Iron Net Mountain Hunting Garden Palace, so what?

   Increasing right and wrong, looking for trouble.

Thinking of this, Xu Junru couldn't help but sighed. My son has been going so smoothly for so many years. He has never encountered any setbacks. If he has, he will naturally handle it for him. Impatient and flustered, how can you do great things with such a style?

But look at the situation of Su Lingyao's two sons is similar, does it mean that doing too much will cause more dissatisfaction? On the contrary, the two sons of Mei Yuexi and Guo Qinyun concentrate on studying and will only get good wind Comment, but does the court only need two emperors who can only read?

  Xu Junru Yilin, could it be that the cabinet and the seven princes all think so, so that the emperor can listen to them more obediently?

  Shaking his head subconsciously, Xu Junru was unwilling to think deeply.

  The Great Zhou Dynasty treated these scholars too well, and these civil servants had too much power. In contrast, the generals had a much lower sense of presence and were much more obedient.

   Finally packed up, Xu Junru got up slowly with the support of two maids, turned around, "When did King Shou arrive?"

   "Go back to mother and concubine, my son has been here for a while." Zhang Chi replied sullenly.

   "Why don't you say something?" Xu Junru said casually, "Let's go, walk with me for a while, the weather is fine today."

   Come out of Zhongcui Palace, pass through the east gate of Qiongyuan next to Jiangxuexuan, and you can enter the Imperial Garden.

  If it is normal, adult princes are not allowed to enter the imperial garden, mainly because they are worried about running into other concubines, but if they follow their mother and concubine, there is no clear regulation, but it is customary that adult princes are not allowed to enter the imperial garden.

  But Xu Junru is in charge of the affairs of the harem, and King Shou accompanied her for a filial walk. It seems that no one can say no to it. He specially greeted at the door, and other concubines should not enter.

  Walking along the side of the Wanchun Pavilion, Xu Junru walked lightly and softly with the support of the maid, and the sun was shining brightly, which also made the entire imperial garden reveal a bit of warmth.

   Walking all the way to the Fubiting Pavilion, Xu Junru signaled the maid to let go of her arms, keeping them at a distance, and walked into the Fubiting Pavilion with Zhang Chi.

   "Chi'er, what do you want to say."

  "Mother, if this continues, there will be no hope for my son. You have to help him." Zhang Chi's chest rose and fell sharply, his gaze was fierce, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned down, distorting his barely passable face.

"Help me?" Xu Junru stared at the other party coldly, and reprimanded unceremoniously: "How can you help me? Look at what you have done during this period of time. You are so ugly that even Su Lingyao Come and laugh at me, you are destroying your foundation like this, and it is becoming more and more unbearable in your father's eyes, can't you notice it? If I hadn't dealt with it decisively, I'm afraid you have been imprisoned by your father now!"

  Zhang Chi was shocked, "Mother!?"

"Do you think you can hide what you have done? There is a mixed bag of dragons and fish in the Dragon Forbidden Commandant, and the Beizhen Fusi has long been infiltrated and manipulated by all parties. Do you think how many people are willing to serve you and can do whatever you want? Nanzhen Fusi There are still people staring at the Si side. I really think that the Fusi side of Nanzhen has been annihilated after so many years of silence? The Emperor Shengzu established the Dragon Guard and divided the north and the south. The south is in the front and the north is in the back. Do it at will?"

  Zhang Chi was too scared to make a sound. He didn't expect that his mother knew everything about what he did. There must be someone with his mother by his side. He subconsciously wanted to go back and interrogate the people around him. Who is it?

  Xu Junru seemed to see through the other party's thoughts, and snorted softly: "You don't have to be suspicious, they all have good intentions. If it weren't for that, the people in Nanzhen Fusi would have reported your small actions to Lu Song long ago."

  Zhang Chi could only grunt. Although he didn't dare to speak, he still made up his mind to deal with it when he went back. He couldn't rely on his mother for everything in the future.

"Mother, the son is also forced to do so. You know the current situation, and you should act first. Now Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu are favored by their mother, and they also have their own reliance. Qian Guozhong is Zhang Su's cousin, Chen Jingxuan and Zhang Jingqiu is also Zhang Cong's backing, if we don't think about it, we can only sit and wait for death, my son is not willing to work hard for so many years, only to be attacked by those two little **** in the end!"

"So you acted rashly and gave others a handle?" Xu Junru looked like he hated iron and steel, how could he be such a fool, "Why, you and Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji have reached an agreement, so you are not afraid of them Damn you?"

"Mother!" Zhang Chi raised his voice: "My son also knows that Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji are not good people, but the father is obviously partial to Zhang Cong and Zhang Cong now. No matter whether these two boys are abolished first, we can talk about other things. , whether it is Zhang Yu or Zhang Yu, the people behind them will definitely surface immediately to help him, and it will be difficult for us to have a chance to solve them.”

I have to say that Zhang Chi's words also have some truth. Once the reserve is set, Zhang Yu or Zhang Yu may immediately receive different protections, not to mention, and he will be able to start a government and build a tooth. If he wants to deal with them, he will be bound by various aspects. And pressure, and few people dare to help themselves.

   Xu Junru certainly understands this, if not, she would not have just temporarily suspended the actions of these people.

Seeing his mother groaning silently, Zhang Chi became more and more nervous: "Mother, you should understand the truth of this, my son is not a fool, what can be done, what can't be done, isn't it just to do some routines for Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu? Is the father jealous of them? The son has not framed anyone. Could it be that the hookup between Qian Guozhong and Mei Fei is a fiction? Who can say clearly? Didn’t Zhang Jingqiu’s nephew Zhang Wenkui go to see the concubine Guo when she visited her relatives? Concubine Guo, Concubine Guo later had Prince Gong,..."

  Xu Junru snorted coldly, "Chi'er, you have underestimated your father too much. How can your father believe such flirtatious things? If you investigate it,..."

  "Mother, don't worry, my son has thought about it thoroughly. Why would my son intervene in such matters? Naturally, someone will arrange it outside..." Zhang Chi vowed, seeing Xu Junru's eyes getting more and more headache.

  (end of this chapter)

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