Number of People

Chapter 1621: Ren Zijuan Serial Killing (4)

  Chapter 1621 Renzi Juan Serial Killing (4)

   Standing up, walking around, looking at the window for a while, returning to the brocade stool and sitting down again, Guo Qinyun felt a little restless.

   I don't know when the wind started to turn again, and the other three families pointed their fingers at her, which made her extremely nervous.

Originally, he planned to wait quietly and quietly for two years, until Tan'er can successfully enter Qingtan Academy and study in the academy like Zhang Su, so that he can quickly communicate with the scholars in Beijing, and uncle himself He was born as a scholar in the south of the Yangtze River. In this way, the north and the south can be connected, and it will be much easier for Tong'er to start.

  Who ever wondered who was fanning the flames behind the scenes, and the situation suddenly got a little out of control.

At first, I was complacent, thinking that everyone said that Tan'er was more like the emperor than Zhang Su, which would make the emperor like Tan'er more, but then the rumors became more and more popular, and he seemed to replace others, which made the emperor doubt that it was his own wish. What to do.

  God is sorry, I just said a few words to the outside world at the beginning, and all kinds of things outside the palace were definitely not my own actions, which were obviously manipulated by someone with a heart.

And the people behind this matter are nothing more than those three. As for who they are, Guo Qinyun has no evidence, but it can be expected that Mei Yuexi, the bitch, is the most likely. On the one hand, he can divert Xu Junru and Su Lingyao's pressure on her and Zhang Su dragged herself and Tong'er into the water. On the other hand, she could also use the emperor's suspicion to kill the possibility of Tong'er.

  Of course, it is not impossible for Xu Junru and Su Lingyao, as long as they can eradicate anyone who threatens their own son, they are happy to see the success, and even add insult to injury.

   "My Lady, the second girl is here." The words of the maid beside her woke Guo Qinyun from her contemplation. She stood up and saw that her second sister was already waiting outside the palace gate.

   "Ask her to come in."

  After the second sister came in to see the ceremony, Guo Qinyun signaled the maids beside her to step back first, and then asked in a deep voice, "How is the situation?"

"Xianggong went to meet his uncle, but his uncle refused to give a clear answer. He only said that he is not the Minister of the Ministry of War now, so he shouldn't care about such things." Guo Qinyun's second sister looks a little like Guo Qinyun , but slightly shorter in stature and slightly inferior in appearance to her sister.

Guo's family is a rich family in Gaoyang, Baoding Prefecture. His grandfather once served as the commander of Maoshan Guard, but later died of illness. His uncle abandoned martial arts and went to literature, and passed the examination. He once served as an official in Nanzhili and Zhou. At that time, he later became an official due to illness, but Guo Qinyun was also allowed to enter the palace for a draft and was finally selected.

"Hmph, he is the censor of Zuodu now, even the current minister of the Ministry of War should give him some points, not to mention that he has served as minister of the Ministry of War for so many years, is it true that there are not many old subordinates in the Ministry of War who listen to him?" Guo Qin Yun was a little anxious, "Didn't your husband say that the problem is not serious?"

"Sister, my family's husband only said that my uncle has a chance. After all, he resigned on his own initiative. Now that the imperial court is in the midst of employing people, the Beijing camp has made great adjustments. There may be a chance, but this must be approved by the emperor and the cabinet." Guo Qinyun's younger sister, Guo Qinrong, was also a little unhappy, and her tone was also a little bad.

   During this period of time, she entered the palace several times in a row, which must have attracted the attention of many people. Even her husband complained that she should not show her face like this, because she was too ostentatious, which would easily attract the suspicion of Captain Long and even the emperor.

   It's just that my elder sister is an impatient person, and she can't rub the sand in her eyes. I have been used to listening to her since I was a child, and I have to come when I call myself into the palace.

"If the emperor and the cabinet can make a decision, then we still need to work hard here?" Guo Qinyun said impatiently: "Tian'er is still young, and the emperor's health has been getting worse and worse in the past two years. I have to think about the long-term, if my uncle can enter the capital camp, at least it can save the lives of me and Li'er in the future, and if there is good fortune, Li'er can also..."

Guo Qinyun didn't say any more, but my sister must understand the meaning behind the words. In the future, the Guo family will become the head of the family, and my sister's husband will also have a good future. , that's really hard to say, but at least my sister's children have a bright future in the future.

   "Sister, I understand all these things, but my husband can only pass on such matters. You know his uncle's temperament, and if he doesn't let go, I'm afraid the emperor probably won't get the letter."

Guo Qinrong had already learned from her husband that her husband's uncle was highly valued by the emperor, but he was unwilling to be involved in such disputes among the princes in the palace. Xianggong can also enjoy the position, but Zhang Wei is too young, and I am afraid that he has no advantage against the other princes. This is probably the reason why Xianggong is not very active.

The emperor does like Zhang Cong more, but Zhang Concubine is also the same. Concubine Mei seems to have the upper hand in the fight with her sister. The minister also said that many people in the court are more optimistic about Lu Wang Zhang Cong, but they still think Zhang Concubine is too young. He was young, and the emperor's body seemed unable to support Zhang Cong's adulthood.

  Guo Qinyun stared at her sister, her words made her very uncomfortable.

  What does it mean to only pass on the word? Doesn't it mean that Zhang Jingqiu has no children under his knees, and this nephew is the pillar of their Zhang family? Could it be that he has no influence over Zhang Jingqiu, and Zhang Jingqiu doesn't care about this relationship at all?

Seeing that her sister's expression was not good, Guo Qinrong was also helpless, and hesitated for a while before saying: "Sister, can you tell uncle, or ask uncle to find some way to find someone, for a position like the general of the capital, my family's husband is also I'm afraid it's not up to the Ministry of War to decide. It's mostly for the cabinet to discuss with the emperor. The first and second assistants in the cabinet, as well as the elders of the Qi Pavilion, the emperor attaches great importance to their opinions. If they can be said to support them , maybe it will be much easier to handle..."

Guo Qinyun's face was gloomy and silent, Guo Qinrong could only continue to say: "Sister, my husband must still find a way. After I went back, I urged him to go to Mr. Zhang. Please take the opportunity to come to Mr. Zhang." A few kind words in front of the emperor, but sister, you can also go to the emperor..."

Guo Qinyun's face finally eased a little, in front of his sister, Guo Qinyun didn't hide anything, and snorted softly: "Little sister, I will tell you that the current emperor is different from the past, it is me Of course, like everyone else, Su Lingyao hasn't seen the emperor for more than a month. When she went to ask to see her, most of the time she was blocked because the court was busy, or she was resting and cultivating her mind. Willing to meet people, I begged hard the day before yesterday, and just saw the emperor,..."

   Speaking of this, Guo Qinyun couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

I think back then the emperor was very obsessed with himself, but all this began to change slowly seven or eight years ago, the emperor put more of his mind on court affairs, whether it was Mei Yuexi or himself, the emperor gradually Lost interest, and conferred four new concubines who had just entered the palace before, thinking that the emperor was interested again, but it turned out to be a deception, and he never stayed with those women for a night, which is really pathetic and ridiculous.

  Guo Qinrong also vaguely felt that the relationship between her sister and the emperor was not as warm as before. She did not expect this to be the case, which surprised her. Fortunately, it is the same for all concubines.

   "Then sister,..."

"Little sister, Qian Guozhong, the leader of the Shenji camp, is the cousin of that **** Mei Yuexi. If there is something in the future, then Mei Yuexi will be almost invincible. That's why I also want my uncle to be the fifth For the sake of the General of the Army Battalion, if there is no uncle who is the General of the Fifth Army Battalion to **** us, once someone else succeeds, wouldn’t it be possible for me and Li’er to die without a place to die in the future?”

  Guo Qinyun's gritted teeth destroyed her incomparably beautiful dimple, and her gaze was even more intense; it meant that this incident was very irritating to her.

If it is really the King of Shou, or the King of Fu, or the King of Li, that's all. It is impossible to find a cold palace to die, otherwise she will turn into a human pig, and the only result of being poisoned is the result of being poisoned. Thinking of this, Guo Qinyun shudders, and she has no way of retreating from this step.

   "But sister, how do we deal with it now?" Guo Qinrong also sighed, "My husband also feels helpless."

   "Hmph, isn't your husband afraid of wolves and tigers in the past, and wants to stay out of it?" Guo Qinyun looked at his sister coldly and said, "When I visited my relatives, he couldn't be summoned repeatedly. What's the reason?"

Guo Qinrong's heart trembled. She had never asked her husband, nor had he mentioned it, but he could feel that during this period of time, his husband seemed to be preoccupied. Also a lot less.

"Sister, if you want to say that, it will be too hurtful." Guo Qinrong took a deep breath, and met her sister's gaze: "My husband also has his own official business, and he is usually in Hu County, so it is impossible to come back often. The capital, if the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate finds out, I'm afraid he will be impeached, my little sister has been busy running around during this time, but I didn't expect to end up with such an argument, which makes my little sister feel cold,..."

Guo Qinyun was silenced by his sister's words. As she said, Zhang Wenkui is the magistrate of Huo County and a civil servant. He may not be very interested in such things, because of his relatives. It's okay to help out, but if it's a fight at the expense of his own official career, I'm afraid it won't be necessary.

His face calmed down a little, Guo Qinyun hadn't spoken yet, Guo Qinrong said again: "Besides, you have to come up with a countermeasure, how can the general of the Fifth Army Battalion be talked about by ordinary people? Except for the uncle of Xianggong, who can Whose way should I go?"

Guo Qinyun's complexion changed, and he said after a long time: "Little sister, you go to Uncle's place, I heard that Uncle has saved the Feng family, now Feng Tang is the governor of the three sides, Feng Keng is the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, and is Elder Qi Ge’s favorite student, his father had good friends with Zhang Huaichang when he was in Liaodong. Zhang Huaichang is from Liaodong. You can send a message to your uncle and ask him to go to Feng’s house. talk,…"

  Guo Qinrong was taken aback, "Sister, didn't you say that Jia Yuanchun and Concubine Su were very close?"

"This woman is quick-witted. Her younger brother is following Yongning's footsteps. She also senses that Su Lingyao is unreliable now, and she is looking for another way. A few days ago, she asked someone to show her favor to me. Right now,..." Guo Qin Jun smiled proudly, "Although there was a lot of turmoil a few days ago, it wasn't all bad. At least it could make more people understand the emperor's intentions, and there are still many people who are optimistic about Connie..."

  (end of this chapter)

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