Number of People

Chapter 1651: Ren Zijuan Xue Baoqin Transparent Introduction Holding Economy

  Chapter 1651 Renzi Juan Xue Baoqin Transparent Introduction Holding Economy

  September 22nd.

As soon as she came home from the yamen, she saw Baoqin walking quickly accompanied by Lingguan, Feng Ziying was puzzled by the blushes of joy on her face. So a little heart-wrenching feeling, maybe this is Xiao Biesheng's newly married?

This period of time was already busy, because I received Yingchun, I stayed in the Yingchun room for a few more nights, and then I had to make up for Shen Yixiu and Baochai, and I rested in the room of Second Sister You and Third Sister You who felt the pressure of the crisis. One night, and in those few days, Siqi's little **** with big buttocks and **** is like a small electric motor, and when he cooperates with the greedy Yingchun, he turns into a humanoid juicer, debates day and night, day and night , turned into a Cao GUI debate, which made Feng Ziying a little overwhelmed.

  But it’s good to be young, and with the blessing of Master Zhang’s secret technique, you can recover after a day’s rest. Seeing this pretty and blushing Baoqin, I feel a little itchy again.

   "Master, brother is here."

  Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment before she realized it. No wonder Baoqin was so excited. It turned out that Xue Biao had returned.

   "Oh? Brother Tad is back, where is it?" Feng Ziying nodded.

"I went to my mother and aunt. I told my brother that I would save dinner in the evening, so I and my husband can talk to my brother." Baoqin said happily: "I see that my brother is in a good mood, so I asked more questions." After a few words, my brother said that he finally fulfilled his mission, and that the things that the relative asked him to do were done well."

   "That's a good thing, my sister will tell the kitchen to prepare a table, and let Brother Tad accompany me to have a drink." Feng Ziying also laughed.

   "Have a drink?" Bao Qin hesitated, Feng Ziying was quite surprised, "What's wrong?"

The age officer next to him covered his mouth and chuckled, "Is it okay to forget the old man after marrying a new wife? During this time, grandma is still preparing for pregnancy. Didn't master always say that grandpa and grandma are not allowed to drink alcohol during pregnancy? Tonight is just the right time I'm resting in my nanny's house, if I drank alcohol, wouldn't I have failed my grandma's expectations..."

  Feng Ziying took a deep look at this senior officer whose appearance and posture really resembled Daiyu, especially the smile that covered his mouth, the resemblance was 90% likely.

The graceful and enchanting figure is also thinner, and the eyebrows that are resentful and sorrowful are somewhat similar. No wonder Daiyu is angry and Baoqin is so at odds. If Daiyu chooses a little girl who is seven or eight percent similar to Baoqin If the girl is a personal maid, I'm afraid that Baoqin will also feel offended.

"Oh, that's a bit abrupt for my husband. Forget it, I will use tea instead of wine with Brother Tiao. You can drink a few more glasses when the time comes, and I will save the wine for my husband for next time." Feng Ziying smiled and nodded. Head: "It's just that my sister seems to take this matter very seriously. Could it be that the Xue family also made some living in it?"

"Ms. Xiang is like a god. My concubine and my sister are sure of it. With my brother helping me, I have to do it. But it's not just the Xue family, our Feng family can't be left behind either." Baoqin He pursed his lips and smiled proudly, "Currently, grain in central Beijing is still rising, although the rate is not large, but looking at the situation this winter, the increase of 20% is probably the lowest, and I have asked people to inquire about it in the Tongzhou grain market. After a while, there are quite a few grain merchants who store grain, and they are all optimistic about the price of grain this winter. Internally, the price of grain in Yangzhou and Jinling has risen by 15%.

"What's the price of grain in Zhangjiawan now?" Feng Ziying walked into the inner courtyard accompanied by Baoqin and Lingguan. Baoqin didn't see Baochai, but Baoqin explained: "My sister went to Rongguo Mansion and heard that girl Yun I'm sick, my concubine didn't go because my elder brother came back, but I plan to go tomorrow."

  Is Shi Xiangyun sick? Feng Ziying was taken aback, didn't she come to the house a few days ago?

  Mostly it is still a heart disease, but I have no time to take care of it at this time, so I can only wait for the time to care about it.

  He also understands Baoqin's thoughts, this girl is indeed a restless master, Baochai went to Rongguo Mansion to visit Shi Xiangyun, she didn't want to be Baochai's incidental, but preferred to visit Shi Xiangyun in an independent capacity.

This can be seen from her usual performance. Logically speaking, she is a concubine. Generally speaking, the status of concubine is quite special and embarrassing. The most annoying thing is to hear people call her Aunt Qin, calling Qin Second Mistress is what makes her the happiest, Miss Qin is mostly called by the servants who brought her here, if anyone calls her Aunt Qin, it will definitely look bad.

  Baochai is also well aware of this, so she specially instructed the servants in Uncle Yunchuan's mansion to collectively refer to her as Second Mistress Qin or Miss Qin.

Yingchun is several years older than Baoqin, but after passing through the door, she still called her sister in public according to the rules, which made Baoqin suddenly change her perception of Yingchun. Now Baoqin calls Yingchun still her second sister, and Yingchun calls Baoqin her sister Well, this kind of shouting is also a scenic spot for the Feng family.

"The price of food in Zhangjiawan has fluctuated a lot. I went to ask someone to inquire about it two days ago. The price of corn has risen to one or two or four yuan per stone, which is almost 10% higher than three months ago, and the price of wheat has risen even more. Great, the price has already reached one tael or seven qian per stone, and this does not include the foot fee, plus the foot fee, depending on the distance, you have to add five cents to one konny..."

   Xue Baoqin is particularly concerned about these kinds of commercial prices. This is what Feng Ziying values ​​the most and is the most reassuring. As long as you tell her about this matter, I promise to come up with a careful plan, so you don't have to worry too much.

"I don't know how the grain prices are in Yangzhou and Jinling?" After Feng Ziying sat down, Lingguan went to make tea, and Baoqin sat down next to him, "This brother hasn't had time to tell me, he just said yes He has basically done what the relatives told him, but he also said that the border situation in Shandong is not very good, and only the situation in Jiangnan is not bad."

There is only one task Feng Ziying entrusted to Xue Biao, and that is to do his best to buy grain from Jiangnan and Huguang and store it in Yuguan. Now Dagu is also starting to build granaries. The situation between the north and the south has not been completely torn apart. Before the interruption, it is necessary to buy grain at all costs to fill every granary that can store grain in Yuguan and Dagu.

For this reason, he also specially greeted Jia Yun. Haitong Yinzhuang Jingshi will provide silver loans to Xue Biao without restriction, and the time is also relaxed. This has become the most important thing for Jia Yun in the past few months. With Feng Ziying as the guarantee, the risk of due diligence is almost non-existent, so Jia Yun is very relieved.

   "What do you think of the Baoqin at Beitang?" Feng Ziying asked again.

  Baoqin was quite excited and eloquent.

"Basically, Beitang has not been developed, only some fishing boats are docked. I have had people look at it, and I have drawn pictures. From Beitang along the Chaohe River, there is a big bend at Lutai, and the terrain is slightly flat. It is high, which is very suitable for building a grain depot. The distance from Liangchengsuo to Lutai is only sixty or seventy miles away, and the terrain of this section of the river is low and gentle, forming many river bends and waters. It happens that the terrain between Liangchengsuo and Lutai is slightly higher, so if To transport grain to the north, you need to go to the capital, you can go from Dagu to Tianjinwei, take Dingzigu, pass the canal to Tongzhou,..."

"If you want to go to Baodi, Sanhe, Pinggu, Jizhou, Zunhua, Yutian, and Fengrun in Jingdong, you can go all the way up the Chaohe River in Beitang, and you can reach almost the entire Jingdong area. But in winter, the situation will be different." If it is worse, the water is either shallow or frozen. In spring, you can only go to Sanhe, Jizhou, and Fengrun. If you go up, you need to wait until the water volume increases after early summer. However, considering that the grain transportation season is mostly arranged in autumn After that, even Pinggu and Zunhua can be satisfied."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help feeling that once this woman became ambitious, her whole spirit changed.

  Baoqin liked to do business since she was a child, and followed her father all over the world. Now she has shown Xue Biao the way of shipping.

The two brothers and sisters are working together now, Xue Biao is in charge of running outside, and Bao Qin is in charge of internal planning. From the initial line of Yuguan-Denglai-Songjiang and Ningbo, the Jingdong area of ​​Dagu and Beitang is gradually opened up in the future. In the Gyeonggi area, besides water transport, many can be transported by sea, especially Jingdong and Yongping Prefecture, and even Eastern Mongolia and Liaodong, will be dominated by sea transportation, which can be said to be of great benefit.

"Baoqin, for now, it is certain that food is the most important thing, but once this hurdle passes, it may not only be food, including cloth, silk, medicinal materials, porcelain, etc. There will be great demand in the region, so you have to take a longer-term view, and you must keep up with the selection of berths and storage locations, and don’t stick to the current city and place,..."

  Feng Ziying saw that Baoqin was very interested in this aspect, so she gave some more advice.

After all, they are their own women, and Feng Ziying is actually not willing to completely restrain them in the boudoir. For those like Daiyu and Yingchun who don't like outside money, needless to say, for those like Baochai who are willing to be housekeepers, let her be the housekeeper. For those like Baoqin who are keen on outside business, let him do it.

  Especially now I also need such a group of people to help me. As an assistant outside the Shanshan businessman group, once there is something, I can also use it to check for gaps.

For example, now Shanxi merchants are going all out to help replenish the second warehouse in Jingtong, and they are still transporting grain from Huguang to supplement the needs of the Northwest for the old man. It can only be filled by Xue scorpion. It is said that he was a little conservative at the beginning, but also considering that Xue scorpion was just getting started, and he was afraid that it would be unsightly to overthrow the seedlings. Now it seems a little conservative.

  But when Bao Qin joined in, the advantages of the Xue brothers and sisters began to emerge at once. They are all a family, and they are even more intimate, so it is naturally easier.

  (end of this chapter)

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